In this photo taken Feb. 17, 2016, former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, center speaks via video conference to people in the Johns Hopkins University auditorium in Baltimore. (AP Photo/Juliet Linderman)

The wide-scale ransomware attack responsible for sidelining computer systems the world over this weekend could have been curbed if the U.S. government acted years ago, according to Edward Snowden.

Mr. Snowden, a former CIA employee and National Security Agency contractor, blamed the latter Monday for allowing the Wannacry virus to worm its way through Microsoft Windows computers in 150 countries and counting, crippling victims ranging from Britain’s publicly funded healthcare system to corporations including Fedex and Nissan.

Addressing attendees at a big data conference in D.C., Mr. Snowden said the cyberattack would not have been as damaging had the NSA warned Microsoft earlier about a critical vulnerability harnessed by Wannacry’s author.


  1. bobbo, most frustrating thing in my life is Windows.... says:

    I thought right from the get go that the computers at risk were “basically” Windows XP that had no updates? ie: before this virus threat became known it was “fixed.”

    I’m on line 24/7 and have gotten hacked….I hardly ever open links to anywhere….I find the source myself. I have my OS backed up on hard drives x 6. When I get the time, I enjoy fooling with the registry and what not until the machine won’t start. Of note: Windows Recovery “NEVER” works…. but the back ups do.

    Right now, my “Safely Remove Hardware” notice in the task bar appears but no longer shows any of the usb connected drives. I’d like to learn how to get it back……..although I’m pretty sure that if you just wait 5 minutes for the disk to finish whatever it could be doing that you don’t actually lose any files. Thats one of the reasons I hate Microsoft: of course if you unplug a hard drive WHILE ITS COPYING FILES…. you are going to lose them.


    • Google is your friend, if you're careful says:

      Safely Remove USB Drives Just by Unplugging Them

      • bobbo, most frustrating thing in my life is Windows.... says:

        Thanks Friend

        I’ve been fussing with USB disconnects for some time once I realized that “quite a few” of my files get deleted…enough now that I don’t think its by me by accident. Lots of “movie” files, so I remember editing the commercial out and especially those I had to re-record for some glitch. but some time later, and they are gone.

        Some kind of “controller” issue? I have read a few usb disconnect articles and don’t recall the setting you linked to. So, as I suspect…. if you just wait for any possible writing to have finished…should not matter if cache writing is checked or not?

        Coincidentally….. right now for the first time the Device Manager menu is also “blank.” Might be the same “issue” making the Safely Remove menu blank as well? When the current transcoding is finished, I will do a reboot and hope both functions are restored.

        But thanks for the heads up. I’ll look for it when I can.

        • bobbo, most frustrating thing in my life is Windows.... says:

          I’m sleepy…………the drive that doesn’t show Device Manager and Safely Remove has been rebooted several times in the past weeks. I don’t think another reboot will fix it.

          Thankfully, the Disk Manager that I use all the time does still work. I often load 6 variously different hard drives as a time and they often don’t register with Windows until a new drive letter is assigned to them. If that function goes out….I’ll have to resort to a back up drive.

  2. ± says:

    Snowden is a traitor and should be kidnapped and then executed. Never to be heard from again, his legacy will then rightfully be; “whatever happened to Snowden?”.

    [no idiotic ipse dixit here]

    • bobbo, most frustrating thing in my life is Windows.... says:

      Thus spake one who prefers to be ignorant and kept in the dark.

      Good stooge.

      “A truthful gumbent that adheres to the Constitution and an informed electorate are vital to a democracy.”

      What form of gubment do you support PM?

    • Martin says:

      I’m less informed than I should be and wondering about your “ipse dixit” comment. Is that a statement that is “unproven” yet made in an “adamant” manner?

      I honestly don’t fully understand the meaning. Would appreciate your insight. Thanks

      • bobbo, most frustrating thing in my life is Windows.... says:

        Just to keep the forum rolling along, I assume PM thinks he is getting in a dig at me using a parallel construction to my posting style, not evident all the time.

        Whats ironic is that its PM that argues ipse dixit with his constant vote third party BS… also not evident for a week or more.

        I’m sure we will both return to our set forms fairly soon.

        We are, just silly hoomans in a rut. (See the bones?)

      • ± says:

        The word characterizes the flavor of most of bobbo’s parting rejoinders. Ironically, this meta-self-summary demonstrated by said rejoinder is typically the only accurate thing about most of his posts.

        • bobbo, most frustrating thing in my life is Windows.... says:

          Gee whiz PM. Martin gave the definition in his question….so a google search is not indicated. Now that he has the definition, he wanted clarification of its APPLICATION.

          You see the difference?

          ((I doubt it.))

          • ± says:

            I hit too close to home I see. You state he gave the definition in his post when he clearly didn’t. In fact he doesn’t know the definition. Is this another bobbo lie or another manifestation of liberalism as a mental disorder?

            I vote for it being another bobbo lie. But it is a very close decision.

            [no pathetic attempt at wisdom posted here]

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            Martin said: “Is that a statement that is “unproven” yet made in an “adamant” manner?”

            Thats the dictionary definition of ipse dixit. What is yours?

          • ± says:

            [to bobbo]

            Use the Wikipedia definition “a dogmatic expression of opinion” for the correct usage in this case.

            Your wiggling and squirming is entertaining.

          • bobbo, are we devo? says:

            You think there is ONLY ONE definition to any word. No Nuance at all. Just YOUR definition.

            Yeah, I know….. hard to be flexible with such a large stick up your ass. ((Yes…I’m looking at you.))

          • ± says:

            [to bobbo]

            You’re the one who chose to infer a different sense of the word’s meanings contrary to all contextual evidence. And of course when ANYONE uses a word, a particular meaning of that word is what is meant.

            You’re just being more irrational than usual now. Do you still get paid for trolling even when you goof up more than usual?

        • bobbo, are we men of Science, or devo? says:

          Sadly, numbnuts===your definition is “THE SAME” as Martins, as is the context.

          Thats how anal you are…… and how wide the stick must be.

          And fyi: consider “all” the definitions for all contexts and enjoy the nuances each definition should bring.

          aka: thinking.

          A Brave New World.

  3. JR says:

    The real blame is on Microsoft. All of these years with their large sums of money, why can’t they fix their operating system? I believe that Microsoft has intentionally left the all versions of windows vulnerable. I also believe they did so with the backing of our own government agencies.

    • Ah_Yea says:

      I don’t think it’s intentional, I believe Microsoft doesn’t even know how it’s own code works anymore.

      So many programmers have come and gone within Microsoft and their knowledge left with them.

      Windows Server 2000 -> Win XP -> Vista -> Win 7 -> Win 8 -> Win 8.1 -> Win 10.

      What’s so scary is Microsoft should have been the first to find these holes, and plugged them a decade ago. They’re so lazy they are allowing others to find them.

      And this is what we get.

  4. Lecture #34824 says:

    Wow! What complete DOPES! It’s sad and a little frustrating that so many people have no idea what they’re talking about. And when it comes to computer related “topics” the level of stupidity is nearly 100%! Thanks Dvorak for helping to EDUCATE these dopes. (Bobbo, you’re tops in the “stupid” category. NOTHING you’ve said is relevant to the Wannacry worm and the things you said you do to your computer probably make you even MORE insecure.)

