While bit-tech has been modding for 7 years now, the wonder of PC customisation has only recently spread to China. This year will see a huge explosion in the Chinese modding community and Intel China is doing a lot to raise awareness within its domestic market.

It wanted to showcase the world’s best case mods to the local modders to inspire them to create the next generation of Chinese case mod designs.

Intel is using the event not only to showcase modding and its Core microarchitecture to China, but also to announce its support for the art and industry of modding in general. This marks probably the largest company to date that has stepped into the modding ring, and we welcome the support – we can’t wait to see the impact that such a large company (and country) can bring to our favourite hobby.

I happened to catch the coverage on CCTV9’s Biz China. Some snazzy mods. Click through to the article for step-by-step details.

Where is Yoshi when you need him?

  1. moss says:

    Wasn’t Yoshi working on Spiderman 3?

  2. tcc3 says:

    That case – isnt that the puzze box from Hellraiser? And i thought *my* computer had demons!

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    Do Mac users also Mod their computers or Apple sends them an army of lawyers every time one of them tries to do it?

  4. moss says:

    Mac users have about the same percentage of users with too much time on their hands. They, too, mod cases instead of building boats in bottles.

  5. sdf says:

    Where is Yoshi when you need him?
    It looks like yoshi is all over hollywood these days. good for him on parlaying his skills into an actual career.

  6. Angel H. Wong says:


    I thought they considered their macs too pretty to be modified.


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