Talk about fake news. Trump makes up fake Time Magazine covers for his golf courses. Time asks him to take them down. What a loser!
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“What a loser!”
Who? You??
The more I see of our President’s behavior, the sorrier I feel for him. I think his personality was irreparably damaged by his father, and no matter how materially wealthy he becomes or surrounds himself with beautiful women, he’s hollow inside and feels like a failure.
Like an unhappy bully on the playground, he can’t get enough of people sucking up to him or flattering him to satisfy his narcissism. I feel especially concerned for his son Barron, just as I would for any child of a celebrity with a dystonic ego — it’s like Joan Crawford in “Mommy Dearest” all over again.
We all need to pray for the boy, and pray for our country.
P.S. Would Jesus Christ vote for the Republican healthcare reform bill? Seems to me the trillion dollar tax cuts for the rich while cutting Medicaid for the poor and elderly expose the reality that most of these lobbyist-bribed politicians are nothing more than money changers at the temple.
You were making sense in the first part of your post, but then you invoked your invisible-friend-in-the-sky. Tsk. No one can take you seriously anymore. 🤷 🤦
Thanks for the feedback, your point is well taken.
Normally, I rely on science rather than religious doctrine — I lost my faith at the age of 10 when my mother couldn’t explain either why there were so many religions or even different versions of the Bible — but as they say, “There are no atheists in foxholes” and I feel the U.S. is pretty much in a foxhole situation right now.
No date on the cover.
At least Trump chose a picture that doesn’t have him sticking his chin out looking very much like Mussolini. Dead ringer except for the hair when he does that.
The fake cover does have a date, in the upper right corner,
March 1 2009.
The actual Time cover from March features a picture of Kate Winslet and is dated March 2 2009
Thanks. If I squint, I do see it.
John has already weighed in on huge “news” item.
“Isn’t this from one of those amusement booths where you can put yourself on any number of magazine covers? So this is WAPO news? HA”
Check his twitter feed, it’s to the right of the column.
Try to pay attention.
Since WHEN was “Time” magazine ever considered to be NEWS?!
Hint: it’s a fucking MAGAZINE!
There there, I don’t want to impeach your precious Trumpy poo… we both want him to stay in office as long as possible, showing just what the Republican party is made of! 😉
Yeah, that’s kinda how we feel about Nancy P, and nutjob “Mad” Maxine waters.
A credit to the party.
Come on guys, you say you hate Trump as much as you hate the liberals, here’s a chance to express a teeeeeny bit of disapproval of Trump’s constant insecure need to have his ego fluffed.
Any time you’re ready… NFS, pedrito. Go right ahead. 🙄
Anyone? Bueller?
Hate to say it,
TIME is right on this one. They have to protect their brand and trademark, so they have the right to tell Trump or anyone else to stop using it.
BUT… Trump could simply change the copy slightly to get “Fair Use” by adding “It’s about” in small type just above TIME creating the line –
It’s about
Funny, Better, Smarter.
Just like Trump!!
I wonder if AY really believes what he says, or if he knows that Trump’s going to F him over like he’s F’d everyone else over, and just supports him because it drives the libtards crazy… AY doesn’t seem that bright, I’m going with option one. 😉
The Russians made him do it!
Time: You cannot have Free Speech, if it includes satire of our free press!
Trump can take them down and replace them with TIME Man of the Year cover.
Yes, the thing is, he actually had the “person of the year” cover from Time magazine. But he’s so insecure, and so vain, that he needed his ego puffed up with fake covers.
This is not a big deal, it’s just yet another indication of what a small, vain, petty, insecure, nasty, vindictive person is occupying the Oval Office.
Not to mention the petty, nasty, ugly tweets he wrote the other day about Mika Brzezinski. Really? Some talk show host is mean to him (poor baby!) about the fake Time cover so he has to say she was “bleeding badly from a face-lift” and other childish taunts. This is our president??? Bizarre!
Bill Clinton had right wing nuts enraged all the time over small stuff.
People stopped caring/listening to the right wing nuts — always complaining about some sort of meaningless horseshit.
Somehow people like Trump and Bill Clinton thrive on their enemies being preoccupied with pointless horseshit.
The stuff about Clinton was pointless horseshit to the end.