    Let’s get one thing straight, The Wannacry worm is NOT a virus — it’s a WORM! It “infects” through (extreme) low level vulnerabilities in the Microsoft Windows operating system; XP to 10, though most infections were with Windows 7. You can infect your system by doing stupid things like opening email attachments or even just visiting nefarious web sites that might use something like script to get a browser add-on to fuck you. But to say Wannacry “infects” is also technically wrong since all it really does is “encrypt” all the data on a hard drive and then remove the key that you would need to decrypt. It’s somewhat like if someone took all the locks to all the doors in/to your house and then changed them without giving you a key(s) to unlock them. What’s more. the NSA knew about this “vulnerability” MONTHS before the Wannacry worm was weaponized (released). Let me repeat that: THE NSA KNEW ABOUT THIS BEFORE ANYONE ELSE — INCLUDING MICROSOFT or the assholes using it to extort money.

    This is so typical of the NSA too. It has been estimated, not just by Snowden, that HUNDREDS of vulnerabilities with Windows (and other OS’s) have been discovered by the NSA, FBI, etc. But rather than tell Microsoft, these government NSA people keep it to themselves and then try to find ways to use these newly discovered vulnerabilities to their advantage — all in the name of homeland security. What’s worse, (in case you missed it,) these NSA-types will NOT share any of their vulnerability discoveries with the OWNERS/Developers of those OS’s — or apps.

    So here we are. The NSA has catalogs of info regarding operating system/app vulnerabilities and finally someone less honorable than Snowden found one — a big fat juicy one — and is using it to extort money! Just how that’s “protecting America” I have no idea. After all, the NSA is a government entity and we all know how government entities are. THAT’S THE PROBLEM!

    And just to make things even more interesting, we now have the Windows 10 operating system with it’s constant telemetry reporting — even when you turn it off this telemetry data is STILL being transmitted!!! No one knows for sure what exactly all this telemetry data is, but it’s a good guess that much of it is PERSONAL stuff that you DON’T want anyone to know. Things like your full name, date of birth, bank account, social security, etc. — assuming you’ve EVER typed those things in — are very likely being reported to Microsoft (and the NSA)!

    Microsoft even gives you a false sense of security by allowing you to turn all this shit off too. But in reality, it’s never really turned off. For example, Windows will let you turn off Cortana but what they don’t tell you is that Cortana’s core elements are STILL sending data! And that’s just ONE thing!!! If you doubt it, snoop on your own network, use a tool like Wireshark and you can SEE this happening (though you probably won’t be able to narrow down the transmitted data to something like Cortana, but you will see where all this data is going).

    So there you have it. Microsoft and the NSA are NOW treating you like the cattle that you are. You have NO personal freedom (it’s all an illusion), NO protection (again, all an illusion) and NO SAY! Though. that’s not entirely true. You do have ONE say — STOP USING WINDOWS!!!

    My suggestion if you must have access to your precious blogs and crap that has nothing to do with gaming, use Linux. But be warned! Even Linux has it’s vulnerabilities. Linux is just not as big a target as something like Windows is. But if you must use Windows, at least turn ON “Bit Locker” or some other encryption to your hard drive, NEVER use your Administrator account which almost EVERYONE DOES, and STOP doing stupid things like open unknown email attachments and visiting weirdo web pages.

    I feel sorry that all these stupid people (victims) no longer have access to all their shit. Their hard drives are now data-locked tighter than Fort Knox with no way in other than to pay a ransom and no guarantee they will ever even get the keys. It must be true: a fool and his money are soon parted. But when I consider how STUPID they were, I don’t feel as sorry. They had it coming. Remember: STUPID HURTS!

    • pedro says:

      Gosh, is so rare to have someone making right, sensible & correct comments & statements in this blog. Not that there’s no people that do so (like MikeN, NFS, +-, etc) but that they get buried by utter idiocy from the likes of dumbbo that it makes you cry.

      Anyway, you’re so spot on. Win 10 is CONSTANTLY sending data to Redmond. A computer that had performed to most common extra privacy Windows 10 tweaks will still have at least about 8 connections to Redmont active at any given time from unidentified OS processes alone.

      If you dare using the included Solitaire game in Win 10, it will have up to (that I’ve seen so far) 15 distinct connections to Redmond & associates to as many distinct IP addresses via port 80 & 441.

      It is disgusting the amount of snooping and data theft going on in todays OS’. Even more disgusting seeing how people put up with it or are outright ignorant about these things (dumbbo up here) just to feed their instant gratification needs. Damn this macfan/shut up and take my money generaiton.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        It’s one thing to see it from bobbo, but people who are very bright fall for these things. For example, Lubos Motl is an evangelist for Win 10.
        JCD gave an sparkling review of Win 10, that did not appear to be sarcastic, and convinced me to switch. However, I stayed away simply because they were giving it for free and so eagerly pushing it.
        If it had just been on MS’s website sitting there quietly, I probably would have switched.

    • Dude Named Benny says:

      OK, you can dismount from your high horse for a moment and listen up. I understand and agree with almost everything you have stated, however, the average computer user, my customers and perhaps yours, shouldn’t be required or berated for not having the level of computer security knowledge that some of us posses.

      One of my clients has multiple degrees and a doctorate in physics, and yet he makes the same security mistakes you talk about, no matter how many times I have warned him.

      IOW, get real. While the information you have given is valuable, no one who isn’t technically inclined is going to switch to Linux. It’s not going to happen.

      So my advice to you is to stop being a pompous ass.

      • pedro says:

        If you read carefully, he’s talking about DU dwellers.

        I, on the other hand, am brasher & broader.

    • bobbo, most frustrating thing in my life is Windows.... says:

      Right you are Sir: its relevant to “windows” which is a closer issue than what a dope I am.

      I don’t know about you, but when my dog gets worms, Doc says he’s infected. Maybe thats a distinction from computers?

      Virii and Worms: both infections, but not the same thing. Kinda like having worms, projectile fecal vomiting, and voting third party.

      Ha, ha…..I do crack myself up. SAY!==>who has a better sense of humor? A civil engineer or a software coder?

  5. NewFormatSux says:

    Isn’t Snowden and Wikileaks the reason the hackers managed to get access to NSA’s database to begin with?

  6. Martin says:

    It would be best if Microsoft wrote perfect code, but they don’t never will. No one writes or publishes perfect code.

    If / when the NSA discovers flaws such as WannaCrypt which might be used to legitimately improve security for U.S.A., they (NSA) take upon themselves a huge obligations to keep the information confidential. Failure to keep such information confidential and secure should be treated with the highest level of concerns and consequences to those who failed to keep it secure. It is no different that the responsibility the U.S. Army has to secure their infantry weapons from common criminals.

    It would be preferred that upon finding a software flaw the NSA always and immediately notify the publisher. And, the publisher immediately fixed the flaw and corrects it with or for each of their customers. The probability of this happening in a 100% perfect manner is no more likely than that of the publisher writing perfect code with their first software release.

    The likelihood of software users keeping their system “safe” via all of the currently available and recommenced security protocols is no higher, and probably lower, that everyone wearing a seat belt each and every time they ride in an automobile. There’s no question seat belts are effective in significantly reducing / eliminating automotive injuries. Many people wear them religiously, but many do not. Why?

    Users have a responsibility to be safe. Publishers have a responsibility to be thorough, competent, and made security a priority with their code. But, the most attention needs to be given to insuring responsible government agencies are adhering, without fail, to proper codes of conduct when handling this type of information (code). Those releasing it to anyone other than the publisher must be punished and punished quickly with sever consequences. A military officer who left in a back alley , or let be stolen, automatic rifles along with boxes of ammunition would quickly and severely be dealt with; this is not the case with NSA leaks. There appears to be NO consequences for those leaking this type of information.

    • ± says:

      There are many very good points in your post. However, the NSA will like never be held accountable for anything they do wrong. Even (and especially) if one of their wrongs causes the destruction of the US.

  7. Tammy Rivera says:

    Here’s how to know for sure if your spouse is really cheating on you or not.I was introduced to (email link deleted) he’s a professional hacker and computer systems analyst,i contacted him and told him what i needed and he decided to help me out,i paid for the service and he delivered in perfect timing.It turns out my husband was a serial cheater after all,i was devastated to find out about the news but at the same time i was happy to find out early enough to know that i deserve better and move on with my life!

