If you think it’s impossible to have sex while you sleep, think again, according to a new study.
There are at least 11 different sex-related sleep disorders, collectively referred to as “sexsomnia” or “sleepsex,” that affect people who are otherwise psychologically healthy—causing them to unknowingly engage in various sexual activities during the night.
Recently, he and his colleagues turned their focus to sex-related sleep disorders. They conducted computerized medical literature searches for studies published between 1950 and 2006 related to sleep and sexual behavior and looked through a number of sleep medicine textbooks. They also analyzed data from a previously completed internet survey that had gathered data from 219 people, 92 percent of whom had experienced multiple “sexsomnia” episodes.
Among other things, they found that people—mostly men—sometimes masturbate, initiate sex with a partner and reach orgasm during sleep. They usually have no memory of these activities when they wake up, learning about them only if a partner or roommate tells them. Some of these activities can also have legal consequences, such as if someone initiates sex without a bed partner’s consent, noted Schenck.
Cripes! You would miss everything! |
From LiveScience. | An interesting example of rape while sleeping. |
And so a brand new rape defense strategy was born.
This is crazy, I have a friend that has told me before that he frequently fools around with his girlfriend when he is asleep and doesn’t know it until she brings it up the next morning, and I never believed him… this is crazy stuff.
Who thinks this is a problem?
Guys only have one thing on their minds …. even when they are asleep.
A ridiculous ruling by the judge re the second link. Excessive alcohol (as was implicated here) should never be accepted as a defence – unless you are a politician, of course. People should always be responsible for their actions with responsibility beginning before one is drunk.
For more references go see that movie “knocked up”
I knew this, I was married to her.
Jeez talk about acting out your dreams..
My wife has this “problem” not that I see it as a problem It can make an otherwise uneventful night interesting. I can attest to the fact that she doesn’t wake up. After the first few episodes I had complete conversations with her about important stuff that she cares about and told her that she could buy something she really wanted and she still didn’t remember it the next day. Had she rememebered she would have bought the shoes the next morning.
I guess that’s why they call it “Sleeping together”!