We’ll see what we get about Trump… the verdict’s not in yet. But a lot of people are acting a lot more nervous than an innocent person would be acting.
Phydeau, if a president lied under oath (to not lie), would that be “horseshit”?
I agree. EVERYTHING except the lying under oath was horseshit.
How about getting someone a job in exchange for them lying under oath?
Here is what I don’t get. And this is why humans suck.
Aren’t we living in a utopia right now?
Life is easier than it has ever been in history.
1) CO2 emission is and was ALWAYS going to be solved by making renewable energy cheaper than fossil fuels.
1A) This is naturally true because plants capture more energy from the sun than all our machine efforts combined. Eventually renewable energy wins because it already wins in nature, it is simply a matter of us enhancing our game.
1B) It is also true that a social element is important to create a sense of urgency.
B) The solution to the world’s problems is not everyone immigrating to the USA. That’s a dumb idea. How about instead of people immigrating to the USA, they fix the problem so they don’t have to come here?
C) What bathroom to use can’t be that big of a problem. Who uses a public bathroom more than a couple of times a day, at most. How long does that take? If that your main problem, shouldn’t you be happy that is your main problem in life? More importantly, I try to avoid public restrooms because they are gross — what are you doing wrong that I am not?
Humans are destined to be miserable because that is there natural condition.
You can give a human adequate food supply, entertainment, etc. and the human will creatively invent new emergencies to fill the void left by a lack of challenge.
This is why you have to make sure a human has a job and that he will get fired if he is late to work too many times. Not because he needs to perform that work, but because he cannot be trusted to supervise himself or manage his own affairs.
This is why most lottery winners are tragedy cases and many Hollywood actors end up being basket cases.
Cracks me up HM. With all the “A’s” around here your epistle to the ages is lacking one at the start.
I’ll just assume your keyboard sticks too.
In the main: comfort is not measured in absolute terms aone but also in relative terms. When the AlreadyTooRich want to directly kill 50,000 Medicaid recipients so they can have an additional $500K added to their portfolio….. people see the obvious.
You can see the Obvious HM……. right?
Holy shit bobbo! Are you saying that “the AlreadyTooRich want to directly kill 50,000 Medicaid recipients”?
I know you just said it, but I’m thinking you copied and pasted something and didn’t edit your post correctly. So, could you say that again please? 😲
yep, thats the number I’ve seen from 3 or so different sources.
Point is….if the bill went live, immediately 10-15 (I forget) Million people will either choose no coverage, not afford, or lose their insurance coverage. This leaves them with only the emergency room for the care they seek. so…. the common estimate is 50K will die from lack of care/delay in care/refusal in care. IE–the E/R doesn not provide healthcare….only emergency care for extreme situations.
You can argue the exact number, but not the effect.
You didn’t answer the question. Is it really true that “the AlreadyTooRich want to directly kill 50,000 Medicaid recipients”?
Yes…. they want to. But directly killing medicaid recipients wouldn’t give them any money…… they arranged to have the Pukes pass a law that will give them $$$ for such activity.
To the hypercritical: I do assume the 3-4 sources I saw are all using the same base report of 50K to die if Ryan Bill was passed. I believe it is higher under the Senate Bill. Don’t know but assume it would be the body count in the first 10 years of the plan? Liars always flip flop from first year, whole year, 10 year measurements depending on who they are pimping.
You know: just to be accurate.
[to bobbo]
Thanks for finally answering the question about “…directly killing 50,000 [people]”. Now we need to figure out the cheapest way to accomplish this. I vote for lining them up in front of bulldozed ditches and machine gunning them. Then the bulldozers just fill in the ditches. This should only cost a few 10s of thousand dollars. What method do you think is best?
PM==you have obviously never stood next to someone with a dollar in their pocket.
Killing someone doesn’t put that dollar in your pocket. You have to actually take the dollar.
Now…….why go out on the street looking for vagrants when you can have the Federal Gubment do it for you?
I don’t think you are AlreadyTooRich. Dumb as you are, you still don’t utilize the Power of the Federal Gubment to realize your ultimate goal.
“Everything is Ours.” You get what is left over.
@bobbo- You call +/- Stupid. Yet you don’t know the difference between directly and indirectly. He correctly called you out on your bullshit. You should at least have the balls to own it.
