“Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber bragging about deceiving the American people, who he thinks are stupid.”

Unfortunately, he has a point. Most people I know thought they were going to get free healthcare.

Related: Obamacare Penalty to Triple.

  1. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

    Silly commentary of no worth whatsoever….but quite in line with everything I have heard on the boob tube.

    The video is characterized just as you do everywhere…but its NOT what he said…..thats why it is silly.

    What he DID SAY: Obama TRIED to write it so it would not be a tax. Thats what they intended….but the supreme court decided otherwise.

    A tax or a regulatory program, univeresal mandate with penalties, or whatever you LABEL IT AS===> its the exact same thing.

    silly to think a LABEL makes any difference at all.

    Vote much?

    • NewFormatSux says:

      From the Urban Dictionary:

      To actively hurt a conversation by speaking arrogantly and with authority when in reality Kevin Love is closer to being MVP of the 2010-2011 NBA regular season 30 games in than you are to being informative on the subject. Missing multiple layups on camera doesn’t hurt.

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

        My authority is the OP video.

        Just listen.

        Then: is ANYTHING what one person calls it?

        Silly Hooman.

        Hmmmmm…..memory in the back of my head that reportage at the time was that IN COURT, Obama argued it was regulation with a penalty and it was “a surprise” that the Supremes upheld the law on a “secondary” or throw away or a footnote that was in the brief.

        Answer me this: if the same guy….who none of us have ever heard of before, ….. said that ObamaCare was transmitted from Gods Own Lips to Obama…would we all be quoting that characterization? Why not? Just as valid.

        Beware of the derp.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          Way to go, that’s not even the tax he is talking about.

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

            whaaaaaa? Explain yourself.

            Every comment was about the ACA aka Obamacare.

            What “other tax” are you confusing?

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Instead of just parroting talking points, watch the videos and try to understand what he is saying. I’ll admit it’s not understandable with this excerpt where is talking about a tax vs a mandate, but note he immediately switches to a second point.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Regarding mandate vs tax, what he is saying is they gamed the CBO process to make it look like the bill cuts the deficit. A lie which you either believed, thus making you part of the stupid public, or you did not believe and merely repeated to try to fool others.

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

            I went on a snipe hunt……………once.

          • Tim says:

            Beautiful bird. Lovely plumage. Stupid feds mistook it for an egret and threw a statute at me.

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

            There is a bird snipe. There is not a snipe hunt worthy of engagement.

            Been a while for substantive engagement there Timmmmy. No snipe hunt there when any plumage can be spied.

    • ECA says:

      Let me Clear a couple things here..
      in the old days it was 5 layers of companies, ANY of them could say NO(and did it alot) to any medical condition you wanted fixed..
      WHAT was wanted, was to CUT the paper work and ALL the layers, to get to a direct payment system..
      PROBLEM…CORPS paying regulators..so that they COULD ALL get the money, not just the Doctors and Hospitals..
      Also, in the END..Everyone was going to PAY into the system, to PAY the single layer. Rich and Poor..
      BUT the rich and CORPS didnt want to pay ANYTHING…so they Pass it DOWN…and you NOW pay..
      Even tho, the cost of food, keeps going up..(over 30% in the last few years)

  2. Jonathan says:

    So it was OK to lie to get what they wanted?

    Got it.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

      The lie vs the truth. What was the substantive difference?

      • Johnathan says:

        Yes or No. Simple question.

        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

          ……and the simple answer is yes or no depending on what context you answer from.

          You aren’t so simple minded to think there is only one right answer are you?

          …..So now….answer mine.

          Maybe this will help: the same exact issue LABELED: “Right to Life” or “Pro Choice.”

          Is one a lie and the other the truth….or do people pick their words for their intended audience and effect and paramount interest??

          You aren’t so simple minded are you?- – – – to be controlled by labels?

          Silly Hoomans.

          • Johnathan says:

            So I asked for a simple yes or no answer, as you have done many times in the past, then have proceeded to ridicule the commenters ambiguous reply.

            You sir, are full of crap.

            BTW, the answer is a distinct NO.

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

            Yes, quite so: some questions directly answered create ambiguity. What???

            You think all questions have simple direct answers?

            What a silly little boy.

            I gave you the respect of my honest answer. I note you have not given any response to my question.

            Amusingly, if you spent the time to finger out an answer to my question, then your own question would be revealed for its irrelevance and you would have an appreciation for why some questions call for what you call ambiguity.

            Its all: CONTEXT. Not a thing sheep can follow. Not like a bumper sticker.

