The question I wanted to see asked, “How do you feel about flipping the election in favor of Trump?” Also – do you think that Trump being too stupid to understand what he’s doing can be used as an excuse?


  1. NewFormatSux says:

    What about where he tried to flip the election to Clinton by saying she was not under investigation, but rather it was a security matter? Interference by Loretta Lynch, and presumably Obama as well. If Bill Clinton doesn’t meet on that plane, he probably stays quiet. Way to go Bill! I knew you would do something. I was fooled by the fact that it was ‘accidentally’ caught on camera.

    • Marc Perkel says:

      I would ask Bill Clinton the same question about how he flipped the election to Trump.

      • kerpow69 says:

        What do you mean Mark?

        • pedro says:

          He means he’s a blind liberal

          • NewFormatSux says:

            No, he sees it. His only complaint about server was that Hillary didn’t lie well enough so he could pretend to believe her.

        • Marc Perkel says:

          Meeting with Lynch at the airport.

          • kerpow69 says:

            That meeting was certainly a component of why she lost; nobody bought the talking about grandkids story, but it wasn’t the silver bullet reason that her supporters keep looking for. The Idiom, death by a thousand cuts seems to be appropriate here.

            If you’re hell-bent on believing there is a singular reason why she lost – other than herself, let me float a name to you… Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

            Trump is shady, no doubt. But as we’ve seen, the DNC and Hillary and company are corrupt. Americans can deal with shady, sometimes even celebrate it. But on average, we don’t like corruption and are vocal when someone is blatantly putting their thumb on the scale. We like rooting for the underdog.

      • Jackson says:

        Because he knows the lying bitch better than anyone else?

    • Hmeyers says:

      I thought the media was trying to flip the election.

      “98% Hillary wins, no need to vote … it’s in the bag already.”

      Did the Russians make the media suppress Democratic turnout by saying there is no need to vote?

      It was only the “liberal” news saying this, so clearly the “Hillary is sure winner” ruse was targeted at the Hillary voter.

      • ยฑ says:

        Of course non-“liberal” news outlets (is there such a thing?) wouldn’t state that Hillary had a lock on the election. This could have caused a net loss in Trump voting ‘tards going to the polls.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        George Soros has written a paper, that he believes is worthy of the Nobel Prize in Economics, saying that perception becomes reality. So the target would have been not Hillary voters but those in the middle and Republicans, getting them to get on board the Hillary bandwagon or give up respectively. It is suspected that he attempted to tilt the election betting markets for the same reason when W was running. At one point a high volume site was down to 10 cents, but no idea who was responsible.

    • Ah_Yea says:

      This is beautiful. Comey gets out of jail free while putting the HURT on Hillary again!

      ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s too funny! Comey testifying he was pressured by Loretta Lynch (and not Trump) this reopens the investigation into Hillary and Lynch. Not just the server mess but real obstruction of justice. (wiping away tear).

  2. NewFormatSux says:

    If you go to predict it, they are giving 4-1 odds that Trump is impeached by end of next year. Actually just that Trump is not the President. I think it is 7-2 if you account for fees.

    • Ah_Yea says:

      I’ll take that bet! Money (Dem money – even better) in the bank!

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Oops, its just 5-2 odds. So the against(Trump is still the president), is a 5-8 bet, 60 to win 96.

  3. Mr Anderson says:

    Trump to da’Dump. He’s only in it for the money.

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    Not to mention Comey’s testimony seals the issue of Fake News.

    NYT, MSNBC, CNN, Time Mag, Washington Post all blatant liars. Completely fraudulent. Each and every one.

    • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

      Why stop there? Every single media outlet in the world except for Fox, Breitbart, Drudge, and InfoWars is part of a massive liberal global conspiracy!!! Or is it a massive global liberal conspiracy??? Let’s get to the bottom of this! It’s so obvious!!!

      Cranky old white guys, sheesh. ๐Ÿ™„

  5. Quick, get the Preparation H says:

    11/8/2016 Atomic Wedgie – Part I.
    6/8/2017 Atomic Wedgie – Part II.

    Five stages of grief reset to stage I.

    Career swamp people (a.k.a. public parasites feeding off the taxpayer host) and liberal media still hurting.

    Meanwhile, wait the commentary that’s yet to come by the liberal torch bearers.

  6. pedro says:

    How does that nothing burger with a side of fake news taste?

  7. NewFormatSux says:

    Theresa May and British Conservatives take note, this is what you should be doing, not trying to pass tax hikes and Labour lite. You guys just lost to the only candidate worse than Hillary.

