Nope, you didn’t bag Hillary that time either

There’s something insanely ironic about the whole “election hacking” thing and the Trumplett getting into trouble over this. We’ve assassinated foreign leaders, incited riots in far off lands, taught foreigners how to torture for fun and profit, bribed, blackmailed, and killed when it was in a corporat… er, um… our country’s national interest without hardly a whimper from the public. But this has us and the M5M pulling our hair out and screaming bloody murder for people just talking and possible influence pedaling because the dirt the woman claimed she had was just a ruse! Give me a break! We’re finally getting a minuscule dose of our own medicine.

President Donald Trump’s eldest son eagerly agreed last year to meet a woman he was told was a Russian government lawyer who might have damaging information about Democratic White House rival Hillary Clinton as part of Moscow’s official support for his father, according to emails released on Tuesday.

The emails, released by Donald Trump Jr., are the most concrete evidence yet that Trump campaign officials welcomed Russian help to win the election, a subject that has cast a cloud over Trump’s presidency and spurred investigations by the Justice Department and Congress.

  1. NewFormatSux says:

    Fake News is being at least a bit more careful, actually retracting a story every so often.

    • ± says:

      There is no “fake news”. Its just the lies that have been always been fed to the sheeple. To proffer the faux label of “fake news” to what is just a lie, confers a false legitimacy and masks what should just simply be pronounced as a lie.

      The “fake news” concept is lapped up by D/R hiring voters, just as their handlers expected.

      The glimmer of hope is that now people who never knew they were being lied to, use the term “fake news”, but they still haven’t made the connection.

  2. TheInvisableJCD says:

    People buy these Times cover with their photo inserted… with big lying captions. Nothing new… get a life!

  3. bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

    The Kicker is: most of what was shared/revealed was the simple truth… and most of it was known or suspected to begin with. ((IE: Podesta’s emails and the shafting of Bernie==aka: the rigged system)).

    Its stupid………….all the way down, and all around.

  4. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    Right on schedule. Here’s the progression over time:

    1. Collusion? That’s insane!
    2. They didn’t collude!
    3. What is “collusion” anyway?

    And now:

    4. What’s so bad about collusion anyway?

    What’s so bad about it is that it’s against the law, 52 USC 30121, 36 USC 510. Period. The United States of America was built on the rule of law, not whatever the latest dictator in power happened to say.

    If you want to ignore the law because you like the guy currently in power, fine. That’s your choice. But know that you’re spitting on the ideal that makes America great. You don’t get to call yourself a patriot any more.

    You’re just part of the mob standing in front of the imperial palace cheering the latest tyrant.

    Why do you hate America so much?

    • Uncle Dave says:

      Missing the point a bit?

      Of course, this is probably illegal, especially because Manafort and the Kush were there, too. The point of my opening comment was that Russian interference in the election is pretty minor compared to how we’ve interfered in the governments of other countries for decades.

      And no, I have no love for the narcissistic sociopath at the top. Great respect for the office, little for the current office holder, although I do approve of his anti-globalist philosophy, if little else. And to be clear, Hillary would have been just as bad in other ways. That those two were the choices shows how screwed up as a country we are.

      • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

        No, I’m not missing the point at all… you’re trying to play down the significance of this crime by pointing out that other crimes have been committed.

        Everyone else does it too!

        Hmm, I would have expected a more, I don’t know, mature argument from a grown person.

        • Uncle Dave says:

          You want me to make one point, while I’m trying to make another that only in your mind negates or downplays what happened because it doesn’t coincide with your point.

          This incident is just one more in a slew of illegal and/or unethical activities this White House wallows in. Happy?

          I hope the whole crew gets what’s coming to them in the Congress and the courts eventually. We, the people and the country will suffer until then.

          People wonder why I don’t post things here anymore. I’m done.

          • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

            Sorry Dave, but when the Trump presidency is mired in scandal and you just happen at that time to point out that lots of crimes have been committed by previous occupants of the White House, it makes you look a lot like all the wingnuts desperately rationalizing illegal behavior.

            Hard to tell sometimes. Sorry about that.

          • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

            Pedrito! You’re alive! Thanks for your unique contributions to the blog. 😉

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            I’m with Uncle Dave. He is as stated covering a different point THAT OTHER PEOPLE can bend to their own ends.

            Its a different point because it is a higher level point. When the issue is RUSSIA hacking, the appropriate level of comparison is USA hacking.

            A covering up or misdirection would be apparent only if the post was about Hillary Hacking or DNC Hacking.

            Its about context and plain reading…..BEFORE the bias is layered on.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Phydeau thinks Donald Jr should have ignored the law and not gone to a meeting revealing election crimes in progress. Why does Phydeau hate America so much? Is it because he liked the guy in power?

    • NewFormatSux says:

      What’s so bad about it is that it’s against the law, 52 USC 30121, 36 USC 510. Period.

      36 USC 510 is about the Presidential Inaugural Committee, so obviously you were just copying someone else’s talking points without researching it.
      52 USC 30121 is on point, but how do you reconcile it with

      11 CFR 100.74

      The value of services provided without compensation by any individual who volunteers on behalf of a candidate or political committee is not a contribution.


    • NewFormatSux says:

      You have it backwards. Liberals have gone from ‘hacking the election’ to ‘collusion’ to ‘attempting to collude’.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Uncle Dave has to compare the two because this fall we will be treated to a book HACKS about hacking the election, author’s name is…


  5. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    You know what the creepy part of this is?

    The subject line of the email circulating between Donny Jr, Prince Jared, Manafort, Goldstone, and whoever else:

    Russia — Clinton — private and confidential.

    This was in June 2016. And you know that Trump himself knew. He was in charge of everything, as he so boastfully stated.

    And since then, everyone in the Trump campaign vehemently denied that they had any connection with Russia, all the way up to the election and after, until it all unraveled.

    They were all lying. For months they lied through their teeth that they had no connection with Russia. They lied day and night, whenever they were asked anything about Russia.

    They lied. All of them. Trump, Donny Jr, Prince Jared, Manafort, Flynn, everyone involved with the Trump campaign and then his administration. How many of them lied under oath? That’s going to be interesting to track down.

    How can you believe anything they say now after that long track record of lying?

    • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

      Psst… wingnuts… you cheered the impeachment of Bill Clinton because he lied once about a blow job.

      Now how about all these months of lying from Trump? Impeachable? Or is his lying OK because he wasn’t under oath?

      • James says:

        Phydeau accuses Uncle Dave for doing EXACTLY what he does. He downplays and excuses Democrats behavior while excoriating Republicans. Fucking priceless.

        To say that Clinton’s blowjob from fat Monica is the reason for his and his corrupt bitch of a wife’s defeat is just a teeny bit disingenuous. But that is how you roll.

        Don’t bother to respond troll. You aren’t worth anyone’s valuable time here. It’s incredible that you weren’t kicked off this forum long ago.

        • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

          Aw, poor baby. It hurts, doesn’t it?

          • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

            Anyone who’s not hurting isn’t paying attention, pedrito. 😉

          • James says:

            Doesn’t hurt me one bit. But it seems to have hurt the democrats in a huge way.

            But keep it up, you can eavesdrop on our conversation from the children’s table, we may even give you a phone book to sit on if you behave.

          • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

            It hurts anyone who believes in the integrity of our American form of government.

            It hurts anyone who doesn’t want to see our elections manipulated by hostile foreign governments.

            I see that doesn’t bother you in the least.

            Why do you hate America so much?

          • NewFormatSux says:

            >It hurts anyone who doesn’t want to see our elections manipulated by hostile foreign governments.

            Hillary campaign colluded with Ukraine and got Trump’s campaign manager fired. Does it hurt you to see our elections manipulated by hostile foreign governments?

          • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

            You go with that, NFS. It’s not much, but it’s all you got. Kudos for parroting the Trump line so precisely.

            I’m parroting the “liberal media conspiracy” line, which is all the media outlets in the world except Fox/Breitbart/Drudge/InfoWars (and even Drudge is looking a little dubious lately). 😉

    • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

      For your convenience: a partial example of the wave of public lies (denials) of the Trump cabal.

