Sheryl Crow takes a swipe at toilet paper use — So this woman thinks that we should us one lousy square of toilet paper per visit in an effort to save the planet. Why doesn’t she just suggest that we all wipe our butts with our hands and wash it down the sink afterwards like they do in Bangladesh? What an idiot. Mulit-millionaire musicians like her should just sing and otherwise shut up.
In an effort to help save the environment, U.S. singer Sheryl Crow is calling on everyone to limit the amount of toilet paper used “in any one sitting” to one square.
Crow made the suggestion in her blog chronicling her recent tour of the United States on a biodiesel-powered bus to raise awareness about climate change.
Hey Sheryl, walk instead of using the bus while you are at it.
found by Joe Feigelman
Guess she thinks everyone has a bidet in their bathroom.
Maybe we found the reason Armstrong left her…stinky behind.
This goes along with Gore flying all over the planet to stop global warming or Prince Charles flying everywhere even in the UK to promote enviromental issues…..or the best one this past couple months…..Leonardo Di Caprio….flying to the Artic with a whole crew to be photographed by Anne Liebiwitz on an ice flow to promote people going green.
Don’t these people or thier handlers ever stop and think?
Don’t these people or thier handlers ever stop and think?
Comment by joshua — 4/24/2007 @ 12:20 am
If I could just get the money they used on ‘jet-a’ kerosene, I could buy a new green car. Or one of those cool Atoms posted awhile back.
Not to be unkind, but who the heck would read Sheryl Crow’s blog? And why??
[totally off topic]
Please, someone get some neurons going and get out the red and blue glasses Visit this, one of the best STEREO satellites view of the sun ( and no, I had nothing to do with this project, much to my dismay )
Just my 2 cents (2 new gold dollars) worth.
If I had a bidet I’d probably only use that amount of TP. Of course, my towel use would skyrocket since you gotta dry your freshly soaped and washed ass with something. The US makes the most bidets in the world but is most ignorant of it…
Pretty obvious if you read the post that it was what is called a joke.
Guess she had to even spell this out later – “And by the way guys, the toilet paper thing…it was a JOKE!!”
If you read the other ideas in the post like, ‘I have designed a clothing line that has what’s called a “dining sleeve.” The sleeve is detachable and can be replaced with another “dining sleeve,” after usage. The design will offer the “diner” the convenience of wiping his mouth on his sleeve rather than throwing out yet another barely used paper product. I think this idea could also translate quite well to those suffering with an annoying head cold.’
Tell me you think that was serious.
My favorite example of Hollywood Hypocrisy was Harrison Ford showing up at the Oscars or some other awards show in a Prius a few years ago.
Harrison Ford owns a jet powered helicopter for RECREATIONAL USE. I can only imagine that he has several large homes scattered throughout the country (or world), all of which are kept air conditioned, heated, pool pumps running, grass being watered etc. just in case he should show up.
Make sure you use both sides 🙂
Why stop there? Why not not use tiolet paper at all, and just smear that ol’ ring with vaseline, and it will just slip out no mess, no paper ^__^
According to the article, Crow’s younger brother also suggested that people could “just wash the one square out.”
I think Crow’s probably pulling your leg. Y’all got punk’d! Where’s Ashton?
” What an idiot. Mulit-millionaire musicians like her should just sing and otherwise shut up.”
Is this a point left and right can agree on? It would be nice.
6. “Guess she had to even spell this out later – “And by the way guys, the toilet paper thing…it was a JOKE!!””
Saying something stupid and then later claiming it was a joke is hardly new.
10. “According to the article, Crow’s younger brother also suggested that people could “just wash the one square out.” I think Crow’s probably pulling your leg.”
One of the bosses at my place of work went in to use my secretary’s bathroom. She took all the used paper towels out of the trash and hung them up to dry. She berated the secretary for not recycling. She was serious. So was Crow.
But the number one reason why I think Crow was serious, environmentalists never have a sense of humor.
I’d still pop her. It’d be the best 30 seconds of her life.
Ok, Ok – 15seconds of her life.
13. “I’d still pop her. It’d be the best 30 seconds of her life.”
She’s what I call handsome. Which I define as a woman I’d f@ck even though she sort of looks like a guy.
