I turn my back! That should do it!

Not One Damn Dime! — On top of this there is an odd chain letter floating around whose origins are unknown.

Since our leaders don’t have the moral courage to speak out against the war in Iraq, Inauguration Day, Thursday, January 20th, 2005 is “Not One Damn Dime Day” in America.

On “Not One Damn Dime Day” those who oppose what is happening in our name in Iraq can speak up with a 24-hour national boycott of all forms of consumer spending.

During “Not One Damn Dime Day” please don’t spend money, and don’t use your credit card. Not one damn dime for gasoline. Not one damn dime for necessities or for impulse purchases. Nor toll/cab/bus or train ride money exchanges. Not one damn dime for anything for 24 hours.

And while this is interesting, the protest to watch will be the “Turn Your Back on Bush” demonstration as cited in (of all places) the Calcutta telegraph.

When Bush’s inaugural parade passes along the streets of the capital with Bush and First Lady Laura waving at spectators, thousands of protesters silently gathered on both sides of the streets will abruptly turn their backs on the couple in non-violent disapproval of White House policies.

Sounds like a scene from a bad movie. This could be up-played or downplayed by the big media no matter what happens. It could be quite interesting to witness if enough people did it. I suspect, though, that the news folks would just report the parade numbers in such a way that it would sound like wow..look…this is the most people who ever showed up for a inaugural parade. And then call it a turn out of support. Ha.

related links
Other anti-Bush activities

  1. More useless protesting. My favorite is always the one where people vow not to buy gas on a given date to show the gas companies how much they hate them. The day before and the day after, of course, the gas companies see record sales. BRILLIANT!

  2. Frank Baird says:

    Wow. What a bunch of sore losers. Kind of puts John’s “sore winners” comment from a few entries back in a new perspective. People may not like gloating winners, but whiney sore losers are worse.

  3. Rick Shahovskoy says:

    Let me see if I understand this protest:
    Don’t patronize anybody to show how much you hate GWB.
    That sure will make him suffer.
    Unh hunh.
    The mom and pop store should really prosper, too.
    One day’s profits right in the toilet.
    That’ll show that mean, nasty, old GWB!

  4. david says:

    Rick, I think you are right about the mom and pop stores unfairly losing out; they are not the ones contributing $100,000 a pop to the Elephants. The fact is that big business, special interests and filthy rich individuals have the most power in America because they can afford to buy it. The other side of the coin, and this is where the consumer boycott comes in, is that the rich are rich because we buy their stuff. Some are necessary, but they thrive by our conspicuous consumption and uncontrollable thirst to feed our happiness. Seriously, how many pairs of shoes do we really need in our closet? How many times MUST you upgrade your PC? Keeping up with the Jones’ is one of the sucker beliefs that many hold. Absolute boycotting is, like total abstinence, not beneficial to anyone, but limiting ourselves even to 10% of what we normally spend will have the rich on their knees for a little while until they come up with another way, again, to fool the American consumer into gorging.

  5. I want to start the Ten Damn Dimes counter-protest. Click through on my name for more.

  6. david says:

    Augie, I understand your frustration with the far left. Extremes are useless except to determine where the redline should be. This is done in politics, as well as in sports. For example, an extreme for a runner would be running a mile in four minutes. He/she would be able to understand his/her body mechanics in that instance, but would not be able to maintain that rate. But still, learning from that heat provides peak performance know-how which could be applied to other human endeavors. And because we can think in extremes, we can push that redline to higher marks; runners couldn’t break the four minute mile but once one runner did it, others were able to follow. Of course the most famous book about redlines is the Guiness Book of World Records. In U.S. politics though the extremes go in *opposite* directions (two redlines on the tachometer). The only way to balance, so that we could come to the agreement of only one redline somewhere inbetween, therefore, is by creating a far left to counterbalance the existing far right. So to protest the inaugaration by not spending a dime that day is just as futile as spending *every* dime. I say we’ve already spent two cents here, what about we just spend three more today?

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