What a disappointment. Saw the first 2 episodes of the new Start Trek Discovery series. My expectations were already very low and it came in worse that what I thought. Worst SciFi ever! Gene Roddenberry is rolling over in his grave tonight,

The show is 100% battle with no real character development. It’s just fighting and shooting. It has no connection at all with any Star Trek timeline. Doesn’t have the Star Trek feel at all.

In contrast, here’s a fan film Star Trek that totally has the Star Trek feel. Below is real Star Trek.

  1. Ah_Yea says:

    Wadda you mean?? It totally Leftest PC correct!

    • Lem says:

      I would have to agree it was pretty bad. I was wondering when the gay men kissing would show up, or the gay women. PC destroys science fiction.

      • Lt. Stamets says:

        Tune in next week.

      • Archangel373 says:

        Yes… They just PCed themselves out of a great franchise… I didn’t think you could mess up Star Trek but i guess if you move left enough you can destroy anything… very disappointing!!!

    • Michael says:

      There’s nothing leftist or “PC” about it.

      • DocZ says:

        LOL, it’s ALL LEFTIST garbage. You live in a fantasy world missy…

        • chimarc12 says:

          Wow who knew the left was into starting wars and biological warfare. Get a clue DocZ and leave the political nonsence off the board. Everything isn’t about American politics! It is a poorly done crappy Sci-Fi show, nothing more

    • mike green says:

      This was incredibly bad. Looked like no Star Trek I’ve ever seen, they screwed with the continuity, changed the Klingons, fell in love with the Film School fancy cinematography. Lots of titled frames and lens flares. Very distracting. Characters were using hologram communication that didn’t exist later in trek canon, they were getting into a Klingon war that never happened either. We’ve waited years for a new trek and its a disaster. Meanwhile CBS/Paramount has been suing to stop fan films, some of which actually were really well done especially Star Trek Continues. So CBS has a situation where they are SO terrible at satisfying pent up demand for a product (Trek) that their potential customers are forced to go make their own product, and CBS sues them. Imagine if people LOVED Toyotas and Toyota just didn’t care to make enough cars. people had to try and go make their own? The entire management of Toyota would be fried, Wall Street would go bat shit crazy. Well Moonves and the CBS brass have been leaving tons of money on the table for years now. This is embarrassing, glad I don’t own any stock anymore.

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    Oh, and BTW Paramount killed all other Star Trek productions.


    Star Trek is dead.

    • DocZ says:

      As Kirk said once “I’ve been dead before”.

      • chimarc12 says:

        That was Spock that said that in Star trek 6 “The Undiscovered Country”, you cleary are not a true star trek fan

    • chimarc12 says:

      They seem to think it belongs to them and that they can force Star Trek on the fans. One thing I learned in Business College that always stuck with me is “The customer determines quality” indeed, they aren’t listening now, but when the franchise fails it may take another 12 years before they hear the voice of the fans, but when it comes back it will be true Star Trek

  3. Hmeyers says:

    Since it is only on some sort of CBS pay-for-view internet service, I guess I’ll never know.

    I’ll just have to imagine how much it sucks.

    I’m fine with all of that.

    They don’t remake old series because they have new ideas. They remake old series because they don’t have new ideas.

    (See Star Wars or the 22 Hollywood sequels released this year).

  4. mike says:

