As we untangle the mess that’s called the 2016 election we see that both parties are a celebration of stupidity and corruption. While we investigate Russian “meddling” in our election we are ignoring that we know from Wikileaks that Hillary cheated in her election with Bernie Sanders and that the core players who cheated are still in power in the Democrat Party. And saying vote for us because we are a little less corrupt than the Republicans is no longer good enough.

Meanwhile the Republicans are too incompetent to govern and the justice department has to wonder if they can prosecute a president who is too stupid to even understand the laws that he breaks with impunity. And as stupid as Trump is, the 16 other Republicans he ran against were actually even worse. We now have the Republicans, who are in the pockets of big money, fighting the Democrats, who are also in the pockets of big money, and they only thing that always seems to happen is that the top 1% always gets the tax break while the rest of us get stripped of medical protections.

I’m so disgusted that it makes me want to burn a flag. But I no longer think the flag is worthy of burning because America no longer has an meaning. So this 4th of July I’m going to hang the flag upside down because I think we can all agree, America is in distress.

  1. Ah_Yea says:

    For once I agree completely.

    The twist is -Trump isn’t a career politician, and he is being destroyed by lying and twisted career politicians from both sides.

    So answer me this?

    Who really represents us?

    What’s going to happen in 2018 and 2020?? 😮

    • Marc Perkel says:

      No one represents us. We’re f_______cked!

      • Oh my says:

        Who is “us”?

        Millions are represented by Trump. Far from perfect, but he’s getting things done!

        Refreshing, he doesn’t smell like the old swamp-water politicians who kick the can down the road and call it “progress”.

        • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

          Getting things done? Like packing his swampy administration with Wall Street insiders, fat cat Republicans, and career Washington politicos?

          Refreshing, eh? Looks and smells like the same old Republican swamp.

          Someone’s not paying attention to what’s going on…

          • NewFormatSux says:

            If he isn’t getting things done, why are liberals marching in the streets and dreaming of assassination?

            If it is business as usual Republican politics, why are Republican politicos like Bill Kristol talking about impeachment and forming a third party?

          • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

            Nice try NFS, but the vast majority of Republicans are going along with Trump. And it would be business as usual if Trump wasn’t so incompetent. You can bet he’ll sign whatever bills the Republican Congress will send him.

          • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

            And btw, how’s that swampy-drainy thingy working out for ya, NFS? 😉

          • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

            Yes yes of course pedrito, you would say that. But those who believed Trump’s promise to “drain the swamp” of DC corruption might be a little disappointed to see his administration packed with Wall Street veterans, Republican Fat Cats and DC insiders.

            But you’d support the Big Orange Cheeto to the end… such devotion is impressive, if a bit disturbing… 😉

          • ± says:

            [to Phydeaux]

            When you’ve no ability to respond to the content, like usual, you resort to disparagement. Even you by now know that pedro isn’t a fan of Trump.

            Or is it that you can’t break thru the cognitive dissonance your brain experiences when you encounter someone who is anti-Trump, but not pro-whatever-dirtbag R/D you support? It’s a tuff question; there are so many like you.  

          • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

            PM, you pretend to hate Rs and Ds, but your venom is directed overwhelmingly toward liberals. Spare us the BS, you and pedrito. Own who you are, you’ll feel much better. 🙄

          • ± says:

            [to Phydeaux]
            There ya go again. Someday if you accidentally address the content of a post you are responding to, people are going to think that someone else is posting using your name.  😜

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

            As if direct refutation fully explained is not paying attention or addressing the content?

            Buy a dictionary.

    • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

      What’s going to happen in 2018 and 2020??

      Look at what happened in 2016. Same stuff, only more:

      1. In 2016, Russians hacked the DNC and released embarrassing info about Clinton right before the election. In 2018, they’ll hack the Democrats again and release embarrassing info about Democrats in key Congressional races right before the election. Some of it will be fake, but that won’t be found out until after the election.

      2. In 2016, Russians at least probed voting machines in 39 states that we found out. Maybe changed voting totals? Who knows, these voting machines are insecure. In 2018, with what they learned in 2016, Russians will break into voting machines and change the votes. Trump and the Republicans will refuse to take any steps to stop this, because it benefits them, obviously. Duh. “Actual” vote totals will be “mysteriously” more Republican than exit polls (which have always been incredibly accurate until the time of electronic voting machines).

