Hurricane Harvey was a Category 4 hurricane not unlike every other category 4 hurricane except for one thing. It stalled over Houston and that’s what brought the record rain. So it wasn’t, as climate alarmist would have you believe, global warming. If it stalled ove open water Houston would still have been flooded – but it would have been normal flooding. And one can not claim where it stalled was a result of climate change.

Also – Harvey is God punishing Houston for gay sex. If that were true it would have hit Austin, or Washington DC.

  1. bobbo, we think with words and flower with Ideas says:

    Au contraire mon amis.

    Last estimate I read was that 30% of the rainfall could be attributed to AGW. Its a guess/push/calculation subject to lots of bias…..but “no one” should think it was zero.

    AGW is a constant “push” towards more extreme weather. For hurricanes…its heating up the ocean surface from which hurricanes get their energy.

    Hurricanes “used to” lose strength as they approached land because their winds mixed the very warm surface water with cooler water down deeper. Now sadly….. the deeper water is much warmer than it used to be which keeps the Hurricanes stronger.

    Todays climate/weather will be a mix of natural stimuli PLUS the added stimuli provided by Green House Gases, mostly now co2. Its not one or the other, but always both.

    Only fools will argue….. only shills will deny.

    ………………Go Ahead:====>

    • Marc Perkel says:

      Actually the extreme weather has been missing for the last decade.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Marc, and that’s a big problem, since they were promoting
        IF global warming THEN more and stronger hurricanes.

        IF A THEN B, is the same as IF NOT B THEN NOT A.

        • Marc Perkel says:

          That’s exactly right. Extreme weather and global warming are linked. It’s like turning up the heat on boiling water – it boils stronger. If it’s not boiling stringer then they didn’t turn up the heat.

      • bobbo, we think with words and flower with Ideas says:

        Theres been “extreme weather” all over the place: RECORD SETTING!!!!!!!!

        At best, what you are doing is noting that some predicted more hurricanes (hitting the USA or not?) and that has not happened over the past 10-15 years.

        But to turn that very narrow example of extreme weather into “NO Extreme Weather” is so defective a manipulation as to call it into question:

        So……. what is your basis for claiming that extreme weather has been missing for the last decade?????

        ………………list “something” or we’ll have to assume your head has been stuck in the freezer? Its the only rational explanation.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          Global ACE index. Check out IPCC SREX report, summarized here:

          • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

            Well Done NFS….I was expecting a “business oriented” blog snipe….but the guy quotes the IPCC to the effect that no extreme events can be said to be from AGW.

            That report was issued in 2012—FIVE years ago. and probably based on data that was a few years older???

            Science: unlike people with their heads in the sand==>moves on. It “updates” as more becomes known.

            Mind the gap.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          You’re the one moving the goalposts. The predictions were made of more of this disaster, after every disaster, to sell global warming. No doubt you participated and repeated the talking points. Now when a prediction doesn’t come true, you wish to ignore it and say ah but this one came true.

          For awhile, they predicted huge increases in temperature, then when it didn’t appear, they claimed the heat was in the deep oceans. The latest IPCC report showed this excuse to be false without saying so explicitly. Then they switched to using El Nino temperatures and some adjustments to claim the warming is back on schedule(which it isn’t).

          • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

            Awww….NFS….well, one good post in a row is better than none………..

            Who exactly “said” more storms????

            You see………there are lots of people talking. I’ll bet some people claim storms are caused by Unicorns running in a circle.

            OF COURSE: you can find individuals claiming anything you wish to make up. I can quote Marc as authority (sic!) for Harvey was NOT caused by AGW.

            Did the IPCC ever claim more storms?==>doubtful after you just posted a link to them saying the OPPOSITE.

            So………who said what??????????? When???? Based on What??????????????

            Some dipshit “meteorologist”? Ha, ha……… you are so pwned.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Lots of people said more storms, and importantly it was more big storms.
            Some of the scientists were careful to say no trend in hurricanes, and even a decrease because there is more warming at the poles, and less of a temperature differential.

            These big storms are exactly what disappeared, with the longest drought on record of cat 3 or higher hitting the US.

  2. bobbo, we think with words and flower with Ideas says:

    Its “almost” hard to blame the fools that deny science.

    a lot of $$$ has been spent to do so. …………… but ……………. its still only fools that fall for it.

    Just a coincidence: the article I read right after checking here. GREAT lead picture of a ship stranded in the desert:

  3. bobbo, we think with words and flower with Ideas says:

    Just checking the OP for links………… anything.


    Just pure blather. Not even really making anything up: just flat bald assertions…………that go against all the science.

    The Algore would be embarassed. Even he had slides and graphs.

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    unhinged :O

  5. Martin says:

    Yes!!! A very sane and logical summary of the event.

  6. Martin says:

    Yes! A logical summary about what this storm was and what is wasn’t. Thank you.

  7. Hurricane Karma says:

    “Also – Harvey is God punishing Houston for gay sex. If that were true it would have hit Austin, or Washington DC.”

    Or it would have cut across the Rockies and stalled over San Francisco!

    • Marc Perkel says:

      Absolutely! And God can do that even though it’s scientifically impossible. If that happened I’d be a believer!

      • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:



        …………………….. or Unicorns.

