I don’t relish writing memorials or testimonials. But, this site needs a small jot of memory for one of the folks who authored many of the posts here in recent years. Marc Perkel. His company hosted the site.

Mark died August 1st after what feels to all of us like a really short, truly brave battle with lung cancer. I’m including a couple of links to reference sites he authored. I recommend you take the time to click through the abundance of links and get to fill out the gaps in your online contact with him.

He will be missed.

WHO THE HELL IS MARC PERKEL – www.perkel.com/marc.htm

MARC PERKEL’S WEBSITE – www.perkel.com

  1. McCullough says:

    Goodbye Marc, and thanks for the help. I was rooting for you always.

  2. Hmeyers says:


    Looks like “putting it in the hopper” actually worked. After about 8 hours I was about to reply on your site that “me thinks hopper requires unavailable operator”.

    Nice that people will be able to get some closure.

  3. spsffan says:

    Wow. Sorry to hear this, but I suspected that he was not doing well, due to the dearth of posts.

    I didn’t always agree with Marc, but he always got me thinking. And his intelligence and his willing to stand up for his beliefs will be sorely missed.

    Godspeed Marc!

  4. David Jung says:

    Shalom, peace to Marc’s family and friends, and rest in peace to Marc. A special thanks to Marc’s posts here, I enjoyed them, mostly as a lurker.

  5. RR says:

    RIP Marc

  6. Getor says:

    That was sad! He was always there. Now he is gone. Rest in peace!

  7. jpfitz says:

    Sad to hear Marc lost his battle with that shitty disease. Rest in peace Marc. I enjoyed Marc’s squirrel videos, and Marc’s enthusiasm for solar power. You will be missed Marc Perkel.

  8. bobbo says:

    I liked and will miss Mark. Lots of good ideas, very energetic, very involved. An asset to any group, including mankind.


  9. MikeN says:

    RIP Marc.

  10. Martin says:

    Sorry to hear that Marc is no longer with us.

    RIP Marc.

  11. Mr Diesel says:

    I was riding my Harley in to work this morning and was thinking of Marc. I haven’t been on most of the summer so I logged on about 10 minutes to see this.

    RIP Marc

    I’ll miss his point of view and I still miss the squirrel.

  12. J says:

    It’s been a long time. Very sorry to hear of his passing.


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