John, I wonder what your response would be if someone told you to stick to the subject of technology or otherwise shut up. Not that I agree with her, but your statement is kinda harsh for a site that claims to be “uncensored”, don’t you think?
OMG you people just ingest and spew. You don’t even bother to find out the truth of the situation. How sad for America.
I don’t know if any of you own or have ever been on a sailboat with toilet. If you have the reduction in the use of toilet paper is not really a funny issue. On many boats the toilets are small and so is the plumbing. If you clog the release valve you could sink your boat.
Just a thought. Even though she was kidding about the issue.
Sheryl Crow’s (very personal) assistant either has the worst job in the world, or the best (depending on your preference).
So she rode in a biodiesel bus, what about her roadies and the semi’s used to cart her stage equipment around?
She could have helped the environment by not using lots of energy to power the stage lights and Amps, mics, music gear, etc.
A better solution would be to take your own mug to Starbucks or other coffee shop and save the paper cups.
Maybe use public transit 2-3 days a week to cut back on fuel use.
Sell your SUV for a smaller economical car.
3. Bubba- I’m with you, people must have a lot of free time on their hands.
Off Topic: What can of ‘scope you working with, I got a Celestron 5″ NexStar. Its been a good scope but getting a little long in the tooth. Next model GPS 8″ version will suit better. Those stereo shots are cool.
Hey…saying she craps rabbit pellets is a joke too..hello!
17. I’ve been there, when we ran out of paper we would just go for a swim, course it was the Caribbean, not New York harbor. A little OT, but funny anyway. A good friend of mine who lost his left arm in a motorcycle accident, then consequently broke his right arm. He told me that when he shat (is that correct?), he had to get his wife to wipe his ass. If that aint love, I dont know what is.
[off topic]
20, mark, I use a 16″ true cass, 1/100 wave that I built for the Univ. Dallas, robotics, and a lot of ccd camera stuff. In the wild, I use a C8, optics refigured to 1/100 wave by Gene Fair, and, of all things, a 5″ Maksutov-Cass from Orion (customized). The only computer controlled scope is the 16″, just because it weighs, literally, a ton.
Enjoy that NexStar, it’s a cool scope with pretty good optics. Should last you a long time. If you need any accessories or help, just ask. Also, look into scopes from Orion, they’ve been really good to me, best bang for buck I’ve seen. Clear skies to you.
[Lordy, I love wasting bandwidth like this]
BubbaRay: I’ve lost all my cheap cardboard 3D glasses… so I just ordered a really good pair that I’ll hang on to. Discovery HD shows many 3D shots on there space reports.
I’ll bet she’d like to wipe with a big ol’ Karl Rove!
Damn Bubba,{Sorry about the OT} you kicked my butt, thats a nice stock of astro gear there. I went much lighter because I lived in the Caribbean, shipping was a pain, now in Co. with decent clear skies (not as good as St. John) and a decent scope outlet nearby, I am looking to upgrade. I am an experienced amateur, but I may have to pick your brain in the near future. And Orions definitely in my crosshairs so to speak.
[off topic]
24, Comment by hhopper — 4/24/2007 @ 12:56 pm
APOD has lot’s of 3D stuff, so enjoy those glasses !! Since it’s a NASA site, has no spam, ads, cookies, etc. Great home page.
26, Comment by mark — 4/24/2007 @ 1:17 pm
Mark, I posted some recent pix on, unstacked photos taken in real time thru the 5″. Enjoy.
27 . The shop just about a mile away from me is an Orion dealer. Its a pretty good outfit, I prefer to buy from a brick and mortar, practice what I preach sort of thing. When it starts to warm up, right now at 7000 ft it takes 40 min to an hour for my scope to acclimate.
1) Fold the square in half
2) Fold that half into another half so you make a square
3) Rip off the corner that was folded twice in the process, be sure to keep the corner piece
4) Unfold the paper, you should have a hole in the center
5) Stick your middle finger in the hole and use this method to wipe
6) Use the corner piece from earlier clean out from under your finger nail when you are through
I’m not being serious.
LOL, No. 29 u must be from the armed forces. In the Singapore army, they tell this joke all the time 😉