        Constant allusion to God and Religion: suspect.

  8. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    Hurricane Irma…..Now a Cat 5.

    How many “Once in a xxxx” do you need to have piled up before you have to admit CLIMATE is changing?

    • NewFormatSux says:

      They said that in 2005 too.

      Looked up global ace index yet?

      • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

        Second Time: who said what? A specific link instead of made up BS is required when talking FACTS rather than OPINION.

        Trouble with the science denying wingnuts beyond the above is they can’t differentiate their emotions from their opinions either.

        I note your link will not show the other charts….its stuck on Atlantic ACE…whereas the two largest hurricanes in recorded History where in the past five years and in the Eastern Pacific.

        Its called: Cherry Picking.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          Yea, I noticed it. I asked if you’ve looked it up, and linked to a secondary chart to help you along. You mention cherry picking, keep it in mind when you look at global ACE too.

        • Oh Please says:

          “Its called: Cherry Picking.”

          Said the king cherry picker, with all the wisdom of a 24 hour fruit fly.

          In such matters, a lifetime proclamation is meh.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Hurricane Dennis Cat 4, Emily Cat 5, Katrina Cat 5, Rita Cat 5, Wilma Cat 5, all in one year, but now we have had two in one year and Bobbo declares it is global warming in action.

      • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

        Made up facts and made up positions.

        Copy and paste where I said ANY weather event is caused by AGW. The second post to this thread states my position: its always a mix of natural and AGW.

        …. and later I approved the IPCC statement saying just the Opposite.

        Yeah…… I know I walk towards the position you claim I expressly take. Its the only way you can think: black or white, yes or no………. NO subtlety/nuance at all.



        When you deny key concepts like: co2 is a greenhouse gas that TRAPS THE SUNS ENERGY here on Earth….you have to deny reality as the evidence mounts up.

        And to deny AGW is to deny very basic tenets of Science because “you can.” Ha, ha….. like that dope rapper that stared at the eclipse because “all of our forefathers did it and we are still here.”

        Makes no sense at all. Just like: we can burn trillions of tons of fossil fuels and it will have no effect: So GO AHEAD::::::::: STARE AT THE SUN.

        Silly Hoomans.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          Doubling CO2 levels warms the planet by about 1.2C. This is what the ‘trapping’ of the Sun’s energy causes. The rest is not so basic. It is possible the number is amplified by feedbacks including water vapor, or it could be the water vapor forms clouds and reflects solar energy(which isn’t truly trapped), thus a negative feedback and global warming would overall be small compared to natural warming that has been happening for centuries.

          • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

            Good article recently re “The Myth of Natural Weather” to the effect that the temperature of the Planet was a simple formula: heat received + heat retained = your temp.

            Point being: no “trends” as the concept is generally used meaning a return to what is natural.

            the other point: the heat received is basically stable… if its getting hotter, its because heat is being retained.

            “TA——-DAH!!!===>hence AGW.

            Make good common sense, the opposite is illogical and fantasy based==and 97% or more of the qualified scientists who study the subject agree. Lots of disagreement about finer points of the system…… those feedbacks and lag times are a bitch.

            So…… two weeks: largest rainfall ever recorded………….and with Irma…. biggest storm ever recorded that formed in the Atlantic.

            I pity any occupied area that gets hit with 180 mph gust to 220 for the first time. Its logrhytmically more than 100 or 125 or 150 mph.

            Ha, ha………….. wind: blows. (but its the water that kills and disrupts)

          • NewFormatSux says:

            So I summarize your comments here as:
            1) it’s AGW and not natural.
            2) We’ve had some extreme weather including

            How many “Once in a xxxx” do you need to have piled up before you have to admit CLIMATE is changing?

            3) You deny ever saying ANY weather event is caused by AGW.

          • bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

            nfs: you should never summarize anything….. the process destroys simple communication.

            Just read what is actually posted until you understand it. Have a nice vacation, we’ll see you in a few months after you get your GED.

            Just read the VERY FIRST THING I POSTED: “Last estimate I read was that 30% of the rainfall could be attributed to AGW. Its a guess/push/calculation subject to lots of bias…..but “no one” should think it was zero.”

            ….blah …. blah …. blah: ITS BOTH. Not either/or.

            Such a simple concept.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Should have stopped there, but then you went with the scare talking point of
            “How many “Once in a xxxx” do you need to have piled up before you have to admit CLIMATE is changing?”

            When called on it, you now point to something else.

  9. Hmeyers says:

    Weather isn’t climate.

  10. NewFormatSux says:

    Global warming may not be responsible for Hurricane Harvey, but what about Landslide Hillary?

  11. Dee says:

    There is nothing surprising about a hurricane hitting the central Texas coast in late August, as Hurricane Harvey did on Friday night. Hurricanes have been recorded since Christopher Columbus encountered one in 1495. We know they occur with some regularity in the Atlantic at this time of year.

  12. Hmeyers says:

    October 25, 2016 “Houston nearing a drought again, little relief in sight”

  13. wotimont says:

    Nice and interesting informations. I am adding your blog to favs!

  14. says:

    One can not claim where it stalled was a result of climate change

  15. One can not claim where it stalled was a result of climate change!!!


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