Ok, this song send-up starts great, gets a little flaky and ends in the middle. I got a laugh out of it since it caught me by surprise.

Another gem found by Harrison Hopper who adds: “Some people have too much time on their hands.”

  1. Mac Guy says:

    This is much more tolerable than that “Gay Bar” vid with Bush and Blair.

  2. dave says:

    Anther example of lip-syncing “found footage” is the U2 video for “Window in the Skies”:

    It’s not funny like the Hitler video, but I actually found this U2 video to be quite emotional.

  3. laineypie says:

    HAHA someone needs to get a job

  4. hhopper says:

    #2 – Wow! Somebody put a lot of effort into that one!

  5. Otto says:

    Maybe an European thing, but can’t find Hitler funny…

  6. He wasn’t our guy. H e was mocked a lot in the movies and cartoons..apparently it’s still being done.


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