Meissner Effect: Exhibiting diamagnetic properties to the total exclusion of all magnetic fields. (Named for Walter Meissner.) This is a classic hallmark of superconductivity and can actually be used to levitate a strong rare-earth magnet.
Magnetic-levitation is an application where superconductors perform extremely well. Transport vehicles such as trains can be made to “float” on strong superconducting magnets, virtually eliminating friction between the train and its tracks. Not only would conventional electromagnets waste much of the electrical energy as heat, they would have to be physically much larger than superconducting magnets.
Harrison, that’s pretty cool. Actually experimented with this tech back in the ’80s for frictionless deci-arcsecond drives for micro telescopes. Darned NSF had no imagination or vision. Lots of applications when higher temp superconductors are discovered.
Way too geeky for my taste.
Superconductors? What ever happened to Chaos, Controversy, Conflict? And the totally screwed UP Whitey House?
Its’ Sunday and America wants to VENT! Of course from what end of the animal, will be entirely determined by what happends in France..
How’s that for changing the subject?
Well whoopdy-fricken-doo!
Whats up with France? I’m working with a 3d modeler from France, and it’s doing better than I am. And I don’t get it, if it’s repelling then why is it attracting when the finger picks it up? Is that a diamagnetic thing?
#5, Here’s a pretty good explanation – it all has to do with zero magnetic field at the heart of the superconductor. Diamagnetic, yes.
I enjoyed this one and am glad we can still see an occasional posting having to do with technology here instead of politics and religion. You don’t have to be stupid to be interested in technology.
That is quit extrodenary. I deffinitly agree with an earlyer comment that we as a nation should emphisize on math ,science and enginering (spelling would not hurt for sum,me) thanks for spending the time My children and my self had a good descuion after.