Abortion is murder, except when you get your mistress knocked up. But he’s not actually against abortion. He just reads what his staff writes up.

  1. Mr Diesel - Libertarian says:

    Ok, so point out a hypocrite on the right.

    On the left they say they want gun control to protect all the innocent people but yet support killing the unborn for over thirty years.


    • Marc Perkel says:

      But they aren’t killing unborn with a gun!

    • bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

      The unborn aren’t people.

      Buy a dictionary.

      • Mr Diesel - Libertarian says:

        Good point. Wrong but good point. I never said unborn were people.

        Why buy a dictionary when I have your insight.

        • bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

          The construct of your sentence makes no sense without casting the unborn as people. That is what you meant to say, and what you DID say. Just because you think you see some kind of loophole doesn’t mean you had some other meaning in mind…….. so don’t make yourself a liar as well as uninformed.

          And yes……….the unborn not being people is the one of the foundational elements of Roe v Wade. You ought to read the case. Lots of good sound information, history, and reasoning in that rather long case ruling.

          Just to roll it along……and it was not a ruling or fact finding of the case, in fact it was expressly NOT ruled on IIRC: I believe human life starts at conception….. but people are not present until some time later. I’d say at time of viability for most situations, but am open to other times.

          From the supremes: the issue is what rights of the unborn apply at what stage of development as well as what rights/obligations of society apply at the same time. I think Roe v Wade got these issues just about right.

          • MikeN says:

            Take a look at Doe V Bolton and you will realize that your summary of the issue is way off.

          • bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

            Not from the summary here:


            Here’s a pro tip: if someone is summarizing Doe V Wade…..find your commentary from Doe v Wade….not some other case.

            Do you have “anything” actually in mind?

          • MikeN says:

            Issued at about the same time as Roe, the two have to be considered together. Limits on abortion after viability are restricted under Doe.

          • bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

            Mike….. from the linked summary that would be my understanding as well. Roe safeguarded abortion for the first six months while Doe allowed for abortions in the last trimester but allows for more government involvement/restrictions.

            A fine read on your part.

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    Wow! Congressmen being hypocrites?? I never, NEVER could have imaged such a thing.

    • Hmeyers says:

      When I think of a “family values” Republican, I tend to think of someone like this guy.

      But I actually have a 2nd complaint …

      Why is this guy resigning?

      If he were a real man, he would say “look I’ve made mistakes” and get tough and “make things right” — and redeem yourself through hard work and eating some humble pie, begging your wife to forgive you, etc.

      Instead, these weak douchebags flee like coachroaches when you shine a flashlight on them.

      So they are also extreme cowards.

      So it isn’t just that they made mistakes — everyone makes mistakes —, it is that they have no strength of character to begin with either.

      • bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

        Having a mistress is not a mistake.

        It is as you say a lack of character.

        • SirJohoTheMofo says:

          For politicians the bar is much lower. Kennedy & Clinton pulled it off

          • jpfitz says:

            F.D.R. also, I’m sure there are more men in high places who strayed. I don’t see the big deal.

          • bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

            The issue is not that they strayed, but rather they strayed while actively campaigning as if they were on the straight and narrow…… AND restricting other people from doing what they would do themselves.

        • Dear Bilbo//pardon me bobbo:

          Making judgments based on your own assumptions is simply that, and not to be condoned or even condemned; merely ignored.

      • Way says:

        Washington politicians, “strength of character”? WHAAAA?

        Haven’t you heard? Almost ALL of your Washington “representatives” are LAWYERS!!!

        Get serious. “Lawyers” go along with whoever PAYS them.

  3. bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

    The MORALITY OF ABORTION: is not what you decide, but rather who decides it.

    • Hmeyers says:

      Bobbo, you’ll love this article:


      It’s complete trash, you would have to think the laws of thermodynamics are false and believe in reaction without catalyst.

      But nice junk science article claiming climate doom, and you like those.

      • bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

        Thanks HM, first time I have heard of this issue. But NO, I don’t love what we are doing to our climate and what we are leaving are grandkiddies………..and neither should you.

        What is trash about this better understood mechanism? Seems like good and valid science….and like all so much of Climate Science….the mechanism can be understood in broad scope, but not in details.

        “you would have to think the laws of thermodynamics are false and believe in reaction without catalyst.”//// What ARE you thinking of??? There is no law of thermodynamics directly raised other than Green House Gases trap heat. Most chemical reactions: the great majority of them, in fact almost all of them as catalysts most commonly only speed up a reaction rather than are an a necessary part of a reaction….aka, not a catalyst but an ingredient…its DEFINITIONAL. And besides…..the whole point is that by capturing more and more heat….there is a “catalyst” of sorts in higher energy levels being available. Sounds to me like you flat don’t know your basic science.

        Yea Verily………who knows what tipping point may start the cascade.

        ……………. Mind the Gap.

  4. Mcnulty says:


  5. MikeN says:

    Why all the focus on Tim Murphy for his hypocrisy and very little on Sen Menendez who is on trial?

    • bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

      abortion affects more Americans………than whatever Menendez did………pay for play IIRC…… with the Supremes this far away: .. from saying bribery is legal.

      • And you never think of the unwanted children and what happens to them, obviously. I wish you had been one; it would have made you wiser.


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