Election tampering is being focused on Trump but what about election tampering by Democrats? Wassweman-Shultz rigged the Democratic primary for Hillary as we have learned from leaked emails. We also know that Donna Brazille slipped Hillary questions in advance of a debate with Bernie Sanders. And I fault Hillary for illegally accepting the stolen information from Brazille.

Then there’s the airport meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch just one day before she ordered Comey to drop the investigation and start calling it a “matter”. And of course Hillary defied subpoenas when she mass deleted emails off her server and ran bitwasher on it to make sure the FBI couldn’t recover anything. Clearly obstruction of justice.

Both parties acted in a manner that was disgusting. A pox on both their houses.

  1. Mark says:

    This is blatantly obvious. And while we’re at it, if Trump is to be investigated for obstruction, then Hillary and her minions should also be investigated for obstruction in the destruction of evidence, deleting emails, lying about how many devices she used, destroying those devices, etc etc.

    Again, both parties are a malignant cancer on the country. Frankly, I am sick and tired of paying these incompetent criminals my hard earned tax dollars, just to be mired in one fucking scandal after another.

  2. bobbo, we think with words, but a photo is worth 1000 words, and no thinking at all says:

    Election tampering has a bright line separating it from Nomination Tampering. The first is subject to court review….. the second is normally left to Politics.

    Should tax dollars be spent on investigating losing campaigns? Sure….if the alternative is to burn the money. Otherwise…not much sense to it. Burning the winner is what will teach em.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Burning the attempts is what teaches them, unless the lesson you want to teach is ‘If you try to cheat, you won’t be busted if you lose.’ You are right about nomination tampering, but Lynch was tampering with the general election too.

      • bobbo, we think with words, but a photo is worth 1000 words, and no thinking at all says:

        Do you think you are agreeing, disagreeing, or making a finer point over what I posted?

        I can make it any of those. There’s a word for that.

        • Allow me says:

          There’s no “bright line”. Money well spent.

          Draining the swamp uncovers lots of nasty creatures.

          Hold your nose. The stink has just begun.

    • Mark says:

      Part of the problem. You.

    • Mark says:

      So what you’re saying is, if Hillary had been the “winner”, you would support spending endless amounts of tax money investigating, and possibly impeaching her for obstruction?

      Doubtful, as she is part of your tribe. And at the end of the day you supported her.

      • bobbo, we think with words, but a photo is worth 1000 words, and no thinking at all says:

        If you reviewed the forum, you’d find me forcefully pissed off Hillary did not do jail time (symbollic in the nature of one week or so, all going to USA abysmal penal for profit system causing more harm than good) for her clear and obvious email server violation of National Security.

        Would I press for post election prosecution? Same question as who I would vote for: whats the alternative?

        I’m not a knee jerk hypocrite like yourself. I make it an exercise.

        • ± says:

          ********* bobbo, was “forcefully pissed off” ********
          “If you reviewed the forum, you’d find me forcefully pissed off Hillary did not do jail time (symbollic [sic] in the nature of one week or so …”
          Aggghhhahahahahaahhhhehehehehehar! What are you ‘doing’ when you say something this stupid? I want some of that stuff, it must make you feel gooooooooooood. 🤗 :eyeroll:

          ****** then! ******
          “… Same question as who I would vote for: whats the alternative?”
          I know you don’t get this, but vote for someone who is not known evil, then you are not part of the problem.

          **** and without a whit of irony bobbo issued forth *******
          I’m not a knee jerk hypocrite like yourself. I make it an exercise.
          A rare moment of truth from bobbo.

  3. pedro says:

    Does the sun rise in the morning. Is having a mail server outside State Department Illegal?

    You keep making some questions…

  4. hmayle says:

    Of course the probe should include all who have committed election tampering. But it probably won’t because the probe isn’t about the integrity of our elections…it’s about unseating Trump.

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    That’s right. The Dems created this fake news to unseat Trump.

    I’m all in favor of a fair and impartial probe, which would include who started this fake news and jail time for all involved.

    That’s not gonna happen.

  6. Ah_Yea says:


    Marc disappointed many when he voted for Hillary even after he knew in detail that she was deeply corrupt and criminal.

    What happened to our society which once valued Virtue and Morality?

    • bobbo, we think with words, but a photo is worth 1000 words, and no thinking at all says:

      Always amusing you think of yourself as “many.” Yes…winning the popular vote by 3 Million votes certainly is evidence many people were against Hillary.

      Now……….here is a real brain teaser for you and P/M: of all the candidates: who was OBVIOUSLY more corrupt and more incompetent to serve as President than Hillary?