  8. NewFormatSux says:

    Comey testifies, PlayDoh hardest hit.

  9. Mr Anderson says:

    Putin says: ‘we have tapes, it’s no problem’

  10. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    Come on guys, really?

    1. Trump demanded Comey’s loyalty.
    2. Trump threatened Comey’s job.
    3. Trump repeatedly asked Comey to stop the Russia investigation (in at least one case, after clearing the room of all other people, gee I wonder why).
    4. Trump fired Comey.
    5. Trump bragged to the Russians that the problem was gone.
    6. Trump admitted in public that he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation.

    Really, guys? Really? You’re going to support this? ๐Ÿ™„

    (Psst: If Trump was so innocent, he’d let the investigation proceed, find nothing, and quickly terminate.)

    Bashing wingnuts isn’t fun any more. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel. It’s boring. You guys are pathetic.


    • Mr Anderson says:

      7. Trump told secrets to the Russians.

      Comey should have told Trumpet that he’d be 100% loyal to his job.

    • Dude Named Benny says:

      “Bashing wingnuts isnโ€™t fun any more. Itโ€™s like shooting fish in a barrel. Itโ€™s boring. You guys are pathetic.


      And yet you keep coming back, like herpes.

      • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

        Nope, too pathetic to even ridicule. I’m actually feeling sympathy for you guys. The cognitive dissonance needed to support Trump must be incredibly stressful.

        I’m sorry you’re going thru a tough time, Benny.

        • pedro says:

          ” too pathetic to even ridicule”

          Is that what you tell yourself? No wonder you practically live in your shrink’s house.

        • Dude Named Benny says:

          And then you come back to ridicule. You really are kind of schizophrenic.

          Do you still long for a Hillary Presidency? Do you ever get tired of losing?

          Damn cankles sores, they just wont go away.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          It’s a Clinton Presidency he longs for. Not sure if he is voting in 2020 for Hillary or Chelsea.

    • ยฑ says:

      Phydeaux! Back again from your latest exile? Is your triple secret double plus good probation over? ๐Ÿ˜ Or were you off on assignment making more money than you can by being here? Check with bobbo’s agent, maybe he/she/it can get you a better deal.

      • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

        PM, not much to say here. You guys are safely tucked into your Fox/Breitbart/Drudge/InfoWars world and can’t see what’s happening out in the real world. Trying to “debate” you guys is like trying to argue with people who believe in fairy tales.

        It’s so obvious. Y’all are so lost. And it’s so boring. ๐Ÿ™„

  11. NewFormatSux says:

    So you enjoyed the testimony then? Is impeachment in 2017, 2018, or later?

  12. NewFormatSux says:

    1. Trump demanded Comeyโ€™s loyalty.

    and settled for honest loyalty, the opposite would be asking Comey to frame an innocent man.

    2. Trump threatened Comeyโ€™s job.

    Not directly, but the pressure was there.

    3. Trump repeatedly asked Comey to stop the Russia investigation (in at least one case, after clearing the room of all other people, gee I wonder why).

    Nope, just Flynn, and it wasn’t repeatedly.

    4. Trump fired Comey.


    5. Trump bragged to the Russians that the problem was gone.


    6. Trump admitted in public that he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation.

    Yes, he didn’t like being declared guilty when he was innocent. Trump was not under investigation, and Comey wouldn’t say it, while leaking lots of other things harmful to Trump, this was something that did not leak.

    • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

      NFS, your prodigious dedication to cognitive dissonance is truly remarkable. What it must take to continuously protest that Trump isn’t under investigation, all the while blithely ignoring all of his guilty behaviors. Wow. I salute you, sir.

      (Hint: when hunting down the big crime boss, they start with the little guys and work their way up. The big boss is always the last guy to be accused.)

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Not about accusations or formal charges. Comey declared what Congress has known for some time, Trump is not under investigation. The New York Times article that said he was Comey declared to be ‘in the main wrong’.

        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

          I agree. Trump is not “under investigation.”

          …………….until he is.

  13. The Democracy Pirate says:

    Term Limits
    Balanced Budget
    IRS replaced by a National Sales Tax

    Until this is done, present day political theater will continue. Hillarys and Trumps will continue to be candidates.
    You will continue to be “bread and circuses” fodder for the higher animals.

    When the lie becomes truth, nothing is true.

    • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

      Term limits: moves the government expertise from elected officials responsible to the people to unelected staff members and lobbyists. Not good.