    I also didn’t like it I figured it be more like all the tv shows.. all I was watching was a dark movie… 1 Klingons should have match prior 1966 Klingons.. 2nd is its a tv show not a movie I don’t wanna be readying frigin subtitles and subtitles that are hard to read if people wanna do subtitles put a solid black background behind it always trying to read with the images behind it hard to read.. the audio of people speaking should be clear and louder over the damn sound effects you should be able to hear people clearly as I’m a sound guy this just sounds crap.. there is too much cgi another reason transformers movies sucked.. tired of all this cgi it doesn’t look that great… doesn’t anyone run around with lighting are ships running no lights.. why soooo dark and gloomy.. Star Trek Enterprise was bright color and it was the last and was a prequel with archer. and it wasn’t dark was out for discovery not fighting… so where does discovery fit in.. is this going to be a constant battle movie… makes it as bad as Dr Whos Class spin off or like the reboot to battle star galicatic… it doesn’t even match the themese of any of the movies… even Star Trek 2009 movie and then then next one was not even dark in colors its supposed to be family friendly but it seems to be just a violent tv show very disappointing.. it lacks everything the star trek versions were made.. very disappointed and I have seen all the star trek episosdes of all the different deep space 9 voyager etc.. But this my own opinion everyone has there own opinion I give it a 3/10 as a star trek fan

    • chimarc12 says:

      Agree with you 100% They have destroyed Star Trek. CBS never liked Star Trek and it seems they are still out to ruine it

  5. bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

    ………and yet, watching reruns of the original leaves me rather unimpressed as well. As a kiddie at the time, I remember being a regular viewer, but not all that impressed even at the time.

    Read the promo for tonights episode: the one with that rock that bored thru the mining planet killing miners. Ok plot in theory…but its just a rock!!! I assume/half recall Spock (the only good thing about Star Trek except the young women in their prime) still does his mind meld to discover “great pain.”

    Not much difference between pap and pop.

    • Hmeyers says:

      You use your vagina to make all your decisions, instead of your brain.

      Maybe you didn’t like the original series, fine.

      Then you take your dislike of the original series, superimpose that emotion on to everything else about Star Trek.

      That’s vagina thinking.

      Even if I were to not like the original series …

      One of the motivations of the original series was to portray a future of harmony where people were judged on their character and action, not their nationality, race or gender.

      And another aspect of the series was to portray a future were humans were no longer motivated by petty behaviors such as greed and money — and instead by higher ethics of benefiting all or scientific progress.

      If you were to appear in an episode of the original Star Trek, they would use your character as illustration of how petty and simple-minded humans used to be.

      In the episode, you would be the caveman from the 21st century they unfroze.

      Spock would comment that Bobbo’s peculiar behavior arises from comng from a period of time where according to Spock, “The primitives of that time applied litmus tests to other humans such as party affiliation or belief in popular culture ideas about the environment.”

      • bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

        ….I think you are violating the Prime Directive: to make money off Cowboys In Space like no one has done before………

        Your comment is rather silly. Everyone knows vaginas don’t think……. although they are fun to meld with.

        Yes, yes…. what you note is “an element” of the conceptualization/sale of the show……it rarely appears on screen though. All those Hot Young Babes……….vaginas indeed.

      • ± says:

        “… You use your vagina to make all your decisions, instead of your brain. …”

        Didju just assume bobbo’s gender?!!! 😲😳😱😭⁉️

        • bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

          OH…..HM was just making a funny and I accept it as such.

          ………..either that, or he noticed I leave a slime trail wherever I go…………… ((Old disgusting joke about why women have legs.))

          ………and I don’t post as Bobba….but I could be lying.

      • T. says:

        I happen to have a vagina with more technical degrees than you, so let’s get past that…no offense intended. This Star Trek sucked!

        The Klingons were unrecognizable, without hair, etc.

        Since when did Spock have a Human adopted sister that we have never heard about ever!

        Why would the Elderly CBS network think that anyone would want to pay for “All Access” to view their crappy productions? Some of us have been devoted Star Trek fans from birth, I was disheartened when I heard CBS was doing anything with Star Trek; you don’t play with the Sacred.

        I will not pay for CBS All Access period. CBS sucks in general, Why would I want to pay extra for sewage productions. Gene Roddenberry is rolling in his grave.

        • DocZ says:

          “I happen to have a vagina with more technical degrees than you,” well at least you PERSONALLY know each other. Oh brother – the i’m more educated than you internet meme again. How exciting. Almost as exciting as this POS pay per view CBS garbage. This is NOT STAR TREK.

