This girl is on a mission, gathering information about the best possible way to accomplish her objective…

  1. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Becky is obviously related to that little girl who was going to kick the Monster’s ass a while back.

  2. TheDirtyVicar says:

    This is certainly a prank, but it has gotta be the funniest prank in the history of the telephone.

  3. Esih says:

    In the US Becky would be arrested as a terrorist. Probably arrest the guy who thought she was funny too.

  4. hhopper says:

    I don’t usually say this but… FAKE!

  5. JFStan says:

    Extra homework on a Friday?? Those bastards!! 🙂

    Obviously a prank call, but really funny.. Spouting death and destruction with a cute little Irish accent, who could resist?

  6. @$tr0Gh0$t says:

    Doesn’t anyone find it a little disturbing that an Irish girl is interested in bombing her school? I wonder from where did she get that idea?

  7. mark says:

    Seriously funny stuff.

  8. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Q: What’s better than a video?

    A: A picture with an audio track!

    Are you guys doing some co-branding thing with eBaum’s?

  9. BubbaRay says:

    Well darnit (slapping forehead), why didn’t I think of this way back when? Didn’t I warn ya’ll about making me spew coffee on the monitor in the afternoon?

  10. Richard says:

    This whole thing is sponsored by a Dublin radio station that then airs the results.

  11. Firas says:

    Kudos to Richard for finding the source. The site he links to has quite a few more posted and happily they are audio files. Oh, they’re all hilarious as well so check them out.

  12. Jägermeister says:


    Here’s a page with audio. 😉

  13. Mark Derail says:

    Comedy Genius. Thanks Richard.

    Save Mp3 -> Audacity -> Cut the “Hi, my name is Becky!”, Save As Mp3, FTP to personal web server, Blackberry Get Http Link, Save As Tune….RINGTONE !!!

    Well, won’t be my main one.

    The 98FM Trolls are funny too.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #6, I guess you didn’t go to a Catholic School with the nuns for teachers.

  15. DogWings says:

    OMG #6 You’re right! The sky is falling – the sky is falling!

  16. shaun c says:

    anyone who takes this as anything but funny has to be american…..!

  17. tallwookie says:

    holy crap that was FUNNY!!!!!!

    this is where i can use the phrase rofl, and mean it

    *wipes tears from eyes*


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