            Go ahead===give it a try: pro life vs pro choice? Is someone “thinks” or labels on a lie, does that make it so?

            Next Week: One man’s truth, is another man’s lie.

            Don’t that suck?

          • Johnathan says:

            So you couldn’t give me an honest reply, then you changed the subject to abortion?

            Sorry, not playing.

            You’re not interesting enough to engage.

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

            You continue to NOT ANSWER the direct question, so yes, I did switch to a subject I thought would be easier for you to understand and answer.

            Why dont you answer the question?

            Either one???

            I am assuming you understand the question. …. but do you need a further explanation…or a simpler question?

          • Tim says:

            Ohh, come on — There is always room for more crap. Just shuffle the horeshit to one side and pass on the bean-garnished, chafing-fuel warmed menudo. You know, pack it in.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      >So it was OK to lie to get what they wanted?

      After all the obfuscation here, he answered it below with a yes, that’s how all legislation gets passed.

  3. Matt says:

    Well, in all fairness, the American public is pretty stupid.

    • RD says:


      … READ THIS BLOG and the biggest dumb-ass blow hard here — Bobbo!!!

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

        Should make what I say easy to contradict.


  4. ECA says:

    Who do you vote for, if you dont know SPIT’ about them?
    WHO do you listen to?

    If we had transparency, in corporate america, we would KNOW who paid WHO, and be able to TAX THEM..

  5. NewFormatSux says:

    If Paul Wolfowitz or Richard Armitage or Don Rumsfeld or Dick Cheney makes a video saying ‘We had to lie about WMD to get a war in Iraq’, I’m sure it’s no big deal too. Why, they just misspoke.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

      ……..several differences, but I’ll go with: everyone knew they were lying at the time. And the issue was one of facts. Was yellow cake sold or not? Were the tubes for nukes or not??

      Was Obama care a tax or a non-tax regulation??==Thats not a fact until the Supremes Sang.

      See the difference?

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Really, everyone knew they were lying? Then why did Kerry and Clinton and others repeat these lies?

        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

          They didn’t want to activate the Jingoist voter block and play into the dumbocrats as spineless peaceniks.

          ………..Ironically, revealing exactly that malady.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Boy, there was Tony Blair saying they went to war in Kosovo to show the Left could fight, but that takes the cake.

  6. NewFormatSux says:

    This guy should be fired and sent to jail for testifying in court that the state exchanges are just a drafting error, when another video shows him clearly explaining that it is an incentive to get state to create their own exchanges.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

      The two statements are not mutually exclusive….they are not inherently contradictory, one does not rule out the other, ….etc.

      Is English your second language, or is it just smarts?

  7. Likes2LOL says:

    There’s more video evidence, much more:

    ▶ #GruberGate: Tale of the Tapes – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhavicDc0Ts

  8. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

    Besides the power and misdirection of LABELING, the OP has a few other nuggets.

    One is characterizing the public as stupid.

    Do you agree with that???? I know I do.

    But here is the twist—who is the public? Why………thats you and me. When I find “a general statement” that I agree with, I very directly and critically examine how or why the statement does or does not apply to moi. Because………..I am part of the public.

    So, if you agreed with the OP (and you know who you are!)==explain if only to yourself how you, as a member of the public, aren’t stupid.

    I tried above with Appleboy, but he only proves the point. Can’t argue. Can’t respond directly. Only repeat a bumpersticker.

    Here’s another nugget: confirmation bias. Can you feel it?

    • NewFormatSux says:

      It’s really simple if you would understand what is being said. If you were against passage of the bill, then you are not part of the target group as you saw thru the lies. You are also exempt since you realized at the time they were lying and were OK with it.

  9. Phydeau says:

    Once again:

    1. Obamacare was invented by the right-wing Heritage Foundation in the 90s, as a big wet kiss to the insurance industry, forcing people to buy medical insurance from private, for-profit insurance companies.
    2. Single-payer, like what every other civilized country has, is the obvious cheaper alternative. But it’ll never pass when Republicans have any influence.

    The business community *likes* Obamacare, good profits there, as I documented in the previous thread. So it’ll survive, because the Republicans pay attention to who’s keeping them in office.

    Meanwhile, idiot wingnuts who have been convinced Obamacare is Satan’s Arrival On Earth will remain perpetually frustrated.

    Sorry guys. If it’s any consolation, us liberals don’t like it much either, we’d rather pay less taxes and have single-payer.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

      Pay less taxes, have better access to healthcare…….and better outcomes.

