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This guy lives in China and discovered an interesting way the Chinese teach the young’uns on the toys of war. No messy bodies and icky stuff either. Now in many places in the Mid East, they give the children real guns and they sometimes get to shoot them in real wars. How cool is that, kiddies?
How is this any different from Gi Joe? or Army men? or the whole armory of toy weapons you’ll find in any toy store?
Good old indoctrination.
Dang, it’s not even a Holy War.
China will surpass the U.S.A. in military and economic strength in 20 years. America will be #2. Japan, #3. China, #1. The Asian sandwich is coming.
Great… Weapon instructions are now made easy enough for kids, but my folks still have me on 24-hour call to decipher their old VCR manual. Hmmm….. I’m starting to rethink my Christmas list for this year.
this brings back so much memory …
Is this for real?
You would think Chinese cartoons would have the kids look at least Chinese, instead of white European.
Seem more directed at “always gullible” non critical thinking Americans then Chinese kids.
Maybe Bush should send over the Marines and nip this in the bud. I am sure we will be seen as liberators.
I’m very sure it’s for real. If you’ve ever visited a toy store in China, you would find tons of military toys. As for the kids looking “western”… The general perception of beauty in China is big eyes (just check out the actors in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon). Here’s a Chinese kids site: .
4. “China will surpass the U.S.A. in military and economic strength in 20 years. America will be #2. Japan, #3. China, #1. The Asian sandwich is coming.
Yep, and then theyll be coming to collect on the debt.
#9 – Yep, and then theyll be coming to collect on the debt.
In order to pay the pensions.
I must have this book
#9 the checks in the mail.
Instead of whining what will happen in 20 years, maybe you americans should let your children play with same toys?
Nowadays, when they run out of gas or batteries die in their GPS, the average american soldier can’t even find the directions based on sun or stars LOL 🙂
And we call asian countries “paper tiger”? I think its the other way around 😉