Its why I quit reading your crap comments long ago.
Name your “sources” I’m guessing CNN, HuffPO, and Mother Jones or some other commie org. All fake.
AP–such humor (aka: The Double Reverse Fandango) not to your licking eh?
Well, that just leaves more for me.
Carry on.
Still waiting for a thread on TrumpCare, where you smart guys can explain to us libtards how great it is that the Republicans want to take healthcare away from millions of average Joes and Janes, and give the money to rich people.
I’m just a dumb libtard. Explain to me how that Makes America Great Again. I’m all ears! 🙄
AP “clarifies” another fake news story.
“WASHINGTON (AP) — In stories published April 6, June 2, June 26 and June 29, The Associated Press reported that all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies have agreed that Russia tried to influence the 2016 election to benefit Donald Trump. That assessment was based on information collected by three agencies – the FBI, CIA and National Security Agency – and published by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which represents all U.S. intelligence agencies. Not all 17 intelligence agencies were involved in reaching the assessment.”
So 17 actually equal 3, and a retraction is the same as a clarification.
Good job AP!!!! And we’re supposed to trust any of these yellow jounalists.
AntiPhy revealing a wit rivaling that of lead ingots says:
7/1/2017 at 2:46 pm
Name your “sources” I’m guessing CNN, HuffPO, and Mother Jones or some other commie org. All fake. /// The predicate for this is you think claiming any number of deaths from having insurance coverage/medicaid coverage removed is fanciful?
If that is not your bare ass point: please correct the record.
Your failure to respond will not be interpreted as your failure to read this post. ((I know.. we should never anticipate our opponents. But this is just too obvious.))
bobbo, you ignorant slut! [with apologies to Dan Akroyd]
You obviously didn’t click on the link. Associated Press, your bedfellow, said it.
Your response or failure to respond will be substantiation of your oft stated “vote your self-interest” way of thinking.
What are you babbling about PM? My post/comment was about 50K dead, not the Russian vote interference.
I just watched “Neighbors” on tv last night. Excellent flick. Not as good as I remember, but still unique. Were we all that much better in our youths?
And now Trump has released a video with him attacking a guy with “CNN” superimposed over his face (an old wrestling video). It appears to be identical to a video a nasty racist, sexist, antisemitic poster put up on a nasty, racist, sexist antisemitic subreddit.
The president of the United States. Whoda thunk we’d have such an idiotic president — encouraging violence against journalists.
In a way professional wrestling is a good metaphor for the Trump presidency… with a large number of clueless idiots thinking it’s real.
Any words for Hillary who stood on stage with the group Black Lives Matter that was chanting,’What do we want? Dead cops!’
How about all the people who accept rewards from Planned Parenthood, whose founder Margaret Sanger was as racist as they come(and Ruth Bader Ginsburg was only a little softer in saying Roe v Wade was needed to keep down the number of black and brown babies).
Yep, this is what happens when one side is constantly calling for resistance and violence against the other side.
Maybe you should complain the next time someone holds up the severed head of the President.
You have a short memory, Kyle… over 8 years of vicious, nasty, racist right-wing protest of our black (!) president, who had the nerve to be black and Democratic and the president at the same time.
Maybe you forgot the many pictures of Obama being symbolically lynched?
F off, idiot. 🙄
Harsh language.
………………………….. but deserved.
Fuck off indeed. Show how you addressed head on anything Kyle said in spirit, tone, or words as opposed to changing the subject to your standard liberal “racist” cry. You can’t. You are a pathetic person. A troll tolerated.
bobbo sucked right on to your “racist” tit too. This image is timeless: and explains how most interactions with liberals end.
There were plenty of ways to criticize Obama, but you guys just couldn’t resist throwing in racist insults too. That’s just who you are. Can’t just criticize the guy on the politics, you have to throw in the N word too.
The standard liberal cry wouldn’t be “racist” if there weren’t so many racists out there. Just saying. 😉
Or maybe it just turns out he was a shitty President. We’ve had quite a few of those in the last 60 yrs or so. Just because he is half black, does not make him a great President.
Did you ever entertain that thought?
You can call the president a shitty president without calling him a n****r.
Well, you and your racist wingnut buddies can’t. Other people can.
