If I had thought of this idea I would have done it myself.

found by Harrison Hopper

  1. John Paradox says:

    I just hope nobody who needs closed captioning sees this….


  2. igor says:

    lol, this is great

  3. Jägermeister says:

    Funny. 😀

  4. Kent Goldings says:

    Oh man, I was just getting into it. I love a good hymn-sing.

  5. rctaylor says:

    I’m telling the Vicar. It’s the Devils work and all of you will burn in Hell.;)

  6. tkane says:

    this isn’t an uncommon problem actually. Ever actually use CC on your basic cable? On some programs (mind you, recorded shows, not live ones) the captioners work is obviously not edited. I mean, some of the mistakes that get through are comical. I’ll have to try and collect a few and post them, funny stuff.

  7. alex says:

    That’d be funny if it were real.

  8. Stan says:

    I am hearing impaired and use CC whenever it is available. My lip reading it pretty good and it seems that the caption text isn’t that far off here. I would have been fooled.

  9. bill says:

    Rember the Woody Allen movie “Whst’s up tiger lilly:” This could be relly funny…. I’m surprised that someone hasn’t done it to a few of the candidates! or have they?

  10. TJGeezer says:

    9 – Dubya Bush, at least, does it for himself. He needs no help.

    “I’m honored to shake the hand of a brave Iraqi citizen who had his hand cut off by Saddam Hussein.”
    –George w. Bush, Washington, DC, 05/25/2004

  11. tvindy says:

    This is similar to the Satanic lyrics found when Stairway to Heaven is played backwards.

  12. Tarja says:

    Misheard lyrics are how I got into a band called NIGHTWISH — one of the most interesting bands I’ve heard in a LONG time! Check out the misheard lyrics that got me interested at:

    There is a 13-part full version of their last concert posted online at:

    Oh, and YAH ed, I didn’t use TinyURL since these URLs were tiny enough to fit on the screen, and we have enough bandwidth to receive them in a short time. Time to replace your beloved 110 baud modem with broadband!

    I wonder if I’ll be a cowboy with this post…

  13. 888 says:

    exactly how dumb are ya?

  14. prophet says:

    Yeah! Now there are two whole people (me and you) in the US that like Nightwish.

    I like eclectic music…I am so lonely….

  15. Awake says:

    “but we ate
    your poor corn salad
    to help us screw”

    Isn’t that a Jimmy Hendrix line?


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