Northern exposure

Ever since the Vietnam War, many Americans have viewed Canada as a liberal oasis, ready to welcome those who no longer want to take part in Uncle Sam’s wars. But the reality is more complicated these days, especially with the conservative Harper government in power since 2006. Although the Canadian people are still largely welcoming, some war resisters say they have faced hostility here. And all of them who are seeking refugee status to remain in the country face complex legal obstacles, according to experts on Canada’s refugee laws. Meanwhile, the alleged cooperation between Canadian and U.S. law enforcement authorities to track them down raises thorny legal questions of its own.

It would be illegal under Canadian law for U.S. officials to make an arrest on Canadian soil, according to Audrey Macklin, a professor at the University of Toronto Law School. “U.S. law enforcement officers have no jurisdiction here,” she said. The picture gets murkier, however, with the prospect of Canadian police working on behalf of U.S. officials. “Sometimes officials cooperate in cross-border criminal investigations,” Macklin said. But the incidents involving Snyder and Key, she said, didn’t strike her as typical cross-border cooperation. “It’s sheer conjecture on my part, but I do wonder if it is more about intimidation.”

  1. venom monger says:

    Maybe they’re losing their sense of humor, eh?

    Like, I went to Canada last week, eh, and they were like, total assholes at the border, eh. I mean I wasn’t expecting Robin Williams, but “professional” doesn’t mean “prick”, eh? And this wasn’t just one guy, eh, it was all of them, you know. Total hosers.

    On my way back to the US, the border people were cool and even kidded around some, eh.

  2. mark says:

    Canadians, start behaving or we will send back Celine Dion, you’ve been warned.

  3. johns says:

    This deserter trash should be shipped postage due to Fort Leavenworth where they belong.

  4. Sladen says:

    #1 it used to be friendlier but every since you guys started requiring us to use passports…

    I would imagine the reception for AWOL soldiers has as much to do with the war in Afghanistan (a justified response to aggression from the Taliban/Al-qaida) as anything else. Iraq is a different issue but we have soldiers dying to protect America and the NATO alliance in Afghanistan. That’s not the same situation as existed with Vietnam.

  5. qsabe says:

    It’s a farce to keep the Canadians with all their new wealth from coming across the border and boosting our economy with their now 90 cent dollars. The shrub would rather hide his dismal economic failures away from public view, so makes it difficult at the northern border, while opening up the southern border for his cheap immigrant labor force at Crawford.

  6. Angel H. Wong says:

    Someone once said that Canada was pretty much alike the U.S.

    Chances are it must be true since now that they have a Conservative goverment, they don’t have to suck it up and pretend they like foreigners from South of the border.

  7. Canucklehead says:

    as a Canadian, I am ashamed that my government is turning away peace loving American men and women.

  8. Bruce IV says:

    Honestly though, I have to say that I don’t have a whole lot of respect for deserters. You join the military, you should expect to fight – its the entire point of the job. I say good on my government for sending them back.

  9. Ron Larson says:

    #8 got it right. The difference is that during the Vietnam war, there was a draft. Our military is now a choice.

    AWOL is not the same as a draft dodger. Give Canadians some credit for being smart enough to know the difference.

  10. Frank IBC says:

    Well, it’s obvious that whoever created that graphic doesn’t know what “AWOL” means.

  11. RLJ.151 says:

    #1 – There have been repeated stories up here of the reverse. US border guards being complete a-holes to Canadians trying to go south. Being treated as if they were criminals and just waiting for the verdict to come in (as guilty).

    As for Harper, he has been jumping almost as high as Bush has been telling him to. But have no problems with people who want to enjoy the Canadian way to come on up. Just leave your guns at the border. 🙂

  12. mark says:

    I agree that a volunteer has no right to bitch, but I dont know that I can blame a guy who would go awol after he served his 2nd or 3rd combat “tour” (you gotta love that word) and keeps getting his hitch extended. That is just bullshit.

  13. hagbard says:

    We not only allow deserters into Canada anymore, we even send our own citizens to the States for prosecution on offenses that are hardly a crime in this country. The DEA is demanding we send Marc Emery, a Vancouver marijuana advocate to the States to stand trial for selling marijuana seeds to Americans. We don’t even arrest people for that sort of thing anymore. I guarantee you if they are successful, things are going to get VERY ugly, and not only from Canadian pot heads, many here see it as a sovereignty issue, which it is.

  14. hagbard says:

    Sorry, I meant to say “We not only do not allow deserters into Canada..”


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