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  1. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Hopper… Try surfing some sites with words 🙂

  2. stew says:

    Thats a trick they do not teach in boy scouts

  3. Chris Gregg says:

    Huh — that is a pretty cool way to make a quick lens. I’m trying to work the optics out in my head, and it’s a pretty good approximation of a double-convex lens, if it’s squished just right.

  4. BadCam says:

    Idiot! I don’t mind this pratt showing how to do this, but look where he is. This is how forest fires are started. It only takes one spark. I’ll bet this dolt didn’t even have any way to put that fire out, had it gotten out of control. If you really want to be stupid, then leave a bottle of water lying on the dashboard (or seat) of your car on a sunny day. You don’t even need much sun to be honest.

  5. Ballenger says:

    Condoms, now synonymous with woodcraft and woodcraft.

  6. JimR says:

    Theres a much better way to make fire with a condom… friction.

  7. Abram Cove says:

    > Theres a much better way to make fire with a condom… friction.

    Comment by JimR — 5/11/2007 @ 7:16 pm

    Do you smoke after sex?

  8. John Paradox says:

    Do you smoke after sex?

    Only if I burst into flame during.



  9. BubbaRay says:

    Reminds me of the episode of “Mythbusters” in which a sphere of ice was used to start a fire. They tried making various convex lens shapes, but the sphere was the most efficient. Toughest part was getting the ice to freeze in a “clear” sphere.

  10. Kevin says:

    That explains that burning sensation!


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