    • bobbo, most frustrating thing in my life is Windows.... says:

      So…. what did he do on receiving your email? Pick your wifey up at the local book meet?

  8. pedro says:

    Anyone who still believes the myth of linux invulnerability after seeing how android is pounded to death by malware & viri is as much an idiot as macfans believing the invulnerability of macos

    Your only real protection is your OS’ low marketshare which makes it boring to malware/virus coders.

  9. Hmeyers says:

    @Bobbo — here is the near future of the Democratic Party

    When liberal and enlightened Democrat academia intellectuals start getting targeted by the race fascists it indicates the cracking has started.

    The Democratic Party has gone from color-blind like Martin Luther King to extremely color-aware.

    You coined the phrase “gravity” causes fundy Muslims to cause sharia law/terrorist behavior.

    “Gravity” in race-based social justice is going to attack white intellectuals, even sympathetic ones, because being white is a crime from the race-based social justice perspective — they will judge a book by its cover.

    • McCullough says:

      From the article:

      “White students, staff and faculty will be invited to leave the campus for the day’s activities,” the student newspaper reported, adding that the decision was reached after people of color “voiced concern over feeling as if they are unwelcome on campus, following the 2016 election.”

      “Invited?” This will not end well……………Fucktards.

      • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

        I’ll quibble here too. Whats “fun” to recognize is that even if the students were “right” or “to be accommodated” for some reason, such action would be “wrong” in that it does violence to a hierarchy of rights:

        1. First comes Freedom of Speech and Assembly.

        2. THEN comes Freedom of Association.

        Heh, heh.

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      HM: thank you. I had to “forcefully” remind myself of my gravity metaphor. It does fit. Always present, different only in the force of its attraction.

      When too strong…..things fall down with destructive effects.

      So…………… we agree on the “mechanism” of what is happening here. My quibble: it is not “liberalism” or “democratic party principles gone amok” here, rather it is>>>>>>> gravity. aka: how people act when seized of an idea and act as a group according to dogma rather than act as individuals pursuant to their own analysis.

      To fine a point? Perhaps. But when is the truth, not?

      • Hmeyers says:

        I think we facing a number of “gravity” based events.

        Opportunity is declining.

        People are getting lazy. Millennials don’t seem motivated, as an example. Hard work and struggling to achieve seems to be going out of style.

        The influence of big money is higher than ever.

        People are getting lazy in the brain. Is social media to blame or just a factor? Or even worse, is it just making us more aware?

        • ± says:

          Why is it a bad thing to be generally “more aware”?

          • Hmeyers says:

            If you go back to the 1950s, everyone on television behaved extremely politely and courteously. (Leave It To Beaver or whatever they watched back then.)

            It was to set an example of people to be a role model to be their better selves.

            Tell someone that normal is being polite and nice to each other — it probably works to some degree.

            People are monkey see, monkey do.

    • MikeN says:

      The era of the white Democrat is over.

      • Hmeyers says:

        Neither the Republican Party nor the Democratic Party know what they are about these days.

        Dysfunctional times.

        Republicans are being forced to accept —
        1) Free trade is not going to fly (because you need to protect the workers)
        2) Throwing poor people under the bus isn’t going to fly (because no one is protecting the fucking workers).

        Democrats are going to have to accept that –
        1) If you want to cater to intellectuals, you better fucking protect the things that makes intellectualism possible.
        2) If you appeal to race-griefers, they will reward you by not showing up to vote — meanwhile you’ll alienate the white working class and attacks against intellectuals will face blow back.

        Race griefing leads to Chicago style murder levels. Baltimore — (Freddie Gray) — is seeing a huge spike in murders.

        St. Louis where Ferguson is — leads the nation in murder rate. Congrats, #1 is difficult to achieve.

        Here is Nate Silver describing how badly black turnout was in 2016.

        • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

          Fine analysis. Not heard of “race griefing” before but it does cut another piece distinct from race baiting and race hustlers.

          I think at a deeper level both parties “know” what they are about: selling out to the AlreadyTooRich. THE RUB: is how to lie about it to the voting public. Different approaches are evident if:

          ………………… YOU JUST LOOK.

          but, we all have our hustle.

          • Hmeyers says:

            I just posted above. I hadn’t seen this yet, but I mentioned “big money” is damaging the political system too.

            It let’s the rich people with an agenda play kingmaker.

            Not in all elections.

            But pick an all Democratic area or an all Republican area — “big money” can usually decide which candidate wins a primary by funding one of the unknowns.

            That unknown candidate will usually win just because of having more advertising over the other similar unknowns.

          • MikeN says:

            Elon Musk is threatening to leave as a Trump advisor. All is right in the Perkel Universe, heroes and villains clearly separated.

            Then Act Two, The Empire Strikes Back, Trump will have Elon’s fraud investigated, and Elon will be sent to jail.

            Act Three, Elon runs for president.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            Good one Micky. Elon prosecuted by Trump. An excellent strategy. and I can see Elon and Bezos each attracted to the next Big Thing.

            One year free shipping with each vote! Fits on the larger bumpers……. so now we have to include that Uber Guy.

          • Hmeyers says:

            Is Trump going to back out from the Paris Accords?

            Trump misleads quite a bit. I wouldn’t try to cash that check.

            If Trump wants to kill, he should do the honorable thing and send it to the Senate for ratification and let the Senate decide the fate of the treaty.

            Also doesn’t the CBO score the economic impact of these things? What would the numbers be?

            And who gets the money? If the plan is to loot the United States for hundreds of billions of $$$ and give the money to Europe or the Third World, I don’t think that is right.

            That would be globalist looting.

            The USA has enough debt and its only going to get worse.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            The Paris Accords are an agreement…. even a “Gentlemens Agreement.” How could Trump ever honestly sign such a thing?????

            But its entirely unenforceable and not a treaty….just aspirational and educational. An invitation for someone with vision to step up and show the world…………. not that Germany hasn’t already DONE THAT.

            So silly what Amercans think is impossible that other people are already doing to their great satisfaction.

            Silly Hoomans.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Yes the plan is for US and Europe to pay up. China pretends to promise to cut emissions and liberals pretend to believe it, like with Hillary’s server. China is building coal plants in central Asia Stans to sell to Europe once they shutter their power plants. Only this time India and others are insisting on the money and threatening to not play along.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

    • ± says:

      Speaking of “color aware”, our government has been the most racist institution on the face of the earth for decades now. You can’t fill out a government form without talking about what color you are. The US government, lead by liberals, has been the single greatest impediment to minority advancement in the UNIVERSE.

      • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

        How’s that?

        • ± says:

          Liberals have destroyed generations of people they purport to want to help by giving them stuff which they wouldn’t have acquired (loans, jobs, scholarships, acceptance at colleges, etc.) based on the same meritorious criteria that everyone else has to exhibit. In some cases, such as scholarships or jobs or university acceptances, where there is a finite number of them to be had, reverse discrimination is the rule. The overwhelming outcome is entitlement and undeserved false senses of worthiness. It is one big fucking liberal lie. Affirmative action has set back minorities DECADES. And even if it was stopped today, you probably wouldn’t see the beginnings of a positive reversal in your lifetime.

          Liberals are the worst enemy of any minority.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            Ha, ha…….nice right wing retarded screed.

            Do you think right wing conservatives with attitudes like yours constantly trying to screw over the minorities and poor had any effect at all?

