Check out the Rapex website. Looks like no one wants to advertise there. Here’s one website and here’s another that discussed the controversy last year.

You know without thinking too hard what would happen if this is approved in the US: first rapist who got ‘eaten’ would sue, and given recent court cases, would probably win.

Anti-rape Device to Hit the Market

Anti-rape device created by South-African inventor Sonnet Ehlers is about to hit the market after a long time of waiting for patent verification.

The female condom-like device called Rapex has fish-like teeth that attach to the penis.

This invention stirred a great deal of controversy all over the world. The main concern is whether the Rapex was a medieval device built on a hate of men or it can be considered an easy-to use devise that could help South African women protect themselves against rape.

According to Sonnet Ehlers the process of cheking is going to be up on April 10.

Sonnet Eshlers publicly announced her invention one and half years ago and shot to international fame as the invention stirred debates about advantages and disadvantages of Rapex.

The inventor took part in British and Australian radio shows and was interviewed by South American journalists.

Eshler said that she was not a male hater, she simply wanted to help African women to protect themselves against rape. Though the device might seem a good weapon to fight rape, Eshler has many opponents.

Even such organization as Rape Crisis Cape Town does not consider Rapex to be a solution to the social problem of rape and considers such a devise to be likely to increase female vulnerability to violence.

Eshler insists on the fact that the main advantage of her invention is that it could give a woman attacked by a rapist some vital seconds to escape the criminal while he is busy dealing with pain caused by the device. This would be great pain as 25 teeth of the device that is inserted in the vagina attach themselves to the head and the shaft of the penis. What is more, she says the device will help with proving the crime as the rapist will have to go to a doctor to have the fish-like teeth removed.

The product is going to be be mass-produced in China next month.

  1. Tony Dunt says:

    One of the key things that some of the posters on here and any woman using a device like this fail to see is that this device will only work against a lone male attempting to rape a woman. The problem is that it’s not an individuals, it’s groups and a group intent on violence that has this happen will retaliate 10 fold.

    Consider how protective people are of their family, friends, pets and then imagine this close knit group out for the sole purpose of raping a woman and the first of them that succumbs to this may be put off for a while, but the rest of the group will more than make up for it with even greater depths of brutality.

    Part of the solution is for women to learn how to defend themselves from becoming a victim, using common sense on where they go and what time they go out. A corrupt government is failing it’s people and the people need to have the will to change it if they truly want to live better lives.

  2. Ballenger says:

    This device seems to be missing something to counter a possible violent response by a rapist and artistic effect. I think that something is wire-guided taser darts and Bluetooth to iPod (with external speakers) functionality. For example, when the thing is triggered an audio loop starts playing “I hear you knocking, but you can’t come in” performed by a duo featuring k.d. lang and Harry Callahan. The rapist with the wired willie doing the taser gator, can then be steered to the nearest police station or militant feminist biker bar, like a pre-RF days Radio Shack toy car.

  3. Paul says:

    This is nothing compared to what the Israelis are using!

  4. Dallas says:


    A Penis Fly Trap !

  5. Angel H. Wong says:


    That only creates another problem though, and that is if they can’t rape her then they would surely kill her.

    Down here it happened with a school girl and some gangsters, since she was too dry for them to rape her; they repeatedly smashed her head against the wall until it exploded.

    The culprits got away with murder because they were minors…

  6. James says:

    Umm… can anyone say fingers first? Seriously, just look where your going. If you feel something… odd… remove it. For those worried about crazy girlfiends, it’s not only kind to loosen her up first, it’s good safety.

  7. MikeN says:

    I think the British will ban this just like they ban anything else that can be used against criminals. It’s the secret part of the Magna Carta that contains a criminal’s Bill of Rights.

  8. Justin says:

    Hey maybe we put the word out to terrorist that if they do a sucide bombing, those 99 virgins will all be using this and theres no way to remove it. It’d kinda be like Promethius.

  9. bobbo says:

    #39–Justin==ok, how would a vagina with teeth be like Promethius?


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