This is news coverage showing Bush visiting a crowd of well-wishers in Albania. He virtually jumps into the audience and managed to kiss on the lips and cheeks various old women. He would never do this in his own country to this extreme. What does that tell you?

Apparently his watch is stolen somewhere along the way. Check it out. He has a watch on his left wrist when he begins but it is gone by the end. UPDATE: Evidence suggests that he pocketed the watch at some point in this glad-handing and kissing.

Because this is such an out-of-control crowd I seriously doubt that this was actually George Bush, but a lookalike. How would any Albanian know one way or the other?

found by Mad Dog Mike

  1. hhopper says:

    Actually, it might not have been stolen. I found this:

    “p.p.s. Bush dropped his watch, time 00:54!
    As you may notice in the video, Bush’s wristwatch fell off at some point, but it has been confirmed by media (VizionPlus TV) that it was found by the bodyguards who handed it over to Lady Bush later on. And you will see in many other videos Bush wearing his watch again while entering Air Force One during departure as he waives back to us. If he had a spare watch, most likely it would have been inside the airplane, therefore, there is no doubt that Bush got his original watch back and everything was accidental.”

    And I think John’s correct. That doesn’t look like Bush. I think it’s a double also.

  2. Jägermeister says:

    It looks like it’s Pat Robertson…

  3. moss says:

    MSNBC did a pretty good, enhanced, slo-mo. Just after you can see one crowd member holding onto Bush’s left wrist – and El Supremo gets nervous about it – there’s a good shot just behind his left shoulder – where it’s clear he’s removed the watch himself and puts it in his RH pants pocket.

    Later on, that’s exactly what he said he did. Which is why he has the watch back on, later on.

  4. RTaylor says:

    I vote for fake also, but I’m perfectly willing to let the Albanians have him anyway. Those, “Secret Service”, agents act more like poorly directed extras than real agents. Hell let’s let the Croatians have Cheney just to be fair.

  5. natefrog says:

    I can imagine it already:

    “You idiots! You’ve captured his stunt double!”

  6. Aaron Figueroa says:

    We are finally greeted as liberators… Cheney was right for once…

  7. Uncle Dave says:

    Slo-mo, enhanced, frame by frame analysis? What is this, the Kennedy assassination footage? Talk about your slow news day if they’re this meticulous about Bush’s watch. Cripes!

  8. sdf says:

    When they found out it wasn’t Will Ferrell, the watch was worthless.

  9. CJ says:

    Actually, the president took his watch off and put it in his pocket. This has been all over ABC News and they have a 2nd angle that shows him removing it.

  10. mark says:


  11. Mark T. says:

    I was in a line like this with George Sr. once. I don’t think the Secret Service would ever allow this to happen as it is shown. A friend of mine got to shake his hand and just before Bush walked up, three guys came in behind my friend and frisked him very quickly and inconspicuously. These were plain clothes Secret Service guys in the crowd frisking everyone before Bush approached. I don’t see any indication of that here at all. That makes me wonder.

    Then again, I don’t know if they use body doubles like this for face to face handshaking. I think the double would too easy to identify and there would be too many cameras up close to fool anyone for long. That would be a poor use of a body double, IMHO.

  12. MikeN says:

    I thought the President was unpopular around the world and was dragging down the US’ reputation with him? Why are they cheering?

  13. Rance Bleester says:

    You thought he was unpopular?
    Right, that’s when he’s blowing up people and stealing their shit.
    In this case, he did that to the Serbs and now he’s giving it to the KosoThugs, aka Albanians.

  14. BillM says:

    I’m sorry….who blew up the Serbs and gave what to the Koso thugs?

  15. noname says:

    This kind of says it all for me, Bush is nothing more then a praise-hound.

    He never really was emotionally well adjusted or qualified to be President.

    Karl Rove has all his public showings pre screened so as to only expose him to positive feedback. He appears to me as a needy uncertain child needing only the warm fuzzy glow from people.

    He appears too fragile and not a substantive self made man of previous Presidents. I guess that’s what rich kids are like, think Paris Hilton.

  16. mark says:

    12. see 10

  17. Li says:

    For once, Tony Snow told the truth; in the second angle shot, he clearly places it in his pocket. Now, what that says about his trust of those happy throngs, is still up in the air. 😉

  18. Mickey says:

    These don’t look like Albonians at all!! Don’t the Albonias have long beard with pointy hats, and up to their waist in mud all the times?

  19. joshua says:

    It really was Bush. And the Albanians have a huge respect for the US going all the way back to WWI , when Wilson wouldn’t let the allies divvy up the country. Plus, we literally bombed Serbia because of Kosovo, and the majority of Kosovo’s citizens are ethnic Albanians and Muslim. Albanians are about 80% Muslim. So they love Bush, and they love us.
    From history books, old news tapes and my Dad, it seems not all that many years ago, most of the world used to act like the Albanians in this video, when the President of the US came to visit. Who’d a thunk it??

  20. Larry B. says:

    I luv it. Freaking luv it. What a goof! George is a goof. Even though he’s not my guy all the time I still would vote for him again with the same choices of Gore the Bore or Kerry the goose killer. As long as the Constitution and its Second Amendment is alive America IS alive and can stand a part time goof at the helm. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not selling the man short, after all, he IS a proven killer; – Timothy McVeigh, Oday, Cousey, ( or whatever Sadams sons were named), Sadam himself, (George has as one of his most prized possessions with him at the White House the pistol Sadam had with him in the hole he was captured in, – but didn’t have the gonads to use). Hummm, that brings up an interesting question, – was the President legally exempt from the recently struck down Washington D.C. handgun ban?

  21. 888 says:

    Even if it was real Bush and they really stole his watch – you don’t think gguy with such terrible taste would wear any better than crappy rolex, do you?
    Considering his ‘texan cowboy’ heritage, I’d say he don’t even have a cheap rolex; some swatch more likely…


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