            Yes…….EVERYTHING has pros and cons. Even affirmative action programs and so forth. So liberals suggest Aid to Families with Dependent Children and Pukes F it all up by having drug testing requirements, no males present, health coverage that varies and changes all the time and the program fails to launch the poor into the middle class so “its a failure.” Much better to let them all starve in the street like Good jobless Americans should.

            Republicans: working overtime to have everyone but themselves fail.

            …………………. and its working………. except they are failing themselves as well. Seems only the .o1% will have God’s favor visited upon them.

          • ± says:

            *** bobbo, successfully trolling me responded ***
            Ha, ha…….nice right wing retarded screed. …

            Unable to refute a single thing he was responding to, continued on with typical liberal palaver having almost nothing to do with what he was responding to at the rate of $.0122 cents per word.  🤦‍  😆

            ¹This forum’s format truly and awesomely sucks compared to the best formats out there. Whoever is in charge here, that says something about you.

  10. Time for a technology reboot says:

    Cell phones and high-speed Internet access. A culturally lethal cocktail.

    Too much low-value, reactive commentary, spreading at light-speed to the under-educated, near-clueless masses. Hair on fire, 24/7.

    Technology is reaching a toxic level and will destroy civilization.

    It’s why the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) is silent. Nobody makes it out of their local neighborhood alive.

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      It’s always been bread and circus falling to those who want your stuff…….whether they need it or not……. from within your own society (AlreadyTooRich) or from without (Barbarian Hordes).

      • Hmeyers says:

        Bread And Circuses. A phrase coined in ancient Roman.

        Also an okish episode of the original Star Trek.

        • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

          Yea Verily. an easier catch phrase than the interior collapse identified by Arnold Toynbee: “Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder.”

          Same thing.

          • ± says:

            And this civilization is being destroyed by it’s own people by proxy by the people they hire to do it for them. Just like in ancient Rome.

            Fuck anyone who tries to hire R/Ds.  🖕 🖕🏾 🖕🏿

  11. Covfefe says:

    Can I get a spell check, please?

    • Hmeyers says:

      I think Trump typed that on purpose — knowing the media would get whipped up over a typo.

      Plus the timing of it seems hardly coincidental.

      • MikeN says:

        Nah, probably just a mistake, but he knew to roll with it. Hilarious how Spicer is playing it straight. I shouldn’t be, but I’m amazed to see how much liberals are latching on. Pretty soon, Playdoh will be here talking about it and wingnuts.

        Christopher Hitchens said about W, and it’s happening even more.

        • Hmeyers says:

          Maybe it was a secret code word that only means something to the Russians.

        • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

          Word Play


          Covert Operations Very Fast & Easy For Everyone?

          Hey!!!!! Its a Russian Honey Pot.

  12. Hmeyers says:

    Bloomberg – Trump On Track For Re-Election

    “Hillary said, ‘Vote for me because I’m a woman and the other guy’s bad,’” Bloomberg said about 2016.

    He said Democrats are still looking for issues and messages. And he worries that too many Democrats are eager to jump into the 2020 race.

    “They’ll step on each other and re-elect Donald Trump,” Bloomberg said.

    Bloomberg endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2016 and spoke at the Democratic National Convention, calling Trump a “dangerous demagogue.”

    • MikeN says:


    • MikeN says:

      Now every businessman is saying why not me? Bob Iger, Mark Cuban, many more are going to jump in. Hillary is planning it, likely egged on by Bill, who relishes the thought of her being a three time loser while he is a two time winner.

      • Hmeyers says:

        That would be improvement.

        In 2015, 5 candidates emerged on the Democratic side. 3 of them were nobodies. And Bernie was viewed as niche…

        Until Hillary’s numbers tanked just before the primaries.

        Hillary was running @ 70% Democratic support in December 2015 and by the first primary she was edging Bernie by about only 8-9%.

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      Its easy to assume there will be an excess of candidates for Dumbo nominations….every year without an encumbent or an annoited one is, but………Trump will have a record that should cause bolts from the sky to be thrown sufficient to upset the Electoral College?

      All the Dumbo has to do then is run on a populous message in a “50 State Strategy” and mop up. The deplorables are hard set beyond belief and reality…… but they are still a minority.

      “Stick it to em!” ((Advertise the success in Kentucky and Louisianna======>SUCKERS!!!!!! But for a Tea Partier, when does reality ever beat belief?))

      • pedro says:

        “Its easy to assume there will be an excess of candidates for Dumbo nominations”

        Fear not. There’s no bigger Dumbo than you in this blog, dumbbo

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Can see the debates now, MSNBC with Chris Hayes:
      Candidate, explain to the audience how much you hate Donald Trump?

      2) Will you tear down the wall?

      • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

        You are supposed to be hating on Rachel Madow now. Check your spam folder.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          I think there is too much jealousy at the network to make her the host. I don’t know if it’d be Hayes. Maybe just Lester Holt.

  13. Hmeyers says:


    Hillary comes up with yet more people to blame for losing the election … this time it is the DNC.

    “Clinton: I was the ‘victim’ of an assumption that I would win”

    Then she veers off to the “vast Russian-wing conspiracy” which caused her to do things like not campaign in Wisconsin.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      Then why was she having celebratory drinks Tues afternoon? Why was she spending more in Omaha than Michigan and Wisconsin combined?
      She says the DNC was bankrupt and gave her nothing. She took all the money that was intended for state parties in fundraisers, and didn’t give them their share.

      • Hmeyers says:

        Apparently the Paris Accords were a bullshit sandwich:

        “China committed to begin reducing emissions by 2030, roughly when its economic development would have caused this to happen regardless. India made no emissions commitment, pledging only to make progress on efficiency—at half the rate it had progressed in recent years. Pakistan outdid the rest, submitting a single page that offered to “reduce its emissions after reaching peak levels to the extent possible.” This is a definition of the word “peak,” not a commitment.”

        It just gets worse.

        Why doesn’t the news clearly tell us how completely worthless things are?

        This is why I don’t trust the news.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          China pretends to cut and the liberals pretend to believe it.

          Now they are all sour grapes and saying it is better for the US to be out than in.

        • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

          HM–you just linked to and highly replicated “the News.” I’ve known for years the Paris Accords were the BS sandwich you are complaining of now…………. where ya been?

          International self interest playing out on the World Wide Commons.

          Raise your hand: who thought it would be easy?

          • Hmeyers says:

            I knew it was a lot of talk back at the time. It was a non-binding feel good agreement.

            You and I discussed that back then.

            I just didn’t realize how shoddy it was.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            Ha, ha: let me define shoddy for you: “a non-binding feel good agreement.”

            Do you need your nose rubbed in something to understand what is clearly said from the get go?

            USA walked away from the Kyoto Agreement a decade earlier.

            ………, just why would the USA be so consistent?

  14. Hmeyers says:

    Paris Accords required developed countries to give poor countries $100 billion per year by 2020.

    It is not stated how that money would be distributed to poor countries.

    Sounds like globalist wealth transfer scheme, where middlemen at the UN, the Clinton Foundation, the Bilderbergs take a cut.

    It is strange that there is enormous profit in “NGOs” — non-governmental organizations.

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      Yep. What do you think the UN or any other International Body is about?

      • Hmeyers says:

        68 USA mayors adopt climate accord:

        I think things will end up being fine.

        I’m mistrustful of $$$ send abroad.

        I do want the commitment to the environment part. Electric vehicles, green energy and renewables are coming.

        Maybe Europe will get more serious about green energy because of Trump. Although aside from Germany, I wouldn’t hold my breath.

        Europe is about the lip service.

        • NewFormatSux says:

          Trump should bill these mayors their share of the $50 billion America was supposed to pay. Take it out of their HUD grants and other funds, and lets see if they still want to play these press release games.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            Why thats a very anti-Federalist non-Constitutional thing to say.

            Its almost like you think AGW is a hoax?