      Balanced budget: stops the government from ever borrowing money, even in times when borrowing is important. Not good.

      National Sales Tax: Regressive tax that puts the largest tax burden on the poorest people. Not good.

      0 for 3. Arrrrr… ๐Ÿ˜‰

      People can’t be saved from their own worst impulses. They have to save themselves.

      • The Democracy Pirate says:

        “Term limits: moves the government expertise from elected officials responsible to the people to unelected staff members and lobbyists. Not good.”

        Who said term limits were just for the politicians?
        Not I, you assumed – not good.

        “Balanced budget: stops the government from ever borrowing money, even in times when borrowing is important. Not good.”

        Borrowing is permitted and controlled by the mandate to balance the budget over its fiscal term – a good thing.

        “National Sales Tax: Regressive tax that puts the largest tax burden on the poorest people. Not good.”

        Completely untrue and unsubstantiated. A closed mind never sees itself outside of its own shackles.
        Grats – you win.

        • Hmeyers says:

          Sales tax is regressive as hell.

          Poor people spend 100% of their income.

          Most wealthy spend an mere fraction of their income. That is why they have a large bank account because they have money they can’t reasonably spend.

          You aren’t employing critical thinking.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Texas is doing fine with a 7% sales tax and no income tax. Something similar at the federal level would be fine. You are correct that poor people are hit hardest, however, the lack of income tax would lower the prices they are paying and reduce the effect, perhaps eliminating it. I would do something like 5-10% sales tax, 10-20% tariff, increasing incentive to produce locally and raising wages.

          • Hmeyers says:

            “the lack of income tax”

            Taxes depend on rich people, which is why the top 20% pay 84% of all tax.

            Any plan that doesn’t tax the rich isn’t going to generate enough taxes to pay for anything at all.

            This is why the IRS doesn’t waste much time on people making under $100,000 — chasing that bag of nickels isn’t worth their time.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            That’s exactly who they chase. Not much to collect, but the rich guys will hire lawyers

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

            Every time its mentioned….. if IRS would hire more auditors, it turns out that every One Dollar spent on enforcement will return 7 to 10 dollars in increased revenue/fines.

            I’ve always wondered why ENFORCEMENT is not a priority with IRS, MediCare Fraud and so forth. I guess, too many Republicans think it is “manly” to cheat the gubment….aka: be against the burden of regulation.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            More Medicare fraud enforcement would increase the administration overhead percentage that liberals love. Less spending out plus more spending on auditors= higher numerator divided by smaller denominator.

        • Hmeyers says:

          But you are right on term limits.

          Term limits stop corruption by prevent fiefdoms.

          Alabama used to have 5-term governors during the days of rampant southern corruption.

        • Hmeyers says:

          J. Edgar Hoover was head of the FBI from 1924 until 1972.

          A whole 48 years!

          He had dirt on everyone. When he died, laws were quickly changed to limit the Director of the FBI to 10 years.

          Term limits curb corruption.

  14. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    Democracy Pirate making absolute either/or choices when a blend is always preferrable says:
    6/9/2017 at 11:16 am

    Term Limits /// Mostly Good. Power is shifted to a bureaucracy but they are not “as protect” as the elected elite.

    Balanced Budget /// ALWAYS has exceptions for special circumstances. With term limits the exception might not get abused as is the routine now. Might also include a requiredment to actually submit a budget?

    IRS replaced by a National Sales Tax //// Yes, if minimal with exceptions for “basics” and additional taxes such as estate taxes, and so forth. ie: IRS still required as would a tax code.

    Until this is done, present day political theater will continue. /// It will always be with us. Hoomans are involved.

    When the lie becomes truth, nothing is true. /// Silly pseudo pop BS.

    • Hmeyers says:

      A balanced budget is a pipe dream.

      It’s on track to be a $1 trillion deficit in 5 years.

      While that sounds “bad”, the US is one the few countries that can print as much money as it decides is reasonable.

      Another country that can’t do so, this would be a Greece-like catastrophe.

      Because — perhaps regrettably — our military functions as the world police, keeping China from blocking shipping routes and keeping Iran’s navy in check — no one really cares.

      • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

        Well…….unlike many dreams….. it is “possible.”

        Pros and Cons to all we do.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        W’s Social Security privatization would have had us on track to a balanced budget right now, turning the SS deficit into a surplus. Instead bigger deficits each year.

        • Hmeyers says:

          There is not a magical way to materialize untold trillions of dollars for the elderly.

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

            Yes…… there is. Its called: math. Something actuarials are quite good at.

