Associated Press – June 9, 2007:

An Ohio charter school that emphasizes African history and culture served gin to sixth graders at a graduation ceremony and state education officials said they plan to investigate.

Four students were given a teaspoon of gin mixed with water in a ceremony modeled on a Ghanian rite of passage event, said Kwa David Whitaker, a Phoenix Village Academy official.

The students were blindfolded, giving them the uncertain feeling that goes with moving from one stage of life to another, he said. Each student was given a teaspoon of water and a teaspoon of the gin-water mix, and then asked to identify which contained water.

The students recognized that the gin wasn’t water and spit it out before swallowing, Whitaker said. The point is to teach the children to be honest, he said.

In honor of the school I present Kiss performing “Cold Gin” from way back in 1976!

  1. Janky-o says:

    1. What’s a school doing focusing on african heritage? Isn’t it supposed to teach reading, math, science, and the like?

    2. It’s a teaspoon of gin. Big deal.

    3. Don’t know how this teaches honesty. You generally lie about things that other people don’t know and which will be advantageous to you. You don’t lie about what tastes like gasoline.

  2. tallwookie says:

    Bah – this is complete crap – I first got drunk around 6th grade – I’m sure that a lot of ya’ll did too… besides – its only 1 tsp…

  3. Ben Waymark says:

    A teaspoon of gin! Who cares? You get more alcohol in mouthwash….

  4. Ben Waymark says:

    A teaspoon of gin! Who cares? You get more alcohol in apple or grape juice (unless its pumped full of preservatives….)!

  5. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #1 – You don’t lie about what tastes like gasoline.

    I lie about what tastes like gasoline all the time… 🙂


    Anyway… On the list of things I choose to get outraged about, this is number 17,876,292

  6. SN says:

    2, 3, 4 “Who cares?”

    Any excuse to run a classic video of Kiss, I’ll take it!


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