Wow! You can hear shrapnel screaming past the camera!

  1. Wes says:

    Stand well back…

  2. KVolk says:

    now that’s a good time….

  3. DavidtheDuke says:

    I don’t have any nachos 🙁

  4. BubbaRay says:

    Was that some ‘Hollywood’ seasoning added to the soundtrack? Wish I had some more of that solid rocket propellant to play with. Cool vid.

  5. Improbus says:

    That is quite the firecracker.

  6. joshua says:

    Ahhhh….just another typical Friday night in South Phoenix. 🙂

  7. Peter Rodwell says:

    Don’t try this at home!

    Does anyone know why they did this?

  8. ECA says:

    Getting rid of the OLD stuff.

    IT AINT the 4th yet… NICE shot, and I HOPe you are behind a 4ft thick WALL

  9. ChrisMac says:

    that is junk in da trunk peeps

    1 explosion and the rest is added

  10. KarmaBaby says:

    That blowed up real good!

  11. Carlie says:

    Ordinances do waste tons–of paper. Military ORDNANCE is more effective firepower.

  12. hhopper says:

    These were private defense contractors detonating 100 tons of various Iraqi explosive munitions. No Hollywood effects added.

  13. BubbaRay says:

    #13, Hop, If no effects added then it’s way cool. I’ve never heard that ‘wheee, whizzzz’ ricochet noise except in a tv show or movie. Wonder what ordnance artifact caused that effect?

  14. ECA says:

    14, you should hear my 30-30, on a long shot….
    After its GONE and hit, you hear this fluttering sound Left behind in the shockwave….

  15. MacBandit says:

    That whizzing twirling noise is the normal sound of a ricocheting bullet or piece of shrapnel. It’s the sound an asymmetrical object makes at a high rate of speed after hitting the ground throwing it into a super high speed spin. The sound is caused by the spinning while traveling
    at a high rate of speed. This is something that anyone who has done any target practicing with a gun in the outdoors would be familiar with.

    Hollywood did not make up that sound just simply recorded it and played back over and over sometimes in the most absurd locations. Something like the sound of squealing tires on pavement. While we know the sound of squealing tires is real you don’t usually hear it when a car is sliding on a gravel road.

    The secondary thumps toward the end were probably caused by heavier objects hitting the ground.

  16. BubbaRay says:

    16, MacBandit, I target shoot all the time outdoors, and I’ve never heard that sound. Echoes, ripples and such like #15 ECA spoke of. My targets aren’t made of concrete or steel (well, an occasional beer can.) I usually have a large dirt berm behind them. Would be cool to hear it for real, though.

    And yes, those sounds are from near supersonic spinning shrapnel. It was just strange to hear it in that vid so far away from the blast.

  17. hhopper says:

    I’d have to say that’s the best audio I’ve ever heard from an explosion. That would be pretty scary if you were laying on the ground where the camera was positioned.

  18. mal says:

    re: why – the military disposes of ordnance that has become, or is suspected to be, unstable due to age, mishandling etc. for example, much of what is found in foreign conflicts, or just old stuff in usa arsenals

  19. T. Elliott says:

    One time… I had this old bar-b-q, and….


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