clowns News | Grounding the flying nun. Did anyone pay any attention to this weird news item last year? Follow-up? Has the list ever been revealed? This should have been a huge scandel. Did I miss soemthing?

  1. Ed Campbell says:

    I’m beginning to feel left out. A couple months back, I flew for the 1st time since 9/11. Having heard through the grapevine that the Feds had a list of activists they were as likely to harass as anyone on their Profile machine, I warned my wife in advance she might end up going to the Trade Show in Las Vegas alone.

    I haven’t been an on-the-streets activist in years; but, I won’t keep quiet about any of the political crud that pisses me off. The number of organizational forms that takes is pretty limited, nowadays; but, so what? I’ve been on the books since early days of the Civil Rights Movement. The suits used to show up wherever I was employed with some regularity. I was even part of a successful class action suit against the FBI for illegal wiretapping in the 70’s.

    Nada! Nuttin’, honey! Waltzed onto the plane like a grey-bearded, overweight Fred Astaire. Now, I find out the rumors were true. I guess I’m getting too respectable for my own conscience. Remind me to start sending Carnivore-class emails to everyone!

  2. Ed Campbell says:

    They’re taking it to “logical” Republikan conclusions, already. Yesterday, the Security Dweebs at Boston’s Logan Airport stopped Senator Kennedy.

    He was “on the list”.


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