Abuse of Indian Children “Common” — Kind of a creepy situation. India wants to be a big shot of the world stage so it’s going to be scrutinized.

Two out of every three children in India are physically abused, according to a landmark government study.

Commissioned by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, the study says 53% of the surveyed children reported one or more forms of sexual abuse.

This is the first time the government has done such an exhaustive survey on the controversial issue of child abuse.

Abuse of children, particularly sexual abuse, is rarely admitted in India and activists have welcomed the study.

  1. undissembled says:

    Sounds about right…. They are very threatening on the phone when you say ‘No’ to them.

  2. Mike says:

    Well, since India has historically had a practice of marrying off prepubescent girls, I guess so.

  3. Geoff says:

    In other breaking news. Indian children on the sub continent are more well behaved then there North American brothers and sisters.

    asides from the sexual abuse more children could stand to be abused a bit more then they are now.

  4. Slappy says:

    Gak nothing, If you consider how spoiled some kids are, the abuse Geoff mentioned is equivalent to actually discipline.

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised at all that some of the children’s rights activists are also the the child molesters.


    That was something big here.

  6. Jägermeister says:

    #3, #5

    And it has nothing to do with other cultural factors? Seriously guys… Beating your child is just a poor substitute for raising your child and being a part of their life.

  7. doc says:

    This is all BS. I grew up in india. I have typical Indian parents and have seen how other indian parents treat their kids too. my parents pampered me and at times disciplined me. There is a diff between disciplining your children and abusing them. Parents have to be strict if they want their kids to stay on right track. Children here are spoiled until they mature and leave their parents house. In india parents support their kids until they stand up on their feet and than kids in turn support them in their old age. Thats how things work in most cases. Exceptions are always there.

  8. Slappy says:

    *7 You missed the point.

  9. Greg Allen says:

    #8 This is all BS. I grew up in india.

    All BS? Really?

    I lived for less than a year in India and I may have seen more cases of open child beating and child labor there than in my whole life in the US.

    You didn’t see teachers hitting kids… a lot? You didn’t see police and store keepers smack around beggar kids… multiple times a day? I don’t mean a little swat on the fanny but a punch or a back hand?

    I’m not some big anti-spanking guy and that’s not what I’m talking about. What I’ve seen in South Asia regarding child abuse and exploitation is pretty disturbing.

  10. Jason R says:

    I had strict parent growing up, but they also showed me value in life.


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