I live on St. John. This was the village of Cruz Bay the day after Hurricane Irma. I boarded up my house yesterday and evacuated to San Juan. Of course, we have another hurricane coming Wednesday. Yesterday was the first day I have been able to communicate since the storm.

The road to my house.

Better Days.

  1. bobbo, we think with words and flower with Ideas says:

    Is your house now that pile of twigs in the second picture?

    I think you caught on film the definition of: “bummer.”

    I can’t imagine the agony of losing a house/home…. much one such as yours.

    give yourself some time……………and start again with everything you know. Live long and prosper.

  2. McCullough says:

    Actually my home survived with minimal damage. But I have another hurricane to weather Wednesday, so I don’t want to talk about it too much.

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with Ideas says:

      After 5 looks, my browser now shows your postings to be videos instead of stills. I’ll look at them with great interest.

      Yes….. your home looks wonderful….love the decks…but that makes your roof pretty much an airfoil?

      I have a ton of questions….but given my insensitivity, I’ll stop. BOARD UP………….and good luck.

  3. Frank says:

    Sorry for your troubles. Hang in there.

    The drone footages shows why people want to live in paradise and close to mother nature, a landlord that reserves the right to evict anyone of us at any time.

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with Ideas says:

      thats a nice phrase I haven’t heard before. Well done.

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    Wow, messed up.

    I wonder how much drinking water is left. That is, how many cisterns got contaminated.

    Really messed up.

  5. bobbo, we think with words and flower with Ideas says:

    I live in a stable area of the Sierra Foothills NE of Sacramento. The only threat I face is flooding as I am on a drainage creek for the area….well, two tall trees on the property that could tumble in high wind?

    Water has gotten up to my foundation at which point there is a much broader plateau for the water to drain out onto…so, I think flooding is almost impossible. The one time water got this high it was because a bed mattress had plugged the opening under the bridge about 500 yards downstream.

    Mere wind should be defensible with the right hardware: extra straps, the right metal roof, storm barriers a la roll down chain mail and so forth. Its storm surge that is about impossible to defend against once location is chosen….although i have thought why not build such houses on floatable barges? Relatively cheap and easy “if” you gotta live in a flood plane. Houses on stilts have very little esthetic appeal and can easily fail.

    The water issue. Why doesn’t everyone have a portable bottle purifier? Again: cheap and easy.

  6. bobbo, we think with words and flower with Ideas says:

    Came across this, a good version of When the Levee Breaks. different weather event, but everything fits.

    ((I do prefer Dred Zep if anything other than the original))


  7. Essays Chief says:

    It was really unexpected and strange that both Irma and Hose hit together on the bay. The weather looks calm and hope no further reports on vandalization.

  8. Paul says:

    “I boarded up my house yesterday and evacuated to San Juan”


  9. I live in a steady range of the Sierra Foothills NE of Sacramento. The main risk I confront is flooding as I am on a waste river for the region… .well, two tall trees on the property that could tumble in high breeze?

  10. Paul says:

    Is McCullough OK?

  11. jpfitz says:

    Hoping the best for you and yours McCullough.

    Mother nature can be a beautiful bitch.

  12. bullet force says:

    Really messed up.

  13. Ron Larson says:

    How are you now? I’m hoping my brother on St John is ok. He said that comms are very bad.

    He owns a charter boat named ‘Sadie Sea’ in Cruz Bay. He mentioned that his was one of the few boats to survive. He said his house held up.

    My brother served 20 years in the Coast Guard all over the world, including a few years in the Bering Sea. He said that this was the worst storm he has ever experienced. So for him to say that, it must have been really bad.

    • McCullough says:

      I know the Sadie Sea, my former neighbor/friend owned it for many years, and I have watched it go past my house every afternoon. I don’t personally know your brother, but Im sure he’s fine.

      Give me his name and I’ll look him up when I get a chance.

  14. Paul says:

    Guess not

    • McCullough says:

      We are OK.

      Got out of San Juan 3 hours before the airport closed for Maria. We’re on the road and planning our next moves.

      The people in San Juan were in denial the night before Maria hit, much as we were for Irma in the Virgin Islands. No one believed it would be this bad, not even those of us who had been thru this before. My house survived and I will go back ASAP to protect it from the elements.

      Thank you for asking.


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