Racism is just one problem in America, not even the biggest. Rich people screwing over the rest of us (TrumpCare) is probably the biggest.
What do you think would happen if we just left Obamacare alone to fail on its own. You do understand Obamacare is a total failure, do you not?
BTW I have never called him a nigger, that’s just in YOUR head.
Ah M, you live deep in wingnut world. Outside here in reality, Obamacare is a pretty big success. Even Trump’s own administration admits this:
But that silly reality thing — we all know it has a liberal bias. You can ignore it.
We can’t really discuss this. It’s like trying to discuss astronomy with someone who insists the sun rises in the west. You are entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts. 🙄
Why Obamacare Failed:
I say just let it fail on its own. Dont touch it. When people get outraged, they will know who to blame.
That’s right, Dave! And another thing… don’t do any maintenance on your car, don’t change the oil, nothing. And when the car fails, you can blame the manufacturer!
🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄
Left wing talking points.
Actually I don’t remember half of Hollywood, right wing politicians, former Vice Presidents, and 95% of the mainstream media calling for Obamas head.
No. Because it never happened.
Did it make you feel better telling me to fuck off? Were you able to release a little of that left wing hatred?
Really? That’s the best you can do? Dismiss the many symbolic lynchings and all the other racist, bigoted hatred spewed out by you and your buddies as “left wing talking points”?
Wow. Have a nice day. 🙄
there is a PUBLIC RECORD of all the record breaking antics of the Republican faction in the Congress.
Have you forgotten the McConnell Pledge to stop Obama from being re-elected was Job #1 before he even took office? So …. more filibusters and non-appointments than ever before. Government shutdowns. Refusing to pass Long Standing Republican legislation if Obama put his name on it?
Your “memory” is more than selective: talking about talking points.
Stopping the political opposition from being elected? Yeah, I guess that’s the same as a cowardly act like mowing down republican participants in a charity baseball game.
None of this has anything to do with the violence that is being promoted by the left.
Your memory is shorter than your penis.
Kyle fixating on all things penis and projecting his own short status says:
7/3/2017 at 5:26 pm
Stopping the political opposition from being elected? Yeah, I guess that’s the same as a cowardly act like mowing down republican participants in a charity baseball game. /// No, its not the same thing at all. How short is your penis?
None of this has anything to do with the violence that is being promoted by the left. /// All depends on how many degrees of separation you will allow into the equation…. and the shortness of your short penis.
Your memory is shorter than your penis. /// And both are longer than yours.
As Pedro so often cogently points out: Waa, Waa, Waa!!!
Silly hooman (with a short penis and half a brain).
Reality == Liberal Talking Points
You’re not going to get any wingnuts to listen to reality. 🙄
Trump plays with CNN like a cat owner with a laser pointer.
Neither the cat or CNN get it.
Five second Tweet, priceless entertainment.
……………………….. W H O O S H …………………….
SF, you’ll find pleasant company on Scott Adams’ blog. They, too, think that Trump is some kind of master genius playing 7 dimensional chess with the media.
Out here in reality, we’ve observed him for 40 years and it’s well known how petty, insecure, impulsive, vindictive, nasty, thin skinned, amoral, and free of ethics he is. And he’s not that smart, and he doesn’t have much of an attention span for anything that doesn’t involve himself.
You are free to believe that it’s all a clever cover, that he’s a genius. Knock yourself out. 🙄
Can’t speak for the veracity of your reference to Scott Adam’s blog, (probably not true knowing who I am addressing); but look at the rest of your post, you actually CAN address the post you are responding to in a reasoned head on fashion.
You’re still a tolerated troll. 🤷🏻
PM, you wingnuts can dish it out but you can’t take it. Sorry to hurt your delicate little feefees. 😀
There ya go again. It seems it is only an accident when something you post has anything to do with what you are responding to. You are a troll.
Why do you talk like a baby?
To communicate with sensitive little babies who fling digital dung all over the place, but then cry troll when someone posts a strong opinion they disagree with. Poor babies.
Glad I could clear that up for ya. 😉
Or…….you’re a baby?
You go with that, M. 😉
Trust me, you live alone in your own, personal reality.
And your string of descriptive adjectives shows how much the election night atomic wedgie still hurts.
Prep H is your friend.