            …………. Tell me it ain’t so?

          • NewFormatSux says:

            No, it’s very federalist. They are saying they will go it alone. Then they should pay up.

  15. Hmeyers says:

    US Per Capita Carbon Emissions Lowest In 50 Years

    Total carbon emissions have declined 12% in recent years.

    If corporations continue to focus on energy efficiency and electric cars become viable … there is reason to CO2 emissions will continue to decline.

    Coal isn’t coming back.

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      USA reduction in carbon output is “mostly” because we outsourced most of our heavy pollution manufacturing to China. Now, we want them to get green too.

      Kinda amusing actually.

      YOU KNOW: Carbon pollution is created locally, but affects the entire world. So…….. if you have one dollar to spend on combating co2 should you spend it in USA to save one ton of co2 or should you spend it in India where it could save Three Tons?

      ………………. or can we think that far?

      • Hmeyers says:

        Interesting angle.

      • Hmeyers says:

        “Carbon pollution is created locally, but affects the entire world”

        Might not be very true.

        Carbon dioxide is about 50% heavier than either O2 or Nitrogen (N2 … which makes up the bulk of the atmosphere).

        It gets around.

        But I think it has the tendency to sink when given the opportunity and if/when it becomes the same temperature as the rest of the air around it.

        Which is why smog lingers and supposedly why plants have trouble growing at higher elevations.

        • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

          HM–you have just given ONE of the 385 examples of why climate study is so difficult: because it is. Lots of factors, all interacting with one another, few of them “actually” what the lay observer may think of them.

          Weight of co2, while true, the percentage of it “in the air” must be going up at all elevations? I recall that when it went over a “word wide average” of 400ppm 1-2 years ago, the measurement was made from the top of the volcano in Hawaii.

          Smog, or the most dangerous smog, must have particulate matter mixed up in it as well making that evaluation that much more difficult or nuanced or not simple.

          So……produced locally but affecting the whole world: still VERY TRUE. You know: like science deniers the world over: wind BLOWS.

          • Hmeyers says:

            In Ohio, according to the geological records …

            “This glacier entered Ohio about 24,000 years ago and was gone from the state by 14,000 years ago.”

            That is relatively recent in geographical record.

            Now aside from some areas in Rocky Mountains, to the best of my knowledge you have to go north to about Alaska latitude.

            Doesn’t have anything to do with my view that I haven’t seen anything “open and shut” demonstrating that whether or not AGW is happening or not.

            Rather it is a bit of evidence suggesting more factors could be involved.

            Why did the glaciers retreat to begin with?

            Why did the advance southward for a few thousand years and then totally retreat within 10,000 years in Ohio.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            “Why did the glaciers retreat to begin with?” /// All those “natural cycles” that were modeled and found not to explain the current continuing glacier melt/disappearance.

            Haven’t seen it repeated, but a few years ago several sources commented we would be in a “cold spell” right now if it were not for the AGW.

            Of Note: just last week saw a show positing that the Glacier retreat in North American was caused by an air burst of a very large meteor. Traces of it all over the place. ie: it sped up in a very short time what would have happened over a much longer time.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        Think farther. Paris Accord, carbon tax, all these policies will not stop global warming. What was once an 80% cut, is now a 90% cut, with increases not cuts happening in developing world. US and Europe combine for 1/3 along with Russia, Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea. China and India are the same and rest of the world is another third.
        How can you get 90% cut from these blocs? 50% cut doesn’t get you halfway there either, according to the models. And even with 50% cut, it means you still need to cut 80% to get to 90. Do the math.
        Spending any time on emissions cuts is a waste of time, unless it can reduce the emissions of China, India, and every other country.
        The solution is not to tax carbon energy to make countries move away from it, but to produce carbon-free energy so cheaply other countries will flock to it.

        The author of that quote was deemed too dangerous to write at 538.

        • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

          I agree nfs: it will take a massive effort, the first of its kind involving the whole world.

          AND it won’t be successful until it becomes economically competititive just as you say…….the good news being that new tech is on a development curve where those economics is already taking place in selected markets….. the rest of the world to follow.

          The only open issue is how fast the relevant curves can be made operational to prevent the disaster curves from being dominant .

          I suspect we won’t make it.

          Sad….. we could have been GREAT!

          • MikeN says:

            If it’s becoming economical, then there is no need for subsidies and mandates.
            If you really think this is the case, then you should relax. Talk of tipping points is scare tactics, and there is no immediate risk. IPCC drastically lowered its medium term(to 2040) forecast of warming in its latest report.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            Oh Mickey: solar subsidies encourages its adoption and helps to educate the masses.

            AGW is a TIME SENSITIVE ISSUE. The gubment could not over encourage the fastest adoption of this technology as possible.

            Are the subsidies needed? Of Course===because we are about 50 years still too late in addressing the issue.

            I look to gubment programs to remove co2 from the air as a public utility. VERY interested in what “products” can be made with removed co2==>beyond ferilizers. I’m hoping for light weight concrete and the like.

          • MikeN says:

            Nope. Solar subsidies apply to a limited portion of emissions, and do not come close to solving the problem. In addition, they ‘lock in’ weak technology which is now able to run at a profit and has less motive to innovate.

            Something like this:



          • MikeN says:

            No, it is not time sensitive. I’ve had some of the top climate scientists in the world tell me this in their class. When I asked if waiting ten years to implement a policy to get a better idea of the impact would change the environmental impact, I was told it would make little difference. The professor objected to this argument because I could then wait another ten years and so on. But the reality is the time of action is just a scary headline from the likes of Gore.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            Mickey: it all depends on what you assume.

            If you were on the Titanic, would you get off asap…….or wait because a few minutes wouldn’t make any difference?

          • MikeN says:

            Fear is more important than rational thinking?

          • bobbo, we think with words, but a photo is worth 1000 words, and no thinking at all says:

            Micky: please state the rational thinking behind staying longer on a sinking boat.

            ………… we’ll wait.

            Silly how all you Faux Spewers relate to all things filtered through a “Fear Filter”….. as fear has little to no bearing and often comes down to simple common sense. You have too much of the first manufactured for you and too little of the latter that escapes you entirely.

            Sucks to be you.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Do you just jump in the water, when there is an issue of will the boat sink in one minute or three hours, and maybe you can get to the lifeboats. Or maybe the boat isn’t sinking but they might realize they just have to jettison excess weight, or slow down. Perhaps just bailing water will work. However, you have declared we are all doomed, time to jump ship.
            IPCC range is 1.5C-4.5C for a doubling of CO2, which we have not reached, and won’t for at least 40 years.
            No best estimate was given unlike the last report, probably because the numbers show it would have to be well on the low side of that range.

          • bobbo, are we devo? says:

            Heh, heh.

            Controversy erupts on how to best get off the sinking Titanic.


          • NewFormatSux says:

            Maybe you can go to Mars with Marc.

  16. NewFormatSux says:

    Chris Hayes acknowledges that the Paris Accord does nothing, in all caps no less, but thinks this is a reason to criticize Trump for withdrawing. The objection appears to be that Obama signed it.

    Works both ways. Wash Post conservative blogger hated the deal until Trump objected to it.

    • Hmeyers says:

      It is better for the environment if this issue resurfaces and gets lot of debate.

      And it has.

      There was griping at the time that the European countries were just “wind-bagging it” and weren’t serious about curbing emissions. Setting Germany aside, who is serious.

      And France — but France has the lowest emissions in the world because they are 80% nuclear power.

      In an indirect way, by reigniting the issue, Trump may cause more serious action to occur, especially in Europe.

  17. bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

    Alex: I’ll take the 100 Post to apologize a little bit for responding to AGW issues. They relate fairly close to Trump but not at all to the OP.