      3. Cambridge Analytics and the Russians will once again flood Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc. with Fake News ads right before the election. They’re phenomenally good at knowing exactly what kind of fake news to propagate, based on people’s personality traits gleaned from their Facebook, Twitter, Google searches, etc. All perfectly legal.

      And Republican citizens in America will support all the corrupt, illegal, unethical, and immoral behavior that Republicans and their Russian friends are doing, because they don’t really care about the American Way, they only care about their side winning.

      The Republicans in Congress are pushing this incredibly unpopular TrumpCare bill (even Republicans don’t like it). Why do something so unpopular? They’re acting like they don’t have to face another election. Maybe they’re so confident that they can rig the 2018 election that they don’t care.

      • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

        Whoops, and of course:

        4. When Anthony Kennedy or any of the liberal Supreme Court justices retire, it’ll be like Christmas for the Republican party. Trump will appoint another right-winger like Gorsuch. Then all the gerrymandering and voter suppression by Republicans will be officially blessed, and it will become more extreme. Abortion will most likely become illegal again. The Supreme Court will throw out precedent and rule continuously in favor of the most right-wing Republican laws. Good for rich Republicans, not so good for poor Republicans, who will be f*cked like the rest of us.

      • AntiPhy says:

        Seth Rich, one of your own, and a Bernie supporter like yourself was the source. And your people murdered one of their own. Assange all but admitted where they got their info.

        Connecting the dots for a full blown retard.

        • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

          Oh goody, a new conspiracy theorist to replace all the ones who have run away. Welcome. 🙄

          • AntiPhy says:

            Voter suppression? Are you one of those racists that think black people are too stupid or lazy to own a ID Card?

            Shame on you.

          • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

            Ah, reminds me of the old days. 🙂

            Only NFS is left to carry on the BS. (With pedrito as his able flunky). I’m sure they’re glad to have new blood… all the rest have scurried away. Came to their senses, I guess. 🙄

            So carry on with your new version of the same old stupid BS. 🙂

          • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

            Here, I’ll play along:

            Voter suppression? Despite no evidence of significant voter fraud ever found in the US, are you one of those racists who wants to make it more difficult for poor and minority people to vote, by forcing them to get IDs that solve no problem?

            There ya go, knock yourself out… but I suspect that’s already happened and you’re brain damaged. 😛 *rimshot*

          • AntiPhy says:

            So you ARE one of those racist that think blacks are too stupid to own some form of ID. I knew it.

            You cant buy a beer, cash a check, use a credit card, board a plane, or do much of anything without ID of some kind.

            How hard is it to get ID….unless of course your illegal? Would you be on board if the gov’t sponsored a free program to issue ID Cards.

            I suspect you wouldn’t.

          • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

            You’re a racist who wants to find some reason to prevent poor and/or black people from voting. You don’t have the awareness to realize it, but you’re a very common type. There have been many like you before you, and there will be many more like you. And the Republican party’s Southern Strategy has conned your type for decades. Lucky for you, you don’t have the awareness to understand what a fool you are. 😉

          • AntiPhy says:

            Nope, your bullshit doesn’t hold water, Poor and minorities people that you talk about are on gov’t assistance, which requires an ID. You’re full of shit AND you know it.

            Too easy.

          • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

            Go ahead and live in your own little world. Requiring people to have IDs to solve a non-existent problem is clearly voter suppression. You don’t see it, so you’re clearly one of those Fox/Breitbart/Drudge/InfoWars wingnuts. That is its own punishment; you live in a nasty world and obviously have become a nasty person. Good luck with that. 🙄

          • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

            Aw pedrito, so nice of you to cover for AP since he had no answer. You are so sweet to him. <3

  2. John Ullman says:

    My daddy used to ask me, “If you’re so smart, why aren’t you rich?” So, as I feel very much as you do, “If we’re so smart, why haven’t we figured out a political agenda that works for a large majority of our people?” The only answer I can come up with is that a small number of high functioning psychopaths have conned the true believer types into throwing in with them, and that, along with a host of long term dirty tricks, like gerrymandering and voter suppression, has given us what looks like a very long spell of bad government that only benefits the uber rich.

    And I don’t have a pat answer. But I think supporting either party is a mistake. And talking about resistance is a mistake. We need to build a new model that works. And we need to circumvent conventional government when we can.

    For example we might forget about unions, new laws, and even initiatives to institute a decent wage. We should just organize enough people to sign a petition saying they won’t do business with anyone who doesn’t have a sign in their window and on their letter head that they pay a minimum of $40/hr. It would not take more than 10 to 20% of most businesses customer bases to get them to pay decent wages.

