So, having learned (or at been exposed to) things like history, science, psychology, sociology, critical thinking and so on causes people to question and not blindly accept what they’re told? Who could have imagined that! Does this also mean that if we’re smarter and more educated we’re less likely to fall for a politician’s crap? I guess that means the dumbing down of our education system helps explain how our current White House occupant got there. That, and the whole vote fraud thing, of course.
GALLUP: Nearly 1 in 3 Believe Bible is Literal Word of God
About one-third of the American adult population believes the Bible is the actual word of God and is to be taken literally word for word, a new Gallup poll reveals. This percentage is only slightly lower than several decades ago.
Gallup reports that the majority of those “who don’t believe that the Bible is literally true believe that it is the inspired word of God but that not everything it in should be taken literally.” Finally, about one in five Americans believe the Bible is merely an ancient book of “fables, legends, history, and moral precepts recorded by man.”
There is also a strong relationship between education and belief in a literal Bible, Gallup explains, with such belief becoming much less prevalent as schooling continues.
Those who believe in the literal Bible amount to 31% of adult Americans. This is a decline of about 7% compared with Gallup polls taken in the 1970s and 1980s. It is strongest in the South.
Believe in the literal word of the Bible is strongest among those whose schooling stopped with high school and declines steadily with educational level, with only 20% of college graduates holding that view and 11% of those with an advanced degree.
On a related note, eBay has a bible (autographed by Jesus himself!!) for sale that’s written in English and supposedly authenticated by carbon dating to around 60AD. Current bid is $1 mil. It not clear from the description how the chapters written after 60AD got into the book. A miracle!
Belief in god (lowercase intentional) is a virus, immunization against which can be obtained through education.
Regrettably, people who believe in the invisible sky fairy tend to be slack-jawed knuckle-draggers who are incapable of reading a comic book without moving their lips. It is hard to educate one who has a brain the size of a lentil.
Bush-supporters fall into this category.
The possibility exists that the bible was written about something that actually happened.
That god was, but god was not a God.
It’s always been about “The Intelligent” vs “The Stupid”
The problem is that some greedy “Intelligent” individuals have figured out that the best way to control the stupid is by making them fear and believe in the unbelievable. Oh my gosh! sounds like what G.Bush is doing!!!. Pity there are so many Stupid ones.
One of the Intelligents
I know there is no god. Who would create a guy like me?
Don’t forget, children, those who do not believe the bible are just as likely to believe the same ignorant lies and deceits from the other side.
The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy.
Perhaps one should just make it a rule to think – that is logically, reasonably, and unemotionally.
Faith or not, I don’t see how anyone can fully believe the Bible is the inerrant literal word of God simply because we know historically that it wasn’t even “the Bible” until 325 AD when, under Constantine, a big group of men got together and ultimately decided what would be considered Christian or not and what would make the cut as far as the Bible goes. Before this it was just oral traditions and writings. So did God really just need our help (not that he’s busy doing anything) to decide what would be His literal word, or could it be that this is all just man-made anyway? Whatever, I’m just a heathen liberal atheist.