Global warming linked to ancient ‘Great Dying’ — This is such obvious bullcrap. The “great dying.” Puh-leeeze.
In an event known as the “Great Dying,” about 250 million years ago, 90 percent of all marine life and nearly three-quarters of land-based plants and animals went extinct.
All the environmentalists have jumped on this specualtion as though it was provable in any way. I suspect it went like this:
Green: This George Bush and this damned war is screwing us over. Our contributions are down a lot! It’s killing us!
PR Person: I don’t know what to tell you. The Global warming thing is our best shot.
Green: Are you nuts? It’s dead! Bush is killing it. It’s Dead!
PR Person: Dead? Hmmm..that give me an idea….is there something that happened before that we can attribute to global a big kill-off, say, 250 million years ago!!
Green: It sounds like bullshit. And like what’s that got to do with greenhouse gases or anything?
PR Person: Leave that to me!!!
What … if you can’t link Global Warming to George Bush then it’s a lie …correct?
John, I don’t know whose RSS feed fed you that line; but, just for a 3-minute search, I went to the World Conservation Union, the Sierra Club and the InterEnvironment website, all loaded with appropriate links — and searched for “great dying”.
At the WCU, I got nada. At the Sierra Club I found 1 reference to a review by someone who had read such an article in 2003; but, they no longer carried the review of the article. InterEnvironment found 1 article about food dyes!
I stay in touch with and support a couple of mostly local enviro orgs, and never before have I bumped into this particular chunk of non-science. Of course, most of the folks in the groups I support are science-based and reasonably well educated in Earth Sciences.
Maybe there are some spooky sorts out there — just as there probably are some Liberals who would blame “everything” on George Bush. But, those aren’t the folks who ever are going to make a difference, anyway.
Just as the only Republicans and Conservatives who are going to do anything positive for our land are those who take back the Republikan Party from the Liebensraum Kinder who presently own it, lock, stock and barrel. And what were you doing while that happened?
Ha-ha-ha! I finally found a site [] that accepts this crap as gospel. Of course, they accept some world-class crap as gospel, as well.
The funniest postings I found there about “great dying” hooks it together with my favorite local freakies, the chemtrails are out to get you-crowd. Living next-door to a national VOR, we have contrails [not chemtrails] crossing in the sky all the time. Those that cross each other are supposed to be the ones that really are out to get you!
They lay it all to — “our intelligence agencies are operating at a very high level of OCCULT SKILL AND AWARENESS”.
I continue to be fascinated by “global warming” and its advocates when the original confrontation against the capitalist agressors was about
I guess it’s too difficult and boring to slog thru newspapers from the 1970s to verify the above.
Likewise, it’s simply uninteresting to most folks to contemplate Greenland being warm enough to be a farming colony for the Vikings let alone the climate being “friendly” enough for St. Brendan to have used his leather boats shortly after without fear of too many icebergs.