1. mxpwr03 says:

    May not be able to feed its people? That should be a statement of fact by now, not a possibility. But that aside, oh the wonders of being a party crony in N. Korea will never cease to amaze me.

  2. st1100pilot says:

    That coaster looked like such a great time. Yawn…. I think I saw one like it at my county fair last summer.

  3. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #1 – When you consider all the “statements of fact” that we’ve heard from the right over the last 6 years, I’m actually willing to wait for outside confirmation even when it comes to North Korea.

  4. Cripes..this is a MOUSE ride not a roller coaster!!

  5. apeguero says:

    Wow! What great feat of engineering! Way to go North Korea, way to go!

    Now, one nice thing about riding a roller coaster in North Korea is it won’t get all soiled up with vomit as, really, those poor hungry citizens…oh well, you can see where I’m going with this.

  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #5 – When did reading become a lost art?

  7. BubbaRay says:

    Like mom said, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” OK, I really enjoyed the video ’cause the player has a cool full-screen mode. Heck, I’d ride it, just ’cause I’m a coaster fanatic.

    Now can we treat all those commies to a day at Six Flags?


  8. Mike says:

    Well, nobody ever claimed that communism encourages innovation or risk-taking. They’ve probably been working off the same coaster design for the past 40 years.

  9. mxpwr03 says:

    #8 I got some reading for you, “Aquariums of Pyongyang” by Kang Chol-Hwan. With regards to the never ending famine, well studies mandated by human rights groups (Liberal oriented) estimate that around 2 million died from a preventable famine during a 3 year time period in the late 1990’s. Recently, U.N. groups estimate that 600,000 – 800,000 died in the last 2 winters because of food & heating shortages. One of the jobs of civil servants is to actually go out into the parks in the morning and remove the victims of intense exposure. Finally, Al Jazeera ( I don’t think you can classify that is “right” leaning) ran a story documenting how children in N. Korea are on average 7 inches shorter than their S. Korea neighbors.

  10. Exspook says:

    Having spent time in the area, I can tell you that the situation in NK is nothing less than proof positive that we have not evolved half as much as we like to believe. There is nothing more pathetic and demoralizing as seeing sickly orphans picking up individual grains of rice dropped by a person eating their equivalent of ‘fast-food’. Those 10 or 12 grains of rice most certainly represent the bulk of the meal for the day.

    Oh wait…, that’s right, there ARE no hungry orphans in NK, just ask them.

  11. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #11 – Yea… I know…

    My point was about the quality of information from our government and the American media, and the general apathy toward knowledge exhibited by many in this country.

  12. joshua says:

    One good thing…..I’m betting the lines are shorter there than at 6 Flags. 🙂

  13. Barrett Johnson says:

    I wouldn’t ride it. That coaster looked like is put together with chewing gum and bailing twine. Every time the car took a turn I expected it to fly off into the trees.


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