Such much to say, so little time...

Korean Teens Send an Average of 60 Text Messages a Day – I’m my youth we used to spend our days watching TV like mindless drones… kids these days…

According to a recent study, Korean teenagers aged between 15 and 19 send an average of 60.1 text messages a day. That works out to nearly 2000 text messages a month. What’s more, the trend appears to be increasing, because when they got information about 2005, the average was just 59.5 messages per day. Young adults aged between 20 and 24 are less inclined to send text messages, but they still send quite a few, average 30.9 per day (22.6/day in 2005).
Text messaging has become such a rampant problem in Korea that “it’s not uncommon for people to develop carpal tunnel” syndrome.

On a completely different matter, The Gumball 3000 rally has been canceled, so the concert that was going to take place this Sunday at Trafalgar square in London has been cancelled. I’m making a note of this since in an earlier post I had mentioned that there would be a concert taking place there, so if any of our readers made plans to go, forget about it.

  1. tallwookie says:

    heh… how is this news?

  2. undissembled says:

    Shouldn’t it say “ALL TEENAGERS…”?

  3. davydany says:

    umm…teenagers are addicted to porn too…lol…i dont see that getting covered.

  4. Improbus says:

    A friend of mine, that just turned 30, texts me all the time. I loath texting. Just hang up your thumbs and frank’n call me. Humbug I say, humbug!

  5. BubbaRay says:

    Hmm. Aren’t we all ‘texting’ now? [Deity of choice] save me from future blogs where all can talk at the same time. Bwaa ha ha ha ha ha.

  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #4 – I am with you. I have disabled the text services on my phone. I hate texting.

  7. bill says:

    They need to run the gumball on closed roads. Like the King of Morocco did.
    Very unfortunate to kill and injure a civilian.


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