Found by Kevin Berg

  1. SJP says:

    Deadliest jobs — crab fishing in the North Atlantic just got knocked down a spot. I wonder, could I try this at home…be right back!

  2. John Paradox says:

    This just in: power outage as blogger found having short circuited high tension power lines.


  3. Joey says:

    I can handle the electricity. It’s the crawling along a wire hundreds of feet above the ground that would give me pause.

  4. DavidtheDuke says:

    Watching that scene where he’s crawling along the wife and another guy farther back as well was kinda surreal

  5. Uncle Dave says:

    #4: ” crawling along the wife…” A bit of a Freudian slip there?

  6. doug says:

    “Looking For An Electrifying Job With Lots Of Potential To Soar?”

    why no, no I am not. but thanks anyway.

  7. DavidtheDuke says:


  8. BubbaRay says:

    The guy not getting paid enough is the pilot of that chopper — that’s some amazing flying.

  9. Jägermeister says:


    Fully agree… amazing flying.

  10. joshua says:

    #1….I still think crab fishing is the deadliest. At least this guy dosn’t have to worry about being washed off the line by a huge wave!!! 🙂

    Loved his comment about only being afraid of 3 things…electricity, heights, and woman, and he’s married…….priceless!!!

  11. ECA says:

    If you watch, there isnt even a BREEZE…

    Something to think about, IF fixing Live Lines is such a concern.
    That they REALLY dont have a redundant system. If something should happen to that site…Someones world is going to be Mighty DARK for at LEAST 1 week…

    As in the internet…Everyone thinks of it as an Interlaced MESH…IT AINT. And never was.
    Do a few trace routes and Look at the locations, and connections some time.. There are major Hubs that interconnect 1 Corp with another. And If 1 Major section goes down, You Phone ISNT rerouted, you get a busy signal.

  12. Jägermeister says:

    #10 – I still think crab fishing is the deadliest.

    Here’s the top five deadliest (deaths per 100,000 employed):

    Fishermen – 151.2
    Timber cutters, loggers – 149.1
    Mining machine operators – 109.7
    Railroad brake, signal, switch operators – 71.4
    Sailors, deckhands – 65.0

  13. JimR says:

    I would absolutely love that job.

  14. Paul says:

    Amazing video, love the sight of two of them crawling in opposite directions.

  15. ulric says:

    This is a real job I think,
    but that helicopter flying is fake, it is a bad CGI composite.
    the helicopter and the scenery have two completely different lighting and depth of field

  16. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    #8 – I think everyone in the clip is underpaid. Yikes!

  17. BubbaRay says:

    #15, ulric, actually, it’s real flying. See below (some great photos of choppers in tower and line repair):

  18. BubbaRay says:

    [somewhat off topic]
    #12, Jägermeister, where was pipeline flying or cropdusting on the list? Those jobs don’t pay enough, either !! Pipeline flying’s a real bugger. Life insurance? Hahahaha.

    Although I’ve never cropdusted, here’s a really cool airplane for the job, only flew one of these once. Talk about shaving the weeds with a 1300 HP P&W radial (great automatic slideshow):

  19. BubbaRay says:

    #18, BubbaRay, the AirTractor 401 is the one with the P&W radial. Get your facts straight and quit copying the wrong Firefox link. The turboprop is more fun, though.

  20. hhopper says:

    BubbaRay – You’ve got to quit talking to yourself.

  21. Greg Allen says:

    I learned about the physics of this on the Nat Geo channel. It’s fascinating.

    The “hot suit” those guys wear keeps the gazillion volts at the surface, away from their body. As I understood it, electricity naturally runs along the surface of objects, anyway, and this suit assures that it happens. I always wondered about that.

    (Something like a Faraday cage, I gather, where the voltage gets neutralized on the surface, protecting what’s within. )

    Maybe some physicist here can explain it better but I have to ask: who was the first guy to try the suit?

  22. Greg Allen says:

    Oh, jeeze. I’m a goofball

    When I made my post, I couldn’t stream the video. Now that I’ve seen it, I realize that’s what it was about!


  23. BubbaRay says:

    [off topic]
    #20, Hop, just want to keep the facts straight, Isn’t that right, BubbaRay? 😉

    Air tractor is built right here in TX. Here’s some flying that’ll show you something about cropdusting (and pipeline flying) pilots. (3 mins.)

  24. Thorndike says:

    That clip was stolen from the IMAX movie ‘Helicopters in Action’.

    As a Smithsonian volunteer, I have seen it many times.

    I would also guess that is NOT giving appropriate credit for it.


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