  6. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    “Every time we turn around, another shoe drops from this centipede,” McCain told host Martha Raddatz on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos.”

    What a comedian! 😀

    • NewFormatSux says:

      McCain is responsible for a lot of the fake news. He was the one who acquired and delivered to the FBI the Steele dossier.

  7. NewFormatSux says:

    Since you think this collusion story is real, then the conclusion to be reached is that the previous collusion story is fake news. As you say this was June 2016. So if Russia needed an intermediary that the Trump campaign had never heard of to collude about the election, then there couldn’t have been any collusion before June 2016. Right?

    • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

      Excellent question, NFS! It should be investigated thoroughly — people questioned under oath and everything. Why don’t we let Robert Mueller and his team of expert investigators do their work? And maybe a couple of Congressional committees too. 😉

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Or do you think the intermediary was Seth Rich?

  8. NewFormatSux says:

    Yes Trump probably knew about this meeting. He tweeted something big was about to drop on Hillary shortly before.
    However, Trump should have been able to see that a British PR guy in the music industry was not reliable source of anything.

    • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

      Trump should have done the right thing and called the FBI when approached by a foreign agent offering something of value. But he didn’t. He took them up on their offer.

      And we don’t know that they got nothing… they said they got nothing, but they’re probably lying about that just like they lied about everything else.

      They’re liars. They lie. A long and proven track record. Why should we believe this one?

      • NewFormatSux says:

        The same FBI that was covering up Hillary’s other crimes? Better to hear the story firsthand and then go to the FBI and the media at once. Good thing, because the woman made it up.

        • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

          Uh, dude, try to be consistent. On the one hand you say that the woman had evidence of Clinton collaborating with Ukrainians, but on the other hand you say she made it up. Make up your mind. 🙄

          And, in case you didn’t notice, Donny Jr didn’t go to the FBI and the media when a Russian agent offered dirt on Clinton. He said, Hell da! 😉

          • NewFormatSux says:

            No, it’s the same woman. You know Trump Jr met with a woman right? She was offering info on Hillary crimes with Russia.

            Ukraine collusion is a separate story, not made up.

  9. NewFormatSux says:

    Ukraine colludes with Hillary.

    China colludes with Bill:

    testified before the House of Representatives that the head of Chinese military intelligence told him: “We like your president very much. We hope to see him re-elected. I’ll give you 300,000 U.S. dollars. You can give it to your president and the Democratic Party.”

    “It hurts anyone who believes in the integrity of our American form of government.”

    Note that Trump Jr thought he was getting info on illegal foreign campaign contributions to Hillary. He was maintaining the integrity of our American form of government.

    • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

      Interesting article on Ukrainians, though no evidence linking them directly to Clinton, more to the DNC, and it wasn’t directed by the Ukrainian government. Possibly worth investigating, but that’s just one article. So why isn’t the Trump Justice Department investigating it?

      So this is going to be Trump’s strategy? They did it too? Fine, let’s examine exactly what they *all* did, starting with the current president. 🙄

      As far as Donny Jr goes, anything he says is suspect. He’s a proven liar.

  10. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    By the way, NFS, maybe no one has explained this to you, but if your guy commits a crime that someone else might have committed in the past, it doesn’t mean your guy gets off.

    Just because they did it, doesn’t mean you can do it. It’s still wrong.

    Am I using small enough words explaining this? Too complicated? Let me know.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      No, I get it. The point is it is not a crime. Since Hillary is not directly involved in the Ukraine story as far as we know, you have chosen to say they are both crimes.
      However, there is that pesky law that says services volunteered is not defined as a contribution. Your ‘thing of value’ goes up in smoke.
      It is obvious when you consider how every single campaign can be caught up in the Vox interpretation.

      • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

        I guess we’ll have to see how it plays out, won’t we? I’ll go with Vox:

        Given that political campaigns regularly pay thousands of dollars to opposition researchers to dig up dirt, it seems like damaging information on Clinton would constitute something “of value” to the Trump campaign.