I understand why you wingnuts love our petty, insecure, impulsive, vindictive, dishonest, nasty, thin skinned, amoral, and ethics-free president… you finally get a president just like you!
As they used to say in the Texas Legislature: If they took all the idiots out of the lege, it wouldn’t be a representative body! *rimshot*
You idiots finally have a president you can relate to. I’m happy for you! Enjoy it while you can, until he shoots himself in the foot once too often and we get President Pence, or maybe President Ryan, if Pence is too tainted…
And I’m just visiting your wingnut world on this blog… I live in reality, that place you won’t visit because of its well-known liberal bias… 😉
If Trump is so terrible, how’d he get elected against the person Obama described as ‘the most qualified person ever to seek the White House’?
American idiot voters.
Looks like he pointed the laser pointer into his own eye!
😛 😛 😛 😀 😀 😀
Muslims call for boycott against Starbucks, Apple, Microsoft, etc.. for supporting LGBTQ….rights. What WILL Liberals do now?
Same thing we do when nutball fundie Christians boycott Starbucks, Apple, Microsoft, etc… roll our eyes and say “hey, boycott whoever you want”
Aren’t the nutball fundie Christians happy to have support from the nutball fundie Muslims? You guys get along together so well, trying to destroy what makes America great! 🙄
Like these guys! <3 <3 <3
Haven’t seen the inside of a church in 50 years so I don’t think I qualify. But hey, I love the way you make up fake scenarios in your head.
This guy lives in his own private reality.
Problem is, he’s thinks it’s real.
Henry, you lose your health insurance because of TrumpCare, you’ll find out what reality is soon enough. 🙄
An excellent example of your reality, complete with the boogie man under the bed.
Hell is the collapse of ObamaCare with no action plan.
Now you’re talking sense, Henry. If the Republicans controlling the government sabotage Obamacare, it will be hell. Let’s hope they don’t do it.
You don’t have to go to church to have the same nut ball ideology as any far right group.
Is that how you think you dodge the association?
…………Ha, ha………… FAIL.
Oh Fuck Off Phydog, I know lots of people who were priced out of health care insurance because of O’Care. You don’t give a shit about those people. Do some research for cripes sake.
The clear data out here in reality shows that more people have insurance after ACA than before. Sure, a few probably lost their insurance; no one said it was perfect. It’s a huge complex complicated thing, and it needs to be tuned and fixed up. So what’s your point? You have no point, you’re just a wingnut who’s been watching Fox News for way too long and you’ve lost critical thinking skills from lack of use. You and your fellow Trumpbots. Sheesh. 🙄
The problem with your argument is that the people who are priced out of the market are the middle class working taxpayers. Not the welfare state poor. And that’s just bad for everybody.
He’s in it only for the money,
you can take that to the bank.
How about more threads? One for all the wingnuts to explain how great it is that the Republicans want to pass TrumpCare, to take away health insurance from millions of Americans to give rich people a tax cut. MAGA!
And one to discuss the latest Trump follies… Donnie Jr and Prince Jared meeting with a Russian with ties to Putin promising dirt on Clinton. Can you say “collude”? I knew you could. I’m sure you’ll be able to explain to this dumb libtard how cool collusion is, really no harm to the USA at all. I’m all ears.
That explains your nickname. You are a dog on a leash, hyping every story they feed you.
If Trump was colluding with the Russians, why did Donald Jr have to meet with this random person claiming to have info from the Russians? According to your theory, they should have had a direct line already!
Aren’t you embarrassed asking lame questions like that? Better to just slink away…
Did your masters tell you to say that too?
You have repeated here their tales of collusion in trying to set up a backchannel in Dec 2016, when you previously told us they were already colluding, now you talk of this meeting. You also echo their comments about money laundering, obstruction, and whatever new meeting between someone they can link to Trump and someone they can link to Russia they present as more evidence.
The New York Times reports that Donald Jr knew it was the Russian government he was meeting with, then says the person who set up the meeting might not have known. Then how did Donald know it was the Russians, when his only contact was thru the person that NYT says they are not sure if he knew?
You’re sounding desperate, NFS… just sayin’ 🙄
Looks like NFS has your number. That number is Zero. How can I tell?
By your responses. Or lack thereof.