  6. fredflint says:

    the new star trek was awesome.

    Rep = Klingon, Dem = Federation
    Vulcons are Antifia, and we need to attack first.

    Civil war 2. The NFL will lead us.

    • bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

      LMFTFY: Vulcans are North Korea or ISIS depending on what you mean to highlight.

    • MikeN says:

      Enterprise was fun. They made the Vulcans the bad guys.

  7. Philipp says:

    Why are all the bridge shots uphill and sidways?

  8. bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:


    A fulsome review, somehow missing the key fact that all of Mainstream Culture is a vehicle to sell products. (aka: ads so you will buy stuff you don’t need)

  9. Davey says:

    It’s a sci fi show that says it’s star trek but its not. It’s like these new Hollywood movies that are using excessive over-stimulation to distract you from the missing PLOT! Remember the characters of Next Genneration and how you knew each and every one – it was a slow buildup but you appreciated it even more, almost a drama. Their (producers) obviously appealing to kids- but are kids today unable to form deep interpersonal relationships with ‘characters’ in their minds anymore? (eg. like reading a book that sucks you in). The plot was so freaking fast paced I couldn’t tell what was going on, and characters excessively stating the obvious eg. ‘as your science officer blah blah’, ‘that was sarcasim’.. Ugg I like not having everything handed to me because my brain CAN figure things out. You know what show did it right? Battle Star Galactica (the new one). Talk about fleshing out characters… Whether you liked the show or not they nailed character development. ST: Discovery is trying too hard to be like the movies. SLOW it down a bit or your going to loose all the fans of the classics.

  10. MikeN says:

    The main character is a combo of the original triumvirate.
    They have better special effects, almost the entire revenue from CBS All Access is going to this production.
    They are using a serialized format, which was disallowed for DS9 when it was proposed.

    Unfortunately, they threw it all away with their Trump bashing.

  11. jpfitz says:

    qpidnetworkdema says:
    9/25/2017 at 8:50 pm

    No Comments about the pink elephant, WTH did I try to understand?

  12. Rex says:

    I also was not impressed with Star Trek Discovery. The amateur production of Star Trek Continues may not have the budget to do all the fancy effects that Discovery can afford but they tell a better story. By the way Marc, you should have pointed out that John de Lancie was in that last episode of Continues. He played “Q” in The Next Generation.

    • Marc Perkel says:

      Yes they don’t have the production budget but also they deliberately use 1960s quality to make it authentic. They could do better but they choose not to.

  13. What a disappointment…saw the first 2 episodes of the new Start Trek Discovery series…

  14. Simple. It is not Trek. Just violence and destruction. I hated it. The 21 minutes of prelude to Axanar banned by the asses at CBS had ten times the drama of this claptrap. To be fair there was one scene at the beginning with the captain tracing a symbol over the sand that felt a bit trek. The rest did not. Lets watch it fall on it’s ass.

  15. Ah_Yea says:

    ok, I figured it out. Paramount wants the pre-reboot treks to go away. Disappear.

    They want to completely reboot the franchise the J.J. Abrams way.

    Screw the old folks, they don’t buy stuff.

    Think Star Trek Beyond. No real story, no old Star Trek. Just lots of lens flare, Beasty Boys, and nonsense. Made huge money.

    Huge money from 26 years and younger.

    • MikeN says:

      If they had made the exact same story with the original cast 30 years ago, it would have been hailed as a great movie. The oldsters want the new movies and shows t have the same cheesy special effects as the original series.

  16. Exomed says:

    Star Trek is dead. 🙁

    • MikeN says:

      I think it was Arthur Clarke who wrote when Enterprise went off the air, “Good Riddance”

  17. BBlair says:

    Star Trek Discovery is racist and promotes white genocide. Not to mention the Federation now invades other species worlds to enforce their will unto them. The characters are not at all likable, The writers admit to hating the President and America. How much worse can it get? How would anyone ever think a show like this would ever succeed? The show will fall flat on it’s face. Everything the alt-left touches they destroy.