        And it’s pretty clear the Russians weren’t supporting Trump out of the goodness of their hearts. They wanted something. “Volunteered”. Ha. 🙄

        • NewFormatSux says:

          Is a foreigner volunteering for a campaign contributing something ‘of value’?

  11. NewFormatSux says:

    Apologies if I’ve posted this already:

    The basic formula for every breaking Trump/Russia story is essentially as follows:

    The New York Times or Washington Post releases an article that at first blush appears extremely damning.
    Anti-Trump pundits and Democrats react reflexively to the news, express shrieking outrage, and proclaim that this finally proves untoward collusion between Trump and Russia — a smoking gun, at last.
    Aggrieved former Clinton apparatchiks *connect the dots* in a manner eerily reminiscent of right-wing Glenn Beck-esque prognostication circa 2009.
    Self-proclaimed legal experts rashly opine as to whether the new revelation entails some kind of criminally actionable offense.
    The notion of Russian “collusion” being key to toppling Trump becomes further implanted in the minds of the most energized Democratic activists. . . .
    Pointing out these glaring flaws in the latest anti-Russia frenzy is immediately construed by cynics as “defending Trump”.
    People who’d spent the past 12 hours frothing at the mouth gradually come to realize that their initial furor was probably overblown, and that a more sober look at the actual facts at hand reveal that the anti-Trump chorus probably got ahead of itself…again.

  12. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    Close… here’s the corrected version:

    The New York Times or Washington Post releases an article that at first blush appears extremely damning.

    … because another Trump administration flunky or the big cheeto himself has been caught in another lie.

    Anti-Trump pundits and Democrats react reflexively to the news, express shrieking outrage, and proclaim that this finally proves untoward collusion between Trump and Russia — a smoking gun, at last.

    Correction: Trumpbots react reflexively to the news, express shrieking outrage, but adjusted to the new lie: For example, the collusion reaction went this way: “Collusion? That’s insane!” -> “They didn’t collude!” -> “What is collusion anyway??” -> “There’s nothing wrong with collusion!”

    Aggrieved former Clinton apparatchiks *connect the dots* in a manner eerily reminiscent of right-wing Glenn Beck-esque prognostication circa 2009.

    Correction: Aggrieved Trump apparatchiks connect bizarre dots all over the place in a manner eerily reminiscent of Glenn Beck to “prove” that it’s all Clinton/Obama’s fault.

    Self-proclaimed legal experts rashly opine as to whether the new revelation entails some kind of criminally actionable offense.

    Law professors and other expert lawyers discuss the latest lie and ponder whether the most recent information constitutes criminal activity.

    The notion of Russian “collusion” being key to toppling Trump becomes further implanted in the minds of the most energized Democratic activists. . .

    … because Trump and his flunkies have been found to be lying time and time again about mysterious meetings with Russians that they “forgot” to mention.

    Pointing out these glaring flaws in the latest anti-Russia frenzy is immediately construed by cynics as “defending Trump”.

    Correction: Pointing out these Trump administration lies and other suspicious activity is immediately condemned by hysterical Trumpbots as “fake news”.

    People who’d spent the past 12 hours frothing at the mouth gradually come to realize that their initial furor was probably overblown, and that a more sober look at the actual facts at hand reveal that the anti-Trump chorus probably got ahead of itself…again.

    Correction: Trumpbots who’d spent the last 12 hours frothing at the mouth denying the latest shoe to drop from the centipede (thanks John McCain for that image) readjust their denials to the new reality as if nothing had changed — see above moving denials over collusion.

    Glad I could fix that for ya, NFS. 😉

    • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

      Just wondering, NFS… are you really that OK with blatant, constant lying? Stupid lying that is easily found out? You’re really OK with that?

      In your personal life, you surround yourself with lying people? Really?

      If not, why are you supporting Trump and his lying band of flunkies so vehemently?

      • NewFormatSux says:

        No, I’m not OK with the lying from the liberal media, stupid lying at that.

        This collusion story directly contradicts their previous collusion story, just like the Kushner backchannel story contradicted it before.

