America is one of the few countries that gives citizenship by birthright, a noble and intelligent philosophy. We are a nation of immigrants, and even if the parents broke the law to come here, we also believe (or at least pay lip service to) that the sins of the father shall not be delivered unto the child. Children have no choice in their lot, and when cared for, become assets to the community. What do you do when the parent is illegal? Recent events in New Bedford again underscore that the issue of illegal immigration is a complex one in a free society.

A federal judge ordered immigration officials yesterday not to move out of state any of the remaining detainees from Tuesday’s raid of a New Bedford sweatshop and to allow them access to lawyers.

Judge Richard G. Stearns also instructed the state Department of Social Services and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency to work together to solve the problem of detainees who are mothers or primary caregivers and have been separated from their children. He ordered those agencies to give him a progress report by Tuesday.

They are the hidden side of the government’s stepped-up efforts to track down and deport illegal immigrants: Toddlers stranded at day care centers or handed over to ill-equipped relatives. Siblings suddenly left in charge of younger brothers and sisters.

When illegal-immigrant parents are swept up in raids on homes and workplaces, the children are sometimes left behind _ a complication that underscores the difficulty in enforcing immigration laws against people who have put down roots and begun raising families in the U.S.

As the child of a legal immigrant, I recognize the need to screen and properly assimilate newcomers and not simply allow anyone in to do as they please. However, we should think about the people impacted by our politically-motivated actions. I say politically motivated because even though I agree that we have an illegal immigrant problem, who is really threatening our jobs, the guy who will mow lawns and work as a day laborer or the corporation that relocates your factory overseas?

(Thanks to Mike Stefani for the tip.)


Under pressure, Bush says he wants immigration deal

  1. Dennis Carr says:

    The children are not the fault, however their parents are and they knew the risk! The parents go back and so should the children, born here or not, you cannot break up a family!

    Stands to reason anyone living with an Illegal should be thrown out of the country too! They have to learn a lesson from this!

  2. CJ says:

    Many of you on this comment trail have missed an important part of the “illegal” entry process. You are commenting and arguing on the point they have set you up for from the minute they crossed the border…. But first; I am an employer in a Mexico bordering state. Although I require (by law) and check the documents given me upon hiring, I am absolutely sure a large part of my staff is illegal. My hands are tied by our own systems in many ways, of checking in-depth the documents provided. While a few of my “illegals” are decent people looking for a better life, the majority are lying in wait to sue me for false claims. Trust me. It has been going on now for the last 2 1/2 years. They exploit the US systems in every way they can, whether it be to Human Rights claiming discrimination for writing them up on a company policy THEY violated or a workman’s comp claim that they never seem to recover from, while costing me thousands in legal fees and raising my insurance rates. Once they file a false claim or take a legal venue and it hits the US system, you now CANNOT bring their legal status into play. Yes Virginia, this is a fact. They are protected by our very own US Constitutional Rights. It is not only my company who carries this burden, but all of them in my geographical area. Now, back to my point…. the kids. I have been informed by the few decent illegals looking for a better life, that having kids is part of their process. The women get themselves pregnant as soon as possible of crossing the border. It almost assures them that they will not be deported if caught because of the notions you are all typing away about in the above comments. The fact is, you have been played, and are reacting EXACTLY as they wanted. They want you to feel for them because of the kids and lock you in a debate on what to do about it. Checkmate!


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