Deadline is Friday night April 28th 2017. Will Dems and Republicans hold it together or will someone knife someone in the back at the last minute? And what will it mean if Trump ends his first 100 days with a shutdown with a Republican congress? The stage is set. The clock is ticking. What do you think will happen?

Looks like the kicked the can down the road for another week.

  1. NewFormatSux says:

    We already know that it is treason for Democrats to refuse to pass the budget Trump wants.

  2. Hmeyers says:

    “And what will it mean if Trump ends his first 100 days with a shutdown with a Republican congress?”

    Isn’t that the whole problem with the “left” wrapped up in one little sentence?

    The “left” started fascism with saying …
    1) You must accept AGW without question or you are climate change denier. Attacking skeptics and people sympathetic to environment along the way, lumping them in liars and corporate shills.

    2) You must accept globalism/SJW without question or you are a bigot. See: Bill Maher gets banned from Berkley for being a bigot because he hates radical Islam.

    3) You must accept Hillary Clinton without question or you are a Republican.

    4) You must accept that Hillary Clinton has a 99.8% chance of winning the election. See: “Lefty” Nate Silver gets attacked for saying Trump has a 28% chance of winning the election.

    5) You must accept that Trump is the worst president and biggest failure ever and CNN and MSNBC run several hit piece articles every day.

    Anyone noticing a pattern here?

    I myself have 2 questions:
    A) Does it work? I don’t care about the answer to this question because it doesn’t matter.

    B) Is it right?

    The strength of Western Civilization is freedom of thought and ability question to vigorously challenge ideas of any kind.

    The reward of defeating “organized religion” who tells you what to think, how to act shouldn’t be a different group telling you what you to think and how to act.

    Group think is the weak sauce of the world.

    And group think is what the lesser minds must do, because they don’t have the intellectual strength to reach their own conclusions.

    • ± says:

      Very nice.

      The problem for people who aren’t sheep is that it is so clear to them why they shouldn’t be sheep that it is almost impossible to understand about the remaining most everyone else who DO need to be sheep. I’ve come to accept that it is just so, without understanding the reason why.

  3. ± says:

                              Whither John C. Dvorak?

  4. Bunch of useless old men – putting in time
    The gigs up boys – life moves on

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    I think the Government will shut down.

    I PRAY the Government will shut down.

    “Shut Down” is an intentional lie, intended to mean all services. Most essential services don’t get touched.

    When Repubs shut down the Government, remember the outcry?

    Imagine what would happen if now the Dem’s shut down the Government. Trump passes his select Temporary spending measures and makes the rest of the cuts PERMANENT through tax reform.

    If the Dem’s were smart, they would give in and bring up the fight later. Of course, we all know Dem’s are stupid.

    If the Repub’s were smart, they would push the advantage to the goal line. Of course, we all know Repub’s are stupid.

    Let’s hope (beyond hope??) that Trump isn’t stupid.

  6. MikeN says:

    Hoping Dems shut it down, letting Steve Bannon decide what parts of the government will continue to operate.
    Indeed, they should pass minibills that give funding for specific parts of the government. Then ditch the big bill.

    • Ah_Yea says:

      Repub wet dream, Dem nightmare.

    • Ah_Yea says:

      You do make an excellent point. Since most Government spending is already set by law, why pass a budget at all?

      Mini bills fill the rest. I like it!

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      What makes anyone think the splits in the Puke Party would allow passage of mini bills any more likely than whats already been not passed…. and for the very same reasons?

      ie: far right schism from the center right (Teaparty Freedom Party vs the Tuesday Group….whoever they are.)

      • MikeN says:

        Think about what the bills are. Even if the Republican Party is divided, are Dems going to vote no on hundreds of billions of dollars for Social Security? How about Medicare? The list goes on and on.

        • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

          The Dems don’t even “get” to vote on most of the Trump Agenda as the Puke’s can’t even get the legislation out of committees.

          AFTER THAT HURDLE: indeed, the Dems have placed markers on certain agenda items that will get 100% ‘NO’ votes: such as defunding Obama Care, The Wall, Sanctuary Cities, Tariffs…….every word that has come out of Trumps mouth so far.

          Complete failure as a human being…….. renowned “business man.”

          See the connection?

          • NewFormatSux says:

            You missed the point of the minibills(peanut butter).

            >Dems have placed markers on certain agenda items that will get 100% ‘NO’ votes: such as defunding Obama Care, The Wall, Sanctuary Cities, Tariffs

            I have doubts about some of these, we’ll see. Tariffs would be an interesting flip for them.

            Either way, the point of minibills is that they can’t shutdown the government over these items. You pass the other stuff.

  7. bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

    Hmeyers blowing the biggest and loudest DOG WHISTLE I have heard in some time says:
    4/27/2017 at 2:31 pm

    “And what will it mean if Trump ends his first 100 days with a shutdown with a Republican congress?”

    Isn’t that the whole problem with the “left” wrapped up in one little sentence?

    ………………How does this say ANYTHING about the left or anything else except the Republican Party???? Why stop at the left…… just blame Obama.

    About your dumbest post ever……made even laughable by going on to AGW Science Denying Big Fossil shills.

    Its almost like you are proud and crowing about being in lock step with Linbaugh……………and yet you post regularly otherwise.

    Which is the real you?

    Heres a good test question: Does the “right” deny AGW because they generally deny science or think via Jesus and the Good Book that they have dominion over the earth…….or because they simply are sell outs to the talking points that also support guns, god and homophobia????

    Ha, ha……….its always a mix.

    • hmeyers says:

      I think AGW stands a decent chance of being wrong.