      Sorry……you only get one vote. Yeah….I know… so many are against only having one vote.

      Sucks to be you.

      • ointment says:

        Prep H for you?

        • bobbo, we think with words, but a photo is worth 1000 words, and no thinking at all says:

          A dose of Oh_No is all I need.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Lincoln Chafee? If I only get one vote I’ll have to go with the guy who gave the corrupt Hillary a medal.

    • Marc Perkel says:

      Actually I voted against Trump.

      • pedro says:

        There were other candidates who didn’t commit treason.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        The ballot doesn’t ask who you are voting against, it asks who you are voting for.

        • bobbo, we think with words, but a photo is worth 1000 words, and no thinking at all says:

          Is your problem THAT simple?

          …………………… apparently, so.

          • ± says:

            bobbo and Marc (as does most of the electorate) think that it is a choice between two. But more tellingly, they are both OK with voting for known evil. They have both repeatedly in 10s of posts indicated that it’s OK to vote for X because (in their opinion) X is LESS evil than Y.

            So it is OK to vote for evil. That is how most of the electorate thinks, and that is why evil is installed every election.

  7. Gotta ask says:

    This blog is a bit lethargic, so here are three other relevant questions for serious comment:

    1. How much fake news and vitriol does it take to trigger the social media fringe to act out what they say online?

    2. At what point could it trigger an all-out, crowd-sourced melee?

    3. Is carrying a smartphone as dangerous as carrying a gun?

    Solutions welcomed.

    – Happy Father’s Day

    (For bobbo’s convenience, I’ve numbered the questions.)

  8. bobbo, we think with words, but a photo is worth 1000 words, and no thinking at all says:

    Filling In the Slow Time, Gotta ask says:
    6/18/2017 at 8:17 am

    1. How much fake news and vitriol does it take to trigger the social media fringe to act out what they say online? /// Not an amount question. All you need is someone in need of mental health services and access to a gun. He’ll have his choice of 1837 different issues to go Postal on…..and any of them could be picked.

    2. At what point could it trigger an all-out, crowd-sourced melee? //// Whenever the PoPo over-react.

    3. Is carrying a smartphone as dangerous as carrying a gun? /// Quite often.

    Solutions welcomed. /// What does any of this got to do with ………. you know. (Bored or not, I still crack myself up.)

    – Happy Father’s Day /// How come no free appetizers at….. where ever?

    (For bobbo’s convenience, I’ve numbered the questions.) //// Satan says: use a jumble.

    • Gotta ask says:

      OK. More mental health care needed.

      No argument, but WHY? Walk this back. Root cause?

      Drugs? Eating lead paint as a child? Neglect? Broken home? No father? General poverty?

      • bobbo, we think with words, but all too many as demonstrated here fail to refer to it for BASIC definitions thereby coming off as completely uneducated fools and dupes says:

        Its different for different people and generally a mix of things including all you mention and more.

        What?—-You want an easy general rule????

        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

          Sorry…meant to change my Nom de Flame. Your issue is not basic dictionary skills.

          ………..Ha, ha……….other basic skills, but not dictionary ones. ((I do crack myself up.))

      • Ah_Yea says:

        Proving mental disability for the welfare checks.

        And doing a spanking good job if it!

  9. Mark says:

    All you need is someone in need of mental health services and access to a gun/knife/truck/baseball bat/car/can o’ gasoline/Boeing 737…..FTFY.

    Your Welcome.

    • bobbo, we think with words, but a photo is worth 1000 words, and no thinking at all says:

      You are equating all those as to ease of use and lethality?

      …………..or do you miss the context completely?

      • Mark says:

        Much easier to obtain, just as lethal.

        • bobbo, we think with words, but all too many as demonstrated here fail to refer to it for BASIC definitions thereby coming off as completely uneducated fools and dupes says:

          lethal: Of an instrument of certain death

          I’ll leave you to deal with the subtleties…. whether you do or not.

  10. NewFormatSux says:

    Any election tampering probe should start at the DNC and other groups, asking how did we nominate someone who is so incompetent that she

    1) is so computer illiterate she can’t use any systems that use passwords for logins(adding to her server troubles)

    2) does not know the details of classified information markings despite decades of reviewing such material- she told the FBI she thought C that means confidential was lettering of paragraphs like bullet points.

    3) is so affected by health problems that she can’t remember things- again see her FBI interview report from June 2016.

    • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

      Such a faithful regurgitator (is that a word?) of discredited Republican party talking points!

      I hope they’re paying you well, NFS. 😉

      • Mark says:

        How was any of that discredited?