        How many times do you have to arrange for secret communications with Russia? If they were doing it in 2015, they didn’t need to have someone new in June 2016, and Kushner shouldn’t have needed to meet and suggest setting up a backchannel in Dec 2016.

        Now the latest fake news is that Kushner was working with the Russian fake news operation and sending them voter data on who to target.
        If he had this connection, why did he need to set up a backchannel months later after the election?

        • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

          You haven’t been reading the “liberal” media (every media outlet except Fox/Breitbart/DrudgeInfoWars).

          Their stories change as the Trump lies are uncovered. And they’ve been lying, a lot. From the very beginning.

          How many times do you have to arrange for secret communications with Russia?

          I’m embarrassed for you. What a statement. This makes no sense. If they had multiple meetings with Russians, coordinating campaign strategies (like the most recent one you mentioned) they’d be covering them all up. And lying about them. Which is what happened.

          It’s sad to see someone write such painful nonsense. The many Trump administration lies are a matter of public record in the “liberal” media. The fact that you ignore that is odd and strange and sad.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            If they are meeting with the same people over and over, that is at least a consistent story. Instead you have collusion with Russia to hack the election- 2015 or earlier.
            June 2016- meeting set up by John Denver’s PR guy with a Russian lawyer ,who shouldn’t even be in the country and can’t get a visa, to get details about Hillary’s crimes.
            Throughout 2016- Kushner talking to Russian fake news people to deliver campaign data.
            December 2016- Kushner asks about setting up a backchannel with Russia.
            Only 1 and 3 are plausibly consistent.

            By pushing 2, you are automatically conceding that the previous collusion stories are fake.

    • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

      Oh and by the way NFS, the latest Trumpbot talking points on collusion, the latest moving denial, is that Donny Jr was OK colluding with Russians because of the first amendment.

      Yeah. No shit.

      • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

        What really floors me is that I suppose you could make some kind of argument/compromise to support Trump IF HE WERE DOING ANYTHING GOOD….

        but he’s not. I can’t think of a single accomplishment or even a stated goal on his part that is not a total fuck up. All while lying about it and stroking his own ego at the expense of everything and everyone he touches.

        He gives even rich people a bad name.

        …………………………… Ha, ha.

  13. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    I’m done in this thread, just me and NFS. It’s just sad, especially what NFS alluded to…

    It appears that it might be possible that the Trump campaign guided the Russians to deploy their disinformation bots to spread fake news in crucial states and even voting precincts. (Hillary Clinton is sick! Hillary Clinton stole money from the government! Hillary Clinton is running a pedophile ring out of a DC pizza joint!)

    One source familiar with Justice’s criminal probe said investigators doubt Russian operatives controlling the so-called robotic cyber commands that fetched and distributed fake news stories could have independently “known where to specifically target … to which high-impact states and districts in those states.”

    It just boggles my mind and saddens me that Americans could do such despicable and dishonest and anti-American things. And this is just scratching the surface… who knows what Mueller will uncover.

    Now the question is… will Pence be able to escape? If not… president Ryan. Whoda thunk!

    • NewFormatSux says:

      So if Kushner did it, why did he still need to set up a backchannel in December?

      Hillary was recently blaming this not on Kushner but the Macedonians. That those descendants of Alexander the Great had to tell the Russians what to do with all their hacked material.

      • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

        So he could KEEP DOING IT.

        Rather obvious.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          What happened to the previous alleged contacts?

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            They are still waiting…………… for further contacts as conditions warrant.

            What is it with you?

          • NewFormatSux says:

            So why didn’t Jared just contact them instead of meeting with the Russian ambassador to have him set up a backchannel?

  14. bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

    “Nope, you didn’t bag Hillary that time either.”

    That is a funny. worth at least one Kudo.

  15. Fuck The World says:


    Does anyone remember WHITEWATER?!

    In case you forgot, Whitewater was over some clear cut evidence that not only dealt with a cover-up or two but even involved a MURDER or two. (Pssst! Vince Foster.) And NO ONE ever really gave a damn.

