Google today announced the launch of Google TiSP (BETA)™, a free in-home wireless broadband service that delivers online connectivity via users’ plumbing systems. The Toilet Internet Service Provider (TiSP) project is a self-installed, ad-supported online service that will be offered entirely free to any consumer with a WiFi-capable PC and a toilet connected to a local municipal sewage system.

“We’ve got that whole organizing-the-world’s-information thing more or less under control,” said Google Co-founder and President Larry Page, a longtime supporter of so-called “dark porcelain” research and development. “What’s interesting, though, is how many different modalities there are for actually getting that information to you – not to mention from you.”

“I couldn’t be more excited about, and am only slightly grossed out by, this remarkable new product,” said Marissa Mayer, Google’s Vice President of Search Products and User Experience. “I firmly believe TiSP will be a breakthrough product, particularly for those users who, like Larry himself, do much of their best thinking in the bathroom.”

Interested consumers, contractually obligated partners and deeply skeptical and quietly competitive backbiters can learn more about TiSP at

  1. god says:

    Most Americans start off their Sundays with silly crap, anyway.

  2. tomdennis says:

    This was a nice surprise.
    Google seems to always have its head deep into the bowls of mankind.
    Thanks John

  3. SN says:

    It’s nice to know that all of those Ph.Ds at Google are putting their brains to good use. When they get laid off they can rest assured knowing they could always get work at and the Onion.

  4. Misanthropic Scott says:

    No fool like an April fool. This one was a tad too far fetched to be believeable, even before I saw their photos of people with airport wifi transmitters wired to their bowls.

  5. hahnarama says:

    I’m still awaiting for my job with Google working at their Moon Base office to come through.

  6. Don’t forget to flush your router cache from time to time.

  7. Jägermeister says:


    Agreed. It was too obvious.

  8. Gary Marks says:

    This system sounds like it was inspired by Senator Ted Stevens, who will probably believe this story. When my tubes are clogged, should I call a technician or a plumber?

  9. Uncle Dave says:

    #9: A politician. Or a hooker. Cleaning out the pipes is for professionals, only.

  10. Gary Marks says:

    LOL #9 Uncle Dave, isn’t it amazing how many overlapping and redundant job functions there are between politicians and hookers?

  11. mark says:

    If indeed your tubes are clogged, I can help.

    Roto Router Inc.

  12. Gary Marks says:

    #11 O/T — are you the same “mark” who wrote the story of the “mighty perch” in a comment on this blog about a year ago?

  13. mark says:

    Not me. Was it a good story?

  14. Gary Marks says:

    Mark, I just did a search to see if the story still holds up as well as I’d remembered it. Here’s a link to the post…

    When you have a feel for the context, read comment #21.

  15. joshua says:

    Since my plumbing skills aren’t the best…..I was wondering if you could buy a pre-loaded toliet?

    I hear these are already in use at the White House…..everything there is going down the crapper.

  16. mark says:

    Gary- I WISH creative wriring were my forte. Unfortunately not. But it was a good post and I’ll steal the credit.

  17. Gary Marks says:

    Joshua… speaking of the crapper, it’s probably only a matter of time now before the heirs of Thomas Crapper will claim that he actually invented the internet, usurping credit from all contemporary pretenders to the throne.

  18. hhopper says:

    If your Internet service goes out, do you call a plumber???

  19. Mick says:


  20. ECA says:

    THIS could have worked…
    Except that 99% of sewer lines are Cement…If they were metal based, it would be a shock.

  21. TJGeezer says:

    20 – Also, it assumes everybody has indoor plumbing. They’ve clearly never been to Mexico or Arkansas.

  22. MarkT says:

    Not only that!

    Google went into beta with a new Romance site as well.

    🙂 As well as a couple others 🙂

  23. FRAGaLOT says:

    Ah the iPoo universal internet storage device.

  24. Karl says:

    At first I thought this might explain Google’s recent purchases of mobile dark fiber. Afterall, they would need the fiber to support all the bandwidth for the high speed internet connection they are offering. Too bad this is just an april fool joke.

    High Speed Internet Access and Broadband Provider offers information on broadband services via DSL or T1 high speed internet connections.


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