Teachers would be able to use deadly force against students, and would be safe from prosecution, under legislation filed last week in the Texas state House.

The Teacher’s Protection Act by Rep. Dan Flynn, R-Van, would allow educators to use force or deadly force if they feel they need to protect themselves against a student or anyone else on school grounds. It also allows teachers to use deadly force to protect school property, and to avoid prosecution “for injury or death that results from the educator’s use of deadly force…”

Monty Exter, lobbyist with the state’s largest educator group, said the Association of Texas Professional Educators believes these policies should be determined at the local level. Currently, Texas law allows educators who use reasonable force against a student to be immune from disciplinary proceedings. Flynn’s additional would doubly protect teachers, since the law also states the “use of force, but not deadly force, against a (student) is justified.”

Exter added the ATPE’s legal team doesn’t believe Flynn’s legislation adds any additional protections for teachers that don’t already exist for every Texan claiming self-defense: “We understand he’s trying to carve out some liability protections. But, we can’t see that the liability protection in that particular bill is any different than the protection that exists in law for a regular citizen.”

“Educators in Texas actually do have some legal protections that do allow them to use physical force to protect themselves and protect others, as long as the use of physical force is reasonable,” said ATPE managing attorney Paul Tapp.

No doubt this legislation was pre-approved by the NRA.

  1. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and Green Energy Advocate says:

    “Exter added the ATPE’s legal team doesn’t believe Flynn’s legislation adds any additional protections for teachers that don’t already exist for every Texan claiming self-defense….” //// Thats what I was thinking, before reading the squib, but deadly force to protect property would be an extension. One I agree with, btw. What else is a hooman but the stuff he has? (with recognition of bower birds and G. Carlin)

    • Cliff says:

      ” Thats what I was thinking, before reading the squib, but deadly force to protect property would be an extension. ”

      Deadly force to protect property would it be an extention of Texas laws. There are examples of people shooting a burglar breaking into a neighbors home while away for example.

      Just because a law says you can use deadly force to protect yourself, someone esle or protect property doesn’t mean it’s a free for all, although many people try and make it sound that way. It has to pass the “reasonable” test.

      He pushed me so I shot him in self defense. If that’s the whole story, you’ll get tried for murder.

      He took the lawn nome from my neighbors yard, so I shot him. I was defending the property. You’ll get tried for murder.

      A teacher should not loose their right to defend them self just because of their occupation or location.

      • Cliff says:

        Stupid typos/auto correct – that should say “would NOT be an extention”

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and Green Energy Advocate says:

          You argue both sides.


  2. Fed UP says:

    This is classic over reaction to a handful of crazy nutjobs who occasionally murder more than one person in a public area. So instead of focusing on WHY these nutjobs are out there walking around (and all too often able to exercise Constitutional rights), the powers-that-be seem to be focusing on what they’re forced to focus on — more laws aimed at potentially dangerous inanimate objects.

    So ya! Let’s have more guns for teachers (who should already have that right). Never mind irresponsible people who leave potentially dangerous TOOLS lying around that might allow some nutjob the ability to murder more efficiently. Never mind our “gutter culture” that glorifies the breeding of people all for those never-ending government dollars. And whatever you do, pay no attention to anyone who neglects their children who grow up to become these nutjobs. We’ll just not pay any attention to that violent Hollywood baby sitter (a.k.a. TV)!

    If you’re a knee-jerk reactionist or just scared of the boogie man that the (money starved) press will occasionally remind you of you probably can’t see any of the REAL threats directed at you RIGHT NOW! You probably haven’t even considered drunk driving, distracted driving, nor things like road rage. And your (poorly chosen) lawmakers clearly haven’t thought of it either — probably because there’s no money in it for them.

    … Next up, home made bombs and the drones that can fly them: THINGS that anyone can also make from common hardware store items. Get ready to shred some more of your rights since we simply can’t have any more of these invisible boogie men threatening our power brokers – er — public (with things like toys).

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and Green Energy Advocate says:

      Lets agree: the action reported is excessive.

      …………So………….what would YOU do instead?


  3. MikeN says:

    Too many of these teachers are the type that like to silence discussion of any viewpoints that disagree with their own.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and Green Energy Advocate says:


        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and Green Energy Advocate says:

          OK—I read it………….the first one third I would say. It was about students and newspaper workers taking offense. Not a single teacher was mentioned much less named.

          ……..but, there were “names” so you got near the ballpark if not even in it. On the train to the general vicinity??

          Reading articles like that one does tell me I had a wonderful education at my public college. An era of free speech, free thought and expression, and free sex. No aides. Choice of jobs on graduation.

          ………..as I remember it.

  4. spsffan says:

    Yes! That ought to teach the little bastards to behave. Though, I had some teachers who could give a look that was far more of a deterrent than any firearm would be, they were a decided minority.

    Of course, my high school now has a better weapon….measles!

  5. John E. Quantum says:

    I had a great aunt who lived in Missouri that taught all 12 grades of school in a one room schoolhouse in the early 1900’s. She was issued a pistol by the school district because some of the farm boys were a bit rough.

    • LibertyLover says:

      I don’t suppose she wrote down her memoirs, did she? I’d like to read those stories!

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and Green Energy Advocate says:

        Sadly, one of the toughs took her gun away from her and shot her……………………if the statistics of today played out then as well.

        Sad gun nuts.

        Of note: while our kind editor posted this under guns–the OP is about deadly force. so……….it will divide “those teachers” into at least two groups: those who take uzi’s to school and those who prefer to gut and fillet lit a fish. Being Texas==the Jim Bowie Extra Large should substitute for a penis.

        Silly Hoomans.

        • MikeN says:

          Statistics say going to a hospital makes you ten times more likely to die. If you are ever sick, stay at home.

          • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and Green Energy Advocate says:

            Excellent example Mickey of why idiots can’t be trusted with facts. Your type needs religion: told what to think.

            Oranges to Oranges.

            Apples to Apples.

            Don’t make a fruitcake.

  6. JudgeHooker says:

    Bobbo! Didn’t I tell you to get outta here?!

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and Green Energy Advocate says:

      Did you?……………Pray tell us…………..why?

      Must be something more than you disagree with my positions? my style?? …….. my panache??

      …………..or is it that I’m a pragmatic, existential, evangelical anti-theist??

      ….or do you work for Big Oil, or just swallow their swill?

      Like, I expect a cogent response………..or any other.

  7. Rick Perry's Favorite Hemorrhoid says:

    Not a problem. The only people to die would be Texans.

  8. Peppeddu says:

    Let’s break down how different group of people see this “law”

    – The lawmakers see votes in the next election.
    – The NRA see money and influence.
    – The majority of teachers see it as a protection tool.
    – A few teachers will see it as a plausible deniability reason to pull the trigger.

    The last group is the one that worry me the most.
    How about banning all weapons from school premises and not just cell phones?
    How about having private cops and let teachers do what they do best, teaching?

    Hmmm sounds difficult.

  9. Davy C. says:

    Natural selection will lead to only good shots making it through school in Texas; or if you’re anti-science, only those the Lord finds worthy will be granted the skill to outdraw the teacher and prevail in classroom shootouts. These students will be given preference in police academy entrance exams.

    The issue of whether Kevlar vests may be worn in school is yet to be settled.


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