  18. bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

    Just watching the 4th episode of Orville. Quite good. All kinds of character development going on.

    Sy Fy brought down to daily soap opera. Family Guy is better…..even their Star Wars episodes were watchable.

    Ha, ha…………. just how strongly can you “suspend disbelief.”

    • Mr Diesel - Libertarian says:

      Hopefully you are not being sarcastic but I agree with you as well.

      I didn’t think I would like The Orrville but after seeing all 4 episodes I find myself liking it even more. To me the bridge is more about what normal life would be, people joking and getting serious when needed.

      I also like the subtle and not so subtle jokes. The story “About a Girl” was very good, regardless of what some critics say. How can you not like Rudolph?

      Seth seems to have a lot of A-list friends. Liam Neeson in a short video in Ep 4 and Charlize Theron next week. What heterosexual male wouldn’t like CT in a show.

      Can you say Seven of Nine?

      I have not seen any of Discovery yet and may not after reading this thread.

      • bobbo, the culture critic embarassed he's not reading a book says:

        Why would you think I’m being sarcastic?

        I was a bit put off by the humor mix with the first show….but I like Seth’s work….and it has grown on me as well. How good could the show be without the Family Guy one liners thrown in? I don’t know…. probably pros and cons and I wouldn’t want to thwart Seth’s creativity with what he does with the show.

        Episode 4 just screamed Star Trek at me re the Prime Directive…… and its violation without mention.

        I just fell across another good show which is “Good Behavior” on TNT. Season one is over before I fell on it……..last half of season available ON Demand. I think this is the first show centered on a Mother trying to win the love of her abandoned child that I can stand watching. The Argentinian is a bit too skinny to be as tough as he supposedly is….. but thats the bit. I look forward to Season Two.

        I hope Last Man On Earth picks it up a bit…..same with Ray Donovan…enough with the dream sequences.

        Yes…….lots of good tv……..if you pick and choose. I stopped watching “Last Ship” as its just explosions and gun fights…but I am totally attracted to the babe on that show.

        Gag me.

  19. B. Dog says:

    The original T.V. series is great. Have you ever seen “Firefly”? That was fun.

    • Mr Diesel - Libertarian says:

      Firefly and Serenity is another example of what I think it would be really like on a ship in space and not the constant stuffy crap from others. Hell, even Dr Who seems like more fun.

    • MrPeabody says:

      Firefly…now that was a show… 2nd in command was a black woman… ship’s mechanic was a girl… an overtly religious “shepherd”…a red neck, gun guy… a “companion” (who was also Bi)… yet you never felt like they were beating you over the head with PC BS… they were just characters from a wide range of backgrounds… loved that show…
      As for Star Trek… I used to love Star Trek. But, this parrot is no more. He has ceased to be. He’s expired and gone to meet his maker.

  20. GJones says:

    Saw the first five minutes then turned the show off. As soon as the female captain was approached by the female #2 I knew it was going to be a PC crap fest. From the comments – it was indeed. Glad I missed the rest of the premiere.
    I’m a cord cutter so it really doesn’t matter that I missed the rest because there will be no paying CBS to watch more of it. I dumped Hulu+ because it is a pay service AND has way, way too many commercials interspersed. To top it Hulu+ used repetitive commercials.

  21. chimarc12 says:

    I had reserved judgment once I heard the Jonnathan Frakes took over production as he is legacy Star Trek TNG and should have a firm grasp of what Star Trek at its heart is all about. That being said, Star Trek has gone the way of Star Wars. CBS is using star treks popularity to save its pathetic streaming service. This show is doomed to fail due to the same reasons that most big budget Sci-Fi movies fail, its all flash and no story. So here we have a Star Trek story that is based ten years before Kirk and Spock and the 1st officer in the second episode has started a war with the Kilingons, however in “Star Trek into the Darkness” there is a Starfleet Admiral who has the Enterprise up to be the fall guy for starting the Klingon war. That is pretty bad writing and lazy research work.