    Fast forward a few years and the murdering bitch who couldn’t even keep simple records as a lawyer during the Whitewater fiasco gets the nod to run for President after even MORE illegal bullshit — and even more murdering activity (hello Libya!) — and STILL no one seems to give a damn.

    But get a modern day robber baron who EARNED his money (at the very least not in politics), over some leaked LEGITIMATE email crap on the murdering career politician and all of a sudden all these little dicks with warm soft fuzzy’s for the letter “D” (or possibly just for an Ass) turn into bad impressions of Senator Joe McCarthy!

    Can anyone say “BIASED”?!!!

    Get over it! You little fucks lost — TO A CLOWN!!! Of course, you’re going to have a hissy fit and accuse EVERYONE but YOURSELVES!

  16. NewFormatSux says:

    When you’ve lost snopes…

    and NeverTrumper Erick Erickson who left RedState for not being NeverTrump enough…

  17. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:


    I can’t resist… this is becoming comedy. Is this real? Maybe it’s a spoof, it’s so incredibly stupid and funny.

    When Prince Jared applied for a security clearance, he was told to list all contacts with foreigners for the last 7 years. He left it blank. And signed the form, swearing under penalty of law that it’s true. (I’ve had a security clearance too.) Whoopsie! Busted! Now that we know he was in Donny Jr’s meeting… he’s remembering just a few others!

    Also under scrutiny is how forthcoming Mr. Kushner was with his father-in-law about the nature of the June meeting. He met with Mr. Trump to discuss the issue, according to advisers to the White House, around the time he updated his federal disclosure form to include Ms. Veselnitskaya’s name on a list of foreign contacts that Mr. Kushner was required to submit to the F.B.I. to obtain a security clearance.

    Mr. Kushner supplemented the list of foreign contacts three times, adding more than 100 names, people close to him said.

    LOL! Not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED NAMES of foreign contacts he “forgot” to mention on his security clearance form?

    Knowingly falsifying or concealing information on a SF-86 questionnaire is a felony, punishable by up to five years in prison.

    This is getting ludicrous. He completed that disclosure form and signed it under penalty of law for lying on it, and he got caught lying. How does Prince Jared still have a security clearance? How is it that he’s not in jail???

    Wow, the Trumpists really believe they’re above the law. SMH

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Oh my, now you guys have gone from Trump to Bannon to Kushner, who was supposed to be your man in the White House keeping the conservatives down. At least Jr is a Republican.

      • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

        What do you think, NFS? Should a guy who lied on his security clearance application, hid the fact of over 100 foreign contacts, a felony crime, have a security clearance and be the number one adviser to the president?

        What do you say, NFS? Yes or no? How deep does your Trump insanity go?

        • NewFormatSux says:

          If he lied, he should be prosecuted. If it is a non-deliberate error then it is not a lie.

          Funny how you never had such standards for when Eric Holder and other Obama officials were changing their testimony after the fact.

  18. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    LOL and looky here… that old commie liberal Charles Krauthammer is joining the liberal media conspiracy!

    He chews Trump out up one side and down the other.

    When you’ve lost Charles Krauthammer… 😉

    • NewFormatSux says:

      And Krauthammer is correct. If you could stick to the logic of NeverTrumper Krauthammer, you might be able to beat Trump. Instead you hyperventilate and overreach.
      The latest story is that an event that didn’t happen violates a law that doesn’t exist.

      • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

        LOL! We try to stop, but the Trumpists keep giving us new data. For example:

        Donny Jr finally came clean, he posted the email exchange for all the world to say, was finally being completely, absolutely, 100%-honest-injun honest about what happened.

        Except, no. Surprise, surprise, surprise! 🙄 Turns out there was at least one other person in the room who gosh darn it, just slipped his mind… a “former” Russian spy named Rinat Akhmetshin who has a long history of doing spy-type stuff. So now Donny is telling the absolute complete 100%-honest-injun truth!

        Whoopsie! Well, maybe there was at least one other person, because the lawyer Veselnitskaya apparently mentioned yet another person in the room, who Donny Jr probably just forgot about too, so hard to keep track of these things.

