1. Gig says:

    Old stunt. It’s been done at airshows for years.

  2. Give me a break says:

    #1- Well thanks for that Gig. Can you tell us in advance of any more video’s we don’t need to watch?

  3. Iamanassholetoo says:

    Hmmm, there’s at least two assholes here, I’m one of them.

    This ‘stunt’ is older than dirt.

  4. hhopper says:

    You can post videos that some of the people have seen some of the time.

    You can post videos that all of the people have seen some of the time.

    But you can’t post videos that all of the people have not seen all of the time.

    With apologies to Abraham Lincoln.

  5. Jim says:

    yea, i guess it’s not cool any more, because it’s old… Thanks for letting us know!

  6. BubbaRay says:

    As a low timer (5K hrs) with about 1K hrs of just aerobatic time, I wouldn’t try that stunt (well, in front of a crowd anyway.) Pretty amazing flying. And yes, airshows have been around since the Wright bros., but the kid in me still enjoys ’em. Wish I could see him do that in a Stearman with a snap roll or two at 10 ft. agl.


    [off topic]
    Harrison, did you see the iBot wheelchair I posted earlier?

  7. hhopper says:

    [off topic] Yeah BubbaRay, we were on the original list to get one nine years ago. They had a lot of problems satisfying the FDA (or whomever certifies this sort of thing,) so it dragged on for years. At the moment my wife is in a Permobile power chair that adjusts 10 different ways including raising up to grab a beer at the bar.

    I left you a photo on the Heli post comments.

    [/off topic]

    Nice vid!

  8. BubbaRay says:

    [off topic]
    #7, Hop, thanks!! Puzzle solved, that is one cool camera. I visit that site often (now smacking forehead — why didn’t I think to look there??) If you labeled any camera today the ‘Rapatronic’, who knows what it would do or look like?? 🙂

    A friend has one of those Permobil chairs and lets me drive it occasionally. Extremely well engineered. Nice website, too.
    [/off topic]

    Wish I could identify that plane in the vid. It’s a beauty. Almost looks like a modified Piper J3 Cub.

  9. Vinny says:

    Boy, everyone seems to be bitching about the content. Vote with your feed readers, then. I look at the post summaries and decide. It takes me 10 seconds to decide what I want to see.

    *I* thought it was a fine video, and interesting. I’ve never seen it, and I consider myself to be somewhat worldly…

  10. morram says:

    Great video and if you fly/flown it’s even more fun.
    I’d have one just as good, maybe funnier but at the time there weren’t too many cameras around let alone video gear to record my landing on a running water buffalo while on a hop out of Bangkok. I ended up paying $300 for that buffalo, I knew it was their tractor, car and part of the family. The farmer was so appreciative invited me to dinner. Yeah, you guessed it, water buffalo curry! Made friends for life, almost thirty years and we still write back and forth and all his kids call me uncle.

  11. hhopper says:

    Now THAT’s a stunt!

  12. BubbaRay says:

    #10, morram, Good Grief!! How do you ‘land’ on top of a water buffalo and live to tell about it? After five ‘engine outs’, one SE IFR with icing and zero visibility, I’ve nothing to top that. Perhaps you and I are both really lucky (or really great pilots.)

    Either way, nice story.


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