    The whole entire point of Star Trek according to Gene Roddenbury was to create a future where man had overcome its evil tendencies tword greed, war and power, but in this itereation of Star Trek, we find that Starfleet is engaged in biological warfare, they created a biologocal weapon that killed the entire crew of a starship and some Klingons, and instead of destroying the creature, they kept it.

    The Captain of the discovery and its first officer are both cold and creepy, the main charecter just doesn’t work and there is no feeling of hope, Discovery is dark and in my opinion if had another brand name of its own instead of Star Trek it might work, but because it does have the Star Trek brand it is doomed because it does not live up to the standards that have been set for it, and the fans will hold CBS and Discovery accountable for it.

  22. chimarc12 says:

    And one other thing that urks me here, people continue to lable this show as Alt-Left or PC correct, that is a bunch of BULL. TOS and TNG were far more PC and I won’t say Alt-Left or Alt-Right because it really went beyond that. Discovery isn’t even close to PC or Alt anything. These guys are making eyecandy for the masses nothing more. There is no moral story here, or political, just pretty ships against the pretty backdrop of space and nebula but the show has no soul. People need to take their politics elsewhere. You trying to claim that Star Trek Discovery is Alt-Left is as false as Discovery’s claim of being Star Trek

    • Zero says:

      Excepting that writers and producers have said, specifically, that Disco Klingons ARE white nationalist Trumpers…

  23. says:

    It’s just fighting and shooting… doesn’t have the Star Trek feel at all….

  24. J.D. says:

    I found it problematic that they named the female main character “Michael,” with all the gender issues going on in the world today. I read that it was one of the female higher-ups who was named after a man, stroking her own ego by naming one of the female characters after a man (she’s apparently done this before on other projects). But, the beauty of Star Trek (if these people actually bothered to watch it) was that it veiled current issues so well that it kept people at an emotional distance when presenting them, such that people could take them in, look at things from another side, and learn. Even if they felt the same way as they did before, there was this thought process going on. That was the beauty and the richness of it. That doesn’t happen with such obviousness, because there’s no emotional distance. And, it’s not just the naming. The show is fundamentally lacking in subtlety and depth thus far. I had to try several times just to make it through the first two episodes and I can’t rationalize continuing, even for the sake of curiosity. They’re just too painfully boring — all showiness and no substance. It’s like somebody scooped out the meat of Star Trek and stepped into its hollow skin. It’s painful to see something so vacant be labeled with a name I had such respect for. I say ‘had’ because I feel like it’s been all downhill since Enterprise. That was the first series from Star Trek that I couldn’t even bring myself to finish. The movies were worse. Then, this? What a slow, painful, long and drawn out death for Star Trek. I mean, damn. Something like this deserved to go down with some dignity. This was like tossing it out a window, having it hit the pavement, roll across broken glass and pet urine, fall into a manhole, then choke to death on excretions in the sewer. Ouch…just ouch…

  25. Mr Anderson says:

    Sounds like the targeted audience isn’t a bunch of old grouches in this new show.

    In the original Star Trek, the whole ship in a way represented the psyche of the viewer. With the rational, logical and irrational (Id Ego and Superego) characters in the show.

    • J.D. says:

      The Id, Ego, and Superego aren’t about rationality or irrationality. They’re about harmonizing (Ego) one’s basic, internal needs (Id), with external morals and values of society and culture (Superego). An Id’s urge to eat or have sex is not irrational in the least. It takes into account the most basic needs of a person. The Superego’s urge for obeying the morals and values of a society or culture is also not necessarily logical. Because, as we well know this day in age, not all societal and cultural values are logical.

      Star Trek always seemed more like an exploration of humanity to me. — Not just humanity as a whole, but who we are individually and how we fit into groups and communities that we form. Veiling that in stories about alien races and fictional technology helped to see it with more emotional distance and made it easier to take in. The new technologies and cultures also made it stimulating to watch. It ran the gamut from action to drama, from a fight to a heart-to-heart. It was really like a full meal.