      The idiot Puke battlecry: “Keep your hands off our MediCare!”

      Ha, ha,……as a spectator sport, it will be fun to watch this self criticism take form as the Puke blame Obama for them not passing any legislation that is anywhere near reasonable (ie–that doesn’t get vetoed).

      I read Ryan was working on the alternative Puke Healthcare Program. What is it now?===60 years in the coming?

      Idiot Public?….well, the right wing is a member of the public in a way. A very bent way.

  10. NewFormatSux says:

    Even before it was passed or proposed, Ezra Klein called for lying to pass the bill.


    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:


    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

      I listened while doing other things and didn’t catch him say that. Got a time stamp?

      Regardless, would you agree or disagree that whatever some random never heard of before BLOGGER says about an issue is “the truth” and the best and only evaluation of social policy?

      If so, why, I can go find some links for you.

  11. John E. Quantum says:

    The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has bounds- Albert Einstein

  12. NewFormatSux says:

    Obama counts on the media to cover for his lies. After he lied in the debate with Romney about Benghazi, the moderator claimed he was right, and CBS covered up that they had the video showing Obama was lying.


    • NewFormatSux says:

      Rupert Murdoch and sons need to talk to the affiliates and get them to drop Seinfeld and Friends and Simpson’s and instead put on Special Report. They would instantly jump to #1, at the cost of hemorrhaging their cable ratings.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      At this rate, the next video will show Mr Gruber calling for the release of the Asian Dawn.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

      Everything he said in the 5 minutes I listened to was 100% correct. No wonder the RightWingNuts are up in arms.

      Afterall…what average American doesn’t understand the macroeconomic effects of removing untaxed benefits in a regressive tax system?

      The entire issue is one of the pot calling the kettle black.


      • NewFormatSux says:

        I’m sure you’ll be back to that now that there are more Republican incumbents.

        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

          Yeah, because that has been my consistent position for…….ever.

          What a partisan hack.

  13. NewFormatSux says:

    And so even I have to admit, as a supporter, that Obamacare was built and sold on a foundation of lies.


    • A complete fool will chatter forever because thinking and reasoning require cognative SILENT SKILLS! Now, go read WHO is making the most chatter (comments). says:

      Just what did you expect?!

      Consider some of the facts you knew BEFORE you decided to stink things up by voting for a guy with the initials B.O.

      1.) Obama was an inexperienced state legislator.

      2.) Obama was a POLITICIAN!

      3.) Obama was a LAWYER!

      4.) Obama ran his campaign on nothing but BELIEFS that things would somehow get better. Or maybe you don’t recall all that “Hope” and “Change” crap.

      And still you voted for him. You can’t even say he lied either. Things definitely changed — just like he hoped they would — for the worse!

      About all I can say is, what a stupid fuck you were/are.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

      I’ll play along:


      What did they say and how was it a lie?

      If you say Obamacare was a tax but sold as a regulation that was “not known” until the Supreme Court said it was a tax.

      You really can’t get more politically NAIVE than you present yourself.

      Just…………………………be honest.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        >Afterall…what average American doesn’t understand the macroeconomic effects of removing untaxed benefits in a regressive tax system?

        Looks like you’ve figured out what tax he was talking about, not the mandate. So have you figured it out and are now obfuscating, or have you not figured it out and are repeating a second set of talking points?

        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

          Just what does snipe taste like?

  14. Phydeau says:

    Wow, NFS is really jacking up the crazy here. Even throwing in Benghazi Benghazi BENGHAZI!!!

    • Phydeau says:

      You almost have to get into psychoanalyzing to figure out why someone has such a burning hatred for Obamacare…

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

        My question is a variation on your theme: is Being a Repugnant the cause or the effect of Hating Obama===and as History shows, really any Democratic populous President? Its not any different now than with Clinton or Carter…just a bit worse. Could be because Obama is only half white, or the ill effects of continued festering.

      • LibertyLover says:

        Because it’s a P.O.S.

        My company’s insurance for my employees went up 35% this year. It’s going up that much again next year.

        Married guys with kids, their premiums went up over $10,000 for the year. Families with healthy kids, no problems, would have taken upwards of a 10% pay cut thanks to that lying sack of shit in the WH if I hadn’t decided to pick up the difference. That means it’s coming out of bonuses at the end of the year. Someone has to pay for it.

        Don’t sit there and tell me this system is good for people. It’s not. It’s a frackin’ black hole.

      • Jonathan says:

        Maybe it’s the constant lying about, oh you know, keeping your doctor, keeping your plan, rates going down instead of tripling…saving the family money…you know that kind of stuff.