  3. ECA says:

    I consider these folks EMPLOYEES…
    as soon as they make a WAGE/EARNINGS…they are an EMPLOYEE..
    Why did they get to DECIDE how much they get paid? Decide their OWN benefits?? Work 20 years, and retire with upto 80% of your previous wages???

    They consider they themselves are EQUAL to middle management and are getting underpaid..
    ANY middle management OUT THERE???

    I WOULD REALLY like a Intelligence test on General knowledge of Economics, and Balancing a CHECK BOOK.. AS well as Current prices of FOOD..

    THIS from GROUPS, that sit around for 6 months out of the year…Never changed from the OLD WAYS, as they would go back to the farms to PLANT AND HARVEST…
    THEN, on the video, MANY take 1/2 days to go and Call up people to get MORE MONEY to run for the office NEXT TIME..

    How many of you would be able to Survive if you worked ONLY 1/4 the time??
    At 1/4 the time, would be Equal to??? $680,000 PER YEAR.. For a job that was Created as a HONOR position and only paid a STIPEND…for travel, and time in DC….

  4. ECA says:

    “The Board of Scientific Counselors had 68 members two months ago. It will have 11 come September 1.” That date is also when the EPA is expected to eliminate more than 1,200 employees.

    ANYONE notice that Allot of Consumer protections are hitting the DIRT??
    Over the years, and exp the last 17, they have cut SO many corners, that the USDA and 2 other agencies responsible for Food quality and inspections, CANT DO THE JOB..not enough employees…

    Watching Stuff happening over the the past 30,,There has ben an Agenda running..and all I can see is that it has to be 1 of 3,, Corp take over of this nation(dumping all pollution laws and Eliminating Banking laws and restrictions); Turning this nation into a Nation of War Mongers(without looking to the past and running off to WAR at the slightest instigation),, OR the idea of PUSHING this planet into Armageddon(population control to the max),,

  5. NewFormatSux says:

    Where are these tax cuts for the top 1%? I haven’t seen any lately.

    • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

      Good, good… that’s progress. Start looking around, NFS! 😉

  6. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    Before you get on your high horse about Democratic primary hijinks, let’s see an email dump of the Republican primary. Or any primaries from elections past. I suspect you’ll see the same kind of stuff.

    What Trump is doing after getting elected, though, is far different than any president before him.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      So says the future Chelsea voter.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Come on, Fido. Yes, it is stuff that has happened before. but you know it’s a big deal now because Marc wanted Bernie to win(but not enough to make it happen by writing about Hillary’s server like he promised).

      • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

        Wow, admitting that what you said before was BS! I’m impressed with your honesty, NFS. Maybe there’s hope for you yet… 😉

        • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

          I assume that’s “you’re welcome” in pedrito-ese? 😉

    • AntiPhy says:

      Weren’t you one of those on this blog that was “horrified” of the thought that Trump wouldn’t accept the results of the election.

      Yeah, I remember that. So what do you think about all the rich Hollywood idiots calling for the Presidents assassination.

      You guys are just a sad joke. No wonder you lost the Presidency, Congress, the Senate, Governorship’s, and will continue to lose. You’re a loser.

      • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

        I’m flattered, AntiPhy! 😀

        Speaking of losing, I hope you won’t be one of the people losing their health insurance when your Republican Congressional heroes push thru TrumpCare. 😉

        • AntiPhy says:

          I already lost my doctor and my health insurance under Obamacare, I’ve got nothing left to lose. But still, I bet I’m paying for losers like you and the dope.

          • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

            Well that explains a lot — sorry to hear that, if it’s true.

  7. NewFormatSux says:

    CNN producer caught on tape, Russia story is a witchhunt, pushed by the top guy. They wanted to talk about global warming, but after a few days, the jefe said ‘get back to Russia’.

    • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

      Oh dear, just when I thought you were getting closer to sanity… 🙁

  8. Raintrees says:

    The best government money can buy. Keep buying more, fiat currencies are worthless anyway.

    Are we ready to start dismantling big government yet? Or should we let the pain continue?

  9. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    John Ullman says:
    6/26/2017 at 8:52 pm

    My daddy used to ask me, “If you’re so smart, why aren’t you rich?” /// Smart enough to know that money is not the high mark of a life well lived. After you have “enough” which is not “rich” by most measures, you turn to other sources of enjoyment and fulfillment.