      But fossil fuels are now optional, we can live without them and save them for airplanes.

      We live in an age of science, the sun provides renewable energy we can capture. Plants do it every day. And all of life depends on plants.

      The reason why I suspect AGW is wrong is simple:

      1) The concentration of CO2 is measured in parts per million, not even 1/2,000th of atmospheric concentration. It is also not distributed evenly. The Southern Hemisphere has no large populations of people, and no industrialized ones. Yet the data says temperatures are rising in places that have no means for achieving higher CO2 concentrations. How is Los Angeles smog getting to Antarctica? Chile is thinly populated and no other human populations are close, plus I don’t think Australia’s kangaroos can be doing it.

      2) Humans are stupid. I’m sorry. I meant to type exceptionally stupid. If lots of human believe something, it is probably a crock of shit — like religion or that eating pasta causes ulcers or that Oprah’s low-fat cookies won’t make you fat.

      Science is based on the idea you, Bobbo, are very stupid. And based on the idea that I am also very stupid.

      The idea of science is that vigourous testing of a hypothesis allows us to screen the stupidity that people like you, Bobbo, and myself would interject into the system.

      Your suggestion is to remove that screen and just declare shit true “just because”.

      Would be a good plan for the Middle Ages. And if we’d like to return to that clusterfuck of a time, then yeah we should just skip the messiness of the scientitic method and just declare random crap to true.

      But it isn’t the Middle Ages.

      • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

        Good example of argument from ignorance.

        Educate yourself.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        On you first point, the CO2 mixes to be about the same throughout the world. However, there is more water in the Southern Hemisphere, so I would expect less global warming in air temperatures there.

  8. Likes2LOL says:

    This feels like a soap opera on TV, with a cliff-hanger ending every Friday afternoon to keep the ratings up.

    What America needs is a lot less brinksmanship and a lot more statesmanship.

    How about some serious talk about eliminating the deficit with serious fiscal discipline rather than claiming the goose with the golden eggs will lay more if we only feed her some additional tax cuts? 😉

  9. bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

    If history is any guide, there will be 1-2-3 short one week extenesss, and then a roll over budget all while promising the same goals the Republicans have campagignned “against for the past 8 years.

    The gang that could not shoot straitht.

    btw…my browser is really acting strange right now. virus? bad update? hard to tell. Time for a hard reboot.

  10. Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain says:

    Well…. It’s Saturday 4/29 and not one damned word from the left leaning press about any sort of shut down.

    Could it be that Washington actually got something right without another major political fuss?!

    Could it be that the Republican’s (Trump) actually did something right?!

    Will Wonders ever cease?!

    Looks like those crystal ball political prediction-ist “leftards” aka “journalists,” got it wrong… again!

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      You mean like pass an actual budget?

      • Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain says:

        It’s not like the dumb-as-craps ever had any sort of “budget” to work off of. In fact, I can recall about half a DECADE where a dumb-as-crap majority in Washington had not passed any sort of budget whatsoever (psst! check out the [Bill] Clinton years, if you need a nudge in the recollection department.) But then that’s NOT the topic (here)…

        The Topic is, “Shutdown Countdown.” And like I said, it didn’t look like any sort of “shutdown” had happened. In fact, the deadline has now passed (it’s over). But you might not know that unless the left-leaning press had started yelling, “the sky is falling” — AGAIN!

        Don’t get me wrong! A shutdown MAY still happen. And any sort of shutdown MAY even revolve around Trump’s proposed budget too– that COULD happen! However, the sky didn’t fall and the “shutdown” that every dipstick with a camera, pencil or blog had predicted would happen on FRIDAY (4/28/17) has NOT happened.

        • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

          You evidently think that if you identify an issue with partisan aspects that no further thinking is required.

          Congress hasn’t passed a budget in a long time. D & R analysis is only for those who foam at the mouth rather than accept simple truths.

          Sucks to be you.

  11. MikeN says:

    Forget about 100 days.
    We are coming up to 500 days since Marc Perkel assured us that Trump would drop out of the race for President.

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      Absent his “win” on Relabeling Obamacare, he sure sounded like he was ready to quit………… and as you point out, he still has lots of time/issues/losing positions to accomplish that goal before he gets impeached if not jailed.


      ………….when do the Rich ever go to jail????

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Obama could have passed something like this and even more with his 60 votes in the Senate. Democrats would still be in charge of Congress, instead of it being a mere blip over the last 24 years. Hillary likely wins the presidency.
        But merely giving people some money to buy health insurance isn’t good enough for liberals. They want the control.

  12. bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

    Well, well….. well.

    I assume Trumpee Poo would be “different” and make errors based on self dealing, fraud, conflict of interest, and over simplifying ….. but I didn’t think he was nor would perform as a brain damaged retard.

    “Why was there a Civil War?—“”””””NO ONE HAS ASKED THE QUESTION”””””””””” I’m sure kiddie trump had several whole classes on this at Military Academy….. or is that place the real cause of this disturbance to the Force????

    Same with Israel/Palestine.

    …………….How could Korea go wrong????????????? (Although so far…looks like the set up has worked out well. Only 8.5 more innings to go…………….).

    Ha, ha………outright in your face “impossible lies” posing as policy………………. “and DOWN GOES THE REPUBLICAN PARTY.”

    Silly hoomans.

  13. NewFormatSux says:

    > D & R analysis is only for those who foam at the mouth rather than accept simple truths.

    Oh my…

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      What would you call your DvR analysis on a comment having nothing to do with Ds and Rs?

      Its kinda foamy is on the cleaner end of the stick.

  14. ECA says:



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