        Dumb sheep on the other hand don’t seem to mind being bamboozled.

        Good for you.

        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

          Not knowing that was a lie as it was spoken…..what should we call that?? The very stupid Gruber talked about????

          All legislation is passed this way.

          Partisan to point to Obama.

          Feel better?

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Don’t worry. Obama figures this is a convenient way to distract from his executive order on immigration. Going big, including expanding H1B and other tech visas.

  15. orchidcup says:

    There’s a virus that makes you stupid, scientists say

    Researchers at Johns Hopkins and the University of Nebraska say that the algae virus affects human cognitive functions.

    According to researchers that discovered the “stupid virus,” about 40% of the population is infected.

    That explains everything.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Then there are those who are immune because they are already stupid.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

      Certainly does bring the hammer down on sushi and california rolls.

  16. NewFormatSux says:

    Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, Peter–this very night, before the rooster crows, you will deny three times that you even know me.”

    At a press conference today, Nancy Pelosi denied that she even knows Jonathan Gruber, the M.I.T. professor often known as the “architect” or “author” of Obamacare whose comments about the law have created a lot of controversy this week.

    “I don’t know who he is. He didn’t help write our bill,” Pelosi said.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean was on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” today to put distance between Gruber and the health-care law, saying he’s not even sure that Gruber ever met with President Obama.

      “He’s a consultant, not the architect [of Obamacare,” Dean said. “I’m not excusing the language — it’s terrible.”

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

      Ha, ha. Yes….lying liars who lie….aka…our political class.


      But in fact, he’s not an authorized spokeman for the program…rather…he’s a private citizen out for himself and the speaking fees that outrageous comments engender.

      Nothing new to see. More like another news segment on how much BushtheRetard loves his father.


      Just smell.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        And the $400k government contract to work on ObamaCare. Whom they referred reporters to when they wanted to sell the plan.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      The folks at Vox are disowning him too. And they’re the ones who called for lying in the first place!


    • NewFormatSux says:

      An administration official also noted to TPM that — while Gruber is often described as an “architect” of Obamacare because he was a key consultant to the administration and was heavily involved in developing the Massachusetts health reform law that served as a starting point for the ACA — “he did not work in the White House or play the same role in developing the Affordable Care Act.”

  17. NewFormatSux says:

    Earlier this year, a pretty important health policy study showed that the expansion of Medicaid coverage in Oregon was associated with a spike in emergency room visits. The research potentially undercut an argument by supporters of the law who said it would save money since giving more people health insurance meant patients would rely more on primary care providers, rather than expensive trips to the ER. And Gruber, commenting on the study, offered an uncomfortable truth.

    “I would view [the study] as part of a broader set of evidence that covering people with health insurance doesn’t save money,” Gruber told the Washington Post at the time. “That was sometimes a misleading motivator for the Affordable Care Act. The law isn’t designed to save money. It’s designed to improve health, and that’s going to cost money.”

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

      Designed to improve healthcare heh? THOSE BASTARDS!!!!!

      Interfering with God’s plan….. and all.

      Of course….it will save money…..depending on what you include and exclude. Math is like that….it adds up or subtracts down.

  18. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

    LibertyLover says:
    11/13/2014 at 8:39 am

    Because it’s a P.O.S.

    My company’s insurance for my employees went up 35% this year. It’s going up that much again next year.

    Married guys with kids, their premiums went up over $10,000 for the year. Families with healthy kids, no problems, would have taken upwards of a 10% pay cut thanks to that lying sack of shit in the WH if I hadn’t decided to pick up the difference. That means it’s coming out of bonuses at the end of the year. Someone has to pay for it.

    Don’t sit there and tell me this system is good for people. It’s not. It’s a frackin’ black hole.

    ////////////Liberty–I believe you and find that troubling. course…insurance rates going constantly up should have been noticed by you prior to Obamacare too? Was it???

    Ins rates increasing faster than general inflation is a direct product of the fractionated market. How to fix that?? UNIVERSAL COVERAGE–and get the employers OUT as middlemen. But the Republicans required Insurance Carriers keep the skim…so what could Obama do? Romney Care had a chance because it was a Republican Program. Socialize Medicine that would actually work is a boogeyman.

    Yes……….winners and losers to anything that is done.

    Rough justice/injustice depending on which of your oxen get gored.

    Liberty==would you vote for your general taxes to go up 5% to get out of the healthcare providing racket….or would that be the Fascist boot of Gubment on your neck?