        Answer it wasn’t, except in Dimension B.

        • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

          Close… the talking points weren’t discredited in Fox/Breitbart/Drudge/InfoWars world, where you are all so comfortably ensconced.

          BTW, did you hear that Trump’s lawyer got his own lawyer? Hijinks abound! 😀

          • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

            Golly gosh gee pedrito, thanks for clearing that all up for us! 😉

          • ± says:

            [to pedro]
            The Russians find our media to be useful idiots towards creating and maintaining political discord¹. The USA is lousy with liberals like Phydeaux who predictably lap it up. 3.5 years from now, the electorate will be so tired of liberal fomented groundless accusations that instead of their party being a shoe-in, they will actually likely have created another backlash that goes against them.

            But Trump probably can’t make it thru the next 3.5 years without doing something that is impeachable. He will save them.

            ¹Russian IT guys must be laughing their balls off non-stop.

          • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

            PM, I admire the strength of your faith in your führer. No doubt you had the same strength of faith in Dubya… until you scurried away from him when the truth came out.

            You’ll do the same with Herr Trump. Your buyer’s remorse is just a matter of time. And yet, you’ll be thick-headed enough to sign up with the next wannabe dictator. You wingnuts are like that. 😉

          • ± says:

            [to Phydeaux]¹

            Assuming you read what I posted, it’s even more pathetic that the only response you can come up with is the old insult of “wingnut” that everyone drags out in here when they are incapable of responding meaningfully.

            If you really wanted to be insulting, accuse me of voting D/R like most of the people on this blog do, along with most Americans. You are the people who are destroying the nation. What thinking person would want to be included in that group?

            ¹ the format of this blog really sux , why not emulate reddit or any other well done hierarchical blog format?

    • bobbo, we think with words, but all too many as demonstrated here fail to refer to it for BASIC definitions thereby coming off as completely uneducated fools and dupes says:

      Again: election vs nominating process. Huge difference.

      Doesn’t EVERYONE, including yourself as such abysmal ignorance is surely a pose, know exactly how Hillary got nominated ……… and then lost the election?

      What is open in my mind is “exactly” how she escaped some kind of legal action over her email server. Its Slick Willie, to Rice, to Comey at a minimum with none of it showing clear leverages of power.

      In the Main, I blame Comey. You don’t form and voice the conclusions he did AND NOT PROSECUTE.


      • NewFormatSux says:

        Comey doesn’t decide whether to prosecute.

        • bobbo, we think with words, but all too many as demonstrated here fail to refer to it for BASIC definitions thereby coming off as completely uneducated fools and dupes says:

          You have forgotten “the set up” if you ever knew it to begin with.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Nope. I remember, and you know, just as Comey knew, that Comey’s decision was decisive only because he ‘decided’ against prosecuting.

  11. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:


    Nomination dirty tricks (on both sides, BTW)

    Russians hacking U.S. voting machines attempting to favor one party.

    You think these are the same?

    One of these things is not like the other. 🙄

    • NewFormatSux says:

      The only confirmed hacking of voting machines was in Georgia by DHS(the hacking, not the confirming). Other states have reported finding evidence of same.

  12. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    Y’all can believe whatever BS you want (look at NFS’s lame talking points) but eventually you’ll bump up against reality, as George Orwell so eloquently puts it:


    The point is that we are all capable of believing things which we know to be untrue, and then, when we are finally proved wrong, impudently twisting the facts so as to show that we were right. Intellectually, it is possible to carry on this process for an indefinite time: the only check on it is that sooner or later a false belief bumps up against solid reality, usually on a battlefield.

    In the case of the wingnuts, it’s more likely to be losing half the value of your 401K in a major recession, like the last one perpetuated by Republicans in 2007-2008.

    Or maybe you’ll be one of the unlucky 24 million Americans who lose their health insurance under Trumpcare, and possibly die from a disease that could be kept in check by modern medicine.

    One way or another, believing the BS issued forth by the Republican party will eventually be bad for your financial and/or physical health. Until then, carry on… Make America Great Again! 🙄

    • bobbo, we think with words, but all too many as demonstrated here fail to refer to it for BASIC definitions thereby coming off as completely uneducated fools and dupes says:

      Yeap…..I caught the tail end of a comment: “…. 50K to die if Trumpcare goes into effect.” Don’t know the details…but it is very directly some number.

      USA has pros and cons about it. Sadly, almost all the cons are totally self imposed. Lack of universal healthcare just one of them.

