1. OhForTheLoveOf says:


    A drunk guy falls and hits his head.


    Damn… Ain’t never seen nothing like that before. Where do you guys find this stuff?



  2. mark says:

    Why didnt the cop just use one of the lined parking slots. How to fail a stupidity test more like it.

  3. mark says:

    1. Do I detect a note of (warranted) sarcasm? 🙂

  4. Improbus says:

    De De De

  5. Awake says:

    Ha Ha… he fell down and hit his head hard enough that they need to call an ambulance… that’s funny…

  6. Mathew says:

    While its hilarious that this guy was that drunk, I do feel the need to understand why the cop is creating lines with tape when he has a myriad of lines in the car park with which to walk the guy down. Could this be a setup?

  7. hhopper says:

    Man have I been sarcastically lynched!

  8. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #7 – C’mon man…. You had it coming.

  9. hhopper says:

    …and I enjoyed every word of it.

  10. Bobby says:

    Some states require that the suspect walk an actual line. In most locations an actual line is not available so the officer will have the suspect hold one end of a tape line while the officer unrolls it. As the officer squats to set the tape, he gives a little tug to check the suspects balance and this is the occasional result. Why throw out a good (non-standard) field sobriety test if you don’t have to!

  11. John Paradox says:

    A lot easier than the test in The Man With Two Brains.


  12. Jesus says:

    I smell a lawsuit!


    yet, ouch! That must have heard.

    Doesn’t the sound quality sound way to good, like its a production?

  13. Jesus says:

    Before I get burned. I meant to spell “hurt” not “heard”. Was thinking to much about the sound quality.

  14. Undissembled says:

    The cop made him do that because he knew the guy would fall over. Cops who are on the job for years get bored and have fun with people. They know where the line is so they get as close to it as possible.

    Still, it’s funny.

  15. Kenneth Johnson says:

    I don’t care why, how, who, what, or anything else; that’s one of the funniest things I’ve yet seen this year!

    Just know I did things MUCH stupider than that, but can’t seem to recall ….

  16. Fred Flint says:

    This is just a variation on the old “stop the paddy wagon very fast” trick, which also works very well in a car with a screen between the back seat and the front seat. I have to admit, this one is much more visually satisfying.

  17. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    That sound is probably real. I have the sound of my then-two year old’s head hitting the pavement burned into my memory…he tripped and fell a few times, flat onto his forehead. No permament damage, I think. (he’s 17 now)

    This guy was obviously drunk to start, then the cop makes him stand on his flashlight spot…which is moving. You can almost see the guy get twisted up right there.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    While he could be drunk, don’t forget there are many drugs and conditions that could have caused him to keel over. Most good Erectile Dysfunction drugs are capable of causing sudden low blood pressure which could cause him to pass out. Either way, he’s screwed.

  19. Anonymous Coward says:

    It would have been funnier if the cop was gay and did some rump riding after the guy passed out. I could just hear the cop saying, “buddy, this just ain’t your day.” Of course he’d then have to plant some drugs on him. Just another day in “law enforcement.”


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