    • NewFormatSux says:

      So what lies are going to be told to sell socialized medicine?

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

        No lies are needed. Those that will be told will be to continue to “sell” it down the river. The same process that brought us Obamacare. A failed but necessary step on the way to Socialized Medicine (sic==its already socialized but bastardized to skim money to the Insurance Carriers).

        Everything is a mix.

        Its the mix of what, the PROPORTIONS, that count.

        You have to be a real idiot not to want socialized medicine as demonstrated across Europe. We should borrow the best elements and have the best system possible.

        We wont, because …………because………….of the “stupid voters.” Maybe another generation has to pass.

  19. Phydeau says:

    We can believe Fox News Wingnuts that Obamacare is a disaster, or we can believe the non-partisan research that shows it’s an overall success. Of course, the fact that it’s not perfect will be seized upon by wingnuts as proof that it must be eradicated root and branch.

    Wingnuts, heh.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

      More importantly than Faux Spews…is the entire Repuglican Party. Their FORMAL POSITIONS fer Christ’s sake.

      They have pandered to their base for so long, it has boomeranged into their own laps.

      The Puke alternative plan: if you have the money: the best healthcare you can buy. If you don’t have the money/plan coverage: Die!

      Is that the best system???

      “I got mine…screw you.”

  20. Phydeau says:

    Speaking of government programs that work…

    The load guarantee program that Republicans were bleating about a couple years ago, that gave money to Solyndra, which promptly went belly up? Well, it’s set to return $5-6 BILLION to the government from their investment in other solar energy companies that were successful.

    A $5 billion return to taxpayers exceeds the returns from many venture capital and private equity investments in clean energy, said Michael Morosi, an analyst at Jetstream Capital LLC, which invests in renewable energy.

    “People make a big deal about Solyndra and everything, but there’s a lot of VC capital that got torched right alongside the DOE capital,” Morosi said. “A positive return over 20 years in cleantech? That’s not a bad outcome.”

    But the media can’t resist quoting Republicans too, no matter how wrong they are, in the spirit of “Republicans Say Sun Rises In The West; Democrats Disagree”:

    Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn, a Tennessee Republican, said that while the loan program may be well intended, “what we have seen is incredible mismanagement, and it’s become the poster child for crony capitalism.”
    Taxpayer Losses

    “Taxpayers want us to completely end the program,” she said in a telephone interview Nov. 11. “When you look at what’s happened with solar, some of the battery companies, you see that most of these companies are bankrupt and are no longer in existence, and the taxpayer is left holding the bag.”

    Despite Wall Street analysts affirming the success of the program, Republicans can’t resist lying about it. Same old same old.


    • Phydeau says:

      dagnabbit… “loan guarantee” not “load guarantee”

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

      yep, conclusionary statements are always suspect=>from both parties.

      GIVE ME THE NUMBERS. 5 Billion is probably a lie, but its in the right “spirit.” Thats a lot of money. I don’t believe it.

      Probably in the details: money like numbers: it adds up and substracts down.

      Quick Pro-Puke position paper on Obamacare here:


      “This attitude that government is better at making decisions than you are because you are too stupid to know what is good for you is a hallmark of patronizing, arrogant and condescending liberalism.” /// Did I miss something? “The Public” did not vote on Obamacare–congress did. A twist on the gonads?

      Fun to see how words get used.====It affects how and what we think………………………………..Does it?

      • Jonathan says:

        The Public voted for the man based on the lie that became the O’care abortion.

        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

          Name the lie Obama ran on.

          Hint: can’t connect it to Obamacare.

          Must really suck to be you……a lot of which is you can’t even tell.

          In the voice and demeanor of Sam Kinnison (link if I cared): “SAY IT!!!!!!”

          • Jonathan says:

            I really don’t think you are this stupid. But you certainly do have some kind of mental abnormality.

            And in a way I do feel sorry for you.

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:


          • Jonathan says:

            I’ve asked a well-respected Psychiatrist friend to look at your online ravings. She is a liberal and thinks you could use some *ahem* help.

            Think about it.

          • Phydeau says:

            Jonny boy, it must hurt to know that right now Obamacare is working, getting people the healthcare they need.

            Maybe you and NFS and LibertyLoser and pedrito should form a wingnut support group. 😉

          • Jonathan says:

            Quit being a crybaby.

            You got your collective asses kicked last week and it’s time to get over it.