      ……………………hmmmm……. starting to think it really all does come from our roots in Slavery. We step all over our own dicks as we turn somersaults to keep the Black Man in his place. Criminal Justice…… so twisted and ineffective… and WHY???????? Becoming more “for profit” all the time….. and what is slavery but making money off of imprisoning black people?

      I’m glad I don’t fully recognize this………. or have to live with the worst of its implications.

  13. NewFormatSux says:

    Page 395 of Shattered
    “Hillary declined to take responsibility for her own loss. “She’s not being particularly self-reflective,” said one longtime ally who was on calls with her shortly after the election. Instead, Hillary kept pointing her finger at Comey and Russia. “She wants to make sure all these narratives get spun the right way,” this person said.

    That strategy had been set within twenty-four hours of her concession speech. Mook and Podesta assembled her communications team at the Brooklyn headquarters to engineer the case that the election wasn’t entirely on the up-and-up. For a couple of hours, with Shake Shack containers littering the room, they went over the script they would pitch to the press and the public. Already, Russian hacking was the centerpiece of the argument.”

    • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

      Living in the Fox/Breitbart/Drudge/InfoWars bubble, you wouldn’t know this, but more people than just Clinton think the Russians were involved. Including Republicans and non-politicians of all kinds.

      FYI. 😀

      And we’re going to see Trump completely exonerated after Mueller finishes his investigation, of course! 😉

      Unless… uh-oh… don’t you just hate it when an investigation of a president strays from the original accusation and snares him on some unrelated crime? Don’t you just hate it when the president is a Republican? Otherwise, it’s perfectly fine. 😉

      (I mean, Clinton lied about a blow job — terrible crime! Trump was just laundering money for Russian criminals… totally different! Trivial matter!)

      Sad! Fake news! Email! BENGHAZI BENGHAZI BENGHAZI!!!

      😀 😀 😀 😀

      • Gotta ask says:

        “Trump was just laundering money for Russian criminals…”

        “Sad! Fake news!”

        I agree!! I agree!!

        • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

          Money laundering is just speculation at this point, GA, but we will see, won’t we? 😉

          Trump Jr.:


          “And in terms of high-end product influx into the US, Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets; say in Dubai, and certainly with our project in SoHo and anywhere in New York. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” he said.

  14. Georgia on my mind says:

    John Ossoff worked his ossoff, but lost.

    Whoosh! Another $25 million+ down the old democratic cash toilet.

    • Ah_Yea says:

      And they won’t learn. The Dem train has left the station.

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

        Hey Oh_NO: Prove me wrong: what is it the Dems need to learn?

        Any idea at all………..or just shit on the wall?

      • NewFormatSux says:

        They need to learn that when Democratic money men come calling with visions of taking over the House and impeaching Trump, they should think critically. They just spent $30 million in a district that Trump won by 1 point(typical House race is 1-2 million for both combined, they outspent the Republicans by 7 million), declared it was a referendum on Trump, to see their guy do worse than Hillary.
        Not only that, the guy did worse then the race next state over where no money was spent!

        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

          Isn’t it true that the biggest predictor of outcome is $$$ spent? Interacts with incumbency for sure.

          ……but it always takes more than money.

          I don’t actually pay attention to politics….. that how corrosive it is…..but I’ve heard commentators say Ossoff ran a bad campaign and over identified with special interests. Course….I’ve also heard whats her name ran a campaign of anti-Dumbo.

          Nothing much substantive in any analysis. Ha, ha……..run in a staunch Puke District…. you need more than money.

          A lesson that neither side learns.

          Good answer…….hope Oh_No can learn from it.

    • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

      Whoosh! Another $25 million+ the Republicans had to spend to barely eke out a victory in a rock-solid red district, held by a Republican for the last 40 years.

      I’m so glad you’re feeling good about that! The more out of touch the Republican party is, the better. 😉

      • Georgia on my mind says:

        Yikes! You’re like the Black Knight in Monty Python.

        Arms and legs cut off, and yet you see them as flesh wounds.!

        Optimist or delusional?

        You’re permanently stuck in the first stage of grief: Denial

        How can we help?

        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

          Phydeau is more right than wrong. As you criticize him, you fail to appreciate the area is bed rock red Republican…home of the Newt.

          What Democrats/Liberals/The Sane do fail to recognize is that Red State Trump Supporters still HATE Hillary/Democratic Party more than they fear what Trump will do.

          Its always a mix and balance of things.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Have you heard of Rodney Stooksbury? No? Well he is the guy who got 24 more votes than Ossoff last year, running in the same district for the same seat, with 24 million less raised in campaign funds. By my math, the Dems can win next time if they find someone who will give ten billion to the donors.

        • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

          You like that, GOMM? You like the Republicans needing to spend $25 million on a deep red “safe Republican” seat to just barely win it?

          Are you stupid or just really bad at reading comprehension? Or just an unthinking wingnut? Probably all three. 😀

          • NewFormatSux says:

            There are about 30-40 such districts where the House will be decided. The Republicans have 25 million to spend per district. The Democrats do not have 30 million to spend per district. So they have to pick and choose their targets, also meaning that some 2nd and 3rd tier districts have to be ignored entirely, where previously in a wave, some of these would fall too.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        That would matter if the Democrats had Grant like numbers, and could afford to outspend the Republicans and lose just to deplete their numbers.
        Instead, this is terrible fundraising for the DNC, and the Republicans are doing great.

        Had the Dems won, the Republicans would have taken heart and started running away from Trump, killing his agenda. Now Dems are less likely to get top tier candidates. They outspent the Republicans and lost. How many candidates will pass on running in a race they know they will be outspent, when even having more money led to a loss?

        • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

          Wow, truly delusional thinking, to be overjoyed that the Republicans had to spend $25 million to just barely win a “safe Republican” seat. And how much will they need to spend to win the truly competitive contests?

          Wow. From your lips to the RNC’s ears. I hope they’re as confident as you are. 😉

  15. Typical Democrat says:

    Hi everyone if you take the time to read this thank you. Hopefully we can find a way to stop this horrible condition. It started when I joined the Democrat party. I will just get right into it. I am 6’4 265lbs not super fat but a little. I play a lot of sports and I’m very active. Life’s going great have everything someone could want but one problem. Throughout college I have had a big issue. I smell like poop/farts when I don’t fart or have to use the restroom. My freshman year is my first memory I have had of people making comments like “something smells like shit” or “who farted”. I wasn’t wiping my ass properly I later found out because I would go to the bathroom and wipe my ass and see shit on the paper so that was understandable of why I smelt. More recently in my sophomore and junior year, I have been keeping really clean. I take a shower every morning and night. I make sure there is no more shit when I wipe and I use baby powder(recently started using baby wipes) but still get the occasional comments not directly at me but always someone is like “who shit themselves” or “someone keeps ripping ass”. Now I’m sure it’s not always me because I go to an all liberals school so kids will fart whenever but I do know I smell sometimes. I get random Whiffs of it like its not a really strong smell at all but it is very low key(can’t think of a better word) smell of like eggs or a fart. It definitely seems to be worse in hotter temperatures when I get swamp ass but still sometimes happens even when it’s cold. I would say there is a smell comment probably 4-10 times per week. Also if I get up and walk across the room a teacher will spray air freshener, but idk. It rarely happens outside of school except when my ass crack gets really sweaty. Like one time I smelt really good, my sister told me, and then like 15 mins later when my ass crack got really sweaty my mom was like who’s farting. I’m almost positive it was me who smelt. Also, we have football workouts in the gym sometimes. So my ass obviously gets really sweaty, and then there was this one time where someone was like “who keeps ripping ass” and one of my friends was like its him pointing at me. I could smell the smell lingering around me but I never farted and I’m 100% positive my ass was clean because I made sure before the workouts. Also, sometimes when I walk outside right away there is an immediate fart smell like idk if that is me or what. also seems to be whenever I sit down for awhile and stand up there sometimes is a farting smell, especially if I was hot/sweaty. I smell my cloths after school sometimes and they smell really good. Like even my underwear, I don’t get it. Like if my ass smelt bad wouldn’t my cloths smell horrible as well? I also have recently started to become aware of some issues I have. My stomach kinda hurts I’m not sure how long it’s been going on because I’m not the one to really think about that kind of stuff. Also, my shits aren’t really solid, usually very mushy. Even when they are somewhat solid it takes a lot of wipes. Probably somewhere above 20 which seems like a lot comparatively to other kids and how long it takes them to take a shit. There is some blood when I wipe. Also there is like a little ball I want to say probably a little smaller than a marble on my a**hole when I take a shit and wipe, but seems to disappear whenever I’m not. I think it’s a hemorrhoid.

    So to conclude, I have a egg/fart/shit smell sometimes and it is very subtle. Seems to be worse when I have to sit for a long period of time and when my ass gets sweaty. Also my stomach hurts, blood when I wipe, little small ball on my a**hole when I shit but seems to go away.

    And advice or help would be great. Thanks

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      I only read the first and last paragraphs.

      Take a milk bath.

      • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

        Uh, bobbo, the first paragraph was huge! You read all that??? 😛

        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

          Ha, ha…….no, I didn’t. You are inside my head Phydeau.

