This is one dedicated puppy. Officially, he didn’t win though.

  1. DonPlaijurise says:

    hhopper – you seem to re-post alot of stuff from… could you do me a favor, and find some more sources – ones that I don’t visit?

  2. J says:

    Good boy!

  3. hhopper says:

    These videos show up many places on the web. I’ve never been to the Spikedhumor site. Unfortunately, funny videos become viral quickly.

  4. Awake says:

    As you said, videos become viral quickly, so often we have seen them before. They certainly are not blog material, specially when many of them are just mildy entertaining, but certainly not controversial or thought provoking.

  5. ethanol says:

    Sorry DonPlaijurise and Awake, I found it funny and don’t look around much for videos. Thanks hhopper for posting it!

  6. mark says:

    I like the dog, he’s got spunk.


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