1. OhFrak! says:

    I think I’d like to take some test drives.

  2. undissembled says:

    Much better than the “Men of the Geneva Auto Show”.

  3. Stu Mulne says:

    Which way is Geneva?

    Those girls are delightful!

    I used to hang with a little Swiss girl who somehow ended up in the middle of the rust belt to attend college. Never did figure out how she got here.

    She had better sense, but was cute.

    Never figured out what happened to her.

    But I keep a Swiss Army Knife handy as a reminder….

    I always get the ‘forget it” shows…. Last one I was at was the Police Expo at Cleveland’s IX Center. Girls in BDU’s…. Better than nothing, but….



  4. BubbaRay says:

    Thank goodness this article and the preceding weren’t:

    Selling Geneva to America


    The Women of Wal-Mart 2007


  5. hhopper says:

    What a gorgeous group of booth babes!

  6. Awake says:

    I like this year’s headlight designs… and all those engines seem to purr very nicely.

  7. soundwash says:

    bah, i live in NYC.. woman like that are a dime a dozen..

    -i’d rather see the cars…


  8. hawkeye666 says:

    Obviously not enough Asians at the show.

    Yeah, and where are the rice burners?

  9. undissembled says:

    I’m sick of seeing asians at car shows. Who the F made asian girls the staple of car shows??? I guess Honda. Damn Honda.


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