Tomorrow maybe we find out. They are releasing a lot of the JFK secret papers on the assassination.

So – will it reveal Trump was right? Or will they continue to cover it up.?

  1. Hmeyers says:


    The news today is Hillary is guilty of colluding with the Russians for dirt on Trump.

    Like the thing Trump was supposed to be guilty of and the reason why Muller was appointed.

    So Hillary is guilty of colluding with the Russians.

    Raise your hand if you think she’ll be arrested or indicted?

    Haha, Washington D.C. is a joke. Only the little people ever get prosecuted.

    • Charlie says:

      Marc is just a partisan shill…….what did you expect?

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Marc had his chance to take out Hillary and produce President Bernie, but he blinked and never followed up on his posts on Hillary’s server. It is possible Bernie asked him personally to back off.

        • Charlie says:

          Well Bernie would have beaten Trump, so I’m glad for all of the morons who backed Hillary. Please….do it again.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          I’m a little surprised Marc never posted about Team Hillary’s successful attempt at getting hundreds of thousands of Bernie supporters kicked off the rolls in NYC. Common Cause and AG Schneiderman sued the city Board of Elections and won.

  2. Machete says:


    It’s not just a slogan.

  3. NewFormatSux says:

    I saw what you did there Marc.

    Hard to believe Trump went there. The only logical explanation I’ve seen anyone give is that the women voters he needed read the Enquirer.

  4. Marc Perkel says:

    Maybe Trump will be proven right. Are you all assuming Trump is wrong?

    • NewFormatSux says:

      You’ve said in the post that Trump’s being wrong is impossible.

      • Hmeyers says:

        Ted Cruz has a worse secret than that.

        Don’t tell anyone, but back when Ted Cruz was young — he was the original “The Hamburglar”

        … terrorizing Ronald McDonald, stealing hamburgers and otherwise engaging in masked mayhem.

    • Charlie says:

      Who cares about this story Marc? The Answer is NO ONE. Talk about the Clinton collusion with the Russians, talk about the DNC IT scandal, talk about Crooked Hillary’s Uranium scandal……or just stop talking.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        DNC IT scandal is right in Marc’s wheelhouse, but he ducks.
        Marc even acknowledges that the government’s case for Russian hacking is very weak, but he still runs with the line that Trump colluded with them to do something that didn’t happen.

        To have the Russian collusion story turn out to be Hillary colluding with the Russians and the FBI is amazing. Only a matter of time before liberals accuse Trump of being behind the special counsel appointment for his benefit, like Karl Rove was accused of forging the National Guard memos.

    • jpfitz says:

      Ok, so CNN keeps on spinning Russia for ad revenue. Who cares what comes out of the Big JFK redacted release promised by Bush. We will still be bamboozled.
      Nothing about the DoD Coronal mass ejection test, the same day Antifa threatens to disrupt cities nationwide?

  5. OmegaProject says:

    Was his father even involved in his conception?

  6. Jeff says:

    So either we get confirmation of conspiracy or the conspiracy is even deeper? That is nut-job level talk. This blog has really gone downhill.

  7. Mr Diesel - Libertarian says:

    More like airbiscuit.

  8. Wisefool says:

    The “Enquirer”! God, then it must be true..

  9. NewFormatSux says:

    They released video of the woman in the crowd who distracted everyone with her seizure.

  10. bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

    Ha, ha……..what a bunch of Maroons.

    You got a Russian Useful Idiot in the Whitehouse, and you want to talk about Hillary.

    …………..this kind of stupidity is EXACTLY………how we got Trump in the Whitehouse. ((Not exactly Exactly….needed the Puke Voter Roll purgings and the Electoral College as well………but Exactly Enough………))

    Who said: “Where’s the Collusion?”//// Shown on TV video tape about 3 times a day……..but where is it?

    Silly Hoomans…….but we are all paying the price, even now.

    • MikeN says:

      Only documented collusion with Russians has come from Hillary. Trump Jr and Manafort attended a meeting to try and get dirt on Hillary, but the Kremlin agents delivered nothing useful. Hillary paid money to send a guy to meet with Kremlin sources to get dirt on Trump, and they delivered items in the Steele dossier, you can judge if you consider it useful. That same Russian lady that Trump Jr met with, had also hired the same company that Hillary hired, Fusion GPS, to do lobbying about the Magnitsky Act that Putin hates so much.
      Manafort’s work for which he has been indicted, was with a company headed by Tony Podesta, brother of John Podesta, Hillary’s campaign manager.
      Everyone in DC knows everyone. Scotter Libby was Marc Rich’s lawyer.

      • bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

        “Trump Jr and Manafort attended a meeting to try and get dirt on Hillary,……….”

        ////////////// and there it is.

      • bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

        Is Hillary guilty too? Of course.

        Note: “too”.

        • MikeN says:

          Both sides are guilty of colluding with Russia. So waht is the problem now?

        • MikeN says:

          That is, the story was that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election. How can Russia collude with both sides (and the sources go straight to the top for each)?

          • bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

            Well Mickey…… demonstrate the stupidity of the American Public.

            You say: If both sides do it, whats the problem.

            THE ISSUE IS: If both sides do it, they are both guilty: OF VIOLATING THE LAW.

            dumb as shit.

          • MikeN says:

            Collusion is not a crime. It is impeachable. However, my question is why is Russia colluding with both sides to steal the election from the other side?

          • Alan Dershowitz says:

            No its not against any law, perhaps it should be, but it isn’t. As usual, you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.

            Dumb as shit.

      • Charlie says:

        Just give up on the Maroon aka Bobbo. Most everyone else has.

  11. bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

    and btw: the OP is a very clever subtle raising of the issue of Trump’s sanity. Yes…straight forward it is very stupid and insipid. But thats how it directly attaches to Trump.

    See the artistry?

  12. MikeN says:

    Yet again, the latest story about collusion serves to disprove the accusation of colllusion. If they needed a low level guy to set up meetings with the Russians, then clearly there was no collusion before that.

    • jpfitz says:

      Collusion confusion, what really sticks in my craw is that ya all are deflecting away from those indited and arrested.
      For God’s sake say it, yeah, some people in your Trump’s circle and campaign were arrested. Period

      • MikeN says:

        Get back to us when they actually relate to Russia with the charges.

        • bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

          Popodopolous doesn’t relate to Russia?

          The shit overflows.

          • MikeN says:

            The Greek does relate to Russia. The charge against him only exists because of the investigation. Perhaps by having him wear a wire they can get entrap others into committing crimes, a Mueller specialty. Remember the black prof in Cambridge who was arrested by the police? Mueller tried to sting him with a guy who was going to prove that the case against his client was bogus. Brings him in to fill out an affidavit, and before signing he says it’s not true, he just wants to help out his buddy. Lawyer kicks him out, and notices then that he’s wearing a wire.

            Even the Greek has not produced any crimes of colluding with Russia, just beyond trying to produce meetings and collecting dirt on Hillary.

          • MikeN says:

            One criminal connection is that he said he was meeting to get Hillary’s e-mails, so they could get him for trafficking in stolen material. Problem with that is it requires Dems to acknowledge that Hillary’s server was hacked.

          • bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

            Oh Mickey………….is there no bottom to your shit pile?

            “The charge against him only exists because of the investigation.” //// It only exists because he did the crime.

            What a useful idiot.

          • MikeN says:

            The crime was meeting with Russians and lying about it, TO THE INVESTIGATORS.

          • MikeN says:

            Those are not contradictory statements. Two things were required for the crime: He does the crime, and the investigation exists.

          • bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

            The Crime was leaving out the contacts with Russians when filling out the “What Russians have you had contact with” forms as part of getting a security clearance to work with Daddy.

            The wholly artificial nuance you are trying to create is beyond stupid. I know it works in your circles…………….but, its just plain stupid.

            Thats why you are called, and are, deplorable.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Now you’re talking about Trump Jr or Kushner? I thought we were talking about The Greek?

          • bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

            Well Mike…..if so, sorry about that. Thing is…. the entire Trump Crew is remarkably UNIFORN about their corruption and lying.

            Ha, ha…..didn’t Papapdopadope plead guilty to just what I said?

            Hint: Yes.

            ………….and Mickey……..I’m actually feeling “a bit bad” with the direct name calling and derision I am throwing at you. but again, “the thing is”….. you really deserve it: The positions you are taking really are “beyond” the boundaries of reasonable….but “the thing is” I do hear the same positions being mouthed on Faux Spews.