            Don’t confuse Tax supported Federal Programs with the untold trillions that State Gubment and Private businesses have rung up that will face either bankruptcy pennies on the dollar or huge inflation.

            My ox votes for bankruptcy…so its more likely to go the other way…..except it is “untold”…so….. I’m back to City, County and State Bankruptcies on their unfunded liabilities.

            Assholes all…..but so were the workers.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            It’s true money can’t be created out of thin air. However, it would reduce liability if they had privatized. Benefit cuts(if the privatized benefits don’t keep pace with wage inflation) that don’t get noticed because they apply to people who haven’t retired yet. If they passed it a dozen years ago that is a quarter of the workforce that would be completely within the new system.

          • Hmeyers says:

            Bobbo mistakenly thinks that imaginary currency at the scale of many trillions of dollars can be managed.

            There are no investments on Earth capable of investing Social Security at that scale.

            I don’t think the net worth of the Fortune 500 is large enough.

            Even worse, at that scale it would drastically influence the stock markets and mess with the free market.

            So you just deficit spend and print more when needed.

  15. NewFormatSux says:

    Comey testified that the NYT story about FBI investigating links between Trump campaign and Russia was ‘almost entirely wrong.’

    Podesta and Mook decided on ‘Blame Russia’ within 24 hours of losing, and liberals have fallen for it completely.

  16. NewFormatSux says:

    Trump suggested he had tapes, and the possibility was enough to get Comey to change his story from Trump obstructed and was under investigation to no obstruction and not under investigation.
    That is how you do it folks.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      HM–everything is such a mix of things. Federal benefits are tax supported not investment supported.

      ….and Bizness retirement has mostly transistioned to defined contribution plans which are shit programs so not at risk of going bankrupt as are many Union defined benefit plans if they aren’t raided/gutted/and disposed of by our World Class Bizness CEOs.

      Privatizing retirement is a fraudulent game play confusing the role of gubment with bizness skimming schemes of the top 1%. Only IDIOTS fall for it.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      To my recollection, Comey has never said Trump obstructed Justice, others have concluded it, but not Comey.

      Of course Trump is “under investigation” by broad stroke, just no “file” with his name on it. Can’t tell the truth no matter what you say…..unless you spell it out.

      “Thats how you do”…………what? Run the world into the ground playing petty ego games?………… Well, thats true.

      Idiot President….idiot voters. You don’t get one without the other.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        That’s what I thought was the case, they are looking into things, not specifically under investigation. Then he comes out and says the NYT story is ‘almost entirely wrong’. So they are not looking into the campaign aides either. All they are really investigating is Russia.

        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

          Pretty sure they are “looking into” Flynn, Manafort, Sessions, Kushner==>all for lying under oath regarding contacts with Russia…all except Sessions for taking money and not reporting that either.

          A fine crew.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            ‘almost entirely wrong’.

          • Dude Named Benny says:

            So, what is your life like in Dimension B.?

          • Hmeyers says:

            I think the focus on the Russians is a good and healthy thing.

            It gives Hillary supporters an interesting “who dun it” past time with endless possibilities.

            It is sort of the like birther thing.

            I remember arguing with countless anti-Obama people saying “Let’s say he was born in Kenya? So what? McCain was born in Panama. John Kerry was born in Germany.”

            If people want to induldge in a conspiracy theory, you generally can’t talk them out of it.

            As a fantasies go, this one is rather harmless.

            It is also boring.

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

            nfs: you got one fer instance?

          • NewFormatSux says:

            >nfs: you got one fer instance?

            Comey never clarified. Just ‘almost entirely wrong’. I’d guess Kushner isn’t being investigated. Manafort has links that were politically embarrassing but nothing to interest the FBI. Comey suggested there is more on Sessions, who was not part of the original story. Flynn is in the crosshairs perhaps, though even there he wasn’t working directly for Turkey but for a company that represented Turkey, and he made his update after someone pointed out this conflict.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            In the book Shattered, they describe how Podesta and Mook came up with ‘The Russians did it’ story within one day of losing the election. False stories since then planted in the media, the same folks who simultaneously described Trump’s convention speech as ‘dark’ now declared Trump in collusion with Russia, all with a view of creating this story in people’s minds. New York Times buries the detail where Comey called their story ‘almost entirely wrong'(actually doesn’t even report this), and gives no importance to the fact that the five reporters who worked the story couldn’t get in touch with their original sources who fed them the wrong info then. They had more than a day, and none wanted to talk to them to explain, and to them that means it’s still anybody’s guess.

          • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

            NFS, your capability to delude yourself in the face of mountains of evidence is truly impressive. Keep the Trumpbot faith! I want to see Trump in office for as long as possible, soiling the Republican brand with his unique charm. ๐Ÿ˜‰

        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

          Thanks nfs.

          “Comey never clarified. Just โ€˜almost entirely wrongโ€™.” //// Yea Verily…. and still no specifics. EVERYTHING the media has reported so far could be wrong but when you launch an independent investigation…. those same things could ALL be true.

          Also…. “The FBI” does not think or opine anything at all. Put 15 agents on an issue, and you will have 15 different areas of interest. Make it 50 agents, and you get 35 more.

          “Wrong.” /.//==is none directional. Comey could mean the facts are even worse than reported?

          Word games. Thats why I prefer waiting for the executive summary.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Keep getting played by Hillary and Podesta(who actually is the US lobbyist for the same Russian bank!)

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

            You know nfs….. you so regularly don’t make any sense at all. 2-3 posts are rational, then 4-5-6 are right wing bonkers.

            Prove me wrong: how am I being played by Hillary?


          • NewFormatSux says:

            Response above.

  17. Ryan says:

    In the conversation, which is documented in Comey’s written testimony of his contacts with the president, Trump told him, “Because I have been very loyal to you, very loyal; we had that thing you know.” Trump was allegedly pressing Comey about what he had done to make it clear that he was not under investigation.

    • Hmeyers says:

      On a scale of 1 to stepping on a Lego barefooted, in how much pain are you in?

  18. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    And another thing… y’all think people like me are in favor of impeaching Trump. Nope. That doesn’t help America at all. I know someone who knows someone who knows Pence and he’s a much more competent and much more right wing guy than Trump. I want a blustering, self-centered, sleazy, dishonest, incompetent, narcissistic fool as the figurehead of the Republican party.

    However, as many of us have pointed out from the beginning, Trump has always been at the mercy of the Republicans in Congress. And it would be easier than ever to impeach him now. So if he has any sense of self-preservation (which remains to be seen) he’ll sign whatever bills the Congressional Republicans send him.

    Best case for America is for Trump to remain in office, floundering and bellowing and whining about how great he is and how unfair everyone is to him, distracting everyone and preventing the R’s from getting anything done. Then after 2 years of Trump representing the Republican party, America will get sick of it and the R’s get swept out of the majority in Congress in 2018.

    So keep supporting him, Trumpbots! You’re doing a great service for your country! ๐Ÿ™„

    It’s a win-win, really. You get to have someone in office just like you, and the rest of us are protected from the damage Republican policies would cause. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

      Whoops, forgot to add insecure. The poor guy is pathetically insecure. ๐Ÿ™

      • Hmeyers says:

        When a thinking human posts a comment, they often bring up a unique perspective or unearth an interest example.

        Most people are easily impressed by AI chatbots, but I am not.

        An AI chatbot will never put forth a new perspective they recently discovered or relate a link with interesting information and explain how it adds ambiance.

        I’m not saying you are an AI chatbot, but rather stating that all of your comments are the same thing and never bring a unique perspective to the mix.

        1) Your comments never depend on the subject.
        2) Your replies never depend on what the speaker said.

        So in a lot of ways, your comments are similar to spam — because spam never depends on the subject or comments being replied to.

        I’m just saying why not try to something interesting and different?

        You don’t even comment about social issues or controversies.

        • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

          Uh, I’ve been reading several stories where you and others go far from the original topic, like the previous Snowden one. You discussed global warming and several other topics in that thread. And yet you criticize me for doing the same thing?


          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

            No….HM criticized you for NOT doing the same thing.

            He’s wrong. This very subthread started with a most excellent new and different and important and mind expanding concept that was right on OP: the reality and danger of Pence.

            We all have our ruts. HM as bounded by his as we all are by ours. Some variance in degrees I would say. In this, I say thank stupidity for Pedro. A bedrock of consistancy we can all rely on.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      I agree. Pence is way more scary than Trump. As you say….Pence will actually work with the Pukes and accomplish some of their society crippling social agenda.

      My fingers are crossed…. should we sign a petition to Mueller asking him to slow walk the whole affair and let the voters take care of it? Special damning report to come out one week before voting to take place?

      • Hmeyers says:

        Bobbo, all your dreams or nightmares will be known by August, I imagine.

        If the Republican congress leaves for August recess, they will lose the congress in 2018.

        For sure.

