Well, this is just a tad creepy — grown men play-acting the trappings of getting married to their pre-pubescent daughters. A lot of underlying ownership of females mentality (you’re daddy’s property so don’t damage the goods until I hand you off to your approved husband) going on here, too.

No sex please, we’re daddy’s little girls

It has all the ingredients of a wedding. The proud tuxedo-clad father, the frosted white cake, the limousines and an exchange of vows.

But there is no groom and the girl in the long gown is no bride. She’s daddy’s little girl, there to take a vow of chastity.

In what is becoming a trend among conservative Christians in the United States, girls as young as nine are pledging to their fathers to remain virgins until they wed, in elaborate ceremonies dubbed “Purity Balls.”
Many fathers at the ceremonies also slip “purity rings” around the finger of their misty-eyed daughters or offer them “chastity bracelets” and other jewelry that the girls can entrust to their husbands on their wedding night.

Creepy and, apparently, pointless.

But critics say that while teaching abstinence to children may be laudable, it is just as essential to make them aware of sexually transmitted diseases and condom use.

They also point to studies showing that the majority of adolescents who take purity pledges break them within a few years, often by engaging in risky and unprotected sex.

One study conducted by researchers at the universities of Columbia and Yale found that 88 percent of pledgers wind up having sex before marriage.

This got some press last year like this editorial and another one about these balls. Here’s what Glamour magazine had to say about the pledge to “Keep your flower safe!”

And then there’s this sort of related story about a chastity march in San Fransisco, of all places. Amazingly, some disagreed:

  1. mark says:

    29. Ted Nugent? Seriously?

  2. curmudgen says:

    17 David
    I’m glad to see that you have taken over the role of the great explainer from Mr Bush. That being said, explain to the rest of us what point did he miss?

    OH, What other crap did he make up? If you are calling him a liar, go the whole way with proof.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:


    I was talking about that time Ted Nugent wanted to marry a minor, but since he couldn’t at that time he adopted her so he could f*ck her.

  4. doug says:

    well, preaching Christian chastity hasn’t worked for 2,000 years, but I am sure it was just missing a dude in a cummerbund.

    and one can only appreciate the placement of the godaddy ad right next to this story …

  5. cool tidbits says:

    This is creepy, disturbing and pointless on so many levels.
    Nine year old girls should not be having to publicly commit to something they definitely do not yet comprehend. A girl is not her fathers property and it is laughable that in the throes of arousal 5 or 6 years later that she is going to remember “oh, yeah, I made that chastity vow when I was nine…”
    Or she may decide to “protect the flower” and just give her boyfriend oral sex, which is a far more likely outcome.

  6. noname says:

    Smart people will continue to do what smart people do, ignoring this crap.

    Most parents (Pair that rents their kids) want the best for the children. It used to be, parents wanted their kids to do better then them. Unfortunately there are significant number of vocal parents out their who could care less about their progeny, and no idea why they had them to begin with.

    The truth is in the pudding, a robust survey of Adults who abstained until marriage compared to those who didn’t is needed to decide this one.

    True love conquers all, and it hard to say which path leads to true love. I think that’s what parents want for their kids, true love. Too bad, too many adults can’t model love (let alone understand) to their kids.

  7. MikeN says:

    >There *are* mother-son balls. They’re called “Integrity Balls”

    How did John Kerry come into this conversation?

  8. Leslea says:

    Is there a problem with promising your parents to remain pure?
    i have a purity ring. I didn’t have some big huge ball! All my father and I did was go to restaurant and go to a movie. The purity ring and chasity bracelets are a symbol to other girls that we remain pure for God and our future husband and we make a statement. We encourage them to remain pure also, to not give into men and the feelings that arise. It’s something to remind us not to have sex. And just because some girls give in doesn’t mean all do.


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