        Really, NFS? Really? You believe this guy? Wow. It’s like Keystone Kops meet James Bond. LOL!

        So we have Russian spies meeting with high Trump campaign operatives negotiating a little quid-pro-quo. Nothing wrong with that! Nothing to see here! 🙄

        • jpfitz says:

          Do as we say, Not as “we” have done! Don’t mess with the U.S.

          I’m amazed at all the posters here just fine with the dickheads working for T having some level of security clearance. For all of these other hypothetical theories of murder and cloak and dagger regarding Clintons, Keep your eye on the ball. Forget the rabbit holes.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          More fake news. This former Russian spy works for Fusion GPS, funded by Democrats and was the company that produced the Trump dossier on the Russian hookers. Somehow the media doesn’t mention the direct connection to Fusion GPS.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          There were some other mystery men at the meeting whose identities the media hasn’t yet reported. I’ll confess. I was at the meeting.

  19. TypicalDemocrat says:

    Does anyone know of a pill I can take so my pee smells like I’ve been eating broccoli all the time?

  20. NewFormatSux says:

    Person who was going to testify about Clinton’s stealing money in Haiti has ‘committed suicide.’ I guess now we know why Bernie didn’t talk about that or the e-mails. For all his work, his wife is still being investigated by the FBI. Bad dealmaker!

  21. NewFormatSux says:

    Phydeau, do you really expect anyone other than John McCain and other warmongering NeverTrumpers to accept the argument that it is criminal to be a Republican? That is what the Russia angle boils down to. Russia did not want Hillary to be President, therefore any action to oppose Hillary’s election constitutes collusion and maybe treason. I can see why Bobbo would go along with your collusion delusion, but it will never work.

    • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

      Yeah, you go with that, NFS. I suspect Robert Mueller might have a different view. 😉

  22. NewFormatSux says:

    Something is wrong when the Book Reviewers do better than the main paper.

    The intelligence agencies fail to exhibit intelligence.

    What is the meaning of
    “Putin most likely wanted to discredit Secretary Clinton because he has publicly blamed her since 2011 for inciting mass protests against his regime in late 2011 and early 2012”?

    Read the sentence again- grammatically it does not mean what you think.

  23. Machete says:

    We proudly meddle in Russia’s politics.

    • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

      LOL! We do it to them so it’s OK for them to do it to us.

      Never once did I think I’d ever hear that from an American.

      But Trumpbots are a special kind of American. Whatever Trump does, they support it 100%, to the end.

      • Machete says:

        Hypocrisy…Phydeau is thy name.

      • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

        Its not “OK” when we do it to them.

        Its not “OK” when they do it to us.

        but it is hysterical or incompetent for our MSM to go all mental on the issue letting all kinds of other more relevant news items pass unmentioned: like why there is no paper record for all voting systems.

        You know: important stuff we can actually DO to address an issue. Not mindless fear mongering in partnership with the Power Elite.

  24. judionline says:

    Its not “OK” when we do it to them.

    Its not “OK” when they do it to us.

    but it is hysterical or incompetent for our MSM to go all mental on the issue letting all kinds of other more relevant news items pass unmentioned: like why there is no paper record for all voting systems.

    You know: important stuff we can actually DO to address an issue. Not mindless fear mongering in partnership with the Power Elite.

  25. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    Dang! Those commie libtards at the Wall Street Journal are trying to tear down our great president!

    Release everything to the public ahead of the inevitable leaks … tell every Trump family member, campaign operative and White House aide to disclose every detail that might be relevant to the Russian investigations. That means every meeting with any Russian or any American with Russian business ties. Every phone call or email. And every Trump business relationship with Russians going back years. This should include every relevant part of Mr. Trump’s tax returns … If there really is nothing to the Russia collusion allegations, transparency will prove it.

    The WSJ obviously hasn’t gotten the memo… collusion with hostile foreign powers to swing an American presidential election is peachy keen! 🙄 🙄 🙄

    • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

      When you’ve lost the Wall Street Journal… 😉

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      Don’t you think what’s obvious is the Trump has something to hide?