    Here’s a nudge though: Too bad Snowden can’t release all the internal emails and memo’s or perhaps the Gubment/Military info on how AGW is real and for Exxon Mobile: it needs to be covered up with Fake News and Fake Science, while the Military diligently plans on how to deal with the reality of same.

    Thats a thing about Climate Science. You can deny it, you can legislate as you do or don’t…. but the science of it will continue according to the “laws” of physics. IE: Reality. Not the playground of politics and world leaders, Religion and Money Grubers.

    ………..all to our ultimate demise.

    Charlie Rose had the current acting (some branch of gubment) head. He said the 3 main threats to America the military was concerned with and planning for were in order: Nuke war with Russia, Use of a Biological Weapon, and: ………….. Global Warming.

    I pity the kiddies.

    • Hmeyers says:

      I think that an “open and shut” experiment could be conducted demonstrating whether or not the change in CO2 would account for warming.

      Not model, but an actual “smoking gun” proof positive demonstration.

      Now … there are hundred of thousands of scientists.

      Cause for concern works like this:

      1) Do you believe it is statistically likely that no scientist has come up with an experiment that would conclusively demonstrate that AGW is real in the last 20 years?

      2) Or is it more likely that such experiments have already been conducted, but the result was not the desired outcome?

      It is my belief that scenario #2 is likely.

      That scientists have already conducted “smoking gun” type experiments to conclusively determine if AGW is real.

      • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

        You can’t “experiment” on the whole atmosphere because there is no comparison status quo to compare it to.


        1. A box of air and a box of co2 and boxes of various % mixes of the two show increasing temp rises in direct proportion to the % of co2. Thats why it is called a “Green House Gas.”

        2. Mercury is near molten not because it is that close to the sun but because of its co2 concentration.

        3. They have tented one acre plots of land side by side and put different amounts of co2 in them. Same with green houses actually. Thats how they measure plant growth rate rising with co2 concentrations. (Less fruit and seed production too—the growth is in wood and leaves==ie==not “good” for agriculture.)

        4. You infuse ANY gas into a liquid by increasing its concentration in the gas to be mixed: but “formally” still not “proof” that increased ocean acidity is caused by AGW. It just fits the theory perfectly.

        Weird you have such a basic reservation.

        • Hmeyers says:

          Ocean acidity is a separate question.

          But another example of even if there is no AGW, we have several other means to screw up the environment.

          Like plastic found in the ocean. And all the crap we bury in landfills.

          Sometimes I wonder if all the “climate change” and AGW talk doesn’t the air out of the other ways we royally are messing up the environment.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            Yeah…. just another example of actual “chemical reactions” that can be demonstrated in a laboratory but still “technically” do not prove the same thing happens out in the environment BECAUSE there are so many other uncontrolled variables.

            Can “prove” it on a small scale…but not the large scale. That is why the argument procedes on: “The Best Evidence is……..” rather than proof can be provided.

            Liars go with it.

          • MikeN says:

            Ocean is not acidic. It is basic, and global warming and more CO2 will not change that. Ocean neutralization is the correct term. Talking about tenths of pH.
            Plus Henry’s law says warmer ocean will release CO2.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            Yeah, yeah…..but that process is called acidification.

            Don’t use your brain as a door stop.

          • Hmeyers says:

            I thought about mentioning that ocean water has a ph of 8, it’s a base. CO2 has the opportunity to, like you said, get it closer to neutral via carbonic acid if it dissolves in water.

            But I didn’t mention it because conversation drifts off terribly bad.

        • MikeN says:

          > A box of air and a box of co2 and boxes of various % mixes of the two show increasing temp rises in direct proportion to the % of co2. Thats why it is called a “Green House Gas.”

          Has nothing to do with global warming though.
          CO2 causes global warming by a different mechanism.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            It does? How so? The light has to “hit something” to change the wavelength of the light. Those light boxes referenced were painted black and the light was absorbed by them…. but radiated back out and insulated by the co2.???

            I think we have the same notions here?

          • MikeN says:

            Perhaps I am misunderstanding your experiment. I was thinking of how Al Gore and Bill Nye faked a video of an experiment. Even if it weren’t fake, it still would not have demonstrated the global warming mechanism. Search for Bill Nye and Al Gore for the details.


          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            Mickey…… I’ve already said if you want proof you can’t have it in climate science. No demonstrations as there is no reference Earth to act as a control. All we have is boxes and the assumption that such demonstrated small scale reactions also take place world wide…..with the caution of many more variables introduced with most of them interacting with one another.

            In my view….. AGW is proven every day. =====just look.

          • MikeN says:

            This small scale proof means a much smaller amount of warming and nothing to be scared of.
            1.2C per doubling.

      • MikeN says:

        HMeyers, CO2 causing global warming is pretty solid, even .025% vs .0400%. Per doubling, basic physics says 1.2C. You are looking at about half a doubling to date. The rest comes from feedbacks. Scientists assume it is a positive feedback that amplifies the warming. I tend to think that Nature will have negative feedbacks. Was surprised to hear Michael Mann endorse this position when talking to scientists.
        If there is a large negative feedback then the amount of warming is small and within the range of natural variation.

  18. bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

    Oh…….btw……….. “smoking gun”. You mean like everything you can see if you open your freaking eyes?

    Ha, ha.

    • Hmeyers says:

      If you have 2 controlled environments, give one of them

      A) 0.0250% Carbon Dioxide – 1970s levels
      B) 0.0400% Carbon Dioxide – Today’s levels

      I really don’t think that you can construct a scenario where one has a full degree either F or C of difference.

      Furthermore, if Antarctica is being significantly affected, how is all the CO2 getting down there?

      88% of the world’s population is in the Northern Hemisphere.

      • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

        If you have 2 controlled environments, give one of them

        A) 0.0250% Carbon Dioxide – 1970s levels
        B) 0.0400% Carbon Dioxide – Today’s levels

        I really don’t think that you can construct a scenario where one has a full degree either F or C of difference. //// Well……as I understand it….. that is EXACTLY what should happen.

        Furthermore, if Antarctica is being significantly affected, how is all the CO2 getting down there? /// Ocean circulation of the collected warmer water. Lots of maps show it.

        88% of the world’s population is in the Northern Hemisphere. /// Which means what? The largest emitters right now are China and India.. or whatever…which is the whole point of the pollution being global. Lots of individuals, lots of Nations, only one Atmosphere…….only one Ocean.

        • MikeN says:

          > Ocean circulation of the collected warmer water.

          Wasn’t expecting you to get that wrong. CO2 is in the atmosphere. It mixes pretty quickly to get to a consistent level around the world.

          • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

            Well Mickey…..I agree and have already stated or assumed close to that ……… BUT …… the question is “….if Antarctica is being significantly affected….” and to that I assume the reference is to loss of ice? THAT is not affected by the atmospheric co2 concentrations “at the poles” but rather secondary effects experienced elsewhere and transfered to the Poles…… like warm water.

            I’m no expert….. so I could be wrong …. just going on what I assume from the structure of the question. Closely related: the air temperature? Now, at the North Pole, there have been some extreme and notable warm anomolies during normal cold times….but I haven’t noticed this said at the South Pole…..but I could be wrong. Thing is….. the “air itself” doesn’t heat up that much from cosmic rays passing thru it….its the heat generated once those rays hit earth or blue water….. not the ice cover of N & S Poles.

            ……….but I’m way past the limits of my pop culture readings.

          • MikeN says:

            Fair enough, I was focused on the question of how is the CO2 getting there, but Antarctica effect is likely from warmer water. It is too cold for global warming to melt the ice. Indeed you get more ice as the warmer water evaporates and falls on the continent.

