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Now if only I had a room big enough for it…

  1. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    At first glance, I knew it had to be designed by a woman – and it turms out I was right…

    It’s a charming and bold design, but it falls into the ageless trap of design-for-design’s-sake, sacrificing practicality for appearance. The old ‘form v. function’ dilemma, aka ‘style over substance.’

    A huge monitor – so where are the speaks for the surround sound that such a monitor demands? She apparently feels that necessary functional elements should be omitted, since they would detract from the elegance of the design… typically female.

    But at least it’s in good taste, exemplified by the iMac on the desk extension. 🙂

  2. Peter Rodwell says:

    There are very similar seats in the Heineken museum in Amsterda. You can lie back and watch old and new Heineken TV ads, some of which (the older ones especailly) are hilarious.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    Is it just me or that couch was made for f*cking?

  4. laineypie says:

    it looks very uncomfortable, and i dont see how fucking would be good on this curvy shaped thing either. it would be a struggle to find a position pleasurable to both, and forget sleeping. you couldnt even lay on your side or anything. crappiness.

  5. undissembled says:

    This crap is for mommys and daddys who make too much money and overspend on their kids to show love. Completely useless since you can’t sleep in it for more than 20 min.

  6. ECA says:

    There went the bed room….
    Maybe a LARGE front room could handle it.

  7. James Hill says:

    #5 – But look on the bright side: Now junior can play all of those videos Mommy made when she was in college right in their room!

  8. TJGeezer says:

    Looks designed for display in some artsy museum of style in LA or NY. It does not belong in a living room or any other room designed for sociable uses, because it would be essentially isolating. I don’t see the charm.

  9. Brew Kline says:

    You get up and bang the top of your head on the book shelf. Who designed this awful contraption? I wouldn’t let a dog sleep on that hideous furniture.

  10. joshua says:

    Actually, I see loads of potential for sex on this thing. And as for sleep, teenage guys can sleep anywhere, in fact, most men can.
    I can’t tell from the pics, but it looks like the speakers may be above the bookcase with the lights.
    The biggest drawback I can see is that it has no cup holders. 🙂

  11. Matt Wood says:

    All-in-one? I guess if there’s a toilet and a bath attached, one might not even want to get out of it for days together :). Brilliant piece, though!


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