
DEBKAfile – Cheney Lines up Middle East Arab Allies for US Iraq Pull-out and Possible Iran Attack — This story actually reveals some sort of potential cooperation with Iran too. Whatever the case, it is now apparent that Bush is going to do everything possible to get out of Iraq or at least pretend to get out of Iraq before the 2008 general election. If this happens any Republican (McCain is the heir apparent to this throne — preselected) can waltz into the White House leaving the Democrats standing on the sidelines again. Since the Dems have failed to do jack after taking the House and Senate it’s possible they can lose those again too. It’s hilarious. I have no qualms predicting a victory in 2008 for the Republicans.

This statement was not taken in the Gulf as a military threat, but rather a message that Washington is not looking for a military showdown with Iran, at this sensitive juncture ahead of a US troop withdrawal from Iraq, but rather bidding for strategic understandings to hold in check Iran’s nuclear weapons plans, on the lines of the accommodation with North Korea, while conditionally allowing enrichment of uranium to go forward.

In the last two weeks, Washington has marginally trimmed down the US buildup opposite Iran’s shores. Shortly before Cheney arrived, the Bonhomme Richard Expeditionary Strike group reached the Gulf with 6,000 men – not to augment the US naval presence, but to relieve the USS Boxer Strike group which is returning to base.

While no Bush administration official has publicly admitted to a timeline for the US pull-out from Iraq – and has in fact fought one tooth and nail through Congress – DEBKAfile’s sources in Washington, the Gulf and Baghdad report that Cheney is bringing the news to the Middle East rulers that Washington will make its decision in the second half of August and an evacuation will begin shortly thereafter.

In parallel with preparations for a partial US exit from Iraq, DEBKAfile discloses that Washington and Iran will embark on negotiations, which could lead to the Bush administration accepting parts of Tehran’s civilian nuclear activities, including uranium enrichment in agreed quantities.

  1. mark says:

    “Cheney will also clinch the Bush administration’s offer to double the Saudi air force in size, boosting its capability for contending with Iranian air might and the Revolutionary Guards’ naval and marine strength. ”

    WTF. Are we going to pay for and train their Air Force. After all we know what Saudis can do when the get a little flight training, dont we?
    Having said that, at least they are coming up with some form of diplomatic strategy other than stay the course. Hopefully its not just to save their collective politcal butts next year. But Amerkins do have very short memories, Paris Hilton gets pregnant, all attention will turn, they must love that girl.

  2. Billabong says:

    The Dems have done a huge amount to change the way business is done in Washington.

  3. Thomas says:

    McCain v Hillary? *wretch*. I think even the Democrats realize that Hillary would be bad for the country. I’m not convinced that McCain can win the primary. My preference would be for Ron Paul but again I’m not sure he can win the primary. However, if Ron Paul were to win the primary, I think he’d smoke anyone that the Democrats put up.

  4. mark says:

    3. Agreed.

  5. Proud Alien says:

    Please explain “even the Democrats realize that Hillary would be bad for the country”. I have no party affiliation and in my humble opinion, the Reps have done enough damage to this country to last for several Hillaries to come. I agree with you on Ron Paul, though, but he has no chance.

  6. Frank IBC says:

    Billabong –

    What exactly have the Democrats accomplished in the past 5 months, other than get an approval rating that’s even lower than the President’s?

  7. Frank IBC says:

    “Democrats in Congress“, that is.

  8. Brock says:

    This sounds like a typical Bush Cheny play. Do what the opponents have been saying and claim it was the plan all along. They learned this from Bill Clinton, who was the master at this.

    If this will neuter the screech squad (Nancy and friends) more power to them. I thought there was only one elected president at a time. Nancy, seems to forget this, in spite of LOWER approval ratings than Bush, which is unbelievable.

  9. doug says:

    #5. I can’t imagine that the US public is real hip to elect a guy who wants to abolish the Federal Reserve.

    Ron Paul is an internet libertarian favorite, with a bunch of persistent fanboys on digg, and nothing else.

  10. Proud Alien says:

    Sure, the US public prefers some lame duck guy who got us involved into an unwinnable war, borrowed up to his nose and wasted that money along the way and who still pretends that everything is just peachy. Like I said, Ron Paul has no chance and this country’s public deserves what it’s got. I just can’t wait to retire and get out of here.

  11. nick says:

    Oh, please. DebkaFile’s track record is abysmal. If you read something on Debka, you can bet on the opposite happening.

  12. Angel H. Wong says:

    And this is why no one cares about the Republican candidates, everyone knows the next president will be a democrat and will spend the 4 years of his/her term cleaning up after what Bush jr and his posse did.