      If others enjoyed this new series, that’s fine. The more joy there is in this world, the better. I just wasn’t one of them. It felt like all the heart of it was missing.

  26. Mr Diesel - Libertarian says:

    What the hell Marc, didn’t like my post about the upcoming shows?

  27. Vonster says:

    This is CBS execs attempt to prop up a dead streaming service no one uses. A much better show and more enjoyable and fun watch is ‘The Orville’ which I bought the season for.

    I would have bought the season for the new Star Trek but I won’t subscribe to a whole service I have no interest in. Horrible business decision and very short sighted.

    • Ah_Yea says:

      Not to mention EVERYONE is saying “The Orville” is much better.

      Goes to show good writing and fun characters beats special effects every time.

      • J.D. says:

        I agree that The Orville is much better. I think the last episode might have had a time paradox in it, but honestly, I don’t even care. It’s fun to watch. It took me around 5 tries just to get through the first episode of Discovery, then I had to push myself to watch episode two. After that, I just decided it was an act of masochism to continue. I’ve watched late night infomercials that are more entertaining (not even kidding on that).

  28. Cobelloy says:

    What’s with the dumb Klingon masks? Their faces barely move when they talk. And seriously, why reimagine so much story? Who do they think they are making this for? Mainstream viewers hate scifi and trek fans hate broken continuity, my only conclusion is that they want it to fail.

  29. Trekster says:

    This does not feel like Star Trek.
    Issues for me.
    Klingons, why reinvent them yet again?!?!!
    There are too many inconsistencies for me to list.
    Star Trek has always been about a brighter future, I feel they have abandoned this. I realize they have to make it fresh and new but to change 50 years of Star Trek story telling is just wrong.
    If this is the new Star Trek then I will just have to seek my entertainment in all of the true to Star Trek Series that came before.

  30. Dialecticaloppression says:

    Gotta quirp late on the whining in this thread:
    1.The Federation is the US, the Klingons are the Muslims. Anybody that says different is a retard and a typical snowflake. This show is produced by zionists and they are supporting zionism. Period. That is why the show is partially marketed to neoconservatives.
    2.The diversity stuff is Fuller driven. Who knows if it lasts as the Jews want to push zionism and they are bringing in white’s to probably help oversee that, if they want it on CBS proper. This is also why the show is on access than Orville which is your typical “white liberal” elitist stuff where the 2 leads are a Irishman and a Norman while the coloreds stick behind them. Whining about “PC” has become PC itself. If you don’t like the vision, don’t watch. Fuller’s other shit was pretty white. Of course being Gay, Fuller is going to put that in there as gay has not been done on Star Trek much. This show had a agenda and a admitted agenda in 2014-15. You were warned.
    3. The show is directed to the Abrams remake and may even be of the same timeline, if the show does not work out in the end, to save the OT’s mythology. This leads to the very simply plot of zionism vs. anti-zionism. Then a bunch of shoot em ups and other boring crap.

    Being long a member of national communism and who hates what modern “white nationalism” has turned into, white’s need to stop sounding like spoiled children. When the bourgeois expands, you are going to get diversity. Follow the money is the numero uno goal. The Alt-Right is just kosher crap being spewed to manipulate the sheep as much as David Duke’s Stormfront scam. They whine about this crap(PC!!!! SJW!!!!!) and try to make em manipulate them into their jewish financed movement without really understanding what is really going on. The Jews are no friends of the colored people. That is a 20th century revision of the Jew as a creature of diversity post-industrialization and slaves were no longer needed for the fields. Nobody has controlled the world more since 1492 than the Jews and their capital. They have made the Indo-European tribes into house niggers and running their capital schemes. White genocide my ass. More like white genocide by overbreeding which expanded into colored regions by the 20th century. I see so many degenerated “Aryans” it makes me want to puke. The Jews have made us into cattle and finance white nationalism to control us dialectically.


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