          • Phydeau says:

            Music to my ears… I hope the Republicans, having won slightly more than half of one third of the voting population (about one sixth of the voting population for the math challenged), claim a sweeping mandate and overplay their hand.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Providing subsidies and tax credits to the companies you gave loan guarantees to, and then calling that a return on your investment, is not something any fund would do.

      • Phydeau says:

        That’s not what it was, but don’t let facts get in the way of a good rant, NFS. 😉

        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

          Yep. Total BS from nfs. No facts. Just wild accusations that on its face doesn’t even make any sense.

          Dog whistles are like that.

  21. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

    Watching Chris Matthews from yesterday. Lead story re Climate Change brought on by Obamas deal with China.

    What an INCREDIBLE chasm between reality and the Republican Party….. the party of God and science denial.

    Pro business shills……stumbling over themselves to kill their grandkiddies. Gob smacked to see it so blatantly on display: “I’m not a scientist….but my bible based ignorance is just as valid.”

    THAT is something other than stupid. Stupid after all can be fixed.

  22. LibertyLover says:


    I’ll summarize for you:

    Bullet 1: You really thought taxes wouldn’t go up? How stupid are you?

    Bullet 2: It’s okay to lie because some people got some healthcare now.

    Bullet 3: Republicans are mean.

  23. A Canadian says:

    Canada and other countries have the worst possible health care systems on the planet… well, except for what exists in the U.S.

    Unfortunately, very few Americans realize this. That is, until they try and move to another country.

    It’s all so comical, except for the fact that it is also terribly hurtful to so many.

    Hopefully, some day this will all be resolved. Crossing my fingers.

  24. NewFormatSux says:

    Searched the New York Times website. Apparently this is not news that is fit to print. Broadcast news networks have also ignored the story.

    I’m wondering if the same would happen if they had video of Dick Cheney saying we had to be deceptive about WMD to get the war we wanted.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

      The only difference being that Obamacare is good and War is bad?

  25. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas UNLESS we substitute with the use of labels says:

    Jonathan says:
    11/13/2014 at 12:11 pm

    I’ve asked a well-respected Psychiatrist friend to look at your online ravings. She is a liberal and thinks you could use some *ahem* help.

    Think about it. /// Think about what? You refuse/can’t answer any direct questions and yet you pose as if you are having an exchange? I would get more out of an imaginary friend too, but I’d make her Female, Big Tits, and Blind (old school Catholic joke) and to be believeable, an outpatient counselor.

    All my friends agree with me too. They say you won’t answer a direct question.

    ………………”SAY IT!!!!” /// God rest his soul….funny man.

  26. Phydeau says:


    Premiums going down across 48 major cities.

    Tough to be a wingnut complaining about Obamacare…

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Hahahaha. That is the benchmark silver plan. In other words, not the plan you have, but rather the plan that is being introduced by new entrants to the exchange who can take advantage of the bailouts if they miscalculate but are jumping in to get new customers.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        It is good news in that it means less subsidies are handed out, which are calculated based on this rate.
        However, Obama is looking to bypass that by executive order and illegally give out subsidies same as last year.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Another one of those deceptions they use to sell things. Does Gruber have to make a video explaining how you are stupid for believing it?

  27. Phydeau says:

    Who thinks the public is stupid? The Republicans have been lying about Obamacare from the very start, even now saying it’s a failure when it’s a very clear success, and expecting the public to believe their BS. What, you think the public is stupid?

  28. NewFormatSux says:

    Then the 2005 Washington Post article hit the press, and everything changed. It became predictably, heartbreakingly political. The politicians formerly in support of the program made the political calculation that explaining their support for enhanced interrogation was more damaging to their reputation than lying about it and relying on the inability of those they once supported to publicly reveal their private, and official, surrogacy


    Even Obama once he learned the details changed from ‘it never works’ to ‘we could have got the information by other means.’ Yet some liberals still go with the ‘torture never works’ line.

  29. MikeN says:

    Joe Wilson pointed out the lying right in the State of the Union. Instead of criticizing it, people should have been yelling it throughout the speech. So will liberals apologize to Joe Wilson?


    • deowll says:

      You have a point but calling the anointed one a liar now is boring. Everybody knows he’s a liar.

      • Phydeau says:

        It’s so fascinating to see wingnuts assume that liberals blindly worship politicians like conservatives do. They don’t seem to be able to comprehend that one can like the majority of what a politician does, but dislike a minority of his actions. It seems with wingnuts, it’s black and white. They worshiped Dubya back in his day, then denied they ever did when it became obvious what a horrible president he was.

        It’s sad to see a wingnut with no one to worship.


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