        You can’t have a congress that talked non-stop about what they would do, then found itself in the driver’s seat and did nothing.

        Republicans probably can’t lose the Senate.

        But if they don’t pass any legislation, the Republican congress will be gone in 2018.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          >Republicans probably canโ€™t lose the Senate.

          Yes they can. I remember when these favorable maps go the other way. Republicans were worried that the 2014 elections were going to cement a Democratic supermajority.
          The 1998 elections were supposed to give Republicans 60 seats, and instead broke even(because Carol Moseley-Braun was a crook and Dems still voted out crooks then).

        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

          To that end….I see a crack in getting nothing done with more reports about some spoiled version of TrumpCare getting passed?

          That won’t hurt me….but I pity everyone else that pays for private insurance and those who need access otherwise.

          Silly hoomans. Just can’t LOOK FER CHRIST SAKE. Of 34 industrialized/modern societies on Earth=====>USA is the ONLY ONE without access to basic healthcare.

          There should be a special place in Hell for these Republicans.===you know: other than in Washington DC.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Once you socialize medicine in America, where will Canadians go for health care?

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

            Hey IDIOT: MOST CANADIANS are quite happy getting their healthcare in CANADA.

            Your Koolaide is looking and smelling more like BS day after day.

            Just how stupid can you get?

          • The Canadian says:

            Are you a Canadian? Do you know MOST of the people in Canada? No, you don’t.

            Thought not. Canadian Health care sucks.

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

            Wouldn’t matter if I was Canadian or had never visited or whatever.


            Just imagine if you can: being fact oriented.

  19. Heads Up says:


    If Hillary had won do you really think we WOULDN’T be getting bamboozled with a different “investigation” or looking at any of HER “illegalities”?!

    What’s amazing is just how STUPID people are by focusing in on this FBI dumb-fuck.

    If any of you dumb-as-craps or re-public-cans could get past your religious political dreams, you might just notice WHY your puppet masters are allowing all this Russia bullshit to remain the focus of your MORONIC PRESS! (Hint: It has NOTHING to do with James Comey.)

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      Heads Up Own Ass says:
      6/13/2017 at 6:40 pm

      WHO GIVES A FUCK?! /// Well….. I do. And never for free.

      If Hillary had won do you really think we WOULDNโ€™T be getting bamboozled with a different โ€œinvestigationโ€ or looking at any of HER โ€œillegalitiesโ€?! //// “What if?”==>never helpful in any discussion. More a red herring than what is ACTUALLY going on…to the degree that is your point.

      Whatโ€™s amazing is just how STUPID people are by focusing in on this FBI dumb-fuck. //// The focus is actually on Trump………connect the nearest dots.

      If any of you dumb-as-craps or re-public-cans could get past your religious political dreams, you might just notice WHY your puppet masters are allowing all this Russia bullshit to remain the focus of your MORONIC PRESS! (Hint: It has NOTHING to do with James Comey.) /// Puppet Masters don’t control every interest/reaction of the Moronic Press. YOU argue as one who can’t keep two ideas in your head at the same time. I assume you are referring to the Super Top Secret Repugnic machinations to repeal Obamacare? Who’s the Moron if some of us know about it, but you don’t?

  20. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    In a related development involving Russia… whoopsie! Remember those silly libtards who hysterically claimed that the Russians were trying to manipulate actual voting totals in the 2016 election? Silly libtards!

    Well, actually, no. Turns out the libtards were correct.

    In Illinois, investigators found evidence that cyber intruders tried to delete or alter voter data. The hackers accessed software designed to be used by poll workers on Election Day, and in at least one state accessed a campaign finance database. Details of the wave of attacks, in the summer and fall of 2016, were provided by three people with direct knowledge of the U.S. investigation into the matter. In all, the Russian hackers hit systems in a total of 39 states, one of them said.

    Heh, I guess that makes y’all… contards? ๐Ÿ˜€

    It’s understandable how the Russians and Republicans are working toward the same goal… with all their voter suppression and nationwide gerrymandering, it’s clear that the R’s understand that their views are deeply unpopular and they can’t win fair elections. And the Russians want to choose the winners of US elections based on how favorable they are to Russia. Hmm, look for Republicans in swing districts to cozy up to Putin for a little “help”…

    Going back to paper ballots is the only way to stop the hacking of insecure and obsolete voting machines. Some of them are still running Windows XP! ๐Ÿ™„

    • The Canadian says:

      So what if the Russians meddled?

      Since at least the 1950’s the GOUSA has interfered in elections in numerous countries around the world, up to and including direct assassination. That includes your hero’s Obama and Clinton(s).