          I also thought after posting I should have said” “Take a kerosene bath and rinse with milk.”

          Everything is a first draft.

    • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

      Geez, the wingnuts are getting even more unbalanced… 🙂

    • ± says:

      When a machine can create a masterpiece like this, THAT is when true AI will have arrived.

  16. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    Ah_Yea says:
    6/20/2017 at 10:19 pm

    “This is why I don’t I no longer talk to The Troll and seldom with Phydeau. They will never learn, never get better, and discourse with them only drives them deeper into their psychosis.”


    Given my trollish nature, I’m sure I’m kidding myself, but I’ve thought from time to time to say what follows. I’ve not because I consider this forum a place for ideas and arguments, not trolling, name calling, or emotional or personal outpourings. We’ll call that a stretch goal.

    I depart because Ah_Yea I think is actually demonstrating a most deleterious personal failing of the right wing clique: refusal to deal with facts/issues they disagree with. They as Ah_Yea actually proudly proclaims demonizes the opposition, labels them, and ostracizes them the best they can.

    There is no “conservative” forum I have attended that does not fairly soon become unavailable to me. Somehow, the webitube stops working and my posts are not taken. How does that so consistently happen? =====>the Ah_Yea mindset at work.

    So….. my point: to my memory, when Ah_Yea and myself first engaged one another on this forum years ago, I thought we had some good and useful exchanges. I “liked” Ah_Yea, but the personalities were “in place.” bobbo==>the constantly challenging and disagreeable, Ah_Yea==>constantly wanting to be agreed with. And one day after nothing that held my attention, Ah_Yea became Oh_No and stopped responding to my posts as innocent or as challenging as they might be.

    bobbo is a Troll? //// Lets say that is true.==>so what?

    ………..and it goes downhill from there.

    I am refreshed. So happy to be MEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeee!!! I understand most trolls are.

    • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

      Bobbo, there really isn’t much debating going on here, really. The wingnuts have their heads so far up the Fox/Breitbart/Drudge/InfoWars butt that they’re mentally impaired by now. They refuse to see what the rest of the world sees. But there is hope… there are only a few diehard dead-enders here, looks like just NFS still trying. AY and pedro chip in occasionally, but it appears the rest have just fled. That’s a good sign, maybe they’re getting the message…

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

        Thanks Phydeau, but there are pros and cons to all we do.

        Indeed, I would prefer “an argument” rather than pack howling that takes it place.

        But Oh_No’s lament goes to the core. Do we argue/exchange ideas/position TO LEARN SOMETHING…..or to be agreed with?

        People have different preferences. I enjoy being shown I am wrong…..such recognition making my ideas all that much more stronger. If I want to be agreed with….really no reason to post on a forum at all…..my good opinion of myself can be maintained in private.

        Conservative Mind Set: not open to new ideas.
        Liberal Mind Set: open to new ideas.

        It plays out all the time. Conservative Websites well attended by yapping despicables all self preening happy among the group think and talking points. Liberal Websites barely attended with conflicting political correctness running amok.

        DU—devolved from a tech oriented site with lots of OP on a variety of subjects. Gave the various political views living space on the sidetracks of discussion.

        Ha, ha…….so we say: “What’s New?”………… and the answer is: Nothing.

        • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

          Well, conservatives are more likely to have the “Authoritarian” mindset (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing_authoritarianism) and that discourages disagreement, though it’s highly effective getting everyone marching in the same direction. 🙂 Which can be good or bad, as we’ve seen thru the course of human history. And of course they think everyone is as authoritarian as them — they don’t understand anything different.

          And I agree, I’d rather be learning new stuff, what’s life about if you can’t be growing? But the only thing I’ve learned lately here was the money laundering issue that you brought up.

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

            I keep learning how recrudescent the Republican voting base is.

            …….Nothing I really want to know.

  17. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    Looks like Jeff Sessions has a lawyer now too!


    I wonder if Jeffy’s lawyer will have to get his own lawyer too?

    Hijinks abound! 😀

  18. NewFormatSux says:

    Election tampering inquiry needs to include Southern Poverty Law Center, eagerly labeling Republicans and other conservative groups as hate groups, encouraging shooters like Hodgkinson who attempted a coup.

    • ± says:

      Didja notice how little we heard about this event relative to HOW MUCH we would still be hearing about it if the shooter was Republican attacking a bunch of Democrats. As far as I know there hasn’t been one right wing nut job in the news excoriating against leftists with guns. Had the situation been reversed, there would have countless left wing talking heads speaking ceaslessly about it. The story wouldn’t even have peaked yet. You’d have refuse to read or watch any news to avoid ceaseless references to it.