Talking desperation, LOL.
From the message board over at Slate, sums up the Trumpbot position perfectly:
I hear they’re going to put up another article tomorrow about a secret meeting. I’m sure you’ll be here to post about it. Impeachment is in the air!
Evidence of those secret meetings between Trumpists and Russians do tend to pop up with surprising regularity, don’t they? I’m glad to hear you admitting that, NFS… the first step on the road back to reality. 😉
“But again, I don’t think that they — that even crossed the radar screen over there (the Trump campaign). So I — you know, I have real doubts — about whether they thought that there was something, you know, illegal, wrong, unethical about it.”
Even Obama’s campaign manager isn’t willing to drink the KoolAid any longer.
Um, yes, they might have been so dumb/ignorant that they didn’t think doing that illegal thing, was illegal. Working with agents of foreign governments to influence the election? Sure, sounds great! 🙄
So hey, if they didn’t think they were doing anything wrong, then it’s OK! Ignorance of the law is a great excuse, for a Republican anyway!
🙄 🙄 🙄
NFS, I think you’re going to have to brush up on that new Republican spin: “so what if they colluded? there’s nothing wrong with collusion!”
Good luck with that. 😉
That’s not a new spin. Andy McCarthy published that months ago. Like the obstruction it is not criminal but definitely impeachable if true.
That commie liberal former Dubya ethics lawyer has an opinion:
So go ahead and explain to us how it’s OK that Trump was interested in getting oppo research from Russians. Take your time. 😉
Bushies don’t like Trump; Jeb gave Hillary Liberty Medal.
Whoopsie, Donny Jr lawyers up! He’s got himself a criminal defense lawyer. I wonder why he would need one of those?
Can you tell I’m enjoying this? 😉
Looks like Donny is in good hands… his lawyer has represented many mafia wiseguys.
That’s a nice Special Prosecutor’s office you got over there, Bobby boy… it would be a shame if anything happened to it, ya know what I’m saying? 😉
For the record… the law that Donny Jr is apparently confessing that he broke:
Apparently Donny thinks that since he didn’t get any dirt from the meeting, he’s not guilty. That’s like going into a bank with a gun and a mask and demanding money, and if the bank doesn’t actually have any money there, then no crime occurred! 🙄
Good luck with that…
Telling them you are going to deliver the goods on Hillary then talking about adoption law is ‘a thing of value’?
If anything it is value to the Hillary campaign to have Trump’s people wasting time on it.
She received a thing of value from a Russian national, and Fusion GPS is right in the middle of it, funded by Team Hillary. LOCK HER UP!
Oh boy, they’ll still give you your scooby snacks for doing your part like they needed, but it won’t achieve anything.
Any foreign national individual may volunteer personal services to a federal candidate or federal political committee without making a contribution. The law provides this volunteer “exemption” as long as the individual performing the service is not compensated by anyone on the campaign. See 11 CFR 100.74. For example, as the Federal Election Commission advises all, “an individual can provide volunteer services to a candidate or party without considering the value of those service a contribution to the candidate or party.” Section 30121 of Title 52 does not apply to voluntary activity or services. The thing “of value” must be actual money, or its transferable equivalent, not a volunteer of services or information.
As long as you are believing Vox’s story about Trump Jr is in deep legal trouble, you are going to go after the Clinton campaign too right? From Politico:
“A Ukrainian-American operative who was consulting for the Democratic National Committee met with top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide Paul Manafort and Russia, according to people with direct knowledge of the situation. “
You’re right on schedule and numbingly predictable. Yes, offering “the goods” on Clinton is a thing of value. From the rest of the VOX article:
Is Hillary campaign guilty of soliciting or accepting a thing of value from Ukraine?
Politico says yes, under your Vox definition.
What about the FEC saying it is OK to volunteer for a campaign? Isn’t that valuable?
Even under your Vox definition you have a problem bagging Donald Trump:
1) Nothing of value was given. The goods on Clinton was a pretext to get the meeting.
2) Donald Jr didn’t solicit. The materials were offered to him.
who cares..
People have been for many years inserting their photo into a Time mag cover. You can even buy them. So what’s new? Get a life.
Uh, this guy is the president of the United States. You’d think we could expect better from him than silly lies to puff up his ego.