      If you’re not aware of this, you are as dumb as a bag of dirt. Give it a rest crybaby.

      • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

        Wow. Republicans attempting to justify Russian interference in U.S. elections. Because it helped a Republican, this time.

        How far the Republican party has fallen. Why do you hate America so much?

        • The Canadian says:

          Canadian you dipshit. I retract the above, you are dumb as a bag of potting soil.

          • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

            Hmm, the Canadian seems to be of two minds here… ๐Ÿ˜‰

            But actually, upon reflection, I get it. You and your lot have been programmed by Fox/Breitbart/Drudge/InfoWars for years (decades when it comes to Fox).

            They have taught you that whoever does not support the Republican party is so evil that they are worse than any external enemy.

            You really believe that Democrats are worse than Russians.

            You really think that Russian meddling in American elections is OK if it helps defeat Democrats.

            You don’t really hate America… you just hate all non-Republican Americans. In your fogged mind, you’re being patriotic.

            The Republican party has done a heck of a job on you. Amazing.

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

            Good summary. Won’t do anything though.

            ALWAYS SO POSITIVE PHYDEAU: “..of two minds”….given the obvious half brain in operation divided by two minds…gives us an opinion with about 25% insight.

            “So what if the Russians meddled?” Thats an incredibly stupid sentiment regardless of who wins some election.

            Everyone meddles, all for their own reasons. the deeper complaint is that USA anti-meddling capability /awareness /alertness / protection needs to be amped up.

            Yes………I’m suggesting we need more remote viewers. (sarc off)

          • NewFormatSux says:

            I didn’t know Alex Jones was big in Canada.

  21. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    Hmm, pretty quiet around here… maybe a little buyer’s remorse? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  22. NewFormatSux says:

    > I want to see Trump in office for as long as possible, soiling the Republican brand with his unique charm.

    Unfortunately, the 22nd Amendment limits your happiness to 8 years.

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      If Trump makes it as far as the 2018 election and is SO CRAZY as to run for a second term……how many multiples of turn out will the Dumbos score over the Pukes?

      Talking whole digits.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Pay attention. Trump is already running for a second term. He has filed papers. Doing so makes it harder for liberals to attack him because of all the campaign finance rules that liberals have put in.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Don’t forget that the plan is to have Hillary run again, and if her health is too bad, Chelsea. Will Dems roll over again? We know Phydeau will and Marc will after putting up token opposition.

        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

          Fair Dinkum….but the next 3 years are going to be very rough on Trump…and he has been known to change his mind.

          If Hillary is not “the walking dead”—-I may be forced to become a nihilist.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            All you had to do was get Marc Perkel to post the truth about her server, or just ask her to climb some stairs without help.

  23. Senator_SIA says:

    Can’t we all just get along?
    Why can’t people just calm the hell down and realize we are all getting screwed by our two party system? It’s limiting our thought processing. Which makes no sense, we are intentionally making ourselves more ignorant.
    As a younger man I got very interested in Malcolm X, and his transformation from a “radical” Muslim to a Muslim. He recognized that his “black and white” perspective kept him from seeing all the beauties in the WORLD.
    No one is 100% right and no one is 100% wrong, especially when you view the situation comes different perspectives.
    Cheers, peace, and guns(in case you ignore the first 2)

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      Most people are 100% wrong most of the time.

      Just look.

  24. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    Trump is going to fire Mueller. Mark my words. Mueller is assembling a high-powered team of attorneys and investigators, universally respected by Republicans and Democrats, and requesting interviews with people like Dan Coats and Mike Rogers.

    Trump is acting guilty as hell, so he’s probably guilty of something, probably shady business dealings with the Russians at least, obstruction of justice too.

    He’ll fire Mueller because he has no sense of the future — he solves the problem right in front of him any way he can no matter how it hurts him in the future. That’s how he fired Comey in the first place. And he’ll throw himself on the mercy of the Republican-controlled Congress, who will probably refuse to impeach him, no matter how guilty he is.

    It will enrage all Americans except the hard core Trumpbots. But who knows, maybe the R’s have an ace up their sleeve — maybe they’ve got the voting machine hacking down to a science and can sabotage the 2018 elections. With a little help from their Russian friends.

    But you wingnuts are good with that. President consorting with enemies of America, making money off being president, election fraud, all good as long as Democrats don’t get elected.

    Why do you hate America so much?