    So, as I feel very much as you do, “If we’re so smart, why haven’t we figured out a political agenda that works for a large majority of our people?” The only answer I can come up with is that a small number of high functioning psychopaths have conned the true believer types into throwing in with them, and that, along with a host of long term dirty tricks, like gerrymandering and voter suppression, has given us what looks like a very long spell of bad government that only benefits the uber rich. /// So…. asked and answered.

    And I don’t have a pat answer. /// What does “pat” mean to you? Your answers above are quite good. Pat yourself for a small reward.

    But I think supporting either party is a mistake. /// What does “support” mean to you? What does mistake mean? Whenever a choice is presented, what are all the alternatives? And always remember: there are pros and cons to all we do. That means the very best response will have some mistakes. Know what I mean?

    And talking about resistance is a mistake. /// What do you mean by resistance? Not buying their BS is resistance. Heartily recommended. Armed resistance? Of course not.

    We need to build a new model that works. /// Don’t stand too close to the glue…. and keep a window open.

    And we need to circumvent conventional government when we can. /// No.

    For example we might forget about unions, new laws, and even initiatives to institute a decent wage. We should just organize enough people to sign a petition saying they won’t do business with anyone who doesn’t have a sign in their window and on their letter head that they pay a minimum of $40/hr. It would not take more than 10 to 20% of most businesses customer bases to get them to pay decent wages. /// No.

    Good Luck Phydeau. I don’t know how you stay at it. Know there are many people reading your posts who don’t want to take a bath reading most of the responses.

    • Screw the Pooch says:

      “Good Luck Phydeau. I don’t know how you stay at it. ”

      Yeah, that old pooch seems to enjoy traveling down “Asskick Boulevard”.

      It’s a long road with lots of stoplights.

  10. Ah_Yea says:

    This post is SO FUNNY! Watching Phy and Troll tag teaming like trollish mexican wrestlers!

  11. o2 says:

    In my opinion in usa of course – u have coruption. But U have no reason to worries. Ur country is full of natural resources, full of money and inteligent people. AND the most important question. I belive Donald Trump make america great again… This is no-mainstream guy.

    America is on good road now!

  12. Ross Rhine says:

    The real problem is not with the parties or politicians but with the grassroots themselves, because at the end of the day, the politicians are the products of the grassroots. A bad root produces a bad fruit.

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      Wouldn’t it be nice if that were true?

      But it is more complicated than that. Its not the grassroots that takes and spends money on false advertising. Its not the grassroots that gerrymanders the districts or removes voters from the rolls.

      Yes………..more complicated than that.

      • ± says:

        The quintessential bobbo not taking responsibility for his actions.

        bobbo, the politicians don’t hire themselves. YOU (when you vote) and 100 million other nest shitters do.

        You shit in my nest when you you shit in yours. FUCK YOU!

  13. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    Ruh-roh… a bit from a story from those commie libruls at the Wall Street Journal:

    Those investigators have examined reports from intelligence agencies that describe Russian hackers discussing how to obtain emails from Mrs. Clinton’s server and then transmit them to Mr. Flynn via an intermediary, according to U.S. officials with knowledge of the intelligence.

    Whoda thunk, Russian hackers delivering Clinton emails directly to the Trump campaign. No wonder Trump tried to get Comey to back off Flynn. Receiving hacked data from Russians probably not looked on too favorably by the FBI.

    I’m shocked I tell you, shocked! 🙄

    Lots of nervous people in the Trump administration nowadays… 😉

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Phydeau falls for more fake news. The sources don’t even try for a credible fake story, like sending Stone or Corey or Bannon e-mails from Hillary’s campaign. No, instead they conspire to send Hillary’s work e-mails about agents in the field and other classified materials to Michael Flynn. How is that supposed to help Trump?

  14. Glenn E. says:

    I can’t help but think that the military branch of the US Govt. didn’t just stand by and allow the Russians to hack the DNC servers. And later, perhaps influence the College of Delegates to tip the vote away from the Democrats. Why?

    Because during the party platform talks. Saunders and Clinton decided that the School of the Americas, had to go. And I’m fairly sure, the Pentagon, really hated losing their little school of military dictatorships. So much so, that they worked behind the scenes, to see that the Democrats lost the 2016 election. They just couldn’t tell the news media why that was a good thing. Without tipping their hand.


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