      ………………….and its money.

      Always money. Trump is a walking Chinese Laundry for dirty Putin money.

      Believed until disproven.

      • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

        Yup I agree… follow the money. 🙁

  26. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    Looks like Donny Jr, after swearing he was telling the complete truth this time, lied again. An eighth (and probably not final) person in the meeting was Irakly “Ike” Kaveladze. A guy with a long history of laundering money — back to 2000.

    The accounts had been opened by Irakly Kaveladze, who immigrated to the United States from Russia in 1991, according to Citibank and Mr. Kaveladze. He set up more than 2,000 corporations in Delaware for Russian brokers and then opened the bank accounts for them, without knowing who owned the corporations, according to the report by the General Accounting Office, which has not been made public.

    Bobbo, you were so right. Follow the money. I bet Trump’s been laundering money for the Russians for years, and in turn they’ve been propping him up after all his idiotic business decisions that caused all his bankruptcies. And now he’s the president. Cha-ching for the Russians! 🙄

    • NewFormatSux says:

      There you go again, peddling theories that contradict your previous theories. If Trump has been laundering all this money for years, then why did Kushner need to set up a backchannel in Dec 2016? It should have been up and running for years? Why go thru a music PR guy for John Denver in June 2015 to Trump Jr, when Trump Sr has these connections straight to the top for years now?

      • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

        You know, you aren’t completely surrounded by wingnuts here. Non-wingnuts will call you on what you say when it doesn’t make sense.

        Like now. 🙄

  27. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    Next rationalization up for Trumpbots:

    “Money laundering for Russian mobsters? So what? It’s what any prudent businessman would do! Nothing to see here! Just a sharp businessman! MAGA MAGA MAGA!!!”

    Can’t wait… 🙄

  28. NewFormatSux says:

    What is known is that the bankers who would have been (and eventually were) losing there visas paid Bill Clinton 500K for a speech, and Hillary as Secretary of State granted them visas against the wishes of Congress who wanted her to be proactive before the bill passed and restrict the visas.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      This is because of the same adoption bill that Natasha badgered Trump Jr about. The adoptions were the Russian retaliation for restricting the visas.

      • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

        You aren’t keeping up… the adoptions are about seven excuses ago for that meeting. 🙄

        • NewFormatSux says:

          Nope, still the story, Natasha talked about adoptions after telling them she would reveal the crimes of Crooked Hillary.

          The story should have been suspect from the beginning. Russian Government is trying to help you win the election by revealing how Russian Government illegally contributed to Hillary’s campaign?

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            thats exactly what Phydeau is referring to. You don’t even properly understand what you post.

            Do you think the Trumpsters went to the meeting for the adoption issues or the dirt?

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Obviously they went for the dirt. There story was and is that they didn’t get the dirt, the lady talked about adoptions. Have I missed something where they no longer are claiming that she talked about adoptions?

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            “Did I miss anything?” //// No FNS, you are still batting 1000: a constant and total failure.

            You post as if swallowing whole that after 5 lies in a row, the Trump Team told the truth? This gives babes in the woods shitting down their legs a higher priority than you in understanding whats going on around them.

            Then, there’s the dossier they were handed. Whats your best guess SFN: adoption bio’s or dirt?

            I pity the day you figure out what Make America Great actually means….. it has a long and sordid history. But like Trump…….you are too stupid to appreciate it.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            If they had dirt to give on Hillary that wasn’t already known, we’d have heard about it. The woman was a lobbyist against the Magnitsky Act, and even held a party for members of Congress later to do some more lobbying.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            Since I have ragged on you so much lately, I’ll agree here. Trump announced some big anti-Hillary info was coming soon and then he said nothing.

            Perhaps the stuff in the envelop wasn’t about Hillary directly or might have implicated the Trumps in some other way.

            Or maybe numb nuts lost it.

            ……………..who knows.

  29. NewFormatSux says:

    Russian American Foundation VP Rina Kirshner sent a request to Trump, and he forwarded the message to the right people at the State Department. Amazing what some donations can get you!


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