    • NewFormatSux says:

      Why should we believe they are investigating Trump now, when the previous stories about it that were also based on anonymous leaks were false? The New York Times hasn’t even been able to get in touch with their previous anonymous sources since Comey declared their story ‘almost entirely wrong’, and they proceeded to write up another story.

      It is equally plausible that Mueller decided there is nothing to the charges, and unhappy liberals decided to leak this story in hopes of getting Trump to fire Mueller.

      If Mueller were investigating Trump for obstruction of justice, why would he let his chief witness testify about it to Congress(and Comey said that he coordinated his testimony with Mueller to see what was OK to tell Congress)? For that matter how could he investigate it given his close friendship with the chief witness, whose judgement he had to evaluate?

      • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

        Well, you get points for effort, NFS. Unlike your fellow wingnuts who have run for the hills.

        One of the lamest talking points of the wingnutosphere is “they aren’t investigating Trump so he’s innocent!”

        Well, no. They aren’t investigating Trump yet. That’s how it works. When they’re chasing the big boss, they go after the littlest guys, flip them so they rat out the bigger guys, who then rat out the bigger guys, etc. The big boss is always the last guy investigated and charged.

        But I suppose it would be a waste to ask you to STFU about this transparent BS, and to point out that it only makes you look stupid.

        If Trump is so innocent, why is he so frantically trying to stop the investigation?

        Let me repeat that again for the thicker skulls around here: If Trump is so innocent, why is he so frantically trying to stop the investigation?

        If he’s innocent, he should be calm and indifferent to the investigation, let it play out, let them talk to whoever they want, look at whatever documents they want.

        But he is so obviously not calm and indifferent. He’s frantic and angry. He looks like a man with something to hide.

        It’s really impressive how so many wingnuts can pretend not to see that.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          No collusion, so now they go with the theory if there is collusion then there must have been payoffs for the nonexistent collusion, so let’s follow the money.

          Trump wants to shut down the investigation because he is innocent and the media is constantly telling people he’s guilty. If W had done what Trump did, he wouldn’t have needed to pardon Libby, who went to jail for lying in an unnecessary investigation(the special counsel knew who the leaker was in about an hour).

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Instead, W let the lying liberal media tell tall tales about outing agents while he calmly said the special prosecutor will deal with everything. His aide ended up in jail for having a different memory than Tim Russert(with Judy Miller now claiming the prosecutor tricked her into lying).

      • bobbo, we think with words, but a photo is worth 1000 words, and no thinking at all says:

        Everything hangs together nicely when you recognize whats been ON THE RECORD from the start:

        Trump launders dirty Putin Money.

        any investigation of anything will find it hard to avoid that.

        • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

          Good lord bobbo, I just googled “Trump launders dirty Putin Money” and I was shocked! I never even heard of that but it’s been pretty well reported. Yet another nail in the coffin… ๐Ÿ™

          • bobbo, we think with words, but a photo is worth 1000 words, and no thinking at all says:

            I think the coffin is all sealed up. Only paperwork to follow up on. Trump to resign.

            BUT==please note “if” this was true right from the start…all the misstatements of Comey fall right in line as accurate.

            I BLAME THE MEDIA. Just plain stupid….. and repeated by all.

          • bobbo, we think with words, but a photo is worth 1000 words, and no thinking at all says:

            If I had more time, I’d google it too.

            See if links demonstrate Trumps cabinet choices, Manafrot, Flynn, Donald’s business route to success, why IRS not provided.

            It all hangs.

            “Follow the Money.” /// Or Rubles as the case may be.

  25. Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

    Ruh-roh… looks like Trump is under investigation now, according to various articles in the massive global liberal media conspiracy. They’re interviewing his direct associates, checking out his various deals, looking for financial crimes, including deals involved with the Russians.

    NFS, you better check out Fox/Breitbart/Drudge/InfoWars for the true story. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

      Mueller and his team shouldn’t ever all fly on the same airplane going anywhere… in fact, they should probably avoid flying altogether. You never know when an “accident” might happen…

      There’s a lot of money and a lot of power that doesn’t want to be uncovered.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      This story is from the same people who haven’t explained what was wrong with their first story of Trump under investigation that Comey declared ‘almost entirely wrong’.

      Why should we believe them now, when their previous sources aren’t talking about what was wrong?

      • Phydeau, not actually packed with Wall Street veterans says:

        You’re babbling, NFS. You’re taking an indefensible position, and you’re babbling.

        The investigation is proceeding, despite Trump’s desperate efforts to stop it.

        You’re embarrassing yourself trying to support that. Just wanted to let you know.


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