Lawsuit alleges dead rat found in dementia patient’s mouth — Amazing story.

Staffing was so inadequate at a California senior center that a rat crawled into an Alzheimer’s patient’s mouth and died there before staff noticed, a lawsuit claims.

The lawsuit, filed Thursday on behalf of 90-year-old Sigmund Bock, alleges that administrators at the Paragon Gardens Assisted Living and Memory Care Community in Mission Viejo overbooked their facility to receive corporate bonuses, but cut back on staff to increase profits. It seeks unspecified punitive damages and attorney and court fees.

The best part of the story is to listen to the rank BS thrown out by the shameless PR gal, Melody, Dig this:

Melody Chatelle, a spokeswoman for Sunwest Management Inc., the Oregon-based company that operates Paragon, said the allegations were false. Chatelle said instead that Bock was found holding a glue trap that had been placed in his room by a pest control company to catch a single field mouse. She said the dead field mouse was inside the trap when Bock picked it up.

“We take care of our residents, and find this negative publicity to be a disheartening affront to our professional caregivers and most especially to our residents and their loved ones,” she said.

Bock’s attorney, Stephen Garcia, challenged that account. He said two traps were placed in Bock’s room and both were laced with poison, not glue. He said Paragon records show a staff person noticed Bock “playing with a rat in his room and eating candy … with the rat” on the morning of March 18. A short time later, Garcia said, paramedics called to the scene noted “possible ingestion of rat poison” in their report and an emergency room file says that Bock was “found in room in care facility with dead rat in mouth.”

“I guess we’re all just making this up because they’re so wonderful,” Garcia said of Paragon Gardens. “I know I’d want to put my dad there — but only if I hated him.”

  1. John Smith says:

    I live in Mission Viejo, this assisted living care facility is across the street from a Storage Facility, AT&T hub facility, Home Dept and a Middle Eastern Supermarket. Kind of the dead end of life.

  2. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    As Mr. Spock so astutely observed long ago, “Fascinating.”

    We get to decide whose veracity is trump; that of a present-day American capitalist enterprise engaged in a business notorious for the despicably inhumane unconcern shown for the people entrusted to their care – or, a member of an equally respectable and honorable profession, no less known for it’s noble dedication to human dignity and truth, to wit, an ambulance cha a lawyer.

    Great choice. Crikey!©

  3. Eideard says:

    I just bailed my father-in-law out of our local hospital, this afternoon. In for diagnostics, serious lab work, the beginnings of 6 weeks treatment for an ailment that could be life-threatening if left alone.

    He was there for 4 days, 3 nights – on an IV for medication. They tried to install the wrong meds, twice. Twice!

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    This sounds a little fishy to me. First, rats usually avoid humans. Second, if the rat had crawled inside the man’s mouth, there would be scratch marks from the rat at a minimum and bite marks expected. Third, it could be the patient fancied himself a rat catcher and was impressing the ladies by biting the head off; a little difficult to do when the staff keeps your dentures.

    I don’t want to say bull but it could be a scam.

    Ed, I wish your pa-in-law the best.

  5. BubbaRay says:

    3, Comment by Eideard — 4/6/2007 @ 7:07 pm

    Yep. Doctors and nurses have already tried to kill me twice. This in private, rather expensive hospitals in already life-threatening situations. If it wasn’t for my wife checking my vitals, I wouldn’t be posting here now [to the obvious delight of many]. That said, I’ll never go to one of those ‘nursing home’ deals, I’ll die in a fiery airplane crash first with a smile on my face (and no danger to others).

    Many doctors seem to think they’re better than God, and lawyers won’t sue ’em. Go figure.

  6. meetsy says:

    …could be the food was so bad at the place (and probably scarce) so the poor old guy decided to eat whatever he could catch.
    These “nursing homes” “retirement homes” “assisted living centers” are all the same thing…overpriced, lousy care, and more mindful of the “bottom line” than anything that even qualifies for service. Heck, so what if a patient dies…there are always MORE. Old people are “toss away” in this corporate greed world. Heck, all of us are!

  7. Angel H. Wong says:

    So that’s where California hides the ugly people…

  8. meetsy says:

    No, they hide them in MODESTO and FRESNO (actually, come to think of it, all towns ending in O are suspect)

  9. Catastrophic says:

    Interesting interesting. I actually know about that incident and it’s not what it appears. However, there’s much bigger scoop on the company it’self and Sunwest is so strapped for money they can’t even pay their stafff. Payroll bounces often. I know this to be true. I’m one of them.


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