      And to slow people in here like Phydeau and bobbo, this isn’t a defense of the R flavor of what you vote for. Getting rid of either flavor is equally good for the country.

      • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

        You’re so cute when you pretend to be “impartial”, PM. What a cute little wingnut. 😉

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

        P/M==>I agree our Two Party System is more bad than good for having the will of the public translated into legislation. Instead… we jump to control by one special interest then another.

        Just a quibble or two….. Its Conservatives that refuse to pass reasonable gun controls. They SHOULD be rebuked everytime guns are used in mass murders….MORE THAN liberals. Its a “causation” thing rather than a false equivalency thing.

        Lots of Right Wing violence gets the down play. The Bundy Standoff? “Imagine if a group of blacks had done the same thing?”

        Imagining what the other side would do…rather than looking at the historical record: always weak. Always Faux Spews.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          >The Bundy Standoff? “Imagine if a group of blacks had done the same thing?”

          It did happen. And they got massacred by Janet Reno, probably at the request of Hillary.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          Says the guy who blamed Sarah Palin for the Giffords shooting. Any blame for those whose rhetoric calls for resisting the President, Obama said when they bring a knife you bring a gun? How about the ones that wanted to assassinate Trump in Central Park?

  19. That San Franciso Treat! says:

    On behalf of non-Democrats everywhere, may I say… we LOVE Nancy Pelosi!

    Leave her RIGHT where she is. Smart, lucid, on top of her game.

    A true asset (spellcheck: did you mean asshat?).

    Just like Rice-A-Roni.

  20. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    Hey folks, how about a thread on the blog about Trumpcare? I want to see the Trumpbots here defend it. Dumping at least 24 million people off health insurance, gutting Medicaid, all to give tax cuts to millionaires. And they’re not even bothering to offer any justification! The thing has 20% approval, but that doesn’t stop the Republican Party. Tax breaks for rich people, that’s their reason for existing. They don’t care that all of us regular people hate it, even Republicans. They have the power, and they’re going to use it to benefit their masters, and f* the country.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Someone making $90,000 shouldn’t be on Medicaid.
      Someone making $60,000 shouldn’t be on Medicaid.

      Premiums should be lower, not higher. Right now companies are leaving the ObamaCare exchanges, while others are selling ridiculously high priced plans.

      The plan doesn’t drop 25 million people’s health insurance. In fact unlike ObamaCare, no one will get their policy cancelled.

      • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

        Wow, it’s so great to have someone on the blog who knows more than those idiots at the CBO. 🙄

        • NewFormatSux says:

          CBO projection have been way off before. However, what I said is consistent with CBO. Try reading the report.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            In fairness, lots of people who are smart think and say the same thing.

  21. NewFormatSux says:

    Dems had 8 years to show us how they would govern. Then the incompetent Trump came in and showed us how Republicans do things. Yet the suburban districts are still voting for Republicans? How could this be?

  22. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    You expect us to take this dribble seriously?

    You’re not amusing any more. You’re boring. Just making wild assertions without so much as a link, even to Breitbart. You’re not even trying any more.


    • NewFormatSux says:

      You need a link to read about Republicans winning special elections this year, that Democrats declared were theirs to win, because everyone hates Trump? You never heard of the guy that beat up a reporter(who previously praised the idea of beating up reporters)? Never heard of Ossoff v Handel?

      • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

        Yes NFS, I understand that you are joyful and smug that a Republican just barely squeaked by a Democrat in a rock-solid Republican district (Newt’s old seat!)

        Go for it. And hopefully the RNC is just as happy as you are. 😉

      • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

        Sorry I forgot a couple more things… in a rock-solid Republican district, a Republican barely squeaked by a complete noob Democratic candidate who didn’t even live in the district.

        There ya go, NFS. Rejoice, along with your bosses at the RNC. 😉

        • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

          psst, pedrito… if you wanted to be taken seriously, you might try addressing this point… but wingnuts smarter than you have studiously ignored it, so don’t feel bad.

          If you can’t run with the big dogs, stay on the porch and yap. 😉

    • Astute Observer says:

      Sorry dogbone. You are everything you complain about.

      Do you argue in front of a mirror?

      FYI, yawning is usually triggered by lack of sleep, stress, and fatigue.

      Now, say night-night to the adults and go lay down like a good dog.

      • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

        Thanks again for your unique contributions to the blog, pedrito! 😉

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      The plan doesn’t drop 25 million people’s health insurance. In fact unlike ObamaCare, no one will get their policy cancelled. /// Yeah…they will just be charged a monthly premium they can’t afford. This statement is downright………..dishonest.

