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Dvoraklandia is on the other side of the map. It’s ruled by His Crankiness, John the More Or Less First, from that fabled city by the Bay, IGetNoSpamia. His TWiT Council served him well until it was discovered they were in the pay of the evil tyrant Lord Jobs from across the Bay who is building an empire of MacSlaves, controlling them via iMplants in their iHeads. He is now served by a group of loyal and true geniuses called the blogMeisters who toil endlessly debating the news of day with moonbat wackos delightfully intelligent subjects of the realm and beyond. Truly a land of endless delights as long as you damn kids stay off his lawn!

UPDATE: The drawbridge across the moat to the castle was destroyed this week by a government conspiracy of frightening proportions an accidental truck crash. Traffic will be rerouted through the just completed Dvorak Toll Plaza ($14 discount for mentioning at the tollbooth!) until repairs are completed in 2045.

(This travelogue was paid for by TinFoil Hats, Ltd.)

  1. Eideard says:

    Uncle Dave – this is one of the most delightful examples of modern cartography ever seen. Should be required study for all digital geographers.

    Yours sincerely,

    Senior Associate Smartass.

  2. Improbus says:

    You forgot P2P land. I live on the Pirate Bay, in the province of Bittorrent in the land of P2P. I commute to the Blogipeligo every weekday.

  3. Whaapp! says:

    I hang around usenet, but there be no land there!

    I sometimes cruise the p2p shoals, but avoid the entire northern hemisphere.

  4. James Hill says:

    If you’re trying to make the liberal posts look good, you’re doing a fine job.

  5. Derek says:

    Oh look, there is no DIGG island, maybe Kevin Rose decided to delete it…

  6. Mike T says:

    What…no continent of porn? Amazing.

  7. Angel H. Wong says:


    Porn is everywhere on the net.

  8. Uncle Dave says:

    #6,7: I believe there is a porn moon. Stare at it too long and you’ll go blind.

  9. Kenneth Johnson says:

    Hardly expected this town to be on the map, but there it is: “The Lonely Island”.

    Geeze, I better tell the mayor, eh? He’ll be delighted!

  10. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    The representation of Usenet gave me a solid chuckle.

  11. W. Smith says:

    “Oh look, there is no DIGG island, maybe Kevin Rose decided to delete it…”

    One of the stupidest statements I’ve read all day in so many different ways.

  12. Bruce IV says:

    Y’know, you should have at least the good manners to backlink this. Check it out on More neat stuff there.

  13. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #12 – I discoved that guy’s comic a while back and have loved it ever since… It’s very witty.


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