  19. MikeN says:

    Trump left because Merkel and Macron decided it was a good idea to lecture him and make big speeches attacking him. Macron talked about how he stood up to Trump with a tough handshake.
    Merkel actually thought it was a good idea to give a speech on German exceptionalism from a beer hall in Munich.

  20. MikeN says:

    >we would be in a “cold spell” right now if it were not for the AGW.

    Not exactly an argument for action.

    • bobbo, we think with words and flower with ideas says:

      Of course it is. All it sets is how much cooling is required. It would be even worse if we were in a natural cycle that was boosting our temperatures.

      Sloppy lack of thinking.

      • Hmeyers says:

        “It would be even worse if we were in a natural cycle that was boosting our temperatures.”

        It isn’t “would be”. You are living in that world.

        Unless you think AGW causes Mars to also have the hottest recorded temperatures.

        • MikeN says:

          We sent a rover there.

        • MikeN says:

          Bobbo thinks it is a winning argument to say we should really be in a new ice age right now.

          • bobbo, are we men of Science, or Devo says:

            Micky—I don’t know why you say that, what you are thinking and what not.

            CLIMATE: the net result of natural and man made inputs.

            My “background/general” point is only that many science deniers argue that the current warming trend we have is the result of natural cycles……. and the SCIENCE of the matter is just the opposite…..(if my memory serves and there hasn’t been a change in 5 years)… meaning that if co2 levels in the atmospher had stayed at “pre-industrical” levels ((290ppm or so))==>then we would be in a trending colder spell.

            The point is quite specific to a specific argument and is not a “winning argument” of anything except a hypothetical.

            THE FACT IS: regardless if current warming is from natural or man made==we need to cool off or in 50 years we could trigger a cascade of event that will destroy our society if not our specifies if not all life on earth.

            You can disagree with this if you want to, but if you can’t state the variables that would have to come together to make this happen……. then you are just uninformed.

            its Science.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Nothing will happen in 50 years that will destroy the planet. No action short of nuclear war would be able to produce the emissions cuts you are looking for. Then again that’s what people said Trump would do, so I guess you can feel happy.

            Saying that we would be in an ice age right now except for all the CO2, is not an argument for saying manmade global warming is a bad thing.

          • bobbo, are we devo? says:

            Brimming with ignorance and the joie de “I’m Wrong” it brings, NoF*ckingSense says:
            6/5/2017 at 12:26 pm

            Nothing will happen in 50 years that will destroy the planet. /// I agree. How’s your reading comprehension?

            No action short of nuclear war would be able to produce the emissions cuts you are looking for. /// Good call. That is a last gasp effort that supposedly could work. Lots of negatives associated with it though. BUT==>I disagree “hopefully.” If/when we make serious co2 cuts it will most likely also trigger efforts to affirmatively employ technology that will remove co2 from the air for permanent sequestration. Pilot projects already injecting co2 into deep wells/fractures/rocks. I’d like to see a process to turn co2 plus whatever else is needed into building material of some kind…or maybe a bacteria that can turn it into fuel? Lots of option once the Stupid is turned off.

            Then again that’s what people said Trump would do, so I guess you can feel happy. /// The idiot still has time.

            Saying that we would be in an ice age right now except for all the CO2, is not an argument for saying manmade global warming is a bad thing. /// Good thing I said nothing of the sort then.

            Sucks to be reading retarded.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            Who’s we? India’s emissions will be ahead of US’s current level within a few decades. US emissions alone are higher than the ‘safe level’. China’s planned coal plants could double her emissions, and they are already at 30% of global.
            So we have India will reach 1 US, China is at 2US, and could reach 4. Rest of developing world is another 2 US and growing. Europe and other advanced countries are 1 US.
            Target is about 2/3 US for the global total.
            So your ‘we’ has to include China, and 150 other countries that are growing emissions, or nothing happens.

          • bobbo, are we men of Science, or devo? says:

            Well nfs: which is better: getting everyone to agree there is a problem and start setting goals (aka the Paris Agreement)……………

            or to deny there is any problem at all and leave the field?

            ITS A PROCESS. Not immaculate conception.

            I’ll put you down as devo.

          • MikeN says:

            Given the options lots of costs for no environmental gain, I’ll pick do nothing. There was no movement towards a solution. It’s why all the serious groups were against it at the time, headed by James Hansen. The whole deal is a religion, and Trump’s withdrawal is heresy.

          • MikeN says:

            If it’s such a serious problem, why are all the other countries rejecting Trump’s call to renegotiate, preferring to just yell at him and call him uncooperative?

          • bobbo, are we men of Science, or devo? says:

            Micky: you are such a brain dead obedient dumb ass.

            Republican approach to any program they don’t like (ie a tax because it is theft of their self made money===>YES–you didn’t build that!!!): force programs designed not to work so you can claim failure and go back into your stupid hole another 50 years.

            THE DEBATE WE SHOULD BE HAVING: is not whether Reality will ultimately bite us….but exactly what you note: how to best/efficiently/cost effectively approach the issues. All kinds of good rational honest debate available on that subject.

            You and your ilk are a total failure with the BS you post here.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            >force programs designed not to work

            Like the Paris deal.

          • bobbo, are we men of Science, or devo? says:

            The Paris deal was not a “program” but only a format for discussion and planning.

            You don’t understand too many “basics” much less any nuances.

            Sucks to be you.

  21. Hmeyers says:

    CNN getting caught staging fake Muslim protest of London terror attack: (video of CNN assembling the people)

    Result, picture:×314

    Can’t we just report the news?

    • bobbo, we think with words, but a photo is worth 1000 words, and no thinking at all says:

      Does it make any difference if the staged event actually happened but the camera wasn’t there?

      If there is a footnote to that fact?

      Why? Whats the difference when the scene is recreated by the written word?

      • NewFormatSux says:

        What are you suggesting? What fact?

        • bobbo, are we devo? says:

          The fact of the photo being staged. I think all such stagings “should be” noted/footnoted/appended/included….. etc.

          I’m all for staging when the original is missed….but also for complete transparency.

  22. Hmeyers says:

    “Comey won’t claim Trump obstructed investigation”.

    So much for exciting news.

    If Trump obstructed Comey, it is possible to make an impeachment argument.

    If Trump didn’t obstruct Comey, even the far-fetched ideas of impeachment are essentially dead.

    • bobbo, are we men of Science, or devo? says:

      It all depends on what a majority of the Congress Creeps want to do. Axe Trump for Reason X like killing the election odds for the Puke Party….while claiming its attempted obstruction of Justice. Why should Trump get the benefit of Comey being so tall?

      iow: High Crimes and Misdemeanors sets a standard below actual obstruction of justice. Think of murder and attempted murder. You get graded on desire as well as effort, not just the outcome.

    • NewFormatSux says:

      If Comey says Trump obstructed Comey, then he has to answer why he didn’t report it, and faces possible disbarment for not doing so.

      • Hmeyers says:

        Everyone knows he didn’t.

        Trump made some sort of ham-handed “Flynn is good guy, I hope you can let this go”.

        It’s already been reported.

        Not much different than Loretta Lynch making Comey aware that the Justice Department wasn’t interested in charges against Hillary.

        Bill Clinton screwed that up by getting caught meeting Lynch at the airport.

        Which led to Comey making a public announcement about the Hillary case in June or July 2016.

        And arguably that led to Comey Oct 28/Nov 6 letters to Congress.

        Some say that led to a Trump presidency.

        And then Comey firing Trump.

        Circular chain of events complete!

        • NewFormatSux says:

          The two letters didn’t matter. It was the first press conference that mattered. Trump used Comey’s ‘extremely careless’ line in ads that targeted the traditional Republicans and moderate Democrats who were most likely to vote for Hillary. The first letter may have accelerated their move in polls, but they were already primed to go there by Election Day because of the Trump Facebook ads. Extremely effective.

