
Bonecrusher vs Optimus Prime

You can go to Yahoo! to see an additional picture.
In regards to the movie Michael Bay has this to say on his blog (warning – explicit language):

I’ve been working my butt off – the cut is really coming along -the shots —awesome. Some of the most difficult renders in ILM history. Sometimes up to 38 hours per frame.

I wonder what kind of hardware they are using for this movie.

  1. Mac Guy says:

    Am I the only one who immediately thought of Elias from Clerks 2 when they read this post? 🙂

  2. James Hill says:

    #2 – Afraid not.

  3. Paul Gregoire says:

    I would bet that their render-farm is linux based.

  4. Angel H. Wong says:


    I agree, ’cause if they were using Macs they would have to pay 3 times more and only get random Photoshop effects on each frame *coughascannerdarkly*

  5. RuralRob says:

    Call me picky, but in that 2nd frame, Bonecrusher vs. Optimus Prime, shouldn’t there be more reflections of the robots on the chrome of the truck?

    Back to the render farm!

  6. Uncle Dave says:

    Here are the trailers:

    And then there’s this site which has all sorts of things:
    Use password FWIFFO to enter the site.

  7. Tom says:

    Yes, ILM uses a gigantic Linux render farm. Here’s an older
    article about their setup:

  8. eggfou says:

    #5 – Thats because the original cartoon was an American made production based on Japanese toys. Hasbro purchased toy rights from several Japanese toy lines (most from Takara) and rebilled them all as Transformers in the US. Hasbro then produced the cartoon and reexported it to Japan. Now, the toys are produced together with Takara in Japan and Hasbro in the US, working together to create the toys and cartoons.

  9. Angel H. Wong says:


    Have you seen the japanese version of the cartoon series? The storyline is so campy it doesn’t need the help of 4kids inc to turn it into a kiddie turd.

  10. SN says:

    I’ve watched the trailers and I have serious doubts as to whether Michael Bay realizes he was supposed to make a kid’s film. Does he really think adults are going to line up to see a “serious” Transformers movie? Well, adults who don’t live in their mommy’s basement, I mean.

  11. OmarThe Alien says:

    Don’t go to movies; but I might consider the DVD.

  12. Optimus says:

    I’ve been watching this movie develop for a while. Although I abhor early advertising for most movies, I was glad to see the preview for this on the idiot box earlier tonight.

    I wasn’t a big Transformers guy, I was beyond 7th grade when the toon version debuted. However, I saw an ep here and there. Great concept, even if it was born of a marketing pitch for toys. The toys were cool, my younger cousins had many of them.

    The live action version looks REALLY, REALLY cool. I’ll be going to see this at a theater with IMAX or Ultrascreen. w00t! Your mom!


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