      CBO projection have been way off before. /// Yes, but not fraudulently on purpose to fool the public.

      You need a link to read about Republicans winning special elections this year, that Democrats declared were theirs to win, because everyone hates Trump? //// You do string the BS together. Special Elections: caused by hiring Congresscreeps into Trumps Cabal on the determination they came from Rock Solid Republican Districts…….turns out to be true if you add 25 Million PAC Dollars and win by 1% of the vote to a newbie.

      FYI, yawning is usually triggered by lack of sleep, stress, and fatigue. /// I’m suffering from the same thing: fatigue…an unending torrent of the same BS, issue after issue, nothing but lies and talking points.

      Now, say night-night to the adults and go lay down like a good dog. /// I’ll say goodnight. Phydeau: you’re on your own.

      • Astute Observer says:

        Pleasant dreams!

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Wow, you absorbed Phydeau’s silver lining so quickly.

        $30 million gone from the Dems who have less money vs $25 million from the GOP who can afford it.

        • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

          That’s what you’re going with, NFS? The R’s will win because they have the most money? Why do you hate America? Why do you hate the American way? Why do you love the Republican party, which tries to buy elections?

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Ignoring the point as usual.

            Dems just spent more money and lost. However, they do not have enough to keep spending more money than the Republicans, hence the comparison to Grant. If you switched the Democratic and Republican fundraising, you would have a point. Then the Dems could declare it a victory because they took 25 million out from the Republicans war chest while spending even more themselves(and actual candidate fundraising was 24 vs 7 million). This was how Ahnold won reelection, draining union funds a year early over some ballot initiatives.

          • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

            Igoring the point, indeed. You have some impressive verbal diarrhea going there.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Instead of her blame tour, Hillary should just hire you as her spokesperson. You can declare that it is a great victory to have forced the Republicans and Donald Trump to spend hundreds of millions of dollars. The billion that Hillary spent to lose is irrelevant. She really won if you think about it!

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Democrats have been winning so much and they’re going to keep winning, they’ll be sick and tired of all that winning.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        >Yeah…they will just be charged a monthly premium they can’t afford.

        Maybe for some, but for most premiums will go down. There are not 25 million people currently with health insurance that will end up without health insurance according to CBO report. Of those that do currently have it but will not, it is because they are being forced to purchase under threat of tax penalty coverage that is too expensive and they don’t want.

  23. NewFormatSux says:

    Bernie Sanders’ wife has gotten a lawyer? Will her lawyer be getting a lawyer too?

    Will Hillary’s FBI minions go after EVERYONE who opposed her? We see Loretta Lynch is getting investigated. Who’s next, Rick Lazio?

    • NewFormatSux says:

      They had a deal with Bernie. Bernie did his part by holding his fire in the primary, even got Marc Perkel to stand down. Why this investigation now?

  24. NewFormatSux says:

    Uh oh, Washington Post reported yesterday that OBAMA colluded with the Russians to give the election to Trump over Hillary. Spokesmen are saying he wouldn’t have done it if he thought Trump would win. Nevertheless, Obama delivered on his promise that he would have more flexibility after he was elected, and chose in August not to punish Russia for its interference in the election.

  25. NewFormatSux says:

    >Conservative Mind Set: not open to new ideas.
    >Liberal Mind Set: open to new ideas.

    That may have been right when George Will wrote it about Cubs fans and Conservatives, it no longer does-


    So I folded,” he told me with a sad, defeated air. “I know I’m supposed to stick to my principles. That’s what we tell ourselves. Free association and all that. It’s part of the romance of our profession. But I can’t afford to actually do that. These people control who gets jobs. I’m broke. So now I just go numb and say whatever they need me to say.”

  26. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    Well now… in his latest tweets, Trump actually admits that Russian meddling was intended to help him win.


    And the others following it…

    So of course he’s not going to do anything to prevent them from doing it again in 2018. Why mess with a good thing?

    Whoda thunk that Republicans would get so cozy with enemies of America? I’m still shaking my head about it.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      You can’t even comprehend a tweet right? Where does it say Russia helped him win?

      • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

        It was a series of tweets in which he said Obama did nothing because he assumed Clinton would win, implying that the Russian meddling was to help Trump. You really should get out of the FauxNews/Breitbart/Drudge/InfoWars bubble occasionally…

  27. NewFormatSux says:

    Michael Flynn was targeted by McCabe, because Flynn offered to testify in support of a sex discrimination case against McCabe and the FBI.


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