  13. tallwookie says:

    #12 – lol there will have to be 3 seperate administrations to clean up the Republicans fuckups – one to clean up Iraq – one to clean up America’s international credibility – and the last to improve our economy (no particular order here)… then teh repubs can have the hot seat back

  14. mxpwr03 says:

    “If this happens any Republican (McCain is the heir apparent to this throne — preselected) can waltz into the White House leaving the Democrats standing on the sidelines again.” — Thank you Dick Cheney & Karl Rove.

  15. Cursor_ says:

    “If this happens any Republican (McCain is the heir apparent to this throne — preselected) can waltz into the White House leaving the Democrats standing on the sidelines again.”

    Ok John is smoking. McCain is not waltzing in. If this supposive idea of Cheney drilling up everyone for an Iran conflict pans out it will be Bush that will execute Order 66… er um his Homeland and National security Directives, label this a Catastrophic Emergency and create a COG to wage the campaign against an obvious enemy that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions.

    In order to ensure the security and continuing stability.. the Republic will be reorganized into the first US Empire. For a safe… and secure society!


  16. ArianeB says:

    McCain is not the heir apparent, he may not even be in the running come February. His campaign is running out of money fast, and he is way behind on fund raising. He bypassed the Iowa straw poll. Rudy Guliani is also looking less and less credible (thanks to Ron Paul BTW). Right now the heir apparent for the Republicans is Mitt Romney.

  17. joshua says:

    First….Ron Paul is NOT going to win ANYTHING….period. He’s a nut job people….if you can read…read his record.

    Next, John….you need to cut back on that green leafy stuff you pick in the rolling hills of Northern California. McCain is NOT Bush’s heir….he wanted to be, but since Thompson announced he’s probably going to run, all of Bush’s people that had joined McCain have jumped to Thompson. Even Bush’s favorite nephew, George P Bush just announced he going to work for Thompson. Thompson jumped from 1% behind Romney 10 days ago, to second after Rudy 3 days ago. McCain dropped 3% to 3rd. If Thompson is the Republican’s man, I won’t be voting for him, it will allow me to look harder at a Democrat.

    This site, DEBKA….is the worst, but if even half of what they say is true, then I agree with you, the Republicans are back in the WH next year.

    #12…Angel….Sorry man, I seriously doubt your right. Pelosi and crew have managed to make the Democratic congress less popular than Bush in just 5 months. And every reputable polling group is getting the same result from the following 2 questions…….
    1) If the election were held today, would you vote for the Democrat or the Republican candidate for President? 56% say Democrat to 34% who say Republican

    But when a name and face is put to the different candidates in possible match up’s……every single top tier Democrat loses to all of the top tier Republicans……and not only do they all lose, not one Democrat goes over 47% of the vote.

    That’s not good.

  18. ECA says:

    ALL I want in my Vote, is a button that says…

    I Didnt select him to run.
    My STATE didnt select him to run.
    My country didnt select him to run..
    1/2 of the USA didnt select ANY of these folks to run.

  19. ArianeB says:

    #17 Ron Paul is NOT a nut case, he is in my opinion the smartest candidate in either party, but I have to agree he does not have a chance in hell of winning the nomination.

    Worst case scenario: Clinton vs Thompson

    If that ends up being the choices in 2008 then we have to seriously consider reforming how Presidential candidates are chosen.

    Clinton is very popular among Democratic activists, but the mainstream voters hate her with a passion. I hear a lot of Republicans trying to say she is a shoe in for the nomination, because they want to run against her.

    Thompson is very popular with the social conservative wing of the Republican party, but he is so far right wing, that the Democrats will have no problem selling the idea that Thompson = Bush Jr. If a decent third party candidate jumps in the race, Thompson could come in third.

    Possible matchup polls at this stage of the game are totally worthless.

  20. M.Gabrys says:

    This may have legs if only because the whole budget for this enterprise is pretty much in jeporady. There’s a significant cost to withdraw as many troops and arms out at some point – and August may be that point. Now that congress is balking – it may require a strategic rethink before the next budget battle in the fall.

  21. MikeN says:

    Somehow you guys missed the immigration debate that happened in Washington. Maybe it’s because Fox News ignored it as Bush wanted.
    Anyways, thanks to that McCain has no chance.

  22. duck dodgers says:

    John, john, john.

    Democrats ARE Republicans.

    Guess you didn’t get the memo.

  23. KVolk says:

    Primary politics….Booooooooooooring… a registered independant can’t vote in the primary in my state….stupid two party stranglehold on the electoral process……Watch the winning candidates shift to the middle once they win the primary. It’s like aquare dancing only not as much fun.


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