            Looks like: when you cling to and repeat the dog whistle calls of an out and out propaganda disinformation news source……….thats what you sound like.

            To whit: I can make conservative arguments for most positions that go from reasonable to unreasonable. But…those stop short of the stupidity you spout here. It is actually beneath you.

            Wise up. Make sense. Do better.

          • bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

            ….and taking half a second to reflect on it….I don’t think Papapadodockadope did sign under oath any of those applications for security clearances. he just lied to the FBI when questioned about what he knew. So…..for Papadooo, his initial crime was wanting to be part of the collusion ((which is not a crime but is almost always just the first step in crimes that follow)) involving the transfer of information from the Russians to the Trump Election campaign. Something I would think “real conservatives” would be against?

            What happened?

          • MikeN says:

            You’re the one who brought up The Greek. No, he wasn’t involved in a crime. He wanted to set up meetings. looks like he was a target for KGB, in over his head. Exactly what FBI counterintelligence investigations are for.

          • bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

            Not that it matters at all, but who is the “low level guy” you refer to in your op?d

            He didn’t commit a crime….he only lied to cover up that he was in the middle of committing a crime.

            Thats some mighty slim figguring you got going on their Lew.

        • bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

          The relevant crime was not treason but rather meeting with Russians and then lying about it.

          don’t be misdirected so easily.

    • jpfitz says:

      So how many here drive pick-up trucks?

      Who said anything about Russia, not me.

      Your DC messiah with the orange hair surrounded with criminals, ha, so who here drives pick-ups?

      You gun nuts have shite for brains, today, more innocent people killed for your 2nd ammendment right to own a military assault rifle.

  13. bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

    MikeN says:
    11/1/2017 at 1:20 pm

    Collusion is not a crime. It is impeachable. /// Correct….but when the collusion involves receiving support from foreign governments that is also illegal. The NUB though remains allowing A to negate B rather than verifying BOTH A & B.

    However, my question is why is Russia colluding with both sides to steal the election from the other side? /// You collude to get information and influence no matter who wins. Blackmail whoever wins. Rather basic.

    Collusion. Way to stupid. Really?????????? Collusion is a one time play? …………………..pathetic. Do you think that, or are you only repeating a talking point you haven’t read twice?

  14. NewFormatSux says:

    Marc, I have a tech question for you.

    Suppose I was required to do some clean room development.
    However, I don’t want the company to monitor what I am doing, so I insist on bringing my own computer.

    How can this be done, where the company has assurance that I haven’t brought outside items in, while I am assured that what I type is not monitored? Let’s assume that a final product is provided to the company as a result. I want to bring in a computer with IDE, and other resources, but they wish to have proof that I have not brought in anything else so need to examine the computer, while I need assurances that their examination doesn’t change my computer by adding monitoring.

    • bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

      You are asking for a “trust me” relationship where trust SHOULD NOT BE OFFERED.

      Just saw this on “Walking Dead” last night. Rick “gave his word….. the only thing a man has left in this world” that he just wanted to talk to some guy and then the guy could have a car and drive away. After Rick got the info he needed, that other guy with the cross bow shot the guy with a gun and ….Rick was not surprised.


      F-you. What do “you” have at risk compared to what does the company have at risk?………………do the math.

      • MikeN says:

        No, I’m not asking for a ‘trust me’, I’m asking for a technical solution. Out of your league.

        • bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

          no. to both parts. You are right only on the third.

  15. bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

    Just a note to the Admins, if it matters: this website takes too long to load. Its getting more and more noticeable. I’m using firefox current with a Comcast 50 GB wired connection. other “similar” websites load “instantly.” don’t know if this involves a menu choice on your end or not………just saying………

    I could/should time it if you request….I assume you track this info?

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Yes, I also get it on Firefox. In Opera on a different computer, it doesn’t happen.
      Perhaps it is a preload of comments or something like that.
      This never happened with the old format:)

      • bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

        Correct. I understand that quite a few people think this new format sucks……. but, its old by now, moving at the speed of light as we do these days.

  16. bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

    Slow count to 24 to load.

    any “reason” for the slow load? It would be nice to know why, if there is a why to it?

  17. bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

    Slow count to 18 to reload. Six seconds for some general connection….18 for what ever else?

  18. GoMovies says:

    They are releasing a lot of the JFK secret papers on the assassination


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