This isn’t the first time we’ve had a story about BofA. Your banking fees at work. This story has info on new laws being proposed to close loopholes in the Do Not Call List regulations. About time!

BofA busted making serial hangup calls

Bank of America, which WND earlier revealed was making its credit card services available to illegal aliens, now has been caught by a consumer making hundreds of solicitation calls to a single telephone, many of them hangups.

George Duke, a Suisun City, Calif., resident, told WND he called the corporation to complain, and demand that his number be taken off their call list.

“They were absolutely exasperated. They couldn’t understand why I had a problem getting seven or eight phone calls a day,” he said. “I don’t want to be on a list with them calling me all the time. I’m keeping a record of it, every time…”

Mitch Katz, a spokesman for the Federal Trade Commission, which oversees the nation’s Do Not Call registry, said that [signing up for it] actually is the best option for consumers at this point, because there is no rule or regulation against such automated calls.

“We’re in the process of rule-making to ban virtually all pre-recorded telemarketing calls,” he said. “If that goes through, then yes, these kinds of calls would be prohibited.”

[Duke] said his complaints to Bank of America’s executive offices accomplished nothing.

“They said I was being unreasonable, trying to tell B of A how to do their business,” he said

  1. hhopper says:

    I don’t know if this works but I do it every time I get a computer call. Press the # button rapidly a number of times. According to the person who told me about this, the computer thinks it’s called a modem or fax and removes your number from it’s file. At least I’ve found that it hangs up right away.

    Also… I really HATE Bank of America. I was a customer of theirs a number of years ago and they suddenly told me they sold my local branch and I would be with another bank. That really pissed me off at the time but later it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. The new bank was much better than BofA.

    And the kicker is BofA kept trying for years to get me back as a customer after they kicked me out.


  2. Janky-o says:

    The banks are like the phone and cable companies. Their big marketing ideas are to hang on to customers through inertia and to give them the crappiest service possible.

    Don’t people have credit unions in their areas? They don’t dick around with you, the service is better, things you pay for with banks are free, and they’re non-profits and member owned.

  3. Froggmann says:

    I personally find it amazing that BofA still has the numbers it does. They rob their customers blind, get caught, slightly change things and rob their customers blind again.

  4. tallwookie says:

    well… i havent been screwed over by BoA yet, so they’ve got my buisness till that happens… one bank you want to stay the hell away from is Whitney Bank – based in the Southern US – worst service i’ve ever had… tellers stealing deposits, their management making up shit left and right… steer clear of that one

  5. John Paradox says:

    I personally find it amazing that insert name of bank here still has the numbers it does. They rob their customers blind, get caught, slightly change things and rob their customers blind again.

    (modified)Comment by Froggman

    I just kicked Wells Fargo after a problem with dual payments and a stop payment.


  6. tikiloungelizard says:

    I agree. I love my credit union. Personable, good rates and good local service.

  7. Hector says:

    Oh Hell!

    I just got another BOA call today again. After about 4-5 of them these past two weeks where I would just hang up, a few days ago I followed thru the menus and spoke with someone to take me off the call list. She was rude and hung up. Today, I followed thru again and just lied, “You got the wrong household” She said they will remove my # off the list and they politely apologized. I guess you just to play their they game. The BoA account is with my daughter in college who hasn’t leave with us in 4 years but she used our # for contacts.

    Geez, I didn’t realize they was a Do-No-Call-list Loophole with automated calls!

    #1, I’ll have to try the fake modem trick.

  8. Gig says:

    I am a BOA customer and I have never not once gotten a solicitation call from them. I asked them when I became an account holder I didn’t want the calls.

  9. Gig says:

    There is not a loophole in the DNC list regarding automated calling.

    The loophole is a that any company can call it’s customers even if they are on the DNC list.

    Any company can call anyone with either a real person or an automated system if they are not on the DNC list.

  10. slappy says:

    WorldNetDaily is your source? Why not reprint National Inquirer articles?

  11. Ron Larson says:

    Sorry. I don’t feel sorry for the “victim” here. The national do-not-call list has been in place for a long time now. She/He should have placed their number on it.

    Secondly, never ask a phone solicitor to remove your number from their calling list. What you need to do is order them to add your number to their do-not-call list. Removing your name from a list does nothing to prevent your number from showing up on their next list.

    Again… get your number ON a No-Call List, either the national one, or BofA’s.

  12. Uncle Dave says:

    #11: Who reports a story doesn’t make it incorrect if it’s true.

  13. mjpwall says:

    Off topic but this site does not work properly in safari.

  14. Uncle Dave says:

    #14: John is in the process of a complete site redesign. When? He seems to be on a Vista-like schedule.

  15. laineypie says:

    Dude this is like the last telemarketing post up here. So many people sign up for so much shit and then get pissed when these companies call them. OK, YOUR BANK MIGHT CALL YOU. wheather its a solicitation or a valid call doesnt matter. YOU GAVE THEM THAT INFO THEREFORE THEY ARE ALLOWED TO CONTACT YOU FOR WHATEVER THEY WANT. It is not illegal for any corporation or its affiliates to contact you for any reason if you are a member or a customer or hold an account with them or anything! I wish people would understand that. IF YOU GIVE THEM YOUR INFO YES IT IS FAIR GAME LIKE IT OR NOT, YOU GAVE IT. Giving your info is different from them getting it from a phonebook.

    Secondly, the national do not call list does work if you use it. it expires every two years so you need to keep adding your number every two years. HOWEVER, it does not prevent a company or its affiliates, which you willingly supplied information to, or are a member or customer of, or an accountholder of, from contacting you FOR ANY REASON, even if they just wanted to say hi and see how you are doing.

    Thirdly, I would just like to say personally, I do not understand why people get so pissed about telemarketing calls. The only time I personally ever recieved telemarketing calls was when I filled out a bunch of offers to win free shit online before i knew better. I got so many freaking calls after that… I changed my number, put it on the national DNC, and never answer a call unless it is from someone I know. If their number isnt programmed into my phone or comes up and I dont recognize it I just wont answer it. If its important enough they will leave a message. but seriously it is not an issue or a struggle for me to JUST NOT ANSWER. If I suspect its a creditor or a telemarketer and i dont want to talk to them, I wont. I really dont understand why people get so fucking bent out of shape about it.

  16. beth says:

    Thank you laineypie!!! I work ( at least until tuesday when my new job starts) for a company that does telemarketing calls for BOA and the rudeness (including cursing, wierd sexual comments and racial slurs that are not even applicable to my race) that ive recieved is ridiculous. I have to be polite or get fired, so i am (not to say that everyone is, some people are willing to run the risk of losing their job for it). If you don’t wanna recieve these calls then either dont pick up (although the calls will continue, the computer assumes your not home, we dont know the difference between you actually not being there and just ignoring the call) or ask to be put on the DNC list, we HAVE to add your name to it if you ask. I really dont understand the big deal, I recieve all of the same calls myself and have never felt it necessary to be rude or ignorant to the person calling, they are jsut doing their job.


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