      • NewFormatSux says:

        If Marc Perkel hadn’t blinked in reporting on Hillary’s server, Bernie or someone else would have been the nominee, and we wouldn’t have seen her lose to Trump.

        If people like Phydeau had calmed down and not oversold the Russia story, then what Comey said today would be damaging to Trump. Instead they oversold it and now Comey is back to being a traitor again. How many is that now?
        Ashcroft ->Hero
        Hillary ->Hero
        Hillary letter ->Villain
        Fired by Trump ->Hero
        Testimony that doesn’t deliver -> Villain

        • Hmeyers says:

          Comey liked the spotlight too much.

          He’ll enjoy tomorrow for sure.

          It is his going away party, even though he doesn’t have anything interesting to say.

          But all eyes will be on him.

          He’ll say “Trump made me uncomfortable. He was extremely careless, but no reasonable prosecutor would interpret this as interfering with an investigation.”

          Both Democrats and Republicans will give him a standing ovation for his service as a reputable guy who stands for neutrality.

    • Hmeyers says:

      Never trust a laser printer. Also don’t trust a picture you’ve taken with a cell phone. 🙂

      I remember some anonymous hacker got cute and posted some bragging picture taken with his phone. He was arrested the next day.

      Stupid people are more fun than other people and provide entertainment value.

  23. NewFormatSux says:

    Trump proposes solar panels on the border wall with Mexico. Sierra Club used to be anti-immigration, recognizing the environmental damage. What will liberals do now?

  24. Hmeyers says:

    Thurday: Comey to confirm he did in fact tell Trump he was not under investigation on 3 separate occasions.

    Poke around a nothing burger long enough, eventually the disappointment of the nothingness emerges.

    Had Comey not been fired, the public would never know these things and it would drag on forever.

    • bobbo, are we men of Science, or devo? says:

      except that everyone around Trump was being investigated by the FBI…..Flynn and Manafort…et al.

      Trump wanted a business partner in Comey….something Comey could not do…… just Like Sessions stepping aside.

      AKA: running the gubment is NOT like running a business. It would be “nice” as the dust settles and the bodies are buried if the voting public would recognize this. But they won’t…..and the Pukes will be happy to run another biznessman for his bizness expertise.

      The public learns nothing. Like voting for 3rd party losers.

      • Hmeyers says:

        Manafort and Flynn aren’t in the administration. Neither is Carter page.

        He has a big mouth, little self-control and no discipline in the way you and I understand the word.

        Trump is incapable of keeping or engaging in a conspiracy.

        You know it. I know it. About anyone with half a brain realizes this.

        He spends more time fighting himself than anything else.

        I’m not big on predictions, but I suspect if the Republicans discover they can’t get anything done (they are off to a great start), the Democrats will take the House in 2018.

        • bobbo, are we men of Science, or devo? says:

          I agree predictions is mostly self flagellation. I suspect the system is too rigged for the Popular will of the people to actually take effect: the voting districts too gerryrigged. Much the same way Trump got elected himself. The system is so twisted out of shape…it will take more than a few bad years to get straightened out…if ever…even with the Supremes somehow still finding racial animus in the districting? What kind of Republicans are they????

          I think Trump is engaged in many conspiracies. You and I may be characterized by 2 or 3 foibles known to others as that is all we have. Trump has DOZENS. That we know of many public ones does not reveal the ones kept secret. Tax returns for instance. Sex romps in Russia. Being a clearinghouse for money laundering for the Russian Thugocracy. Lots of deals and conspiracies to run a gubment like the USA.

          • Hmeyers says:

            Everyone gerrymanders, here is the Maryland district drawn to kick a Republican out of office


            It’s a hilarious district far more complex than the human intestinal system.

            I’d prefer it if computers drew the districts.

          • Hmeyers says:

            I need to amend my previous statement:

            Sometimes I suspect Trump has a kind of discipline that is alien to me.

            He manages to get his enemies to adopt losing positions and focus on things that don’t matter.

            The alternate theory goes like this: Of everything going on, isn’t Russia the most useless/harmless thing that the Democrats could be focusing on?

            That sits in the corner of my mind.

            He seems to know how to get his opponents to lose, even better than how good he is at defeating himself.

          • bobbo, are we men of Science, or devo? says:

            Everyone gerrymanders….but the Pukes have done it better. They CAN’T WIN a fair election…so they put more effort into nondemocratic manipulations.

            Very similar to the gerrymander is how they have focused on electing the members of the Electorial College. It hardly ever gets mentioned. The EC is mentioned….but not the gerrymandering to elect its members.

            And that is why we have Trump…..or any other Puke.

            As to Trump’s skills: HE HASN’T DONE ANYTHING YET….except destroy our working relationship with the UK, the EU, the Middle East. “The Power of the Executive.”

            He’s an overpaid USA Bizness CEO living in that bubble.

            EAT THE RICH!!!!!!! Shit out the best of them.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            You mean the gerrymandering where white liberals all decamp to live in Democratic states on the coasts?
            No one redraws the state lines every decade.
            The only counter force is where the same white liberals pass laws making it too expensive for black people to live there, pushing them to Texas and other Southern states.

          • NewFormatSux says:

            HMeyers, have you been read Scott Adams? If not read his dilbert blog starting Aug 2015.
            I think Trump is engaged in a strategy of looking dumb, far more effectively than anything W did. W lost his first race because his opponent called him Harvard and Yale. Trump has spent decades at this. His younger self doesn’t talk idiotic. Now he has to maintain an outsider appeal, so he periodically tweets something to get attacked, and also to look silly. I am just wondering if for him is it a job, or is he having fun?

            Keep in mind Trump operates visually. Optics is what matters. It is why Bolton wasn’t Secretary of State, the mustache. It is why in debate when talking about the Iran ransom, he says it’s enough money to fill up this room. It is also why he spent millions of dollars of ads that showed Hillary barking.

            Tweeting about how North Korea is insulting China with its missile tests, while dropping bombs on Syria with the Chinese Premier in the building, all pushed China to show they can handle their little brother. That’s the serious side. He’s doing it with ISIS calling them evil losers, and the safe zones that reinforces it, since it shows that no one wants to stay in ISISland.

  25. Trump proposes sun powered boards on the fringe divider with Mexico. Sierra Club used to be hostile to migration, perceiving the natural harm. What will liberals do now?

  26. filmy says:

    In my opinion snowden are unguilty. Putin are very inteligent guy, they give him secure, now then work for him. For everybody interested about snouden, please wath movie about him – it show all about united states, about invigilation thier own people. For me it is a little bit scary… I’m happy that I live in europe…

    • bobbo, are we men of Science, or devo? says:

      Congrats Filmy: talking about Snowden, you are almost on topic.

      But MOVIES? No….I don’t think so. If you want anything that MIGHT contain a kernel of truth….. go with some form of the written word: not to include screen plays.

      Europe has its pros and cons as does the USA as does everywhere else. It is good you enjoy where you are….so do I.

  27. Hmeyers says:

    “In fact, Comey even reveals for the first time that Trump encouraged him in private to continue the FBI investigation into his associates: “The president went on to say that if there were some ‘satellite’ associates of his who did something wrong, it would be good to find that out,” Comey says. ”

    • NewFormatSux says:

      His lawyers already sent a cease and desist letter to Page, who was claiming to be an inner circle guy. To the Senate he testified I’m really involved. My building is connected via atrium to Trump Tower, and I have lunch there regularly.
      I’m not making this up.

  28. US Agency worked on it regularly about Cyber attacked because each country wants to be data secured 100% Hacker have a idea what is the weakness in our security systems

  29. It is a big issue for every country because national data is more important for the nation.


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